iphone apps


  • Chilli X has birthday - everyone gets presents, but no cake

    Brett Terpstra
    Brett Terpstra

    If you look under your seats, you'll find a bevy of free iPhone apps. That's right ... you get an app, you get an app, everybody gets an app (or 16)! We've mentioned Chilli X a few times, and I've developed a fondness for their collection of sleek, simple iPhone apps with great-looking interfaces. And now it's their first birthday, and they're giving out presents: this weekend only (starting right now), you can grab any (or all) of Chilli X's iPhone apps for FREE. There are plenty to choose from; 16 apps in the App Store and one just submitted for approval today. We've mentioned Done [iTunes link], MyCal [iTunes link] and Playlist Alarm Clock [iTunes link], but much has happened since then. What follows is a roundup of some of the latest apps, but you can find them all by searching for "Chilli X" in the App Store.

  • TomTom's Car Kit for iPhone will be your co-pilot in October

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Well, it just passed through the FCC last week, and it looks like TomTom itself is now finally getting a bit more specific about when its new Car Kit for iPhone will start shipping. While it's still not providing an exact date just yet, the company's newly-updated FAQ now says that the device will be available directly from TomTom sometime this October. What's more, the company also says that the kit (which also works with the iPod touch) will be initially sold without the TomTom iPhone app, contrary to what was previously rumored, although it's not clear if a bundle with the app will also be available at a later date.[Via NaviGadget]

  • Microsoft: how to port iPhone apps to Windows Mobile

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    With just a few months to go before launching the Windows Marketplace for mobile applications, Microsoft has published details on porting iPhone apps to its Windows Mobile platform. It's a case study of the app Amplitude [App Store link], which lets users hear far-off sounds with ease. It's a detailed writeup that takes readers through the entire process. Microsoft will have quite a task ahead of them in this market, considering Apple's considerable lead and foothold. However, there are many (to say the least) Windows Mobile devices out there as well as people for whom "Windows Mobile" means business. It will be interesting to see if and how iPhone/iPod touch app developers choose to move their products to Windows Mobile. The Windows Marketplace for mobile applications is expected to drop between September and December of this year, as are Snow Leopard and Windows 7. It's going to be an exciting autumn. [Via Macworld]

  • Google Voice app GV Mobile ported to jailbroken iPhones, web app version in the works

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    So well-mannered, straight-laced iPhone users got a pretty big slap in the face yesterday by way of Apple's (and AT&T's, no doubt) total Google Voice rejection. Looks like jailbreakers are picking up the pieces, as GV Mobile developer Sean Kovacs -- whose app was in the iTunes store for some time before being yanked yesterday -- has ported the Voice client over to Cydia free of charge, although donations are gladly accepted. Even more interesting, but less concrete, Kovacs said he was already working on a web app version, possibly for submission to Palm's app catalog. No word on the fate of GVdialer, an app that was also unceremoniously pulled, but we wouldn't be surprised if it followed in similar footsteps. Read - GV Mobile now on Cydia Read - Sean Kovacs on Twitter

  • The Daily Grind: Apps and MMOs

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    These days, without descending into total geek fan girl mode, phones are all about apps. Whether you have a Pre, an iPhone, a Google Android handset or one of the new, shiny Nokia phones, apps (short for applications) are usually an important part of how phones work. Even more so now your humble mobile phone is becoming more like a mini computer. But I digress. This week Blizzard released their second app for the iPhone, which allows you to access the World of Warcraft Armory without needing a PC and, it is, quite simply, awesome.It got me thinking though, if one MMO can make use of apps, why not all of the big boys? EVE, LotRO and Age of Conan have a huge following and surely there's the potential for some kind of apps, perhaps ones which will let you check in-game mail or sell gear and mats without actually logging into the game. So, readers, I ask you: what kind of apps would you like to see for your favourite MMOs? Do you think there should be apps for different phones, not just the most popular model (which currently seems to be the iPhone)? What kind of apps do you think would be useful and beneficial to your MMO gaming time?

  • Breakfast Topic: What iPhone app should Blizzard release next?

