

  • The Secret World unveils the Kingsmouth Lighthouse

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    There's something spooky about your average lighthouse, particularly when viewed through the gloomy gauze of a dark and storm-drenched night. It's no surprise, then, that The Secret World will feature a lighthouse or two, and Funcom's latest location reveal centers around the beacon located by the port town of Kingsmouth. This particular lighthouse was built by the Illuminati in the 1700s. The purpose was two-fold. First was obviously the desire to see ships safely into the harbor. Beneath that benign exterior, though, lurked "a clear and powerful statement: This was Illuminati territory, their eye was all-seeing, their light shone brighter and stronger than any other." Today, the Kingsmouth Lighthouse still holds its share of secrets. The facility was automated at some point in the past and has since fallen into a state of neglect. A hidden staircase is rumored to exist somewhere in the rock at the lighthouse's base, and bronze panels inscribed with warding symbols have been reported as well. Eccentric author Sam Krieg has also taken up residence, and while we could tell you more about this eclectic location, there'd be no reason for you to visit the official Secret World website.

  • The Secret World's Innsmouth Academy profiled

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Earlier this week Funcom treated us to a blurb about The Secret World's creepily atmospheric Atlantic Island Park. Today the official site has been updated with a new reveal centered on Innsmouth Academy. By all outward appearances, the academy is a private high school for rich kids. As per usual in The Secret World, things aren't always what they seem on the surface. Innsmouth Academy serves as something of a prep school for children of the Illuminati, "and a degree from Innsmouth Academy opens many doors for a budding magus and occultist." The school has a lengthy history, and originally opened its doors in 1798 before being rebuilt three times as a result of three different disasters (including the opening of a dimensional portal in the elementalism lab). Head to the official Secret World website to read more about the school and its faculty.

  • The Secret World showcases NPC backstories

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Funcom has just updated its website for The Secret World, and the info drop encompasses the backgrounds of some of the NPC characters we've been hearing about lately. Last week's interview with lead writer Dag Scheve clued us in to the fact that Funcom won't stand for any of its NPCs being lazy and falling into old mission-dispenser habits, and today's reveal gives us some more story-related insight. We're introduced to the likes of a crazed journalist with a death wish, an assassin who didn't make the cut at Juilliard but did with the Illuminati, and a half-human half-demon member of the Dragon who serves a mysterious mistress, just to name a few. While we don't know how the stories of all these individuals are interrelated, it goes without saying that we're looking forward to finding out. Head to The Secret World website to start your own journey of discovery.

  • More on The Secret World's Templar and Illuminati

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Looking for further information on The Secret World's equally secret Illuminati and Templar societies? We're going to go ahead and assume that you are, as they're quite interesting aspects of Funcom's upcoming third MMO. Actually, considering much of the game's story and conflict revolves around the three warring secret societies, we'd say these two Illuminati and Templar interviews are required reading for anyone who considers themselves interested in the game. We're all about picking sides in MMOs here at Massively. When it comes to The Secret World, there's a lot to consider, although something about the Illuminati is quite alluring. We're of the opinion that their high tech nature combined with their fashion sensibilities is going to be quite attractive to many a person. Oh, plus it doesn't hurt that they're the "bad boys" of the game.%Gallery-72399%

  • Demystifying The Secret World's enigmatic Dragon

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    There's definitely a certain type of player the enigmatic Dragon secret society will appeal to in The Secret World. We can say that with even greater confidence after reading Gamespot's Dragon-focused interview with Funcom's Ragnar Tornquist. They're masters of the subtle and maestros of manipulation -- also, they carry katanas and guns. The interview runs the gamut topic-wise, but many of the answers coming from Ragnar are still incredibly careful to avoid any and all spoilers. Nevertheless, there's still much to be gleaned from regarding what these guys are about and how playing them is going to be different from the other two factions within The Secret World. Our favorite nugget of new information? Lighting your katana on fire being confirmed as an in-game feature. There really isn't anything quite as satisfying as splitting a foul monster in twain with a burning chopping blade of death!%Gallery-72399%

  • Ragnar Tørnquist on what sets The Secret World apart

    James Egan
    James Egan

    One of the games we've seen a lot of reader interest in at Massively is The Secret World, in development at Funcom. One of the key people behind the upcoming horror MMO is Ragnar Tørnquist, Producer and Director of The Secret World. Tørnquist recently sat down for an interview with Vladimir "Evoker" Georgiev from to discuss what will set The Secret World apart from other MMOs we've played. One of the refreshing aspects of the game is there are no levels or classes in TSW. Tørnquist tells UGDB, "Our goal is to make sure that players can sit down and play this game and enjoy themselves from the very beginning. You don't start out fighting rats with a rusty sword. You get cool firearms, black magic, occult weapons from the outset -- and you're fighting demons and the undead, not wild boar or petty criminals."

  • Funcom unveils The Secret World beta

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    In spite of recent layoffs, Funcom seems to be moving forward steadily with The Secret World, offering a peek into the secret societies and a chance at the beta. The official site invites you to take the test to win beta access, and offers up a quiz asking "Which secret society do you belong to?"The quiz is brief, a fun diversion that serves to give an overview of the three secret societies in The Secret World: the Illuminati (described as the notorious bad boys and girls of The Secret World), Templars (Crusaders, judges, the holy terror), and Dragon (manipulators and conspirators). Taking the quiz and giving your email address nets you an initiate kit, an invitation to join the forums, and a shot at a beta key. So if you are looking forward to this upcoming game, rest assured that it seems to be delayed, but not dead.

  • PAX 2009: Dark mysteries of The Secret World

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    So, you may have heard: Funcom is taking famous myths, urban legends, pop culture, history and even things like the Rota Fortunae and blending it all into a game called The Secret World. We sat down with lead designer Martin Brusgaar and creative director Ragnar Tornquist at PAX 2009 to discuss the game and a few of its many secrets.The Secret World has a vibe unlike any other MMO or really game currently out there. Its premise is simple -- all the legends, myths and more are true. Atlantis is rising, vampires roam the night, 2012 is the beginning of a new fourth age and so on. The world is a dark, scary and magical place. Although, it's more of the first two than anything else.%Gallery-72395%

  • The Secret World reveals new game trailer, factions

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The Secret World is Funcom's next MMO that they've kept under lock and key for quite a while now. Despite all the secrecy, we know it's a modern day setting with heavy overtones of the occult and mysticism. Past images released for The Secret World have shown shambling, twisted corpses walking through a town. There was also a Cthulu-esque scene of a thing-that-cannot-be-named obliterating city streets, a lone woman wielding a katana facing off against it. They've told us that players will form cabals to uncover mysteries and deal with supernatural threats. Still, there hasn't been much to go on. What Funcom reveals about The Secret World at PAX in the coming days will be "the biggest thing on TSW yet", but apparently secrets just want to be set free. We came across a YouTube video of The Secret World's second trailer (embedded below), with a shotgun toting girl tracking some monstrosity that can scatter its form into a murder of crows. You can also see the trailer in high res that's part of an exclusive on the Norwegian site Plus, they've got eleven new screenshots and bits of concept art up on their site as well.