james bond


  • Goldeneye: Source beta released

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The 22-man team working to modernize Goldeneye 64 with the Source Engine have given everyone the perfect Christmas gift: a public beta showing off the fruits of their labor. (It's just a step above last year's present, the alpha version.)The mod, which requires a Source-based game to work, has already garnered much attention over the years for the level of detail in its stage design and weaponry. All information, including known bugs, can be found on the developer Wiki. Here are some suggestions, via the mod's main website, on how to stabilize the game: Check for and download latest video card drivers A server with 10 people seems to work better Have the Base SDK installed Download the mod again on another mirror and reinstall the mod. Turn HDR off Turn shadow detail on low A patch is being planned but no date has been determined.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

  • Sony announces 007 Micro Vault USB drive

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Looking to leave no corner of your gadget bag untouched by its license to cash in, Sony is following up its Bond-themed laptop/digital camera bundle with a 007-branded Micro Vault USB drive. Available in only a 1GB model (Q would definitely not approve), the drive sports a sleek piano black finish and comes pre-loaded with the Casio Royale movie trailer, as well as four 1,920 x 1,080 Bond-related wallpaper images. Other than that, however, it's a standard Sony flash drive, with the trademark retractable USB connector and Virtual Expander compression software to squeeze as much data as possible onto the drive. No word on how much of a premium it'll cost you over a regular Micro Vault, if any, but it should be available sometime before the movie's premiere later this month.[Via Photography Blog]

  • Sony kicks out 007 Edition VAIO TX / DSC-T50B Cybershot

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    No double agent facade is complete with just an uber-stealthy Sony Ericsson cellphone, as everyone understands that no impossible improbable heist goes down without wiring a few mil to that heavily secured offshore account. Stepping up to the oh-so-dodgy challenge is Sony's own 007 Edition VAIO TX ultraportable, slimmed down to just 1-inch thick and weighing 2.8 pounds in order to fit comfortably in the matching Attaché briefcase. The 11.1-inch machine touts a carbon fiber enclosure, WXGA XBRITE display, 1.2GHz Intel U1400 Core Solo processor, 1GB of DDR2 RAM, 80GB 4200RPM hard drive, Intel's GMA950 integrated graphics set, dual-layer DVD burner, and a snazzy "privacy screen" that blurs all on-screen content to curious enemies not looking head-on. The Casino Royale-approved device also touts audio in / out, Ethernet, 56k modem, a pair of USB 2.0 ports, 4-pin FireWire, MS / MSPro reader, PCMCIA, and the wireless tools (read: WiFi / Bluetooth) no undercover assassin could function without. For snapping up those incriminating reconnaissance photos, Sony bundles in a DSC-T50B (the "B" is for Bond, presumably) which rocks the same bevy of specs found on its less-secretive sibling, but sports a sleek, black finish and the obligatory 007 logo. While you may have got turned down when looking to become Pierce Brosnan's sure-to-be-legendary successor, you can live vicariously through Sony for just $4,299.99 -- but those desirable silhouettes are unfortunately not included.[Thanks, Will]

  • Sony Ericsson gets its licence [sic] to kill

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    The name's Ericsson, Sony Ericsson. Everyone's favorite purveyor of Walkman and UIQ-based phones seems to have paid good money to get their kit into the latest James Bond flick, Casino Royale -- and they intend to take full advantage of it, coming to the table with limited edition James Bond versions of the 3.2-megapixel K790 and K800 Cyber-shot phones. Truth be told, we think that diehard 007 fans might come away a little disappointed with the offerings, seeing how the only thing that makes them special is their new color -- silver -- and some bundled Bond-themed media (wallpaper, ringtones, and the like). Frankly, we'd expect a Bond phone to be lethal, but we suppose there might be some legal implications involved in putting that kind of thing on the market. At any rate, if silver cameraphones are your thing, better hurry: Sony Ericsson only plans on making them available through the fourth quarter to line up with the movie's release.[Via Mobiledia, thanks Allen]

  • James Bond's new gadgets in Casino Royale unveiled

    Cyrus Farivar
    Cyrus Farivar

    Over the years, gadgeteer James Bond has had everything from radioactive lint (On Her Majesty's Secret Service) to a wristwatch with a grappling hook inside (The World is Not Enough). Although we reported last fall that Bond wouldn't have any delicious spy toys in the upcoming Casino Royale, it looks like the movie won't, however, be entirely devoid of gadgets. Here's what we've heard thus far: Bond will get a new Nokia 8800 Aston Martin branded cellphone and his love interest, Vesper Lynd, will get a white Sony Ericsson K618 (or possibly a Sony Ericsson M600). Furthermore, Bond will have a very tense scene that involves an unreleased Sony Vaio, accompanied by a Sony Memory Stick Duo (are we sensing a theme here, Sony?). And yes, Bond gets a new ride (as always), rumored to be the new Aston Martin DBS. After we see the movie, we'll be sure to spill a 40 martini for our man Desmond Llewelyn.[Thanks, Juna]

