

  • Bomberman Live 100% official, local multiplayer

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    In a daring attempt to reveal a shocking surprise to the world, Hudson Entertainment has announced that it is bringing Bomberman Live to Xbox Live Arcade. While the announcement was rather expected, considering both the game's rating and a video have already been leaked, it's nice to hear it from the horse's mouth. Hudson did reveal a few new bits of information. The game will support 8-player multiplayer via Xbox Live. Also (thank the heavens) the game will support 4-player local multiplayer (which was not supported at all by Bomberman Act: Zero). Finally, characters in Bomberman Live will be fully customizable. That's nice and all, but we'll be sticking with black Bomberman, thank you very much. We always totally have dibs on black Bomberman.

  • Bonk takes Revenge on the Dragon's Curse, and 3 more coming to VC

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Hudson Soft is giving Wii owners its second dose of Bonk with Bonk's Revenge. The Turbo-Grafx 16 platformer is due sometime next month on the Virtual Console, according to the publisher's official list. Also on the list for next month are Dragon's Curse, Bravoman, Battle Lode Runner and Shockman. Bravoman stands as only the second TurboGrafx-16 game from Namco Bandai, and only the fourth title not distributed by Hudson Soft.The first title to be released, Dragon's Curse, is scheduled for next Monday, April 2. All titles will be priced the usual 600 Wii Points for purchase. Also known for next month are three from Sega, including a 2-dimensional Virtua Fighter 2. No word on what classic titles, if any, Nintendo will release in April.

  • Sudoku ... for the Wii?

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    That's right, the popular number puzzles are making their way to living rooms across the world, because there can apparently never be enough sudoku. This is an easy choice for the DS -- that's why there's so much of it -- but we're uncertain about the potential fun of Wii-based sudoku. Maybe as part of something else, but as its own game ... we'll see. Not sure how it'll be played out? Never fear, developer Hudson Soft prepared a movie that should serve to answer all those questions.

  • Hudson interviews the real-life Master Higgins

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Takahashi Meijin ("Master Takahashi") is the nickname of a longtime Hudson employee named Toshiyuki Takahashi, who became famous in Japan for his ability to tap buttons really, really quickly -- up to 16 times a second. This amazing power lent itself to videogames, naturally.After making a few TV appearances, and becoming a Hudson mascot of sorts (along with that adorable bee), he lent his appearance to videogames, too. Specifically, the Adventure Island games, which were called Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima ("Takahashi Meijin's Adventure Island") in Japan. When you play New Adventure Island on the Virtual Console-- which you should do, as soon as possible-- you're playing as a grass-skirted Takahashi Meijin.Hudson's US branch has posted an interview with this legendary figure, which is not only interesting for the novelty of being an interview with a videogame character, but because he really knows his stuff about Hudson and their history. We can't wait until they post an interview with Air Zonk.

  • Fuzion Frenzy 2 gets reviewed and spit on

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    TeamXbox received an early copy of Fuzion Frenzy 2 and decided to pull an all-nighter reviewing the party game goodness. They came away less than impressed, giving it an overall score of 6.6. But we have to ask, why? We have yet to get our hands on the game, but after looking at why they gave it such a horrible score it doesn't look justifiable. 6.5 in the gameplay category because they felt that "eighty percent of the included games are fun. The other twenty percent are just plain difficult to play and uninteresting" ... that equates to an 8.0 in our ratings book. We're thinking that if you liked the original Fuzion Frenzy then the sequel will more than satisfy your party game hunger. Make the jump for the review, but we're holding off our judgments until we get some hands on time.

  • FFV: Give us our Kororinpa

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Where is Kororinpa? Sure, we're getting roly-poly blobs of mercury, but this is already out -- in Japan, that is. The Wii needs more marble-rolling action, and that's why this footage from Kororinpa is our Featured Friday Video. Watch it and shed a little tear for the game we don't have.

  • Fuzion Frenzy 2, new maps, games revealed

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Microsoft released some new shots of Fuzion Frenzy 2 today. The game promises to whisk players off to exotic locations. This week's exotic locations are a planet called Blazer (wonder what the weather is like) and, um, Earth. Okay, Earth isn't exactly exotic, but nobody plays Fuzion Frenzy for the backdrops. At least no one that we know. And we know, like, everybody. No, you play it for the minigames. Today we bring you shots of 7 new games and descriptions of each. The game pictured above is "Amoeba Hunting" on Earth. Players must destroy amoeba with bombs while being careful not to get caught in the explosions themselves. Read on for more shots with descriptions and (hilarious) captions.

  • Bomberman bombs XBLM

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Here's a new strategy for game developers. First, take a beloved franchise and then change everything about it that made it aesthetically unique and iconic. Second, announce this new, eXtreMe version of the game, knowing that existing fans will pick it up anyway. Finally, before it's actually released and everybody learns how awful it is, put a bunch of Gamer pictures and a theme on Xbox Live Marketplace to make a quick buck off of nostalgia. Repeat.Thanks, Hudson, really. Now, please, get back to work on Fusion Frenzy 2, and -- for the love of all that is holy -- put Saturn Bomberman on Xbox Live Arcade.

  • This ain't your grandpappy's Bomberman

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Yup, Hudson Soft's twenty-year-old Bomberman has undergone a tiny bit of brand re-imagining. The latest issue of Japanese gaming-mag Famitsu reveals the iconic character is being updated with something straight out of a 13-year-old's sketchbook.It's unclear what format this game will take; whether it will be an Xbox Live Arcade title, or a retail release. Either way, fans will be pleased to learn, the gameplay looks very similar to the Bomberman you know and love. Unfortunately, it may never make it out of Japan. An XBLA version of classic Bomberman would be a guaranteed hit.