iPhone 4


  • Apple says "Sorry" while selling 600,000 pre-orders for iPhone 4

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Can an unreleased product, inadvertently leaked and then announced to an audience of press and developers, be too successful for its own good? If you're talking about the iPhone 4, the answer is "What? I couldn't hear you over the commotion of all these people pre-ordering a phone they've never touched or seen in person." Now that AT&T has suspended pre-orders until the phones come in, and Apple's ship dates have pushed into mid-July, and everyone has vented their frustration over the problems with the various sites and systems yesterday, we've got a statement from Apple. Engadget posted this brief comment from the Mothership earlier today: "Yesterday Apple and its carrier partners took pre-orders for more than 600,000 of Apple's new iPhone 4. It was the largest number of pre-orders Apple has ever taken in a single day and was far higher than we anticipated, resulting in many order and approval system malfunctions. Many customers were turned away or abandoned the process in frustration. We apologize to everyone who encountered difficulties, and hope that they will try again or visit an Apple or carrier store once the iPhone 4 is in stock." Six hundred thousand preorders. Hard to overstate that. Still, considering the huge issues that many folks had while ordering the iPhone, let's hope for Apple and AT&T's sake that there weren't lots more potential customers who gave up in frustration and bought something else.

  • 600,000 iPhone 4s pre-ordered, Apple apologizes for issues

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We were amazed last night to see both Apple and AT&T sell out of iPhone 4 pre-order units despite the sustained ordering issues, and now we know why: Apple managed to move 600,000 iPhones in just a single day. Yes, that's a lot -- Apple says it's the largest number of pre-orders it's ever taken in one day, and AT&T says it's ten times as many orders as it took for the iPhone 3GS. It's not all sunshine and roses, though; Apple's also apologizing to the large numbers of people who simply couldn't get through yesterday, and AT&T's suspended pre-orders entirely until the device is in stock. We're guessing AT&T might also be putting the stopper on things while it gets those pesky security issues under control, but there's a chance the carrier is just trying to deal with the insane order volume coming from Apple's servers -- it served up 13 million eligibility checks yesterday, shattering the previous record by three times. All in all, it looks like Apple has a hot item on its hands here -- almost too hot to handle. Here's Apple's full statement: Yesterday Apple and its carrier partners took pre-orders for more than 600,000 of Apple's new iPhone 4. It was the largest number of pre-orders Apple has ever taken in a single day and was far higher than we anticipated, resulting in many order and approval system malfunctions. Many customers were turned away or abandoned the process in frustration. We apologize to everyone who encountered difficulties, and hope that they will try again or visit an Apple or carrier store once the iPhone 4 is in stock. Update: Looks like that "ships by" date just slipped once more from July 2nd to July 14th. Yikes.

  • AT&T suspends iPhone 4 pre-orders altogether, says they were ten times 3GS' numbers

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    AT&T just kicked things up another notch, going from a launch day pre-order sellout for the iPhone 4 to... well, a total pre-order sellout. The carrier has announced this morning that it's "suspending pre-ordering today in order to fulfill the orders we've already received," saying only that it will resume the pre-order process when it can wrap its brain around the "additional inventory" it'll have on hand. It's hard to gauge where this lies on the truth / hype meter, but for what it's worth, they're saying that pre-orders outstripped the 3GS by a factor of ten, and eligibility checks were three times higher than the previous one-day record. Or... you know, maybe they just don't want any more information falling into the wrong hands until they can figure things out. Follow the break for AT&T's full statement.

  • iPhone 4 pre-order mess takes a sinister turn with privacy breach

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    In amongst the otherwise fun stampede that befell Apple and AT&T's servers yesterday, some less humorous problems were also taking place. Numerous tipsters reported to Gizmodo during the day that they were being logged into other people's AT&T accounts while going in to try and sign up for an iPhone 4 upgrade. An insider source suggests that this was caused by a major fraud prevention overhaul of AT&T's software last weekend, which was followed by "absolutely no testing" prior to the iPhone 4's launch. Tsk tsk. The network itself has responded by saying it's unable to replicate the issue and is looking into it. While it's doing that, a bunch of people might be "looking into" your AT&T account details. Sleep tight now.