  • Treyarch developing Bond game

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Those already picturing the mesmerizing possibilities of an action/adventure set in the world of financial loans will have to face disappointment yet again, as Ultimate Spider-Man developer Treyarch has been tapped by Activision to create a game starring the other and recently less valuable Bond. James Bond. Likely based on the upcoming film franchise reboot, Casino Royale, the game is targeting next-generation platforms and the general consensus that Bond games aren't worth a (Money) penny.Having rescued the Bond license from the metallic hands that programmed Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, Activision will no doubt attempt to do right by Fleming fans if they wish to reap the rewards from their investment. Giving Treyarch the job seems like a good decision, certainly superior to that of placing a permanently disgruntled, blond man into the suave spy's shoes. Indeed, it seems preferable to place the gamer in those rocket-propelled shoes instead. Who wouldn't want to be a man of mystery (like, which STD does he have?) traipsing across the world, bedding foreign beauties and then killing said foreign beauties when they inevitably betray you? Also -- casino minigames!

  • Goldeneye tested on 12 year-old, fails 'timeless' test

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    AddictedGeek.com recently dropped a N64, four controllers, and a copy of the much-beloved Goldeneye in front of a 12 year-old. Mind you, said 12 year-old, while a "confirmed geek," has never played a game that predates 2001. His entire gaming collection is firmly rooted in a high end PC, Xbox 360, and PS2.So what was this young upstart's reaction to what many of us consider a 'timeless classic?' Well, the little bastard panned it:"The single-player was one of the worst I have ever played ... I can see why it was so popular when it first came out, but nowadays very few aspects of the game stand out, and many more pull it back ... it wasn't long before we pulled out Halo 2." (Kids these days...)

  • Video proof: FPS characters walk real funny

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    You know how, in first person shooters, you're running all the time while observing the polygonal world down the barrel of a gun? Yeah, good times. As clear and undeniable proof that not only are video games not realistic but they're totally funny, we point you towards this Goldeneye spoof-video where our would be James Bond kicks his feet so high in the air, it reminds me of ... well, me in high school gym class I guess. Check out the video (embedded after the break) while I drown my high school memories in round after round of XBLA UNO. Who's the nerd now?[Via Cathode Tan]

  • 600 PowerMacs used for 007 Ultimate DVD Collection

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Eureka! After all this MacBook/Intel Mac news lately, we finally come across some news about the good ol' faithful PowerMac, or to be more specific: 600 of them. Taking a cue from Microsoft Vista naming conventions, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is releasing a James Bond Ultimate Edition DVD Collection, in which every 007 film has been remastered and digitally enhanced for that oh-so 21st century gleam. The remastering was done by DTS Digital Images using 600 PowerMac G5s, or what I like to refer to as "more PowerMacs than you or I will ever see in a lifetime".Mike Inchalik, DTS Digital Images vice president of strategy and marketing, stressed the renowned reliability of PowerMacs as a key factor in this undertaking. The company had to process 42 miles of film and scanned each frame at a resolution of 4,000 x 3,000 pixels in preparation of higher-resolution releases in the future. Ultimately, over 700 terabytes of storage were required for the project as each single frame of film is a whopping 45 megabytes. Apple, if you're listening, I think you're gonna have to boost your MacBook Pro hard drive capacities for movie editors. Just a hunch.Check out the full details on this project's undertaking, as well as some hints at future portable (iPod) video technologies, at Macworld UK.[thanks Yak!]

  • Bond takes order from Activision, EA's out

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    As of yesterday, our favorite secret-agent with a license to kill will be taking orders from somewhere else. Yup, M EA's out of the picture and number two publisher, Activision, will be handling the James Bond franchise from now on. "Who does number two work for?"EA has been chasing the success of Rare's 1997 N64 classic, Goldeneye; having secured the rights to the Bond franchise until 2009, EA has made five Bond titles, none of which achieved Goldeneye's level of success. When Sony bought MGM in 2004, things apparently went south (shades of the messy Never Say Never Again situation). EA has since decided to give up the franchise to "refocus on all-new games" allowing Activision to obtain the exclusive license to the franchise until 2014. Will Activision reinvigorate the Bond franchise while EA creates attractive, original titles? Never say never.[Thanks to everyone that sent this one in](Update: cleared up some confusing language. It's much better now.)