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    WoW-loving iPhone owners (and yes, I count myself among you) are feeling the love from Blizzard with the release of the Armory app this week. It's shiny, useful and just as practical, if not more, as the Authenticator app. We knew this was coming, of course, from the moment Blizzard issued C and D's relating to specific apps. However now their second app is out it's sure not to be the last. Blizzard has once again favored the iPhone over all the other phones. It seems like there's a trend developing here, much to the sorrow of Palm Pre and Android owners, I'm sure.Blizzard seem to be developing apps with the same due care and diligence they give their games (including awesome sound effects as well) and it warms my heart to see they're exercising their talents to make the game more accessible without needing to login with the main client or be directly in-front of your PC. So, readers, now that Blizzard is obviously putting their heart and soul into creating apps, what would you like to see them develop next? Do you think a certain kind of app - like one which allows you to use the auction hose, send and receive mail or use guild chat - is in need? I'd love a Warcraft: Peggle version with even more levels just for the iPhone please. Pop your thoughts in the comments box below.

  • SoundAMP hearing aid app for iPhone unleashed on our delicate ears

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    We've just caught wind of a new app for the iPhone / iPod touch... should you be either a little hard of hearing or a little nosy. SoundAMP works a lot like those Sonic Earz you see on the infomercials -- you run the app with your earbuds plugged in, and then sit back and enjoy listening to the sweet sounds of whatever's going on around you -- only louder. The app allows you to control volume and tone, and you can also replay the last 30 seconds of what you've been hearing -- in case you missed something particularly juicy. Now, personally, we put in the earbuds and crank up the tunes to shut out the outside world, but if this is your kind of thing -- it's available in the iTunes store right now for $9.99. [Warning: read link takes you to the iTunes store][Via CNET]

  • A look at iPhone Apps making use of LotRO's XML data

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Tony from the Lord of the Rings Online-focused blog MMeOw recently had a look at a couple of iPhone Apps that are taking advantage of the XML data that Turbine has made available. Both apps were developed by BAMsoft (which is just one guy, as is often the case with iPhone apps), and one has already been approved by Apple -- LOTROStatus will check the status of the US servers for you, and is available for free right now. If enough Europeans ask to have their servers included, another version of the app might be released especially for them.BAMsoft's other LotRO iPhone App is called LOTROChar. With this program, you'll be able to view your in-game characters on your iPhone, check out lorebook links, and probably annoy co-workers by showing them the sweet loot you found the other night. This one hasn't been approved by Apple just yet, but it's sure to pop up in the iTunes store some time soon. It looks pretty nifty in the preview screenshots; keep up the good work BAMsoft!

  • Email'n'Walk iPhone app finally lets us leave the house

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We can't believe it's taken this long for an app to do this, but Phase2 Media's Email'n'Walk app overlays an email composition window over live video from your iPhone's camera, allowing you to pound out messages while avoiding sidewalk-hogging obstacles. We just wish it didn't rely on the actual Mail app for sending and it'd be nice if it handled SMS as well, but obviously Apple's not going to let that happen. Free in the App Store for now.[Thanks, Becky; warning: iTunes read link]

  • WoW Insider Show live this evening on Ustream at a special time

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our weekly podcast is broadcasting a special midweek edition this evening -- tonight at 6pm Eastern (so you've got time to listen in before the big Lost finale), we'll be over on the Ustream page doing what we always do: talking about the most popular post of the week. Our good friends and colleagues Amanda Dean and Lesley Smith will be on the show, and Turpster will probably make an appearance as well (given that we can convince him to stay up late enough). We'll be chatting about the latest PTR patch notes, the big changes coming to Wintergrasp, and what Blizzard legal has been up to lately (with both iPhone apps and webcomics). Plus, we'll answer your emails -- you can send us questions, comments, or insights at theshow@wow.com.Should be fun. Head on over to our Ustream page at May 13, 2009 6:00 PM EDT var date_span = document.getElementById("date"); var date = new Date(date_span.innerHTML); var monthname=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug", "Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); var weekday=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday","Saturday"); var year = date.getFullYear(); var day_of_month = date.getDate(); var month = monthname[date.getMonth()]; var day = weekday[date.getDay()]; var hour = date.getHours(); if (hour > 11) { if (hour > 12) {hour -= 12} am_pm = "PM"; } else { am_pm = "AM"; } var minute = date.getMinutes(); if (minute < 10) { minute = "0"+minute; } date_string = day + ", " + month + " " + day_of_month; date_string += " at " + hour + ":" + minute + " " + am_pm; offset = -date.getTimezoneOffset()/60; if (offset >= 0) { offset = "+"+offset; } date_string += " in your time zone (GMT"+offset+")"; date_span.innerHTML = (date_string); to listen in live, or just step behind the break on this post to find an embedded feed. And if you can't make it tonight, don't worry, we'll be back at our normal time on Saturday, May 23rd at 3:30pm Eastern in the afternoon for our long-awaited video show. Now that will be a great time.