  • US Apple Store now showing July 2 ship date for new iPhone 4 preorders

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    We admit it: due to an editing mixup, our earlier post wasn't all the way accurate at first. While AT&T's preorder allocation for launch day (June 24) was all done, Apple was still cruising along. iPhone 4 for all! For... about four hours. As of a few minutes ago, with some intermittent switching back to the original date and variation among different areas of the country, the US Apple Store website is now showing a pretty consistent July 2nd delivery shipping date for new preorders. If you refresh your browser (remember, hold down the shift key to recache the page!) you may see the date switch back and forth again... but any way you slice it, we're close to the bottom of the box. Despite some near-catastrophic systems issues during the day for Apple and AT&T, and some breathtaking account security problems on AT&T's upgrade pages (users seeing the wrong account when they log in to your site is never good), it seems like the infrastructure held together enough to work through a huge surge of business today. We won't know for sure how many iPhones were preordered today until & unless Apple and AT&T choose to share, but it's easy to say 'millions' with a straight face. Speaking of poor estimation skills... remember when I said that the iPhone 4 was unlikely to see delivery dates bumped on the first day of preorders? Uh, yeah, sorry about that. If Joe Wilcox can admit (in grudging, snarky fashion) that he was wrong, so can I.

  • Apple iPhone 4 pre-orders now sold out?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We have no idea how this happened given the insane problems Apple and AT&T have had processing iPhone 4 pre-orders today, but lots of people (including us) are seeing a July 2 ship date at Apple's online store, or about a week after the next-gen iPhone launches on June 24. Frankly, that's amazing -- we can only imagine the kind of sustained rush it took to cause a sellout of a product virtually no one was actually able to order. So that's Apple and AT&T both sold out -- at this point it's looking like standing in line somewhere come launch day is going to be your best bet, but we'll let you know if we hear any better news. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • iPhone 4 may natively support Facebook video uploads

    Keith M
    Keith M

    Maybe this is the kind thing that would make Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg like his iPhone a little more. The folks over at 9to5Mac.com dug into the iOS 4 SDK, and found some XML code that seems to indicate that video uploads to Facebook will be integrated with the new OS on the iPhone 4. Most likely they'll show up as an option for submitting your recorded videos direct from the native iOS video app. While this is a little bit of an brow-raiser, it's not completely surprising. When you consider the reported Facebook integration coming for calendars and contacts, among other things, it's a natural progression It's a bit odd, however, to have this capability native to iOS, when the official Facebook iPhone app already supports video uploads. I'm just wondering when Facebook's remaining iOS developers are going to get around to an iPad native Facebook app; I mean, how hard can it be? [via Engadget]

  • iPhone 4 sold out from AT&T, UK Apple Store

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    Update: The post has been edited to clarify that it's AT&T that's blown through its preorder allocation, not the entire universe of iPhone-selling outlets... but that's changing, see below. The white model never appeared, AT&T's backend systems folded like Superman on laundry day and even new data limits (to be fair you can get your old unlimited data grandfathered in) and higher ETF fees couldn't keep the customers away. Yes, the mighty iPhone 4 (and Apple's marketing) have won the day and are, at this moment, currently sold out at AT&T's stores for launch day delivery (you can still preorder from Apple, however). In AT&T's words (via Engadget and Boy Genius Report): "Because of the incredible interest in iPhone 4, today was the busiest online sales day in AT&T history. As of Tuesday afternoon, customers who preorder iPhone 4 moving forward will receive their device on June 25 or later, depending on when the order is placed. We'll email customers with confirmation once their order is placed, and again when it ships. In addition, we will have devices available on a first-come, first-serve basis in our stores beginning on June 24." Update 2: The UK Apple Store is also showing first-day allocations are all gone; the website shows July 2 as the next delivery date for new pre-orders. Update 3: As of 10:45pm ET, we're getting reports that the US Apple Store has changed the availability date for new pre-orders to July 2. When we checked, it's still set to June 24... we'll keep an eye on it. Original photo by marfis75

