ipod os


  • iPad 'Spirit' jailbreak demonstrated by MuscleNerd, now it really is magical (video)

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    You better believe it when notorious iPhone jailbreaker MuscleNerd -- a well-respected member of the iPhone Dev-Team -- declares root access on an iPad. According to this fella's tweets, this new hack is a port of Comex's "Spirit" jailbreak that exploits a bug found on both iPhone OS 3.1.3 and the iPad's 3.2. No downloads are offered right at this moment, but it shouldn't be long before we can throw in all sorts of wild apps and widgets as we wish. Video after the break. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • iPad OS digging reveals hints of future iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Nessie

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Well, well -- what have we here? A little digging into the mainframe that lies beneath Apple's freshly launched iPad has uncovered a few telltale signs of next-generation hardware, and while this is obviously in no way confirmation that new wares are on the way from Cupertino, this kind of stuff has led to similar reveals in the past. If we're seeing this right, we're looking at not one, but two new mentions of future iPhones (iPhone 3,2 and iPhone 3,3), alongside a new iPod touch (iPod 4,1) and... a future iPad (iProd 2,1). 'Course, none of this gives us any indication of the all-important whos or whens, but at least this confirms that mythical creatures still exist in the hearts of those who believe.