  • Vinyl record iPod touch app gives you the spins

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Vinyl has been on the verge of a big-time comeback for ages now (and for some of us, it never ceased to be the format of choice anyway), so we're pretty happy to see that even the land of zany iPhone / iPod touch apps is no longer immune to its charms. The spinning vinyl app by Theodore Watson makes use of the iPod's accelerometer to control the speed that the "record" is played at. The video (which is after the break) might make you a little sick when you watch it, but it sounds great. Analog rules, doesn't it? [Via Make]

  • DirecTV's free iPhone app manages 100k downloads in a week

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Shockingly enough, people seem to be interested in the possibility of easily browsing TV schedules and programming their DirecTV DVR from the iPhone / iPod Touch, for free. Available for just one week so far, it's already ticked over 100,000 downloads so yeah, it's popular, our only question is what's next? You've probably checked it out by now, let us know what features need to be changed or added, or just tee off on the fact that your TV or cellphone provider hasn't unveiled a similar setup yet, we're listening.

  • DirecTV's free iPhone app manages 100k downloads in its first week

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Shockingly enough, people seem to be interested in the possibility of easily browsing TV schedules and programming their DirecTV DVR from the iPhone / iPod Touch, for free. Available for just one week so far, it's already ticked over 100,000 downloads so yeah, it's popular, our only question is what's next? You've probably checked it out by now, let us know what features need to be changed or added, or just tee off on the fact that your TV or cellphone provider hasn't unveiled a similar setup yet, we're listening.

  • Sling rains on its own parade

    Mel Martin
    Mel Martin

    Last week we were pretty excited that the new Slingplayer app for iPhone had been submitted to Apple for approval. Now it seems, the folks at SlingMedia are determined to really get a large percentage of their customers angry about forcing them to have the latest Slingbox hardware in order to be compatible with the iPhone/ iPod touch app.A page on the SlingMedia website suggests owners of older Sling hardware get an upgrade because the new iPhone software "and future services yet to be announced will only be supported for customers using Slingbox SOLO, Slingbox PRO and Slingbox PRO-HD products or forthcoming SlingLoaded products." That still leaves a lot of the older hardware a no-go, and that older hardware worked well with the SlingPlayer Mobile app on other cellphones, including those running on Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Palm and the Symbian OS. Our sister site, Engadget, reports that they've been told that previous builds of the app worked just fine with the older hardware, so this may just be runaway greed and avarice at SlingMedia.In my post last week I said that Sling users would be circling Apple HQ with torches and pitchforks if Apple did not approve the SlingPlayer Mobile iPhone app. Now those people might want to gather in Foster City, California to let the execs at Sling know that they don't want to be forced into an upgrade that is likely not needed.Our thanks to various readers who sent this in.

  • DirecTV iPhone app now available

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    All those eagerly anticipating the DirecTV iPhone application, and all its remote scheduling, program browsing capability can download it right now from the App Store. All that's required is iPhone software 2.2.1 or higher; anyone can pick it up to check out channel listings, but you'll need a DirecTV subscription and DirecTV Plus DVR (models R15, R16, R22), DirecTV Plus HD DVR (models HR20, HR21, HR23) or TiVo Series 2 receivers with 6.4a software registered to DirecTV.com to take advantage of the remote scheduling over WiFi, EDGE or 3G. And did we mention that it's free?

