
  • Massively interviews NetDevil on PvP and more in Jumpgate Evolution

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    We got the chance to catch up with NetDevil Producer Hermann Peterscheck on everything Jumpgate Evolution this week. With the game coming up fairly soon, we thought up some rather specific questions that had been floating about in our brains over the past month or two. Exploration rewards, mining, cockpit view, PvP and more are waiting just after the break.%Gallery-18375%

  • Meet Jumpgate Evolution's new(ish) community manager

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    This one managed to pass under our radar last month, but Katie "Khatie" Postma -- previously the community manager for Stargate Worlds -- is the newest community manager for NetDevil's upcoming Jumpgate Evolution. If the name seems familiar to any Massively readers, that's probably because Katie was one of the many community managers who spoke at the ION 2008 event. And for everyone else who's unfamiliar with her, we highly recommend reading through her viewpoints on taking an MMO community from pre-launch to live.We're happy for Katie and even happier for the Jumpgate Evolution community that should get her expertise as the game's launch creeps nearer and nearer.

  • The Digital Continuum: Sci-fi geeks need to experience Jumpgate Evolution

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Spring is right around the corner and with it comes warmer weather, rain showers, blossoming fauna and Jumpgate Evolution. As much as I'd love to think there are thousands of you out there that know all about the game, I get the feeling that in actuality the number is significantly lower. Granted, real-time action space shooter MMOs aren't exactly a mass market genre, so it's probably a fair shake overall.But what's really worrying me is that even those who should be excited for Jumpgate Evolution are seemingly unaware of it's forthcoming release. This won't do, and so I present to you the essentials of why a sci-fi fan should give this game some serious consideration for their 2009 MMO budget.

  • The Digital Continuum: Looking back while moving foward

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    This last year has seen a lot of things happen in our beloved MMO-world. Things like the launch of Pirates of the Burning Sea and Age of Conan delays seem long lost in the fog of summer and winter. It was all buried underneath the revelations of DC Universe Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic. And the noise created by the build up to Warhammer Online's launch seemed squelched by the silent wall that was the Wrath of the Lich King launch. It was all a gust of insanity that blew through our brains, creating ebbs and tides in our attention and interest faster than any of us probably thought possible. And just when we all thought it was over, Atari bought Cryptic.But it seems safe to leave our homes and wonder about the great precipice of 2009. At least until the next massive storm rolls in and knocks an oak tree into our recently mended skulls.

  • Jumpgate Evolution surpasses 150k beta sign-ups

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The guys 'n gals over at NetDevil are probably smiling ear-to-ear right now, as Jumpgate Evolution has just passed the 150k beta sign-up mark. That's a whole lot of interest for a space-shooter MMO and we're incredibly happy for them. We also can't wait to see how Jumpgate Evolution turns out after getting some hands-on time with it and face time with NetDevil producer Hermann Peterscheck. Look for future interviews and coverage from Massively as we keep an ever watchful eye on the up and coming MMORPG.%Gallery-18375%

  • Issue one of Jumpgate Evolution newsletter 'gates' into view

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The first Jumpgate Evolution community newsletter is out now and with it some new wallpapers, a few new screenshots and a peek at the Solrain Sector. While there's no big feature announcements or flashy "podcast production" videos, it's also the first newsletter, so we're being understanding. The Solrain Sector information is thin, but we do get this image of a blazing planet bursting at its seems.We're certainly looking forward to future newsletters and the information that they'll divulge onto the community at large. The past has taught us that people respond really well when newsletters are bristling with information of varying degrees, so hopefully this is just a warm-up for NetDevil. The earlier and more frequently they're able to communicate with potential players, the stronger Jumpgate Evolution's community is going to become.%Gallery-18375%

  • WarCry interview sheds more light on Jumpgate Evolution

    James Egan
    James Egan

    One of the most hotly anticipated sci-fi MMOs on the horizon is Jumpgate Evolution. Despite the videos, screenshots, and bits of fiction that NetDevil has been releasing to stoke interest in the game, some questions remain unanswered -- particularly in terms of continuity with Jumpgate's previous incarnation and how they plan to differentiate themselves from competing MMOs in the genre. To that end, WarCry has done a Q&A with Hermann Peterscheck, the Producer of Jumpgate Evolution. The interview touches on the challenges faced in the development process and the game's relatively low system requirements. In addition, Peterscheck discusses whether the game is really geared towards hardcore or casual gamers. See the WarCry interview for Peterscheck's views on where the game is and what he hopes it will be for fans of space-based games.

