laser pico projector


  • Way-Go flashlight uses lasers to light your path, GPS to tell you where to go

    We love just about anything involving lasers or robotics here at Engadget, so naturally, we're intrigued by Sriranjan Rasakatla's Way-Go flashlight that combines the two. It's comprised of a laser pico projector, GPS module, altitude and heading reference system (AHRS) to not only light your path but also tell you which way to go. It can be used strictly as a flashlight, but users can also input starting and destination points to have the Way-Go guide them. There's also a wander mode that displays info about your surroundings as you stroll around -- though naturally, such information must be pre-programmed into the device. Because it displays stuff that needs reading, the projector's connected to servos that can keep it locked on a projection point to keep it readable no matter how much you move the Way-Go around. Rasakatla sees the device being useful in search and rescue, backcountry trekking, and campus tour guiding -- odd, 'cause in our day, kids walking around campus at night were trying to find out where the party was at, not learn about the architecture of the academic buildings. Regardless, you can see the Way-Go in action after the break.

    Michael Gorman
  • Nioncom's pico projector-equipped mini-tablet gets demoed on video

    So, Nioncom still hasn't gotten its MemoryKick Vision out the door yet (the company has pushed availability in the the second half of 2011), but the pico projector-equipped "mini-tablet" is still alive... even if it's not so well. The folks at Picopros got their hands on a prototype unit from the company, though, what they manhandled wasn't exactly the Vision. Instead, they fooled around with reference design that sported a smaller screen (3.5-inches versus 4.3) and 4GB of flash storage in place of the 500GB hard drive -- otherwise the two are identical from a hardware perspective. So, while this is certainly a step in the right direction from the renders, you'll forgive us for not remaining a tad skeptical about about its supposed, upcoming release. Check out the slew of videos after the break, and hit up the source link for the complete impressions.

  • Nioncom announces Android-based, pico projector-equipped MemoryKick Vision

    MicroVision may not have any plans to turn the pico projector-equipped "mini-tablet" prototype it showed off at CES earlier this month into an actual product, but it looks like little-known Nioncom is now taking the idea and running with it. While it's still a bit too render-y for our tastes, the company insists that its MemoryKick Vision device is real, and that it will hit the US market sometime in the second quarter of the year. It's based around the same PicoP projector used in MicroVision's prototype, but it beefs things up with a larger 4.3-inch capacitive touchscreen and, perhaps most notably, a 2.5-inch hard drive that promises to allow for 500GB to 1TB of storage (it also pushes the device's thickness to a full inch). Otherwise, you can expect to get Android 2.2 for an OS, a 5 megapixel camera, WiFi and Bluetooth, an accelerometer, HDMI in and out, a USB port, and an SD card slot for additional storage. Still no firm word on a price, but the company apparently expects it to be in the "mid-$500 range." %Gallery-114996%

    Donald Melanson
  • Microvision's Show WX laser pico projector available to buy today, will ship March 24

    Okay, so maybe Microvision is a little late with the release of its pocketable Show WX pico projector, but we'd rather have a truly useful projector late than a useless one on time. This laser-based beaut will offer you infinite focus -- something we can vouch for having tried out the same technology integrated in a rifle -- which essentially means that no matter how much you twist or jerk the projector around, or how distant your projected surface is, the picture will remain in focus. An 848 x 480 resolution image can be scaled from less than six inches all the way up to 200, though you're most likely to stick with anything up to 30 in order to make the most of the 10 lumens brightness on offer. The contrast ratio is rated as being greater than 5,000:1 while the battery will last you up to two hours on a charge. The wallet damage is $549 for the standard edition, but the limited edition teased above jumps all the way to $999, for which you'll get a personalized splash screen, LE insignia, a certificate of authenticity, a VGA dock and some other trinkets. Come on, it has lasers inside, it was never gonna be cheap!

    Vlad Savov
  • AAXA L1 laser pico projector hands-on by Mr. Murkycam (video)

    Oh, you haven't been introduced to Mr. Murkycam? He's the darker, more mysterious cousin of Mr. Blurrycam; his services occasionally called upon to show off products like the new AAXA L1 laser pico projector. The device just started shipping and, according to the video, this is the first one captured in the wild. AAXA promises perfect focus on any surface, even curved ones, and while it's a bit difficult to tell from the video we've embedded below it certainly looks to do a decent job. The L1 also features built-in media player functionality and even includes a 2GB thumb drive for you to load up with whatever you like before slotting it in the side. Photo and PowerPoint performance seems a bit mediocre, and sadly the video doesn't show the thing playing any footage, but it does look like it works as advertised -- as it should for that $599 MSRP.

    Tim Stevens
  • AAXA intros L1 laser pico projector / media player

    It's claim on the title of "world's first laser pico projector" might be a tad dubious, but AAXA Technologies' new L1 projector may just be the first to hit the market, with it set to start shipping on February 12th. Like other laser-based models, this one promises to always stay in focus, and even project images (800 x 600, up to 50-inches) on curved surfaces with ease. Somewhat uniquely, you'll also get a built-in media player, along with the usual USB port, memory card slot, and composite and VGA inputs to actually pump media through the device. Just don't expect the same low, low price seen on some other pico projectors lately, as this one's set to run a hefty $599.

    Donald Melanson
  • Sony working to wedge laser-based pico projectors into its compact cameras?

    Nikon's Coolpix S1000pj camera/pico projector combo hasn't exactly taken the world by storm, but we're guessing it took a little while before Reese's Peanut Butter Cups became a global phenomenon, too. If reports from DigiTimes prove to be true, Sony wants to be front and center to meet the eventual demand for such cameras, working with Opus Microsystems to license its laser-based scanning mirror chips, projector tech that sounds similar to Microvision's Show WX. Word is that other camera manufacturers are working with Texas Instruments for the development of their own pico-packing cams, relying on TI's DLP-based tech found in the S1000pj and a variety of other devices. Which will rule the roost? We'll take lasers over LEDs any day of the week.

    Tim Stevens