  • Hands-on with the Boxee iPhone remote

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    The latest thing from our friends at Boxee most definitely makes perfect sense to us. Take two really cool gadgets like Boxee and an iPhone (or iPod Touch) and make them work together. We spent a few minutes playing with the free app and have to say it's the best 3rd party remote app we've tried. While most remote apps on Apple's app store are examples of how crappy a remote can be, the Boxee app pulls down cover art and adds controls that aren't possible with the Apple TV's remote. But more important than anything else, the Boxee app actually makes it easier to control Boxee then with the remote itself by thinking out of the box and adding gestures into the mix. To us this is very important as touch screen remotes are inherently crippled at navigating on-screen menus unless you actually like to continuously look up and down just to select something. The gestures are implemented well and are a pleasure to use, but just in case you don't like them, you can turn them off and switch to buttons. Overall we really like the app, but the one thing you can't do is actually launch Boxee on the iPhone. This doesn't surprise us, in fact we're not sure it would even be possible, but it would still be nice.

  • XRoad G-Map iPhone navigation map gets reviewed, patted on the back

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While the world waits for a tried-and-true navigation app from Apple, XRoad is taking advantage of the situation by offering up its G-Map app in the interim. Kicking Tires decided to take the new software for a spin, and while the map quality took a pretty harsh beating, the overall offering was highly praised. More specifically, not every street name was present during testing, meaning that you had to rely implicitly on the turn-by-turn instructions if you weren't familiar with your surroundings. Outside of that, however, it seemed to nail all the important points. Accuracy, routing, ease of use and design were all smiled upon, and it seems critics gave the street name snafu a bit of a break with the hope of future updates solving the issues. If you're still a touch hesitant to drop your hard-earned cash, give that read link a gentle tap.[Thanks, Ronald]

  • Nine-year old writes iPhone app, hates vegetables

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    We've seen plenty of remarkable kids -- the world is just bursting with them -- and Lim Ding Wen, a nine-year-old from Singapore is no exception. Like his father, Wen enjoys writing iPhone apps in his spare time. His application, called Doodle Kids, is a drawing application for children that he wrote for his two younger sisters, who enjoy drawing, and it's already been downloaded over 4,000 times (we just checked in the App Store and it does indeed appear to be quite popular) since its release on February 1st. Wen, who is fluent in six programming languages and enjoys reading books about -- you guessed it -- computer programming, is already hard at work on his next app, a game called "Invader Wars." We can't wait to see that one!

  • XRoad G-Map app brings bona fide navigation to the iPhone

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    At long last, iPhone users who have grown increasingly frustrated by using Google Maps as their primary navigational tool can find relief... sort of. Available right now in the App Store, XRoad's G-Map application requires no internet connection whatsoever in order to function; rather, it packs oodles of maps into a 932MB package that covers most of western America and a few sporadic locales on the east. We're a bit baffled (and angered) by the not-at-all-comprehensive coverage, but we suppose we can expect updates to patch the gaps in the near future. It provides most of the same amenities you're used to seeing on real-deal GPS units, including POI editing, memo capabilities, location searching, etc. A word of caution, though: early reviews don't seem too stoked about it, so you may want to gloss it over good before hitting your card for $19.99.[Thanks, Karel]%Gallery-39999%

  • Mobispine pens tell all about their iPhone MMS app, doesn't exactly tell all

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    We've heard a few things about the Mobispine MMS app supposedly being developed for the iPhone, but the company's just answered a lot of questions, and we thought we'd give you a quick rundown. Interestingly, the app will utilize Apple's announced but delayed push notification, which Mobispine says is due "pretty soon," though carriers may use SMS notification in lieu of the service. The company says that the app will be carrier-branded, and that it will be up to them how much to charge you, the MMS-starved consumer. Mobispine says that the software will "probably" be made available through the App Store, "probably" because it's still in some vague phase of development, and has yet to be approved by Apple. Just let us know when the thing is ready, okay guys?[Thanks, Carlos]