hillman photography initiative


  • Photography and the subatomic world collide in a new documentary

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    First it was Andy Warhol's obsolete digital archives and then the Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project. Now, the Hillman Photography Initiative's documentary team has set its sights on the CERN physics laboratory in its newest film, Subatomic. Famously known for housing the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), this facility is also home to the AEgIS experiment and the ATLAS Detector, one of the world's largest digital cameras. The scientists there use a variety of photographic technologies, from a cutting-edge 100-megapixel sensor that captures 600 million pictures per second, to antimatter experiments that use traditional photo emulsion to track particles. CERN even has an artist in residence program, showcasing outsider perspectives on the scientific world. These are all captured in this fifth and final installment of The Invisible Photograph film series from the Carnegie Museum of Art (CMOA) and Hillman Photography Initiative, which seek to reveal the hidden aspects of images whether obscured, lost or forgotten. Subatomic: The European Organizaton for Nuclear Research debuts online today, and you can watch the latest film below or stream the entire series on CMOA's website.

  • Lost Andy Warhol artworks discovered on Amiga floppies from the '80s

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    Rediscovered artwork like a napkin Picasso or unearthed Matisse can be identified on sight, but pieces crafted in the digital age by pop-artist extraordinaire Andy Warhol and encoded in an outdated format are far more difficult to ascertain. In fact, it took the retro know-how of Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Club and a team of artists, archivists and curators to wrangle some of Warhol's lost pixels into the physical world.