james bond


  • British mag to unveil Xbox Live Goldeneye info. Wednesday

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    After being endlessly rumored and then sort-of-confirmed, we were pretty sure the currently-in-limbo XBLA version of Goldeneye 007 would remain in hiding for quite a while (questionable videos notwithstanding). Apparently not, as British mag Xbox World 360 announced via its blog today that next Wednesday's issue will include the world's first hands-on impressions of the port.The short announcement, which was slowly leaked via a screenshot jigsaw puzzle throughout the week, promises "never-seen shots and hands-on details" about the game's differences, improvements, and information on how we can "make sure this incredible remake does see the light of day." That last bit is a little worrying to us, as it implies there's still a chance the game won't see the light of day. What can we do to help? Circulate a petition? Protest at Rare headquarters? Sacrifice our pets to Satan? FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY TELL US!

  • Activision: 08 brings Bond, Guitar Hero, Spider-Man

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Activision's recent conference call had about as many surprises in it as a holiday gift from Grandma. After setting record sales in 2007, both confusing and otherwise, Activision revealed plans for new entries into the Guitar Hero, Spider-Man and Tony Hawk franchises in 2008 as well as their first attempt at the James Bond license, with an adaptation of the latest Bond film, Quantum of Solace, in the pipeline.According to a report in Variety, gamers should mark their calendars for up to three Guitar Hero releases, two add-ons and Guitar Hero IV in the fall, two game adaptations of the Dreamworks film Kung Fu Panda and one for the upcoming Madagascar 2, and new sequels to Tony Hawk, Call of Duty, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Spider-Man and the aforementioned Bond game. In fact, we recommend you keep your 2007 calendars and simply change the 7's to 8's. It would just be easier.[via Joystiq]

  • Activision's 2008 promises more Guitar Hero, James Bond, Spider-Man

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Activision's recent conference call didn't consist entirely of gloating about those record holiday-quarter sales, as the publisher also took the opportunity to outline some of its plans for 2008. It seems we're in for quite the party, albeit one where you'll actually remember everybody's name. Guitar Hero? James Bond? Tony Hawk? Spider-Man? Yeah, we've met.According to a Variety report, the aforementioned party will see multiple performances by The Instrument Protagonists, due to promote two Guitar Hero "add-ons" in Spring and a full sequel in Fall. While party animals debate the game tie-ins to animated films Kung Fu Panda and Madagascar 2, suave gentleman will attempt to decrypt James Bond's film adaptation, Quantum of Solace. A roughly equal amount of solace will be found by the comic fans huddled around the punch bowl, as new Spider-Man and Marvel Ultimate Alliance games are expected to knock on the door at some point during the festivities.Finally, don't expect Tony Hawk to be turned away (he's on the guest list), especially since he's bringing his friend ... uh ... Call of Duty? We honestly don't know where we're going with this analogy. [Via The Cut Scene]

  • Bizarre seeking level designer with shooter experience

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    A new job posting on Bizzare's website targets single-player level designers, preferably with 1st/3rd person shooter experience. The call-out adds to growing speculation that the studio's action-oriented wing (which just wrapped up The Club) has been assigned to develop Activision's next Bond game. We know, at least, that the team will likely work with an existing IP owned by its publisher parent; and with Bizarre actively seeking 'shooter' talent, the options appear considerably narrowed. With nearly every Activision shooter closely tied to a developer (including Call of Duty 5 to Treyarch), our money's on the currently orphaned 007 franchise. Update: The next Bond game is in Treyarch's hands, according to the studio's website. So, uh, all bets are off... [Thanks, Nima] [Via VideoGamer]

  • More shooters in the cards for Bizarre?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A job listing posted on the Bizarre Creations website hints that The Club won't be the last shooter we see from the company. The job listing in question is seeking a level designer with "proven ability to design and create engaging gaming experiences (preferably a 1st/3rd person shooter)." The listing provides fuel for the rumor that Bizarre is working on a new James Bond title, a story that broke last month. Regardless of whether or not the game in question stars 007, it's clear that Bizarre is working on another shooter title. We'll have to wait and see just what they have in store.[Via Videogamer]

