

  • 'Life is Strange' disc puts every episode in a tidy package

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    If you've been holding off on playing Life is Strange until there was a really cool, commemorative physical release, your wait's over. Developer Dontnod's episodic game about time-traveling high school girls hits retail today with a pretty snazzy limited edition packing an art book, the game's soundtrack (featuring both licensed and original songs) and all five installments for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The collector's edition will run you $40, while the vanilla version is priced $10 cheaper. But! If you're an Amazon Prime member, Jeff Bezos is knocking $8 off the special edition and reducing the standard version's price by $6. That only applies to console copies, though.

  • These are our favorite video games of 2015


    Different strokes, different folks -- never has this been more true in gaming. And so, it's with that spirit of varied perspective that we at Engadget bring you our favorite video games of the year. There is no one-size-fits-all winner here. Instead, we're highlighting the best games to suit specific tastes and who better to make those calls than our very own staff of trusted gaming editors. So if you're still looking to make that list for Santa, get a gift for someone you know or just dedicate a chunk of holiday vacation to quality play time, consider our selections for 2015's greatest gaming hits.

  • 'Life is Strange' episode 4 enters a 'Dark Room' next week

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Life is Strange is about to get dark. Well, darker than all of the surreal time travel, stormy nightmares, missing-person mysteries and straight-up death contained in the first three episodes. Episode four, Dark Room, hits Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Steam next Tuesday, July 28th. Life is Strange is partly a cinematic coming-of-age tale featuring Max -- a young girl who returns to her hometown to find her best friend vastly changed -- and partly a sci-fi mystery as Max realizes she can control time. She uses her power to get out of increasingly dangerous jams and in the search for a missing girl, Rachel Amber. According to the trailer for Dark Room, this one is going to be tense (spoiler warning for all three previous episodes).

  • JXE Streams: Things get wild in 'Life is Strange' ep. 3

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    Life is Strange is an emotive sort of time-travel tale, starring angsty teenagers, viral videos and friendships tested again and again. The game stars Max, a high school girl who returns to her hometown to find a lot of things have changed, including her former best friend, Chloe, who is now rebellious, cold and searching for a missing girl. Blackwell Academy, their school, is packed with political drama and ominous happenings, and the tepid Northeastern weather starts shifting in odd, extreme ways. Oh, and Max can reverse time. You know, normal high school things. We dive into Episode 3: Chaos Theory live at 3:30PM ET (12:30PM PT) right here, on or on the Engaget Gaming homepage.

  • JXE Streams: Life gets weirder in 'Life is Strange Episode 2'

    Anthony John Agnello
    Anthony John Agnello

    Last time we played Life is Strange here on JXE Streams, Jess Conditt learned some hard lessons about being a teenager. First off, it isn't easy to reconnect with old friends after a long silence. Second, bullies come in all shapes and sizes in the Pacific Northwest. Finally, discovering the ability to travel through time is awesome, stressful and seems to entail horrible visions of your hometown getting destroyed by inclement weather. A little older and a little wiser, we're ready to dive back into the adventure and puzzle solving of Dontnod's so-called life. Join us for Life is Strange Episode 2: Out of Time on today's stream and you might get a free Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or PC game out of it.

  • JXE Streams: Diving blind into 'Life is Strange' from 'Remember Me' studio

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    It makes sense to stream the debut episode of Life is Strange with only barebones information about the game -- after all, life itself is often a blind stumble through odd and surprising events. I'll go live, solo-style, with Life is Strange at 3PM ET today at This is poised to be a weird one, featuring a coming-of-age narrative and a sci-fi twist: The main character, Max, has the ability to stop and move through time at will. She returns to her hometown to find a mystery involving a missing girl and Max's own former best friend, who has grown colder and more reckless. Get ready for angst, teenage rebellion, friendship lost and regained, and crazy time travel. So far, developer DONTNOD (Remember Me) has emphasized both the sci-fi and emotional plot points equally. Life is Strange -- let's find out how strange together from 3PM - 5PM ET.