  • iPhone 4 is unlocked in Canada, too

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Americans: gaze upon your neighbors around you if you want to see what a healthy GSM ecosystem looks like. Okay, we're sure many of our Canadian friends would disagree that the Rogers / Bell / Telus oligopoly is anything close to "healthy," but nonetheless, we're still envious of the fully-unlocked option Apple is offering for all iPhones in the online store -- just like the UK -- along with a promise that a "reduced initial price with a contract directly from your wireless carrier" if you're still interested in getting tied up in a contract. That's a lot closer to the European phone sales model, and it's a model American carriers have never even come close to touching. Now if you'll excuse us, we need to get back to refreshing our connection to this utterly dead upgrade eligibility server. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • AT&T sold out of iPhone 4 pre-orders for launch day

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    BGR's reporting that AT&T's launch day allocation of iPhone 4s is now sold out, and anyone who got in the door after 1:30PM Pacific Time will get their unit some time between June 25 and July 5. Frankly, we have no idea how anyone managed to get a pre-order in, let alone enough to sell out -- but everyone who did deserves a pat on the back and a high-five. Update: We've gotten the official statement from AT&T, and it's true, though you still might be able to waltz in on launch day without a pre-order and pick up one of the unallocated units: "Because of the incredible interest in iPhone 4, today was the busiest online sales day in AT&T history. As of Tuesday afternoon, customers who preorder iPhone 4 moving forward will receive their device on June 25 or later, depending on when the order is placed. We'll email customers with confirmation once their order is placed, and again when it ships. In addition, we will have devices available on a first-come, first-serve basis in our stores beginning on June 24."

  • Apple suggesting you head into a store if things aren't working out online

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Oh, to be tapped into the conference call going on between Apple's and AT&T's server tech teams right now! Update: Seems folks have been seeing this message intermittently since the wee hours -- first time we've seen it here, but then again, we've seen no fewer than five or six unique failure modes today. Quite a sight.

  • iPhone 4 pre-orderers overwhelm servers, world on the brink of ending

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Look up at the sky -- is it falling? It sure seems as if that kind of doom is imminent, at least if this whole iPhone 4 pre-order situation is any indication of future tragedy. We've received hundreds of tips this morning from friends near and far that iPhone 4 pre-orders aren't going through, though a few of us here on staff were able to get a confirmation during the wee hours of the morning. From AT&T in the US to O2 over in the UK, it seems that just about everyone ambling to get their name on a future iPhone 4 is experiencing a great deal of frustration. AT&T's servers seem to be completely hosed here in America, and since Apple's own online order process has to ping those to check on your contract status, neither option is... um, working. Those who decided to line up at a local store are facing similar issues; employees aren't even able to fully process pre-orders in store due to systems being overwhelmed, and no one seems to exactly know when things will be back to normal. And you thought the most enraging part of this was the inability to select a white model. Let us know how your experience has been in the poll and comments below, won't you? Update: So, it sounds like Best Buy is taking pre-orders (even for white units), but chances are remarkably high that you're not actually getting in any line. Still, it's a working option for the moment. In other news, the Apple Store app is seeming to allow iPhone 4 orders, but it looks as if they're reserving off-contract phones (read: full price ones), so we'd only recommend this avenue if you enjoy things like "arguing about contract dates" and "yelling at brick walls." We're guessing you'll be doing both on the 24th. %Poll-48069%