  • Possible title of James Bond's next game announced

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    So, we (like many of the film fans out there) heard yesterday that James Bond's 22nd adventure would not, as we had secretly hoped, be called James Bond 22. No, producers decided to go once more to Ian Fleming's back catalog and dredge up the name Quantum of Solace, lifted from a short story featuring the world's most prolific spy. We didn't think much more about it.But then today, we started wondering: Could Quantum of Solace also be the name of Bond's next video game adventure too? It makes a lot of sense, though we're not laying any money on it. What we are willing to say is that it would be the best title for a Bond game ever, except for Goldeneye, Everything Or Nothing, The World Is Not Enough, Nightfire, Agent Under Fire, Tomorrow Never Dies and From Russia With Love. Oh ... and what ever that racing game was called. Except for those, it's the best.

  • James Bond stuntman releases martial arts animations in Second Life

    Eloise Pasteur
    Eloise Pasteur

    To be honest I'm not sure which is the bigger story here: The headline is true, Marcus Shakesheff, a stuntman on Die Another Day among other films, has had a range of his martial arts moves recorded by motion capture, converted into animations in Second Life and they will be available to buy and, it appears, as part of a game within Second Life. I am trying to find out the details of the animations, but have had no joy so far.But, I have to wonder if the fact that this headline's in this week's Newport, Cwmbran and Risca Weekly Argus is, in fact, the bigger story. It appears that Second Life has become sufficiently mainstream that even local papers, traditionally very parochial, carry stories about it. At least they do if the story is about a local person.Thanks to Cam for the tip, and the scans of the original article.

  • Rumorang: Goldeneye coming to Xbox Live Arcade

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Resting their cred on "very reliable sources" and evidence that they claim to have seen, Xbox Evolved is reporting that Nintendo 64 classic Goldeneye will be coming to the Xbox Live Arcade shortly before Activision (the current 007 IP holder) releases their new James Bond title. The news comes (according to the site) after an agreement between Microsoft, Rareware, MGM Studios and Activision. XE says the game will feature new graphics and online multiplayer, and that other Rare games may be in the pipeline like Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark.OK, sounds great, but is it true? We have no evidence one way or the other, but we think it would at least make sense for all the parties. Microsoft gets more solid XBLA titles, Rare (which is owned by Microsoft) reminds people of the company's glory days and MGM gets more publicity for James Bond. As for Activision, well, we already know they're not above pimping out a license for cash. We'll keep you updated.[UPDATE: This looks like it was happening, but has been been put on hold.]

  • Rumor: Bizarre working on a new 007

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    It's juicy rumor news time kids! Oh joy! Word on the street (EGM's street) is that recently acquired Bizarre Creations is hard at work on a new (get this) James Bond game. Yup, that same James Bond 007 guy that used to be so darn awesome, but has gone missing as of late. The rumored Bizarre Bond game is supposed to be heavy on the vehicle driving (makes sense), which tickles us to pieces. Bizarre Creations making a Bond game ... this should be good.[Via Joystiq]

  • Rumor: Bizarre working on James Bond game

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    You know, up until a few years ago, James Bond games were big business. In fact, they were so hot that publishers actually created 007 plotlines (Everything Or Nothing, Nightfire) when movies weren't coming quickly enough. Sadly, since 2005's From Russia With Love, the series has sat stagnant, with the best Bond film in recent memory not even getting the video game treatment. Now though, it appears Ian Fleming's secret agent is staging a comeback, not only with a Treyarch-developed action game but with a previously-rumored second Bond project, which EGM may have gotten the scoop on. The mag is reporting the rumor that recently-acquired Bizarre Creations is the dev behind the second project, a driving-heavy 007 outing. (If the idea sounds familiar, it should: EA took at stab at it in 2000 with the PSone's 007 Racing.) We're not sure what we're more excited about: The fact that Bizarre could be working on a Bond game, or the welcome news that there's not going to be another street racing franchise cluttering up shelves.

