

  • Navy Field 2 entering closed beta on March 27th

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Is there a serious need for more games in your life based on World War II? There are a few options out there already, but very soon you'll have another as Nexon brings Navy Field 2 into closed beta testing on March 27th. Unlike many of the other options, this one isn't meant as an action-based game; it's an MMORTS focused on naval engagements and the more strategic pace of sending ships into confrontations. Players will be able to choose between 500 different ships from World War I and World War II to build their own fleets, entering huge engagements of up to 64 players at a time. The ships can also be customized with new weapons and armor. If this sounds like your cup of tea, check out the official trailer past the break and sign up for the beta, which will run until April 10th. [Source: Nexon press release]

  • Seatribe handing out Salem beta keys

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Want to get a free look at Salem, the scary hardcore permadeath crafting MMO from Seatribe and the devs responsible for Haven & Hearth? Head to the official Salem website and score a beta key while you can. There were 140 of them when we checked a few minutes ago, so make it snappy! You can also read through Massively's multiple hands-on impression pieces to see if Salem is up your alley. [Thanks to Nick for the tip!]

  • Jukebox Heroes: A few of my favorite MMO soundtracks

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    I could hear some of you thinking in disbelief last week, "If Age of Conan isn't one of your top MMO scores, what is? And just how much am I not sending you a Christmas card this year, you loser?" You were kind enough to just think it and not say it, but I could hear it even so. As we've mentioned countless times in this column, musical tastes are subjective. What's appealing to you may not be for me and vice-versa. What more is that musical tastes -- and favorites -- are always shifting around. I listen back to the jams that I enjoyed in the '90s and absolutely pity my younger self for such a deficiency in his musical diet. So I thought that I'd take a week off our normal soundtrack reviews to bring to you my current top six favorite soundtracks. This list comes with the caveat that it's always subject to future changes as I continue to listen through more soundtracks for this column.

  • World of Warplanes beta patch improves controls, visuals

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're in World of Warplanes' closed beta test, you can look forward to a substantial update this week as the free-to-play action title rolls out a new flight model and enhanced controls. The control update involves improved comfort and ergonomics for mouse users, and Wargaming.net says that players can now "focus less on their efficiency in piloting and more on their mastery of technical skills." New graphics are also the order of the day. You can get a look at those -- as well as a behind-the-scenes peek at the WoWP production, in the new dev diary after the cut. The update goes live today in the U.S. and Russia. European World of Warplanes players will see the patch on February 20th. [Source: Wargaming.net press release]

  • World of Warplanes dev blog shows off 'massive visual improvements'

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Wargaming.net's Dmitry "Overlord" Yudo has hinted at World of Warplanes' next major update on his development blog. The free-to-play World War II aviation shooter is due for some substantial upgrades including a new UI, "enhanced controls," and "massive visual improvements." Yudo focuses on that last bit in his latest dev diary, and he even provides a series of before-and-after screenshots to showcase the game's upgraded aesthetic. World of Warplanes is Wargaming's free-to-play followup to World of Tanks, and it is currently in beta testing.

  • Kislyi calls for 'second F2P revolution' in DICE speech

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Wargaming.net CEO Victor Kislyi took the stage at last week's DICE Summit to talk about the ongoing evolution of free-to-play. He's what you might call an expert on the subject given that the company he founded features 1.2 million peak concurrent users as well as 1,400 employees and 12 offices world-wide. Kislyi's 40-minute speech featured World of Tanks, but it also made mention of the firm's recent acquisition of Day 1 Studios. The move was made with an eye towards cornering the console F2P market, something Kislyi says that traditional console makers would be wise to do as well. "They keep their own prejudice and they keep to their old ways," he said. "If they keep holding to their old way, single-player box ideas they may pretty well drop." You can view Kislyi's DICE speech in its entirety after the cut.

