

  • Never worry about leaving the stove top on ever again

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    The first time someone says "smart stove knobs," you instantly conclude that the technology industry needs an intervention. But while the Inirv React's concept seems gently ridiculous, the product itself makes you wonder why nobody thought of this before. Essentially, it's a series of powered dials that sit on your gas range, letting you turn them off remotely with your smartphone. Even more impressive, however, is that a nearby sensor can do it automatically if it senses heat, gas or that you've left the house.

  • Smart stove knobs help you prevent a house fire

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    You can already buy connected ranges that offer remote control and prevent kitchen disasters. But what about your existing range -- are you really going to replace it just for some extra convenience and peace of mind? You might not have to. Inirv is crowdfunding the React, a smart stove knob system that upgrades most any electric or gas stove. You can control individual burners through your phone, of course, but the real star of the show is a sensor that sits on your ceiling. If it detects gas, smoke or prolonged inactivity, it automatically shuts off active burners. You shouldn't have to worry about sparking a house fire just because you forgot to switch the stove off before you left for the movies.