

  • Take the player, not the class

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    There's a new philosophy in Wrath (actually, already here in the post-3.0.2 world) when it comes to who you should bring on your raids. In short, as the headline says: pick the players you like, not the classes and specs you need. In all of WoW until this point, there have been certain specs that were virtually required in various parts of the various raids. Which specs these were has changed with time, but think of Shadow Priests' mana battery capabilities, or stacking Shamans to get many Heroisms/Bloodlusts. To be a cutting-edge raid it was simply required to prioritize "correct" raid composition over other factors. Yes, your players needed to know how to play their class, but beyond that, you took what was needed for the fights you were doing. And you took a Warrior main tank, generally speaking.All that is set to change forever in just nine days. Now the classes are much more interchangeable with each other than before. Some prominent buffs have been nerfed, and in one notable case, distributed: Shadow Priests, Survival Hunters, and Retribution Paladins all give mana back with Replenishment. In general there is more than one class that can provide most types of buffs and debuff. Also, many buffs that used to be group-wide are now raid-wide, such as Paladin auras and Shaman totems. This makes it much more likely that picking two tanks, three healers, and five DPSers out of a grab bag will get you decent coverage on buffs and debuffs.

  • Breakfast Topic: How hybrid DPS could still get screwed in Wrath

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Recently a bunch of the writers here were talking about all the changes we're seeing to various hybrid DPS specs. Retribution in the beta is known to bring some serious pain, cat DPS has been given some pretty sweet buffs, and Shamans...well, Shamans seem to be in a state of flux, but when is that not true? With tank AoE threat buffed, the need for crowd control may also be a thing of the past, thus eliminating one of the more annoying roadblocks to hybrid desirability in 5-man groups. For 5-mans, at least, hybrid DPS should encounter significantly less difficulty (we hope) getting a slot.However, it was my contention that, for the purpose of raiding, it doesn't ultimately matter how much these specs get buffed. They could do amazing DPS, bring incredible buffs, have any number of raid-saving abilities, and fart gold on every crit -- but you're still not going to see a lot of hybrid DPS running around Wrath raids for one very simple reason: someone has to tank and heal, and neither job is sufficiently attractive to allow most hybrid players to come as DPS. When it's a choice between respeccing resto or the raid never getting off the ground, most players will respec resto -- and decisions like that tend to be fairly hard to escape. The next night rolls around and -- um, do you mind coming as resto again?

  • Hybrid Theory: Spell Power hands on

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to Hybrid Theory, where we discuss all things hybrid in the World of Warcraft. Hybrid Theory is brought to you each week by columnist/blogger Alex Ziebart.We've chit-chatted about the new Spell Power mechanic off and on, but we've never gone into serious detail about it yet. Why? Well, we didn't really know how it worked. We knew what it does but very few of us had a real hands-on experience with it. That has since changed.Spell Power has done very very good things for the Hybrid classes, pretty much across the board. Obviously it will not drastically change Feral, Enhancement or Retribution, but it actually does add to those last two as well to some extent. Primarily it changes the Healing and Caster specs of the Hybrid classes, obviously. It brings back a lot hybridiness* to classes that... really haven't felt that way in quite awhile.

  • Breakfast topic: Future heroic classes

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Blizzard has told us that the Death Knight will be the first of the heroic classes, and probably the only one we can expect to see in the next expansion. I haven't heard a word about what other heroic classes might be in the future. Therefore I started thinking of my own. Sure, sure we'd love to see Bards and Battlemages, but how about something new. Here are some of my thoughts: The Craftmaster- Any existing non-heroic class, but can have three or four trade skills. They'd have access to bind-on-pickup Craftmaster-only items. No hot-glue gun required! The Supertwink- No, I don't mean another rogue, but a character that cannot level past 29. The Supertwink may be able to access some abilities and skills from higher levels. The Gunslinger- Somewhere between a Rogue and a Hunter. Gunslingers do not use pets, and have a few up close trick shots. They can dual wield ranged weapons and stealth about.

