

  • Lineage II brings a full update of Harmony

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Harmony is a good thing wherever you can find it. It's true in work, it's true in friendship, and it seems to be true in Lineage II as well. The latest patch, Harmony, will be launching on March 7th and bringing a number of improvements to the upper tiers of leveling: new quests, a new dungeon, and several updates for skills. If you're already near the top of the leveling game, the new dungeon of Kartia's Labyrinth is your primary destination, with the option to enter solo or in a party at level 85, 90, or 95. There are also a variety of new quests introduced, starting at level 76 and moving up. For lower-level characters, new Campaigns have been added; Campaigns are special zone-wide events that happen on a regular schedule and give everyone a chance at some bonus experience and Marks. New mentoring skills are also available to help low-level characters reach their full potential, the sort of thing that really inspires some harmonious behavior among players.

  • Ask Massively: Christmas Eve eve eve edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    After years of railing against the idea that Christmas gets pushed back further every single year, with most major retailers now preparing for it in mid-May, I finally understand why it's necessary to turn the entire month of December into a martyr for one appropriated pagan holiday: It's because sometimes it's really hard to come up with anything else to talk about, so you just look to the next landmark on the calendar and go with it. Coming up next week: Freedom Day Eve edition! Moving on... this week's installment of Ask Massively is not all about Star Wars: The Old Republic, but as you probably expected around now, it's still poking its nose in. Also, last week's Lineage II questions continue. As always, further questions for future editions can be left in the comments or mailed along to Questions may be edited slightly for grammar and/or clarity.

  • Ask Massively: Not everyone wants to be your friend edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    I don't dislike Lineage II, but my experiences with it sort of cemented my feelings on non-consensual PvP. Suffice it to say that it involved someone who had set herself up a little sniping-hole from which she would murder any and all low-level characters with an arrow through the neck. As she explained in the area chat, this wasn't for rewards or anything. She was doing it because she found it funny. Lots of of people do find that fun. But I'm personally not keen on that as a motivational technique. I don't want to level up so I can be one of the bullies instead of the bullied; I'd rather just opt out. Why did I tell you that story to lead off Ask Massively? As Bill Cosby would put it, I told you that story so I could tell you this one, or at least so I could answer one of this week's questions about Lineage II. Also, thermodynamics. If you've got a question for a future installment, you can leave it in the comment field or mail it along to

  • Lineage II adopting a hybrid business model

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Lineage II is in the minority among NCsoft's US offerings in that it requires a subscription fee -- but now even that is going away. According to an announcement from the company, the game will be adopting a hybrid business model in the near future to allow players to enjoy the game for free, in a similar vein to the recent City of Heroes conversion. This comes hand-in-hand with the announcement that the game will be receiving a Russian launch in the near future. While specific details regarding the new model have yet to be announced, the press release promises that it will allow players of all varieties to enjoy the game's several years of content. Considering the game's latest expansion, Goddess of Destruction, is promised for later this year, this seems like good news for anyone looking for a new title to try out in the near future. [Source: NCsoft press release]

  • The goddess is set to wreak havoc in Lineage II

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With darkening eyes and a thirst for revenge that may well mean the utter decimation of the kingdom of Aden, Shilen comes. Not content to rest on its laurels, the team at NCsoft is hard at work localizing the next major update for Lineage II: the Goddess of Destruction expansion. Just one look into her steely, cold stare and you just know all hell is going to break loose. After all, hell hath no fury like a Goddess scorned. According to NCsoft, we'll be hearing the first concrete information on the U.S. version of this update on April 28th. Until then, you can check out all the spooky CGI trailer action behind the break and bookmark the Goddess of Destruction page on the Lineage II website for when that fateful date in late April arrives.

  • Exclusive: Massively's Lineage II High Five interview

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Today's the big day for Lineage II fans, as NCsoft is dropping the much-anticipated High Five content update on the game's live servers. The patch features a ton of tweaks, additions, and improvements for the world of Aden, and it offers quite a makeover in terms of character skills for the seven-year-old fantasy title. High Five brings a new hunting system to the table as well as several Grand Olympiad enhancements (including new stadiums, visuals, daily quests, and rewards), difficulty tweaks on epic bosses, and matching system improvements designed to encourage more players to participate in raids and epic battles. To mark the occasion, we nabbed an interview with Lineage II lead developer Steve Chae, so head past the cut to learn more about what's in store for you courtesy of the new update.