  • Big surprise: Guitar Hero 4, Call of Duty 5, and Tony Hawk 11 confirmed

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Activision's biggest pre-merger franchises are all (GASP!) getting sequel treatment. In a fact sheet concerning the Activision Blizzard deal (PDF file), the publisher lists Guitar Hero 4, Call of Duty 5, a new Tony Hawk title (which would be its 11th iteration), a James Bond game and a racing title with the recently-acquired Bizarre Creations, as well as licensed titles with Dreamworks and Marvel.None of these sequels come as a surprise, as they are all critical and commercial successes, but this is the first official confirmation of their existence. According to Activision Blizzard's earlier conference call, 50% of Activision's revenues are derived from franchises it owns outright, including Guitar Hero and Call of Duty. It should be noted that as well that all three franchises also have competition from rival Electronic Arts in the form of Rock Band, Medal of Honor and Skate. No word on project release dates for any of the sequels.Read - Fact sheet [Warning: PDF file]

  • Activision doubles up 007 projects

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    After snatching the James Bond license out of EA's metallic hands in 2006, Activision has quietly been endeavoring to revitalize the franchise which had recently grown about as tiresome as the films it was based on. Heck, when you get to the point where an invisible car escapes from an ice palace being melted by a space laser, the point of no return is but a speck in the rear-view mirror. Will Activision find the gaming equivalent of Casino Royale?Speaking at a BMO Capital Markets conference (as covered by GamesIndustry.biz), Activision CEO Bobby Kotick pointed to the N64's GoldenEye as the title that made Ian Fleming's suave spy into "one of the great videogame franchises of all time." He revealed that Activision is currently working on two Bond projects, and that his plan for success involves the obvious: "I think the key to re-energising the Bond franchise is going to be ultimately the highest possible game quality." Make a good game to reinvigorate a franchise full of crap ones -- got it.It was revealed in July last year that Treyarch, developer of Spider-Man 3 and Call of Duty 3, was to create a new 007 game for Activision. If Treyarch can administer a Casino Royale reboot of the games, we imagine it'll make them a bit like Daniel Craig. We'll make fun of them at first, but the final product will silence us.

  • The Departed, 007: Casino Royale films snag more awards

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    As if moving over 100,000 units wasn't enough, those involved with the making of The Departed have yet another reason to celebrate -- right alongside the equally successful crew involved with 007: Casino Royale, of course. At the first Entertainment Merchants Association's Home Entertainment Awards to hand out honors for high-definition titles, Scorsese's latest gem managed to take home the awards for HD DVD Title of the Year as well as DVD Rental Title of the Year, while the latest in the Bond series took home Blu-ray Title of the Year. Unfortunately, these two films (Casablanca notwithstanding, which nabbed the Hall of Fame Award) were the only notable winners residing on an HD format, but we'll be interested to see how all that changes on the next go 'round.[Via HighDefDigest]

  • NSA nearing approval of two uber-secure handhelds

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If fingerprint readers and eight layers of passwords aren't secure enough for you (or your employer), the National Security Agency is reportedly nearing the end of the approval process for a duo of "secure handheld voice and data communications devices." General Dynamics, more commonly know for its array of laptops, is eagerly awaiting the thumbs-up to be given to its Sectera Edge (pictured), while L-3 Communications' Guardian should actually be available in Q4 of this year. With the coveted NSA seal of approval, "the Defense Department will be cleared to buy the devices under an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract," but judging by the unsightly designs we're seeing on these things, don't bet on employees lining up to snag one.