  • New Jumpgate Evolution video shows off dogfighting

    James Egan
    James Egan

    It's safe to say that there are a lot of sci-fi MMO fans out there who would appreciate a game that incorporates dogfighting into a space-based title. Jumpgate Evolution is shaping up to be that game, from what we've seen thus far of its combat. We've been following Jumpgate Evolution for a while now, and Massively's Kyle Horner recently interviewed NetDevil producer Hermann Peterscheck about the upcoming title. New video footage of the game, captured at PAX 2008, is now found at GameTrailers.The video shows off combat taking place within a massive asteroid belt. Have a look at the video below the cut, and let us know if you think Jumpgate Evolution seems to be your type of game.

  • PAX08: Hermann Peterscheck interviewed on all things Jumpgate Evolution, page two

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Massively: The flying and shooting felt really tight when we got to play it, did that take a lot of iteration to get just right? Massively: Control-wise you guys nailed that, because it took us a minute of fiddling around with the game to figure it out. Anyone familiar with shooters of any kind on the PC will be able to figure it out.

  • PAX08: Hermann Peterscheck interviewed on all things Jumpgate Evolution

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    On the last day of PAX08 we stopped by the Jumpgate Evolution booth, which was full of people with glazed-over eyes as they blasted away at enemy ships in space. After some time with the game, we sat down with the NetDevil producer Hermann Peterscheck. In-between our questions and his answers we also got to watch him blow up some space pirates, fly through a huge asteroid and battle above a super-volcanic planet with chunks of land -- that had a city on it -- floating in orbit around the planet. It was a lengthy look at a game that's already come a long way and is still showing some real promise, too.%Gallery-18375%

  • PAX08: Hermann Peterscheck interviewed on all things Jumpgate Evolution, page four

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Dude, I dunno if you saw that but I got a nice green item there. br> Massively: That's pretty intense, you're getting flanked. br> Hermann: Yeah that's what I'm talking about.

  • To shard or not to shard

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    As massive as we like our MMOs to be, the realities of modern networking have made sharding, the creation of identical game worlds hosted on separate servers, a practical necessity. Last week, Awen, Jumpgate Evolution community manager, elaborated on why the NetDevil team was looking at sharded server architecture. Understandably, players maintain that the ideal MMO minimizes sharding to allow players to interact with the greatest possible population of other users.As Awen explains, this isn't exactly possible with Jumpgate Evolution. While their spaceserver architecture--which is similar to EVE Online in that different regions of space can be hosted on different hardware and scaled to the server load--is technically capable of handling most of the challenges of going unsharded, the central-state server on which all the non-combat activity is managed, does have a physical limit. In a game that is focused on real-time space simulation, their focus is on minimizing latency, and that's why they're going to use sharding.

  • JGE gets new site design, re-apply for closed beta spots

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    The MMO gods giveth and they also taketh away. As the NetDevil team moves ever-closer to turning Jumpgate Evolution into a marketable retail product, they've undergone a fairly extensive site re-redesign, bringing them under the umbrella of publisher Codemasters. According to community manager Awen, the change was necessary in order to consolidate user information in one place in anticipation of the upcoming beta and retail releases. Unfortunately, this had the unintended side-effect of rendering the old JGE forums (and ostensibly the old beta applications) obsolete.If you want to get your name back in contention for the beta, you have to sign up for CodeM account, which can be done on the beta sign-up page. The forums are slightly more complicated, and require logging into the Codemaster forums first to get a display name. We'll be honest here, it's a bit of a cumbersome system, and we're not surprised in the least that JGE's dedicated community didn't take kindly to the change. Still, you gotta do what you gotta do if you want your launch to go smoothly, and they clearly thought this was a necessary step.

  • Jumpgate's Peterscheck talks shop, massive battleships

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Hermann Peterscheck is the producer of NetDevil's Jumpgate Evolution. He has a lot of experience working on MMOs -- including the original Jumpgate. For those reasons, Ten Ton Hammer decided he would be a great subject for an interview about the process of developing an MMO. You can read the result now.Apart from the revelation that the game will feature four kilometer-long battleships (cool), the interview was a little bit light on JGE details. But if you're interested in learning how and why games are made, that's okay, because there's a lot of content on that subject.We thought it was particularly interesting when Peterscheck explained the philosophy behind NetDevil's decision to make JGE. "It is very difficult to steal people away from other MMOs so you are much better off going after an underserved market," he said. He also suggested that every single big MMO succeeded because it (to some extent) created a new market instead of converting users in an existing one.