  • Hybrid Theory: Shadow Priests and the Wrath Alpha

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to Hybrid Theory, where we discuss all things hybrid in the World of Warcraft. Hybrid Theory is brought to you each week by columnist/blogger Alex Ziebart.I really thought my excitement over Wrath of the Lich King would fade after the initial onslaught of alpha information and just come back around launch time, but that hasn't really been the case. It's been a pretty consistent type of excitement, and I pretty much devour every piece of information I can find.We've talked about Druids already, but while I love Hybrids in general, my Shadow Priest is my main and my first love. Yes yes, I'm sure some of you still disagree with Priests being Hybrids, but I'm of the opinion that they are so I shall continue. If you want to disagree, do so in the Comments section below. I adore playing my Shadow Priest, but I think all Shadow Priest players agree with me when I say there are some definite issues with the class on some level or another. Why don't we take a seat and see what might be on the devs' minds, eh?

  • Hybrid Theory: Performance Assessment

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Last week we discussed the fact that raw DPS is not a good indicator of the strength of a hybrid. The quality of a hybrid, or a person that plays a hybrid, will not easily be seen by looking at traditional damage and/or healing meters the same way you would for 'pure' classes.Before I go on, I'd like to reiterate my disclaimer on this topic: Just because your class or spec is not expected to top damage meters, that does not mean you should become complacent about your DPS or Healing effectivenessity(use it, love it) in a raid. You should always strive to be a better player and find ways to improve yourself. If you think you've hit the ceiling of what you can accomplish, work harder to break through it.

  • Hybrid Theory: Brutallus and You

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Every week, Alex Ziebart comes to you with Hybrid Theory. A column with... theories about hybrids, I guess. I mean, that's what it says at least. I guess it could be something else, but probably not. Honestly, you should probably just read it and find out for yourself. In the past here on Hybrid Theory, we've discussed what Hybrids are capable of doing in a raid, as far as beneficial talents and utilities. We talked about the fact that a few well-placed hybrids in your raid can take your DPS from 'good' to 'horrifyingly good.' All of this comes to the front again in a boss that many high-end raid groups are clashing against right now: Brutallus.If you haven't read anything on this boss yet, it's the single largest gear check in WoW yet. It's Burning Crusade's Patchwerk, mostly. To beat Brutallus, you need roughly 29,000 sustained DPS across your entire raid. If you don't pull that off, you hit his enrage timer and he destroys all of you. Simple as that! If you're lucky you can burn off a final two or three percent of his health after the enrage, but that's about as far as you go. That three percent is about 300,000 health, so don't get too confident.

  • Hybrid Theory: Magisters' Terrace, stomping all over your comfort zone

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We've been talking about Magisters' Terrace a lot. I have been talking about Magisters' Terrace a lot. Lucky you, we're going to talk about it some more!Magisters' Terrace is the brand new 5-man that came with Patch 2.4, so it comes across as much harder than it actually is. It is hard, sure, but not the soul-rending pain we're all feeling right now. All new dungeons require a period of adjustment. I remember when Dire Maul first came out, way back in the day. Everyone thought it was utterly horrifying.During this period of adjustment, you're going to run into groups being far more strict about group composition. Once the community has become accustomed to the difficulty level of Magisters' Terrace, things will ease up. Currently, a lot of damage specced hybrids are having a rough time finding a group consistently due to one pretty large factor: A lack of crowd control. There are a lot of things you can(and should) do to make up for that, and knowing those things will do a lot to contribute to speeding up the adjustment period.

  • Hybrid Theory: Dear engineers, please build me a walking bank

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to another installment of Hybrid Theory, wherein columnist Alex Ziebart assures the world that he does not, in fact, hate Retribution Protection Paladins. In fact, he raids with a Retribution Protection Paladin. Really. He does. Pinky swear. Nearly every hybrid has felt the sorrows of lacking itemization at one time or another. Every hybrid has seen its ups and its down, has watched class balance fall into and out of order, and embraced their spec through the good and the bad. Throughout all of this, though, there has always been one ever-present issue. Completely unchanging. Viability and acceptance? Oh, no no no.Bag space. The Blue Crew of Blizzard has made it very clear over the last few years that limited bag space is fully intended. It's viewed as an important aspect of game play. A mini-game, if you will. I must say, being forced into choosing whether you want to keep an item you enjoy or vendor it in favor of that new piece of resist gear that is mandatory for your raid's upcoming boss fight is the worst game ever. Sometimes little vanity items mean quite a bit, like your first epic. A lot of them are just plain neat, like the furbolg outfit maker.