  • Apple and AT&T servers up and down and up and down

    Mel Martin
    Mel Martin

    "Open the pod bay doors, HAL." "I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." Remember the scene from 2001 when astronaut Dave Bowman couldn't get the rogue computer running Discovery to respond to his commands? [Remember the same computer shilling for Apple during the run-up to the Y2K bug? Classy. –Ed.] Well, that's what's been going on for many people who want the new iPhone. It started early this morning when people were trying to pre-order. In my case, I got thrown out 4 times, each time being told I had let the process time out. Hey, it wasn't me. AT&T is also having major problems; in fact, that may be what's behind Apple's difficulties, as those who are buying new iPhones (not requiring a check of previous account status) seem to be having a much easier time of it. In the middle of of trying to upgrade via AT&T's site, people are getting this message: Maintenance In Progress AT&T is continually working to improve our internet site for our customers. As part of this ongoing effort, we are currently doing maintenance. We apologize for this inconvenience and ask that you please try back again later. Right. It's not as if both companies didn't know this was coming. And Apple, after all, used to have the word 'Computer' in its name. Some people are sliding by with no issues, but according to reports we're seeing, many aren't so lucky. The good news is that it looks like the new iPhone is going to be incredibly popular. The bad news is it's awfully hard for many people to order one. [Thanks to all our suffering readers who shared their experiences] Update: Here's the Apple pre-order page. Good hunting!

  • Apple iPhone 4 pre-orders are go, unlocked in UK!

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    You know what to do... unless you wanted the iPhone 4 in white which is unavailable for pre-order. Pricing for a SIM-free and unlocked iPhone 4 is set at £499 (16GB) or £599 (32GB) in the UK or €629 (16GB) and €739 (32GB) in France. Pre-orders are limited to two per customer. P.S. The 8GB iPhone 3GS is out for those of you looking to keep it old school at $99 on a two-year AT&T contract. Update: Looks like Apple's servers are struggling to keep up. For what it's worth, we hear that US pre-orderers are having more success with the AT&T link found in the source below.

  • The Apple Store is down -- and back up. iPhone pre-orders available now!

    Chris Rawson
    Chris Rawson

    If the tsunami of e-mail we just got is anything to go by, it appears the online Apple Store may be down. (Checking: yes, it's down.) Since the store is down overnight on a weekday, that's a pretty good indicator that it's not just down for maintenance. With iPhone 4 pre-orders set to take place sometime today, it's a fair bet the store is down while Apple prepares for the onslaught it's about to receive. We'll try to keep you updated on the store's status, but you'll have to bear with us... most of the TUAW team is asleep at the moment. Update: The store is back up. As predicted, iPhone 4 is now available for pre-order, but only in black. The white iPhone is currently unavailable, with no indication of when it will be on sale. Readers report that they're having trouble getting preorders through on the online store in some cases. Patience...

  • Apple Store goes down as iPhone 4 pre-order prep enters final stages

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    The Apple Store has just gone into maintenance mode globally in preparation for the launch of iPhone 4 pre-orders, and our readers seem intent on bringing down our tip inbox as well. Steady yourselves, chaps (and ladies), the fun starts when the Store goes back up so let's pace ourselves with all the excitement. We'll alert you as soon as that happens, but for now, let's go easy on the old tip jar, eh? It's not made of Gorilla Glass, you know. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in] Update: AT&T's online portal is showing an iPhone 4 pre-order front end, but is yet to offer users the actual option to order the phone up. See a screenshot of it after the break.

  • iPhone 4: First Best Buy preorder, Radio Shack kickback plan

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    If you've got a choice of stores where you can reserve your new phone, may we suggest you consider Radio Shack? Edible Apple reports that the fine folks at the Shack (as noted on the company's Twitter account) are accepting trade-ins for discounts on the iPhone 4. In fact, if you've got a 3GS in good working condition that you're willing to give up, you might get $200 off your purchase -- meaning that you could pick up a new 16GB iPhone 4 for a grand total of nothing, plus tax. Thanks Chris and John

  • iPhone 4 preorders start tomorrow, but when exactly?

