kindle 2


  • Know Your Rights: Does the Kindle 2's text-to-speech infringe authors' copyrights?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Know Your Rights is Engadget's technology law series, written by our own totally punk ex-copyright attorney Nilay Patel. In it we'll try to answer some fundamental tech-law questions to help you stay out of trouble in this brave new world. Disclaimer: this isn't legal advice, but it is best read aloud by a text to speech app. Hey, so does the Kindle 2's Read to Me text-to-speech feature really infringe on authors' copyrights? It's nice to be back! It's been a while. Yeah yeah. Get to it. Okay, so the issue is that the Kindle 2's Read to Me feature obviously threatens the audiobook market, and while at first blush it seems like the Authors Guild has a pretty weak case when executive director Paul Aiken says things like "They don't have the right to read a book out loud," it's not necessarily as ridiculous as it seems.

  • Kindle 2 first hands-on! (updated with video and impressions)

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    The Kindle 2 is here folks -- it should look pretty familiar at this point! We played for the unit at the NYC launch, and it really does feel great in hand. The brushed metal back is smooth to the touch, the device is incredibly light and comfortable to hold, and the keyboard is fairly usable. We're not convinced the five-way joystick is the best they possible could've worked into this space -- a d-pad seems much more logical -- but it's responsive and comfortable enough to twiddle with for what it is. Here's some thoughts: The five-way rocker is definitely a step up in terms of navigation -- it makes getting around pages way easier by allowing you to skip through individual words, and you can actually navigate simple web pages the way you're used to. The new dictionary pop up (it brings up your definition on the bottom of the screen as you're scrolling through text) is a huge win. It was a pain before, but looking up words is now super easy. Unfortunately -- according to Ross Rubin -- footnotes are still handled in the slow, laborious way they've always been. Text-to-speech is a nice touch, but it's still hard to get over that computer voice. We can see using this to hear a recipe or short news article, but we're not convinced it'll be enjoyable for a full novel. Screen refresh is way, way faster than the old model (they say 20 percent). The difference is welcome and noticeable. Moving through documents and back and forth between pages is a snap now. If you've been frustrated with the slowness before, this will be a big relief. The size difference is pretty remarkable. If you loved the crazy old design, you'll be disappointed, but the tradeoff in thickness is probably worth it. Furthermore, the new button placement is a big improvement, one which will likely make those accidental page turns a thing of the past. Update: There's video after the break, and we've added more shots to the in-depth gallery, including some mega hot head-to-head with the original Kindle. Update 2: We added another longer video after the break with a quick jaunt through the unit's interface and a bit of text-to-speech action. %Gallery-44174% %Gallery-44176%

  • Live from Amazon's Kindle 2 press conference

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    9:20AM We're at Morgan Library for Amazon's totally secretive, unpredictable press event. We're out in the cold waiting for the doors to crack, so hold tight for updates!

  • WSJ: Kindle 2 launching today with Stephen King exclusive

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    The Wall Street Journal just weighed in on today's Amazon press event with two nuggets of information. First, they state as fact that will announce a new version of its Kindle e-book reader. Additionally, Amazon is expected to announce an exclusive new work available only on the Kindle from best-selling author and be-spectacled weirdo, Stephen King. According to the WSJ, "a Kindle-like device" could play a role in the story. Oh Stephen, don't you know that they're all going to laugh at you? Find out all the details later today with our live Kindle launch coverage.

  • Amazon Kindle 2 launching on Monday -- we'll be there live!

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    There's not much of a surprise in store now, seeing as we've already seen official photos of Amazon's newest iteration of its e-book reader (and gotten a handful of info on price and release date). Still, we'll be there liveblogging and blowing it out Engadget style come 10AM ET Monday morning -- and who knows, maybe Bezos will announce some other colors.

  • Official-looking Kindle 2 pictures and pricing leak out

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    digg_url = ''; We're not going to call it official yet, but a bunch of very real-looking Kindle 2 press images just hit the tubes, and we've got to say we're pretty convinced. Although the device itself looks basically the same as in those previously-leaked shots we saw back in October, there are some surprises in store: it's way thinner, the back is apparently made of metal and there are stereo speakers at the bottom. We'll admit to missing the polarizing ultra-80s look of the original, but this thing looks pretty sweet -- too bad it's still going to set you back $359 when it arrives on February 24. We'll find out what's what for sure on Monday -- in the meantime check couple more shots after the break and way more at the read link.[Thanks, Alex]

  • Citigroup analyst says 500,000 Kindles were sold in 2008

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    While it could possibly have something to say on the matter at its big event next week, Amazon has so far been mum on the total number of Kindles sold, which has prompted folks like Citigroup analyst Mark Mahaney to do their own digging / speculating to arrive at some hard numbers. Apparently, Mahaney was able to determine that Amazon sold about 500,000 Kindles in 2008 by examining the company's agreement with Sprint, which seems to be a reasonable enough conclusion, although things get decidedly more speculative from there. According to Mahaney, the Kindle will be a $1.2 billion business for Amazon by 2010, assuming that the rate of adoption is similar to that of the iPod at the time of its introduction, and assuming that each Kindle user buys at least one book a month -- two pretty big assumptions, to say the least. As you might have guessed, Mahaney also has a bit to say about the seemingly imminent Kindle 2.0, which he speculates will be thinner and longer than the current model, won't boast a color screen or a touch screen, and possibly cost as low as $300. As they say, stay tuned.