  • Lineage II's Subclass Separation Account Service has arrived

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Lineage II is getting a bit long in the tooth these days, but the game still has a dedicated playerbase and still looks excellent. It's also feature-heavy in the way that only long-running games can be, complete with the fan-loved feature of sub-classes. Having an "extra" class on top of a character's main class is almost universally liked in every game that features it. Of course, it can feel a bit odd when you realize that the secondary class is more fun than the main class, leaving players with the question of what to do. Thanks to the newly-introduced Subclass Separation Service, the answer is now "play that class." Not only does the new service free the subclass from you old character, allowing you to potentially choose a different one, it creates a new character of that class at the same level the subclass had reached. That means that it's ready to go as a main class right away, and without the burden of low-level questing. While not for everyone, there are no doubt several Lineage II players who can find quite good use for this new feature. (Or this feature helpfully adapted from Tabula Rasa, whichever you prefer.)

  • Korea rules that virtual currencies can be exchanged for real money

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The odd thing about us gamers is that we seem to think of the various doodads in our games as being real -- even more to the point, as being ours. We think and act as if we're owed some compensation if we're deprived of them. Which is silly, really -- after all, that Monster Signa isn't a real staff, that Deputy Chain Coat isn't a real coat, and all that gold isn't real money. Except that now, in South Korea, it is. A ruling by the nation's supreme court has stated that virtual currency is the equivalent of real-world money. Even more sweeping are the details of the case that led to the ruling, in which two men were on trial for exchanging a large amount of Lineage II Adeena for cold, hard currency. For those of you who might not be drawing the link, the core there is that selling in-game currency for real money is essentially just an exchange of currency and perfectly legal in South Korea. This could have sweeping implications for RMT operations the world over, not to mention free-to-play games and... well, online games in general. The official story is available online from both the Korea Times and JoongAng Daily.

  • Lineage II's Kratei's Cube has ruthless PvP, extremely creepy mobs

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Having looked at Pailaka and New Kamaloka, we're as pleased about Lineage II's Gracia Part 2 update as anyone, but we have to admit we're now a little... creeped out. NCsoft has described another adventure area appearing in the update -- Kratei's Cube -- and as awesome as it sounds, those demented killer anime doll monsters are just plain freaky. It's high fantasy, not Chucky, alright?Kidding aside, we've got the scoop on what you can find in Kratei's Cube. Once you sign up through an NPC on Fantasy Isle, you'll be whisked away to a big maze that resets every 30 minutes. During each cycle, players kill monsters -- and each other -- in a competition to rack up the most points. Once things settle down, folks receive experience, SP, and Fantasy Isle coins based on their performance.The cool thing is that if you die in the maze, you'll pop back in with full health and mana, so there should be very little downtime. If you're in a party, carrying a cursed weapon, or of chaotic orientation, don't bother signing up though -- you won't be allowed in. Poor you! [Via MMORPG]

  • Lineage II to offer main/subclass switch-ups this summer

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    In the coming Hellbound expansion for Lineage II, the level cap will be increased to 85 for main classes, and 80 for subclasses. Because a lot of players have grown more attached to their subclass than their main, having it lagging 5 levels behind would not be a desirable situation. To address this, an event dubbed "Choose your Destiny" will take place this summer, allowing players the opportunity to switch one of their subclasses with their main class.Understandably, such a major change to a character is subject to a lengthy list of eligibility requirements, limitations, and consequences. There are a handful of main classes that cannot take part in the event, and certain sub and main class combinations won't work either. Subclass certified skills are reset, and certificates are removed. Above all, this process can only occur once, so you'll need to be sure of your decision. Check out the full details at the "Choose your Destiny" page -- we're expecting more date and time details to be given some time soon.