  • The retro-ish James Bond mobile phone

    Brian White
    Brian White

    We've seen some pretty sweet James Bond handsets in the past decade or so, with Sony Ericsson playing a central role in recent times. We'll hack up the latest Bondphone by saying that it looks absolutely retro compared to recent models. Get a glimpse of this unit in full after the break and you decide -- does it strike anyone as looking like the Motorola brick phone from the late 1980s? Although the keypad and display have been moved to the side and the "brick face" side now includes a 2 megapixel cam and speakers, we're torn on this device. Yes, it is nostalgic, but we doubt it will fit in that slim jacket pocket. Even the antenna reminds us of a Geiger counter more than a phone. Price? A reported $200, if you can find one.[Via Just Another Mobile Phone Blog]

  • Today's most recreated video: Goldeneye Live Action N64

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    This is by no means new stuff, and might be old to some of you, but it's so darned good that we had to share it. Some people with a lot of time on their hands recreated GoldenEye in live-action goodness, complete with the score and sound effects from the game. That garage scene is FTW!While that whining alarm sound brought back too many nightmares, this really makes us want to drag the N64 out of storage and hook it up, just to play GoldenEye again. If Nintendo sticks this on the Virtual Console, it'll go through the roof.[Thanks, uakronkid]

  • Euro PlayStation 3 buyers get a James Bond bonus

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    After the somewhat disappointing Talladega Nights pack-in with the U.S. release of the PlayStation 3, Sony has announced that the first 500,000 people to buy a European PS3 and register it on the PlayStation Network will get a free copy of the James Bond flick Casino Royale. Sony's been pimping Blu-ray synergy with the movie from the start, as it prominently features a Blu-ray player in one scene, and is headlining Sony Pictures 2007 lineup of releases. Casino Royale is slated for U.S. release on March 13th while the PS3 hits Europe on March 23rd.[Via Joystiq]

  • Sony incentivizes Euro PS3 with Casino Royale Blu-ray

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    He's dashing, he's debonair and most importantly, he's packing a very large gun. Clearly, this is exactly the kind of man you need to persuade gamers to pick up a PlayStation 3 when it launches in Europe next month. His name is James Bond, and according to GamesIndustry.Biz, his latest outing on Blu-ray will make its way to the first 500,000 gamers who register their consoles on the PlayStation Network.Sony's VP of brand and consumer marketing, Darren Carter, calls Casino Royale a "phenomenal incentive" for gamers to join the PS3's online service, no doubt drawing attention to the fact that it's a hell of a lot better than Talladega Nights. Catch all the reckless driving, lustful double-crossing and unashamed Daniel Craig-ery on your European PS3 when it launches on March 23.

  • Nintendo holds key to franchise longevity, profitability

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    As noted earlier, a list published by UK newspaper The Independent reveals what many already assume; Nintendo's Mario is the best-selling franchise of all time. Coupled with the second best-selling franchise Pokémon (also a Nintendo property), the two series, which have sold a combined 348 million games worldwide, account for nearly 34% of the total sales of the top-twenty best-selling franchises; which include two additional Nintendo IPs ranked in the top ten, Donkey Kong and Zelda. So what's Nintendo's secret?Cross-culture appeal, spin-offs (e.g., racers, sports titles, puzzlers), brand saturation (e.g., apparel, card games, TV shows), and E-ratings all appear part of a profitable formula built for the long haul.

  • Sony Pictures reveals first quarter Blu-ray release schedule

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has revealed its first quarter Blu-ray lineup, and the studio is putting the new Bond front and center right away. A Blu-ray player was featured in the movie as a result of the close ties so we're not very surprised, but new Bond Daniel Craig is actually hitting Blu-ray twice in one day. The studio is releasing another film of his, the previously delayed Layer Cake, the same day. Both are on dual-layer 50GB discs and feature uncompressed soundtracks, which make up a large part of SPHE's early 2007 lineup, while Casino Royale is encoded in MPEG-4 AVC. Also of note is Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the second Blu-ray movie featuring Blu-Wizard technology to custom select special features that can then play during the movie. Hopefully this combination of high profile movie and 50GB disc works out better than on the universally panned transfer of Talladega Nights. Check the press release for complete special features details or after the break for a list of movies and release dates.