  • Fisker Karma hybrid sports car to generate motor noise through external speakers

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    You know how we love the electric cars around here, but internal combustion sure does sound sexy -- a big V-8 literally brings the noise in a way the nearly-silent whir of an electric motor can't hope to match. Well, it looks like the mad geniuses behind the $80,000 Fisker Karma plug-in hybrid have hit upon an appropriately high-tech solution: speakers placed inside and out that allow drivers to give their rides any sound they want, including one described as "like something between a Formula One car and a jet plane." Interesting, to be sure -- but seeing as the Karma can hit 125mph and go from 0-60 in six seconds, we'd be happier if that rig just screamed at people to get out of the left lane.[Via Autoblog]

  • Hybrid Theory: What can I do? part 2

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Hybrid Theory comes to you yet again from blogger and columnist Alex Ziebart. You're in for thrills, chills, and quite possibly some useful information, but I doubt it. Last week on Hybrid Theory, I got into some of the basic details of what would make you and your spec desirable in a raid. I covered the DPS specs, and this week I'll be covering tanks and healers. Warriors, priests, I'll be leaving you out of this one. I love you, really, I do! But it's that conditional love, where I only love you if you're specced how I like. I hear Rossi, Knox and Harper still love you! Man, they sound way cooler when you refer to them by their last names, don't they? Like detectives, or super heroes....Right. Anyway! I'll be detailing the strong points of the tanking and healing specs of our beloved hybrids, and the utility you provide. Should you be looking for a new raid group anytime soon, these will be the things you'll want to keep in mind when asked what you can offer a raid. Having good gear and knowing how to play is also a plus, but this is a start.Never fear you QQasuals(just kidding!) out there, next week I'll take a step back from the raiding scene and cover some of the new toys in Patch 2.4 and what they mean to you. However, it isn't next week yet, so read on!

  • Hybrid Theory: What can I do?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to another installment of Hybrid Theory, wherein columnist Alex Ziebart assures the world that he does not, in fact, hate Retribution Paladins. In fact, he raids with a Retribution Paladin. Really. He does. Pinky swear. Let's face it, folks. A lot of raid leaders have very little idea what they're doing when they're brand new to the raiding thing. I was there once, too. Until you have some experience in the 25-man raids, you have very little idea how group synergy works or anything of that sort. As a hybrid, especially one specced in a tree other than your healing tree, this could cause you some issues when looking to break into raiding from the ground level, rather than filling a gap in an existing raid that generally knows what's what.You will most likely find that you'll need to sell yourself to raid leaders. What can you bring to the table? What can you do that a mage can't? What can you do that a rogue can't? The answer: Quite a bit! First thing to keep in mind, though, is that as a hybrid, you will probably not do as much damage as the other DPS classes in the raid. Healing specced, you will keep up just fine. Damage specced? Well, you won't keep up on every encounter. That's okay though. You don't need to. Why? Because you specifically allow those other classes to meet their maximum potential.I'll go through each of the damage specs one by one. Tanks, healers, sorry. You come next week. I'm writing a column, not a novel!

  • Hybrid Theory: What's a hybrid? v2.0

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Hybrid Theory returns under the banner of column-newb Alex Ziebart. Incredibly biased opinions await you. If you are reading this, you have already been made a victim of his inability to create interesting graphics. No World of Warcraft players were harmed in the creation of the previous image, though that does not mean it won't hurt you.When I decided on my topic for today, I was mighty excited. A fire raged within me, and my fingers flew over the keyboard as soon as I sat down at the computer. My first column! Awesome! Yes! About three paragraphs in, I realized I should probably make sure my predecessor, Jason Lotito, hadn't done the topic yet. Unfortunately, he did. Fortunately, I completely disagree with what he said in every possible way.Perfect.What is a hybrid class? The basic answer is pretty simple: A class with multiple viable roles. Paladins, Druids and Shaman are obvious examples of a hybrid class. If you disagree with the fact that they're hybrids, you must be playing the wrong game. Holy, Retribution, Protection. Feral, Balance, Restoration. Elemental, Enhancement, Restoration. All of them are viable specs, especially in raiding. As fun as it is to mock Retribution Paladins, even they have a place in the end-game.Basically, Shamadruidins are hybrids. Don't try to argue that they aren't because you will lose.