  • World of Tanks' 8.4 adding new destroyers, tutorial, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Want a preview of World of Tanks' 8.4 patch? Good, because the game's official website has one. The title's tank roster will expand to include new destroyers for British and Soviet players, while German drivers will see some new light armor in their tech tree. The update is also bringing a "visual and rendering overhaul" to four of the game's maps. Ensk, Live Oaks, Fisherman's Bay, and Steppes will all be getting a makeover. Finally, 8.4 will feature a brand-new tutorial designed to ease the new-player transition by providing training in tank controls, shooting mechanics, and combat tactics. You can take a look at the new British tech tree after the break, then head to official WoT website for more information and a screenshot gallery. [Source: Wargaming.net press release]

  • The Soapbox: Joy in the little things

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Some people play MMOs because they love the challenge. Some are there for the social aspects. Still others stick with their favorite titles because they're deeply in love with the content or lore. Every single gamer reading this post has a different reason for logging into their MMO of choice instead of watching television, reading a book or choosing any other type of recreation. There is no right way to enjoy a game. Despite the fact that our comments section is often filled with people letting others know what they "should" or "shouldn't" be playing based on their affinity for certain in-game functions, having fun is a very personal experience that depends entirely on your tastes and desires. If you're having a good time in a game, you're doing it right. It's all about the little things.

  • Wargaming.net adds Chinese armor in World of Tanks' 8.3 patch

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    World of Tanks' 8.3 update is now live, bringing with it 17 new Chinese war machines as well as a boatload of balance tweaks. Wargaming.net hopes to "increase the options of speedier tanks on the battlefield in higher tier matches" via the new Chinese hardware, and PCGamer reports that the new light tanks extend into tier VIII. The full patch notes for 8.3 are available on the WoT website. You can also see what we thought of the update in our recent hands-on. Finally, we've embedded the 8.3 preview trailer after the break.

  • Choose My Adventure: My tale in the desert begins

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Last week's Choose My Adventure poll was a real nail-biter! There were four games that were all within a few votes of each other. In the end, the winner by five votes was A Tale in the Desert, and I'm thrilled to be able to write about this game for my turn at CMA. As much as I like elves and orcs, I'm ready for obelisks, pyramids, and plenty of sand. I created my character over the weekend and began my path to citizenship. Did I make it through, or did flax farming get the better of me? Help me plan my course!

  • Pirates of the Burning Sea account migration is ready


    Pirates of the Burning Sea is preparing to cast off from the safe harbor of Sony Online Entertainment for good. It's time to get on board if you don't want to be left behind; Pirates of the Burning Sea will now be sailing under the banner of Portalus Games, which means you'll need to migrate your account in order to keep swashing and buckling. The migration system is now totally ready. You won't be able to spend Station Cash in the game after the 31st of January, but Burning Sea Notes and Points will transfer over in the migration process. Arrr.

  • Hands-on with the Chinese war machines in World of Tanks' patch 8.3

    Pierre Bienaimé
    Pierre Bienaimé

    To keep a burgeoning community of 45 million registered users happy, the developers behind World of Tanks know to keep the content coming. After the overhauled graphics, physics, and sounds brought about by patch 8.0 last September, we're already on the cusp of version 8.3. It's out tomorrow, and that means 17 new tanks for the as-of-now-underserved Chinese tech tree. "The Chinese are a middle-of-the-road tree," says Paul Hobbs, content manager with Wargaming.net. "They don't excel in any one attribute. They have high firepower, a fair amount of maneuverability, and decent armor and aim speed." %Gallery-176480%

  • Massively Interview: Dr. Lawrence Sanders on MMO loyalty

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    Beyond amazing character design, compelling narratives, and the presence of dragons, there is one thing that all MMOs depend upon for success: player loyalty. Without returning subscribers, a loving community, or folks dropping a few dimes in the cash shop now and again, MMOs simply wouldn't be a feasible way for a games studio to do business. Smart development teams have player retention departments tasked specifically with tracking and analyzing the rise and fall of player allegiances and finding ways to leverage loyalty is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the creation process. Even the non-gaming world is getting in on the fray. Back in November, researchers at the University at Buffalo School of Management published a study tracing the roots of player loyalties in a variety of MMO environments. The study outlined the mentalities of MMO gamers and the things that successfully encouraged them to keep coming back for more looting, more grinding, and more /hugging. Most importantly, the study declared that an MMO that increases loyalty by just 5% can increase profits by 25-95%. We sat down with Dr. Lawrence Sanders, co-author of the study, to dive a little deeper into the researchers' methods, results, and plans for future MMO investigation.

