

  • Lucky souls to play Halo 3 early on IMAX

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    When Halo 3 drops, the most popular guy on your block is probably going to be the one with the massive widescreen HDTV. A few lucky Halo 3 fans will be able to sneer at the experience though no matter how many diagonal inches their neighbor is packing after they play as Master Chief on an IMAX screen in San Fransisco or New York.Attendees to the "First to Play/First to Own" events will also have the chance to win one of 1,000 copies of Halo 3 a day before it's available in stores. Tickets to the event (being sponsored by Pontiac) are being given away here via lottery. Be aware though, in order to sign up, you have to indicate which type of Pontiac you're looking to learn more about. And "none" is not an option.

  • Recap: Halo 3 goes to the IMAX

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    For those of us who don't live in the Seattle area and missed out on the Halo 3 demo at Seattle's IMAX theater, the Gamerscore Blog gang kindly posted their impressions and photos as well as linkage to other recap sources. At the event, both Frankie and Luke made an appearance, played a little Tsavo Highway, showed off some Forge and did a little saved films fun. According to those who attended, there wasn't anything shown that was new per say, but it's freakin' Halo 3 and everyone did get a chance to see the flamethrower in action. We wouldn't complain. A bunch of event photos can be seen here and event impressions can be found over at,, HBO and Happy clicking Halo 3 addicts!

  • New Years Marathons INHD

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    The New Years day marathon has become a bit of a tradition, with my favorite always being all the Twilight Zone episodes on the SciFi channel. But today I've been switching back and forth between the Lions game and the two INHD channels.INHD1 is currently running all their "Fields of Glory" episodes where the explore different sports facilities and their history, great stuff. On INHD2 they're playing all-IMAX all day, from 8 this morning till 7 tomorrow morning. So far I've explored ice caverns at the North Pole, climbed sequoias in California, surfed, played w/ sea otters and rode along in an Indy car all from the comfort of my couch.