  • Feedback Friday not as fun

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    It happens to even the best games out there. In the wake of the latest patch release, the next few updates from the developer prove... underwhelming. They've already blown their proverbial wad, so there isn't really much for them to put on offer. In this week's edition of Feedback Friday, the Tabula Rasa team posted to let us know that there are uh... still hybrids! I suppose it's handy to compile all the information for people who don't have the time to comb through the community sites, but it's still a bit of a downer for your average Joe Grenadier.They also included a short Q&A that outlines some of what we can assume are the more common questions from the player base. They ask such pertinent questions as whether vehicles are in the works, whether they plan to add new paint schemes such as camo, and whether secondary color schemes will ever be something that players can tinker with. Unfortunately, the answers are no, no, and no. Well nyah at you too, Destination Games!

  • Tabula Rasa is all patched up

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    I honestly can't tell you how we went a whole day without noticing, but Tabula Rasa's Patch 1.4 is currently active on the live servers. With it comes a wealth of new changes that we've been talking about over the last couple weeks. All players have had their attribute and skill points refunded with the change to in the effects of attributes. Alien hybrids are about to become the next big thing as players start churning out colorful clones for the changes in looks and base stats. Health now plays a bigger factor in the game than ever before, giving healers a greater role to play. There are of course lots of other tweaks, bug fixes, and additions to numerous to list here. If you want to review the full patch notes, take a peek after the jump.One of the things I noted about the patch that I don't recall seeing in test is that the Military Surplus has a curiously low cap of 30 items per account. This will likely have the unfortunate effect of stunting whatever market there may have been for schematics, ammo, or... well, pretty much anything but blue and purple items. There's no real clear reason for the change, but it's kind of unfortunate. People have been struggling with crafting from the start, and now it looks like there's no real out waiting for them. Bummer.Again, patch notes available for your perusal after the jump.

  • Tabula Rasa racial hybrids in motion, with QA from Sage

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    At this point, you've probably heard of Tabula Rasa's racial hybrids. They're something that we called for in our 2008 wishlist, we pointed them out when they appeared in the 1.4 patch notes, and we pointed you to the best resources in the Tabula Rasa community to see what they looked like when they first appeared on the public test server. So when Destination Games crew released a new video through MMORPG.com this morning showing the racial hybrids in motion, we were decidedly underwhelmed. Somehow, showing the new hybrids in motion seems to just reinforce the notion that they're just skins slapped onto the same old gameplay. They don't really note the differences in base stats, which, as of patch 1.4, will make a much more profound difference than mere skin color.Attached to the video is a Q&A with lead designer Paul Sage, which provides a few new details. Sage explains how they're planning to add some new assets into the game, such as armor designed with specific racial hybrids in mind, though he doesn't give much of a time frame. From there, he says how the team is focused on improving PvP, enhancing the enemy AI, and adding more veteran content. Conspicuously absent is any mention of crafting, but we're willing to let that slide if they can actually go ahead and kick-start the quest hubs between levels 30 and 50. We hope assume that's what he means by "veteran content."

  • Seeing Tabula Rasa's future

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    I've spent a fair amount of time on the Tabula Rasa public test server over the last few days trying to score me some of that sweet "Charcoal Colored Armor Dye" being given away during Test Fest '08. I've also experienced some of the things that will be coming in the next patch (1.4), which I could blither on about... but why bother when the gang over at Ten Ten Hammer has already done the grunt work?In their latest report from the front line entitled, Testing the Future, Tony "RadarX" Jones breaks down the slew of new goodies that will drop, including the the much heralded Hybrids. Since this particular topic has been talked to death already, I'll just add that I have in fact seen a few. They're ugly. But I can't wait to give them a whirl. They may be ugly, but they're new! Equally intriguing are all the other changes and tweaks to armor, ammo, attributes, shield extender, hacker skills and the oddly worded "Game balance has been adjusted to be slightly easier at all levels (higher character survivability) and significantly easier at higher levels."Aside from the obvious game balance adjustment, which frankly I don't feel the game needs (at least at the lower levels I'm participating at), the biggest areas of concern for me are the "Three A's" (armor, ammo attributes). Last night while attempting to take over the Pravus Research Center with my level 15 Ranger (solo) I noticed a distinct change in armor absorption. The absorption rate seemed seriously degraded, but I didn't seem to die any quicker. This was likely due to the changes with a player's Attributes. Body, Mind, and Spirit will now provide bonuses! Body improves max absorption, Mind improves Logos damage, while Spirit gives a better chance to Critical Hit. Ammunition changes weren't immediately noticeable aside from being able to use standard canister ammo for my chain gun instead of just standard cartridge ammo.All in all... good stuff. Read the whole report to get all the juicy details.

