

  • Doppler

    Doppler Labs sues Bose over 'Hearphones' name and tech

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    When the Bose Hearphones first came out, we noted that they looked like Bose's QuietControl 30 with the technology of Doppler Labs' Here One earbuds. Apparently Doppler Labs also noticed the similarity in technology, look and name (it calls its product "Here Buds") and is taking its rival to court. As Business Insider noticed, it alleges that Bose took several meetings under the guise of forming a partnership, but instead used the secret information it learned to develop a similar product with a similar name.

  • SXSW showed me Here's Active Listening buds are a sound idea

    James Trew
    James Trew

    "SXSW is all about the big ideas." I've been saying it all week long. It's true. Here in Austin is not the place to launch a phone, it's where you show an idea about how to get people to Mars, or how to feel g-force in mobile VR. This is where apps like Twitter and Foursquare breakthrough and gain mainstream popularity. It's where vaporous ideas can crystalize into something people understand. Here -- a pair of earbuds that modify the audio around you -- had me struggling to understand them. Until this weekend, that is.