  • JGE writer talks shop in a pair of interviews

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    In their on-going efforts to win over the hearts and minds of gamers everywhere, the NetDevil team have been out on the prowl, sending out lead writer Keith Baker out to conduct a a pair of interviews to keep Jumpgate Evolution at the top of every gamer's mind. The first interview over at TTH focuses mostly on the Solrain Empire, the premier mercantile power in the JGE universe. Baker explains the choices players have within the faction and the general voice and tone that the team was going for in developing these hardened profiteers. The other interview over at Vault focuses on more general information like the link between Jumpgate Classic and Jumpgate Evolution, and gives an explanation for the context of the larger universe. You can tell that Baker is excited about his work and that excitement is sort of contagious.

  • Photoshop a JGE dev, get a closed beta spot

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    In one of the more bizarre contests in recent memory, the NetDevil boys are submitting the hair of two of their developers to the whims and amusement of the larger Jumpgate Evolution community. In order to participate in the contest, you just Photoshop whatever freaky color you think would look good on either of the pair of developers, and the two that most amuse the team will earn the winners a signed Jumpgate Evolution print and a guaranteed closed beta spot. Oh, and did I mention they're actually going to follow through and dye their hair that color as well?Now, this is pure speculation, but this blogger has a sneaking suspicion that this contest may have been the product of some heavy drinking. In any case, entries must be submitted on the official forums by May 20. So get cracking!

  • Meet and greet the JGE boys at ION

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    For those who have never had the pleasure of doing, meeting one's favorite developers can be a really world-changing experience. Having the names and faces that you read so much about on the internet turn into real living, breathing human beings is surreal, but quite rewarding. It's something we have the pleasure of doing quite frequently, but we have a feeling they enjoy seeing fans more -- since they don't ask so many probing questions.Those attending to the ION Conference next month, or even just those in the Seattle area, might be interested to know that NetDevil's Hermann Peterscheck and Scott Brown will be holding a Meet and Greet for fans on May 14th. We're told that space is limited, so much sure and RSVP on their official forums ASAP if you're interested in a spot. Their website was down at the time of writing this, but hopefully it'll be back up again soon.

  • NetDevil's Hermann Peterscheck is awesome

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    We like the NetDevil guys. Nay, we love them. They always exude an aura of earnestness and child-like enthusiasm that stands out even amongst an industry full of people who work 60 hour weeks for a case of Diet Mountain Dew. That, and almost everybody in the Massively offices is a complete geek for sci-fi, which makes their upcoming Jumpgate Evolution quite the attractive prospect indeed.This is why we couldn't help but link to this video interview that JGE Producer Hermann Peterscheck did with the Gaming Radio Network. The interview is a little old, coming from back during Connect 08, but it's still pretty amusing. Peterscheck just radiates passion for the project, and by the end of the interview you'll find it hard not to buy what he's selling. It helps that the game sounds terrific too.

  • Jumpgate Evolution in fifteen minutes

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    If a game doesn't grip the player after the first fifteen minutes, he is lost forever. At least, that's the theory according to Jumpgate Evolution producer Scott Brown. Kotaku recently took a look at JGE's first fifteen minutes, and reported on their impressions in a brief, though somewhat insightful piece about this pivotal aspect of NetDevil's sci-fi MMO in-progress.While their writer's comparisons with World of Warcraft seemed a bit forced (is it really fair to compare NetDevil's small team with the multi-billion dollar Irvine, CA juggernaut?), his impressions of the first few missions are pretty interesting. It seems like their efforts to craft a game that appeals to sci-fi aficionados scared off by EVE Online's uncompromising complexity may be bearing fruit. We hope to see more hands-on looks on the title as it continues to crawl its way through the development process.

  • Codemasters looking to publish two console MMOs

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Speaking with GamesIndustry.biz, Codemasters has made it known that there are two MMO titles for consoles that they are in talks to publish. Codemasters has done well as the European distributor of Lord of the Rings Online, and they will be publishing the anticipated Jumpgate Evolution later in the year. These and other MMO ventures have led them to explore new possibilities in the home console market.David Solari, vice-president and general manager of Codemasters Online Gaming, said, "the time is right for some good console MMO games", but also admitted, "it's a little more challenging because of the restrictions of a console -- certain games aren't going to work". Right now they're working on making sure that they pick the right games to bring over. They hope to enter the market within the coming year, putting their titles up against other MMOs that are moving into console territory, like The Agency and Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.