  • TR alien hybrids beaten with ugly stick, have good personalities

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    One of the more shocking changes made when Destination Games announced the patch notes for Tabula Rasa 1.4 was the inclusion of inclusion of alien hybrids. After completing certain quest lines, players could gain the ability to splice alien DNA into any of their future clones, and are even given an extra clone credit to boot. These clones not only assume base attributes befitting their new alien heritage, they also gain the unseemly looks of the extra-terrestrial forebears. Most of the bigger TR forum communities have threads on the topic, with players having plowed through and gained access to the clones on the public test server nearly as quickly as it was announced. The Planet TR forum's overall write-up is probably the most thorough, but the image to the right was pulled from Gangrel's Unofficial forums.That ugly beasty, winner of the Miss Arieki hybrid beauty pageant, is a Thrax hybrid, and is the result of splicing in the DNA of enemy troops. The other hybrids are considerably less offensive looking, and I would go as far as to say the Foreans might even look pretty cool. Many players, and I count myself amongst them, had been complaining because there weren't enough character customization options, and while turning myself into a horrifying mutant wasn't exactly what I had in mind, it's certainly a start. The problem is that there are only a couple versions of these hybrid faces, so the problem isn't really solved in the long run. It's still amusing though, and it'll be interesting to see how many people make the leap when the patch goes live.

  • Totem Talk: Three Classes In One?

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Totem Talk is the column for shamans, and Matthew Rossi has been obsessively trying to get his draenei shaman into outland this week. He's maddeningly close. He might have made it today if the Bark for the Barleybrew quest hadn't bugged out on him, but at least he got his Wolpertinger. No, this column won't be about Brewfest, but I had to show off my cute new pet or my wife would have been displeased with me.Like all true hybrids, Shamans are remarkably versatile. They can heal, they can melee, they can nuke. And like all true hybrids, they can only do one of these things, and then only if they properly gear and spec for it. While it is possible and worthwhile to really push the borders of the inherent multi-tasking of the class, most folks pick a role and stick with it, either because (as is my case) they don't have the gear to do anything more than their generally designated role or because they don't really want to. My resto shaman cannot DPS. Not even because of spec, but because he simply has not the gear for a DPS role and as a result there's no point in him attempting it. If I had good enough enhancement gear, I would probably try and DPS a lot more, but with the limitations of what he's carrying around in his bags it's simply not possible.Your spec is like an aptitude: it defines what your character will have the most options in. As a resto shaman, I have plenty of added punch to my healing, talents like Healing Way, Improved Chain Heal, Earth Shield and Nature's Blessing. But I'm lacking the offensive punch of the talents from Elemental for my spells, which means even if I had the gear, my shocks and lightning bolts are not going to match up to a shaman who has spent the points. I won't have Lightning Overload or Elemental Precision. And if I try and mix it up in melee, I lack the ability to Dual Wield, the enhanced weapon buffs of Elemental Weapons or the bite of Weapon Mastery. I still have the basics that Elemental and Enhancement shamans use in combat, of course, and they still have the basics of shaman healing, but there is always a noticeable drop in performance when doing something outside of your spec. Of course, some of you are probably saying "tell us something we don't know" while still others are ready to point out that even if an enhancement shaman can't heal as well as a resto shaman, he can still heal. And that's actually a good point. An enhancement shaman or an elemental shaman can, in fact, still heal. This leads to an often overlooked aspect of the class - basically, you bring a shaman along on a run because a shaman, in addition to whatever DPS or healing he or she can provide in a main role, can also provide what I like to call 'panic button' capacity.

  • Let's play Combine-A-Class

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    We like to explore the hybrid role here at WoWInsider, but one player on the official forums has taken it to a whole new level. He asks a simple question: if you could combine two classes together into one uber class which would you choose?The possibilities aren't endless, but they are fascinating. You could take the defense of one class and mix it with the offense of another. Warrior grafted onto Warlock comes to mind. Or throw together two similar abilities for god mode: Shamadin invincibility anyone? Shadow Priest + Warlock would be high dps and hard to kill. Plus, think of the utility.The combinations are fun to tinker with. So we ask you, faithful readers: If you could meld two WoW classes together into one, which two would you choose and why?