  • World of Tanks tops 10,000 concurrent users in Korea

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    World of Tanks is steamrolling through the Korean gaming market much as it has done in Russia, Europe, and America. Wargaming.net's uber-successful World War II actioner launched in Korea on December 27th and has already topped 10,000 concurrent users. According to ThisIsGame, Wargaming.net's next goal is to install WoT in more than 5,000 PC Bang gaming cafes across the country. So far, 150,000 unique users have registered for the Korean WoT service.

  • The Perfect Ten: New MMOs to watch in 2013

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Oh, I had a great Perfect Ten prepped as the first list of the year, but my meanie-face editor slammed on the veto button and told me, point-blank, that I was going to be counting down the best MMO prospects for the year. Then she drove a lawnmower through a Nordstroms while huffing paint thinner and throwing empty cans at the security personnel. Even so, her idea is probably more interesting than what I had. Let me give you a few notes on today's list because I sense that I'm going to tick more of you off than normal here. My goal was to sift through the possible releases for 2013 and pick the 10 most promising, both in "will it actually launch this year?" and in its potential for success. The combination makes it a tough call because some of these will undoubtedly be delayed to 2014 or beyond and some of these we still don't know as much as we'd like about them. But who cares? Let's have some fun and kick this year off right. Here are my picks for new MMOs to watch in 2013.

  • Wargaming.net video summarizes 2012

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    2012 is almost be over, and it has been a good year according to Wargaming.net, the studio behind the WWII-inspired MMO World of Tanks. WoT has grown to over 45 million players worldwide and garnered several awards, including best MMO of the year from Golden Joystick. But that isn't all; development continues to roll forward on the two company's two upcoming titles, World of Warplanes and World of Warships. Wishing everyone a happy holidays, the studio released a video montage highlighting the year's accomplishments as well as the developers behind the games. Interspersed throughout are clips of in-game footage from all three titles. Want to see just what kind of shenanigans go on at the Wargaming offices? Check out the video after the break.

  • Pirates of the Burning Sea sails away from Sony Online Entertainment

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Pirates of the Burning Sea is leaving port, but it's not getting scuttled. After a great deal of discussion between Flying Lab Software and Sony Online Entertainment, an agreement has been reached and the game will leave SOE's portfolio on January 31st, 2013. But this doesn't mean the end of the game -- instead, the game's management will be taken over by Portalus Games, a new company formed from several former members of Flying Lab. What does this mean for current players? Well, if you want to keep playing the same characters, you're going to need to go through a few steps to ensure your account migrates properly over to the new management. Beyond that, any new developments remain to be seen, as the new company has high hopes for the game's future but hasn't announced any firm plans. All we know now is that the game's servers are planned to continue operating as normally through the transition, and should help calm minds as the waters get a bit rougher. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

  • Wargaming.net releases World of Tanks 8.2 teaser

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Cue the down-tuned guitars and ready the rock-hard action movie fonts because it's time for a new World of Tanks trailer. Wargaming.net is gearing up for the title's 8.2 update, and what better way to do that than by unleashing one minute and 12 seconds of testosterone-fueled gameplay footage on the masses. Sharp-eyed tankers will spot T21s, T71s, and the T54E1 just to name a few of the machines on display. As always, head past the cut for the full clip. [Source: Wargaming.net press release]

  • World of Tanks producer soliciting feedback for possible clan wars changes

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Wargaming.net producer Dmitry "Overlord" Yudo is fishing for player feedback on his development blog. His latest post titled [WoT] Your Global War focuses on World of Tanks' clan wars mode, which he says has been rather "slow lately." Yudo mentions several possible feature additions, including more territories, historical and non-historical events, seasons for the global map, mercenaries, clan tanks, and more. He even hints at a wipe and object construction as possibilities, so head over to his blog and make your voice heard. The news of a possible revamp comes after Wargaming.net announced that the clan wars mode will be temporarily frozen over the Christmas holidays.

  • Wargaming.net unveils Project Spitfire blog to chronicle aircraft recovery efforts

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    A couple of months back we reported on Wargaming.net's plans to recover and preserve a cache of World War II fighter aircraft in Burma. This week the firm unveiled its Project Spitfire blog that aims to chronicle the ongoing effort and drum up a bit of publicity for the company's upcoming World of Warplanes action title. The journal is penned by Tracy Spaight who serves as Wargaming's Director of Special Operations. There are currently four entries, ranging from a historical look at the Spitfire itself to specifics on the aviation archaeology team and updates from the expedition.