

  • Spellthread bug, not that I'd have noticed...

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Like many guilds, my guild has a small bracket of level 19 twinks that are set up specifically to run the Battlegrounds and do nothing else. Now I've seen some of the people in guild really go overboard with their characters, pimping them out in the best blues they can get. I've heard about them running instances in raid format so as to wipe all experience points -- just so they can get certain boss drops. I've heard all manner of things. But this one just makes me go "wha?"According to Haetred on the official forums, since the patch people have been unable to apply the Spellthread enchant to any pair of legs lower than level 35. Now, originally his(her?) post wasn't saying "un-nerf this" - it was simply asking for consistency. If Blizzard was going to remove Spellthread's ability, then you needed to remove everyone's ability to have these in the lowbie brackets so as to avoid any potential imbalance. (We hear that word thrown around a lot in regards to PvP, really.) As opposed to that, Nethaera came back and let the original poster know that this nerf is an unintentional bug, and that Spellthread will once again be available to people of all levels in an upcoming patch. Now I can't speak for anyone else here (and I'm sure I'm about to get torched for this, probably) but it seems to me that Spellthread and Clefthide/Cobra armor kits are becoming the new Crusader/Lifestealing of the Battlegrounds. I can't even fathom using those on a low-level character considering what kind of money I'm going through on consumables. I'd be more inclined to sell a spare one than to use it on a character that eventually will level out of that gear. (Not that I wouldn't happily take the money from someone wanting to use it on a twink, mind.) What do you think about using Spellthread and the high-end Armor kits on Battleground twinks? Does it seem like a crazy expensive thing to do to you too, or am I just not 'l33t' enough to understand? I can't fathom spending that in the face of the cost of raid progression (well, up until now...) but maybe that's just me.

  • Insider Trader: What the ! -- In-game trade product searches

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Each week, Lisa Poisso brings us Insider Trader, your inside line on making, selling, buying and using player-made products.How can you pimp that hawt new epic if you don't know what gems and enchants exist to put in it? And once you find out what's available, how can you find a craftsperson who can do it? What used to be an excruciating hunt-and-peck process is easing up, thanks to several mods growing in popularity among crafters. These mods allow customers to whisper a tradesperson and run direct searches for specific types of products -- a direct peek into what that crafter can do for you and your gear.First popularized by jewelcrafters and enchanters, these handy mods are now available for other trades as well. If you like to ponder the possibilities without feeling like you're tying up a crafter's time and attention, you'll love the power of running your own searches. It's all handled via /whisper, so there's no public spam and you won't bother a soul. Rifle through what's available by stats, gem color, enchanting reagents required, gem rarity and more, all via the tradesperson's mod -- you install nothing to be able to use it. It really is that simple!

  • Insider Trader: When you want what they've got

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Each week, Lisa Poisso brings us Insider Trader -- your weekly inside line on making, selling, buying and using player-made products.Want to make a completist crafter crit in his pants? Give him a good whiff of something he may not even have know existed: Alliance- and Horde-only patterns. "What?!? They've got stuff I don't have?" That's right -- each faction enjoys a variety of profession patterns available only to that side via quests or faction-specific vendors.While most of these patterns are low- to mid-level frills, plenty of entrepreneurial crafters find them meaty (or profitable) enough to be worth jumping through hoops for. Beyond the satisfaction of having literally all of the available patterns in a particular trade, craftspeople may actually carve out a niche crafting items for players on their faction who don't normally have access to them.The neutral Auction Houses are a crafter's bread and butter when it comes to finding these patterns, although having a friend on the other side is even better. Almost all of these patterns (and the items they create) are tradable, although you'll find a pair of Alliance cooking patterns listed that remain stubbornly marked Bind on Pickup. But most are available for cross-faction movement via the neutral auction houses. There aren't many new Burning Crusade-era patterns to track down and agonize over, though -- just one lone Draenei pattern (listed after the jump). It seems that the bitter tears of Horde herbalists pining for Herbalist's Gloves washed the faction-specific pattern trend right down the drain.Read more for a list of faction-specific crafting patterns.

  • Get rich quick in Outland

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    And I do mean quick, because these prices likely won't stay this way for long. MBAzeroth points to a forum guide written up by Fanfan on the Mal'Ganis realm forums (that link, strangely enough, doesn't work-- did Blizzard take it down or move the thread somewhere else?) which he says netted him a shiny 1,000g in just two hours.All of it relies on the Primal motes of Air, Fire, Water, Mana, and Earth-- those mots can be combines to make the Primal elements used in all kinds of professions, from Leatherworking to Tailoring and Enchanting. Since everyone is currently working on making their way to 375, sales of this stuff are huge on the AH, and with droprates the way they are, you can net a pretty penny with just a few hours of grinding in these places. Of course that means the more people that find out about this (and the more people that finish their profession leveling), the less it will be worth. But if you get moving on this in time for the weekend AH rush, you could likely make a good headstart on your epic flying mount.The entire guide after the jump.

  • Adventures in Beta: Head, leg and shoulder enchants

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief: you don't have to go back to Zul'Gurub to get decent head, shoulder and leg enchantments for your new Burning Crusade gear. The old days of Jindo/Bloodlord runs are over, to be replaced with a myriad of non-enchanting enchantment options, as ably documented by Macalister on World of Raids. To summarize Macalister's list, most of the shoulder enchantments come from reputation with the Aldors and the Scryers, two competing groups of casters (more on them later). Raising your reputation with one will decrease your reputation with the other, so choose wisely! Both sides offer enhancements for most stats, but in different combinations, so it's not the end of the world if you go for one reputation over the other. Head enhancements are available from a wide variety of rep grinds in the Outlands. There are a ton of resistance enchantments at honored reputation with factions, and ZG-like stat enhancers at revered reputation. The revered enhancements cost 100 gold, and are available at revered with Thrallmar/Honor Hold (healing and mana regen), The Sha'Tar (damage/healing and spell hit), Keepers of Time (defense and dodge), Lower City (strength and intellect for some reason) and Cenarion Expedition (attack power and hit). If you're looking for leg enchantments, just find your local tailor or leatherworker. Tailors who do the whole Aldor/Scryer grind can learn either healing/stam spellthread from the Aldors or damage/stam spellthread from the Scryers. They can then embroider the thread onto your pants. (Note: Remove pants before embroidery.) Melee characters can look for the leg armor that is crafted by leatherworkers. Leatherworkers can learn to create stamina/agility leg armor with Cenarion Expedition reputation, and attack power/crit leg armor with Honor Hold/Thrallmar reputation.