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Update: Preorders are live! The emails haunt our sleep. Plaintive in tone, they ask the same question... and they just. Keep. Coming. When? they ask. Do I have to stay up late, or get up early? The anxiety, the tension. When? When? For the iPad launch preorder kickoff, we asked on your behalf and we got an answer; in this case, we we've had no response from Apple PR to tell us exactly when the iPhone 4 preorders will begin. Maybe that's a protective step, to keep AT&T's systems and Apple's store from getting deluged; we don't know. The retail outlets that are accepting preorders (Radio Shack and Best Buy; the Walmart sales don't kick in until launch on 6/24) will presumably be ready to go when they open Tuesday morning. Update: One of our commenters reports that he was told by an Apple phone rep to check the store at 9am ET, 6 am PT. What we can do is give you the likely times, and a quick bit of advice. [Thanks to timeanddate.com for the fixed time links.] Option A: Midnight, Eastern time. Not a particularly likely candidate, as it would put the heaviest load on the purchasing systems overnight when the support leads are presumably asleep. Still, if you're up and want to check the store, we won't tell. Option B: Midnight Pacific. Again, doesn't seem like a good bet, but it's possible. Option C: 8:30a ET/5:30a PT. This was the time for the iPad preorder kickoff, and it's a reasonable guess -- AT&T's headquarters team will already be on the clock, and Apple's store ops folk can be ready. Option D: 8-9 am PT. By this time, all of the East Coast will be at work or school, but it might be when the gates finally fall open. The piece of advice mentioned above? Relax, for crying out loud. Whenever you happen to wake up and check the site will be plenty of time to get your preorder in -- they are not likely to bump delivery dates on the first day of preorders. Have a calming beverage, get a good night's sleep, and let your dreams wander amongst the Retina Displays and the gyroscopes of your imagination. Photo by http://www.flickr.com/photos/flattop341/ / CC BY 2.0

  • How to: pre-order the iPhone 4 (update: third-party retailers best avoided)

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    It's now less than twenty-four hours until pre-orders for the iPhone 4 kick off, magic is in the air, and you're feeling good -- but where (and how) do you get your name in the system? There'd be nothing more tragic than waking up on the 24th only to discover that your phone isn't arriving on launch day, so let's get things squared away right now so you know what you need to do tomorrow morning. Follow the break for everything you need to know!

  • iPhone 4 has 802.11n, but not the "awesome" 802.11n

    TJ Luoma
    TJ Luoma

    I suspect many people were very happy to see that the iPhone 4 was listed as having 802.11n. I know that I was. I have a dual-band network at home which separates 802.11n from 802.11b/g, and that's made a huge difference in transfer times. But there's also another benefit of 802.11n: it can use the 5GHz frequency band instead of the 2.4Ghz. Without going into too much detail, most (but certainly not all) of the benefit of 802.11n comes if you use 5Ghz, because it isn't cluttered with other devices like 2.4Ghz is. So imagine my dismay when I went to the iPhone 4 technical specifications page and saw "802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi (802.11n 2.4GHz only)" listed there. I wanted to double check my suspicion that this was bad news for people who want to avoid the interference issues that come with 802.11b/g. When you have a question about Wi-Fi, especially in the Mac world, the guy to ask is TidBITS & Seattle Times columnist Glenn Fleishman. If you've ever read a great, informed (and informative) article on Wi-Fi that even a mere mortal could understand, chances are pretty good that Glenn wrote it. He wrote the most thorough analysis of the Wi-Fi woes at the iPhone 4 demo that I have seen anywhere. I asked Glenn about this on Twitter, and he confirmed my fears that 802.11n in 2.4Ghz will suffer from the same interference that b/g devices do. This makes "802.11n" partly just a marketing bullet point for iPhone 4 instead of a truly beneficial feature. If you're currently running a 5GHz-only N network, your iPhone won't take advantage. For 2.4GHz N networks, you will probably get some speed boost over G (Glenn estimated perhaps 1.5x when using an 802.11n base station). When copying a 940MB file over my home Wi-Fi network between a Mac desktop and laptop, 802.11n took 2 minutes, 14 seconds compared to 15 minutes 45 seconds on 802.11g. Then again, most people won't be doing large wireless file copies to/from their iPhones until/unless wireless synchronization comes along. So yes, Apple can boast that the iPhone 4 has 802.11n and they're telling the truth, but don't expect much practical difference day-to-day. Glenn suspects that given the newer chip and more efficient use of the radio spectrum, we might get better battery life on N than on G -- but we won't know for sure until the iPhones arrive.