  • Engadget Podcast 131 - 01.30.2009

    Trent Wolbe
    Trent Wolbe

    That's right folks, the Engadget Podcast is back for more. Once again, you're treated to the smooth tones of pure gadget goodness, though this week, our compatriot Paul Miller has been felled with a totally minor illness. Taking the controls in Paul's battle pod this round is Engadget Mobile editor Chris Ziegler. Hear Josh, Nilay, and Chris pontificate on the finer points of the week's big stories, including (but not limited to): RIM's new BlackBerry Curve 8900, Obama's old BlackBerry, Windows Mobile 6.5, a possible new Kindle, and Josh's inner-most feelings about childcare. Enjoy! Hosts: Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel Special guest host: Chris Ziegler Producer: Trent Wolbe Song: Blitzkrieg Bop 00:02:22 - Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis 00:10:23 - Obama BlackBerry alert: it's a BlackBerry 00:16:00 - T-Mobile BlackBerry Curve 8900 review 00:38:10 - Seemingly real Windows Mobile 6.5 screenshots trickle out of leaky internet faucet 00:54:24 - Amazon to host press event at library, innocently whistling when asked about the Kindle 2 01:02:48 - Verizon Hub hands-on and impressions Subscribe to the podcast [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (enhanced AAC). [RSS MP3] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in MP3) to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically. [RSS AAC] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in enhanced AAC) to your RSS aggregator. [Zune] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in the Zune Marketplace Download the podcast LISTEN (MP3) LISTEN (AAC) LISTEN (OGG) Contact the podcast 1-888-ENGADGET or podcast (at) engadget (dot) com.

  • Amazon to host press event at library, innocently whistling when asked about the Kindle 2

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    It could mean anything that Amazon is hosting a press event Monday morning, February 9th at the Morgan Library here in New York City. Maybe they just want to talk about how much they enjoy huge archives of original manuscripts and the smell of aged paper. Whatever the case may be, the last time we went to an Amazon event, they ended up launching the Kindle, so it's not crazy to speculate that we very well could see the introduction of a new iteration of the successful e-book. We've pinged the company for more solid word, but it's been radio silence thus far. Of course, we'll be there live covering any news as it breaks, so just plan on being here... or being square.

  • Amazon Kindle 2 no longer rumored for this holiday season, according to rumor

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    So we heard from Amazon back in August not to expect that rumored Kindle 2 anytime this year... but then there were those leaked photos of the new device, so people kind of went back to expecting it again, but, apparently we should stop doing that now (again). According to unnamed sources talking to TechCrunch, the Kindle 2, will arrive in a vaguely termed "early next quarter." The source says the device has been 'delayed' by Bezos himself, that the leaked photos we saw a while back are the real thing, and that a student version of the reader, which will ironically have a larger screen and be better than the standard one, will hit in the first half of 2009 as planned (rumored). Hard-copy of Wuthering Heights, your execution has been stayed another few months.

  • Amazon's Kindle 2 in the wild?

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    So much for Amazon's attempts to quell Kindle 2 rumors, eh? Talk of a replacement (or a pair of replacements) for Amazon's popular -- but very oddly-styled -- e-reader has been in the mix seemingly since the first model started shipping, and Boy Genius Report has scored shots of something that certainly looks like it could be in the legitimate pipeline. The revised device appears to address complaints over the original's look head-on, rounding the corners and ditching the oddball angles; the scroll wheel has been replaced with a joystick, the SD slot is gone (don't worry, there's at least a gig and a half on-board), and around back, we have grills that seem to suggest integrated stereo speakers. The display is basically the same size -- no color here yet, sorry -- so unless the sharp edges on your first-gen piece are driving you batty, it looks like this could be safely skipped by current owners while roping in new buyers who wouldn't have considered it before. Thing is, was ditching the scroll wheel and that trick mirrored bar in favor of a joystick really the right way to go?

  • New Kindle rumor revived, this time with a collegiate twist

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just last month we heard that Amazon could be cooking up a new pair of Kindles for the future, and now we're seeing another report that adds a bit of legitimacy to the claim. According to McAdams Wright Ragen analyst Tim Bueneman, "there are already several new, improved versions of the Kindle in the works," and while an MP3 version (saywha?) isn't in the cards, one with an "improved interface" is. Furthermore, Amazon could be aiming at least one of the new Kindle(s) at college students, though no details were given on what exactly that meant. Wait, do university attendees even read anymore?[Via CNET]

  • Two new Kindle models on the horizon?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Take this one with plenty of salt, but CrunchGear has it that not one, not three, but exactly two new Kindle models are destined to go on sale to the adoring indifferent public within the next 6 to 12 months. Reportedly, the first model is simply a revamped version of the existing Kindle with a smaller form factor, the same sized screen and an "improved interface." The second new version will purportedly be shaped like a 8.5- x 11-inch sheet of paper and should land early next year. Both Kindles will be available in a variety of hues, though pricing information remains a mystery. Hang tight bookworms, we've still got awhile yet before figuring out just how legitimate this is.[Via The Boy Genius Report]