

  • Dream of Mirror Online welcomes a brand new city

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    It's not that often that a brand new region gets added into a game's patch, but Dream of Mirror Online has brought a whole new area to their game. Enter BigBeam City and the greater BigBeam region, where players can engage in a variety of new quests all for the low, low price of free. The region is targeted for players of level 30 and above, with quests starting as early as level 25 and going up to level 60.However, players of the Aeria Games American version of Dream of Mirror Online will not be enjoying these new areas, as they have not yet been implemented. European players playing with GameTribe do have access to the new areas, as well a slew of new items added to the item shop, like the item de-leveling items that lower the level limit on equipment when successful.It's currently unclear as to when Aeria Games will be adding BigBeam to their version, but time will certainly tell. Until then, we can all go invade the European servers.

  • The Daily Grind: When does RMT cross the line?

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    This question was posed yesterday by Saylah at the Mystic Worlds blog, and we couldn't help but wonder the same ourselves. When RMT or micro-transactions are first introduced as a business model for a game, the claim is always that these items for sale are not detrimental to the actual gameplay itself. They're cosmetic, or they aid your character with convenience items like extra bag space or a faster mount. But as Saylah points out, Runes of Magic has introduced crafting items to their Item Shop recently. This allows players to purchase bundles of resources for crafting, which gives an advantage towards things like guild castles. "My first reaction is to suspect that the massive grind in this area is intentional to encourage the purchase of the resources now available in the Item Shop," she says. So what do you feel is going too far in RMT purchases? Is selling crafting resources too much, or would you only raise an eyebrow at the sale of overpowered weapons in an RMT shop? With the popularity of micro-transactions, do you think developers will edge closer and closer to that line to see what they can get away with? Let us know your thoughts!

  • Real money trade as a convenience to players

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Whenever real money trade is mentioned, or the dreaded term "item shop" is brought up, we all seem to get a little twitchy and afraid. Games that were supported by item shops use to denote which games had little content and poor quality, but times are swiftly changing. Games like Runes of Magic, Wizard 101, Mabinogi, Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine and others are changing the face of the free to play market and item shop transactions as they begin to combine quality with affordability. Yet, the stigma of the item shop remains in our culture.Saylah at Mystic Worlds has put together a well-written argument in favor of the item shop and RMT system. Instead of looking at it like getting ahead of the players who are "playing the game properly," look at it as customizable service for the user. Item shops should provide convenience for players who are looking to make some of the boring parts of the game move a little faster so the game can fit in their personal timeframe.If any of this sounds interesting, check out her full article as she lays down her opinion and then applies it to her current MMO, Runes of Magic.

  • Runes of Magic adds in the armored warhorse mount

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Let's face it, you want to ride in style when you're jaunting around Taborea and that old horse just isn't cutting it anymore. So what do you do when you need a new ride? Grab one of the new armored warhorses, of course!The armored warhorse is a new addition to the Runes of Magic item shop, giving players a new, slightly faster alternative over the current mounts. The horse comes in three different variations, including a 1 day, 30 day, and permanent purchase version.The 1 day and 30 day versions are economically friendly, only costing 40 diamonds and 100 diamonds respectively. That's around 2 US dollars for the 1 day, and 5 US dollars for 30 days. If you really want to be a sport, though, you can pick up the permanent version for 395 diamonds -- about 20 dollars in US currency. It's a bit expensive, but it's almost to be expected from a horse covered in shiny sheets of metal.

  • Accessing the Runes of Magic Item Shop

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    With the official launch date still about 2 months away, Runes of Magic seems to be ahead of schedule with their features. While the open beta is sailing along nicely, we get word of the game's Item Shop opening to the masses.According to the official press release, the Runes of Magic Item Shop is now open for those players who want to "achieve their goals in the game world faster." They've compiled a handy guide to the Item Shop and the Diamond currency system, which should help any players who are new to the game, or new to RMT in general. You can also keep an eye on the latest items added to the shop, which usually include items such as special potions, jewels, pets and mounts. Check out the complete press release after the cut below.