

  • Today's queueiest game video: Miyamoto keynote line

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    It took a good four minutes to traverse roughly half the line that circled a whole city block around the Moscone center's South Hall. We know your time is important, though, so we sped the above up to double speed.

  • My sister's quest for a Wii

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    I was rubbing the sleep from my eyes after waking up way too early for a Sunday morning when I got a call from my 13-year-old sister, Paige (pictured to the right). "How's it going?" I asked. "Not good," she said.Paige wasn't that excited about the Wii when it first came out, but sometime in mid-December the hype (and the promise of a new Wario Ware game) hit her like a ton of bricks. Since then, she's been clamoring for the hard-to-find system in a big way, constantly working the phones to nearby Rockville, Md., retailers and scanning sites like iTrackr in the hopes of catching a shipment. After a few weeks of fruitless hunting, Paige was begging me to ask my "Nintendo girlfriend" (a.k.a. my PR contact) to send her a system. When I told her it doesn't quite work that way, she told me to use my "sexy looks" to sway her. Apparently the search for a Wii had made her delusional.I knew I probably shouldn't be encouraging my sister's compulsion, but when I saw all the chatter on Joystiq about retailers holding Wii systems for sale, I had to tell her. After poring over the available data Saturday night, we developed a plan to wake up early and stake out the most likely candidates before they opened on Sunday morning. Paige and my mom would hit the Rockville stores, I would try the retailers in my local Laurel, about an hour away (yes, I got recruited into camping for my sister. Yes, I am a sucker.)

  • Line Rider to hit DS and Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    In looking to bring the fun and quirky Flash-based game to Nintendo's gaming systems, inXile Entertainment is hoping to exceed the success of the game on the internet. They plan on releasing the adaptation by spring including some sort of multiplayer aspect, but one must ask exactly what they are planning on doing to justify the cost of the title beyond that?Considering one could just access the student-created application online whenever they want, why would DS and Wii owners, in their right mind, purchase inXile Entertainment's adaptation? Also, considering that the Wii browser's free trial starts very soon, why wouldn't Wii owners just play it that way?[Via Joystiq]

  • Line Rider to hit Wii and DS

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    In looking to bring the fun and quirky Flash-based game to Nintendo's gaming systems, inXile Entertainment is hoping to exceed the success of the game on the internet. They plan on releasing the adaptation by spring including some sort of multiplayer aspect, but one must ask exactly what they are planning on doing to justify the cost of the title beyond that?Considering one could just access the student-created application online whenever they want, why would DS and Wii owners, in their right mind, purchase inXile Entertainment's adaptation? Also, considering that the Wii browser's free trial starts very soon, why wouldn't Wii owners just play it that way?[Via Joystiq]

  • PS3 shooting victim is unemployed eBay profiteer

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    A few weeks ago, gamers across the country were shocked at the devotion of a Connecticut man who was shot and hospitalized during his wait for the PS3. Such a man must be extremely devoted to video games to risk his life for the latest next-gen system, right?Wrong. A follow-up article by the Worcester Telegram & Gazette reveals that 21-year-old Michael Penkala was waiting "not because he's a fan of the popular game system but because he saw a business opportunity." The unemployed Penkala, whose "only means of income at the moment is selling T-shirts, Beanie Babies and New England Patriots plush toys on his front lawn," was carrying $2,600 in cash to purchase four PS3s to resell on eBay (with the help of three friends waiting in line).What's more, after being shot by the fleeing would-be robbers, Penkala's first instinct was to make sure his friends got the money to purchase the systems. "For some reason I wasn't thinking about my wound, I was all about those PlayStations," Penkala is quoted as saying.The eBay proceeds from the four PS3s Penkala eventually picked up likely won't cover the hundreds of thousands of dollars in health care costs for the uninsured Penkala. Despite this, Penkala rejected the idea of pimping out his auctions as "the system he got shot for." Classy.[Thanks Avias]

  • Today's hottest game video: homeless people in line [update 1]

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    A North Carolina newscast about smart -- or exploitative -- entrepreneurs drew the most views of YouTube's game videos. These gamer-hustlers drove homeless people to local stores and paid them $100 a day to wait for the PS3.These console launches bring out the worst in people, but this situation is more ambiguous. Does everybody win, with homeless people being paid and the organizer scoring an eBay-able PS3? Or are there more ethical questions to consider?Watch the video after the break.[Update 1: Thanks Kozwiz for the spelling fix.]

  • A special message from Nintendo Wii Fanboy

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    It's here, folks. For many of us, years of waiting ends tomorrow at 12:01 AM, a mere twenty-four hours from now. And indeed, perhaps almost as fun as the Wii itself will be the camping out, braving the elements with your fellow Nintendo die-hards. But, a word of caution.As you very well may know, the PS3 launch was horrendously chaotic. Reports are still coming in from around the country on various shootings, robberies, mayhem, and general discourtesy. It's true that Nintendo will have a larger initial stock, but the demand is no less. We at the Fanboy kindly ask that you show patience and kindness during your launch-day festivities, and remember that you're all there for a common purpose. Should you fail to claim a system on the day of, please, show respect and courtesy to those around you regardless. A few days truly isn't that long in the grand scheme of the things, and the last thing we want is to see someone get hurt over something designed to bring enjoyment and fun to the masses.And with that out of the way, it's time to rock this thing. Nintendo Wii, here we come!

  • PS3 crime spree, part II: Fall of man

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    So, um, the PS3 is out today. Had you heard? That's right, that shiny box which has had been subjected to the harshest criticism, the loudest praise, and a shortage of epic proportions, has finally made it's way in -- and out -- of stores on this launch day to end all launch days. We got a pretty dang good idea of how ugly things were going to get last night, but who could've predicted 12:01AM would be greeted by such violence? We've got ourselves an actual shooting (none of this BB nonsense), hospitalizations aplenty (due to the genius who lined up 300 people to make a run for the door in the pic above), an armed EB holdup that netted 5 PS3s for the thieves, pepper ball riot control and an escaped convict just to spice things up a bit. Plus, all these suckers missed last night's episode of The Office -- how dreadful! Jim and Pam fuhevah!Read - CT man shot outside Wal-Mart, suspects still on the loose. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]Read - Armed robbers steal 5 PS3s from Ohio EB Games store. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]Read - Riot breaks out at Circuit City. [Thanks, John C.]Read - Police use pepper balls to control crowd in Tyson, VA. [Thanks, Troutman]Read - Escaped rapist apprehended in Best Buy PS3 line. [Thanks, MrMarvey]Update: While not actually criminal, last night's award for cruel and unusual went to PC Gamer, who were on hand in SF to try to convince a card-carrying line-waiting PS3 fanboy to swear off Sony forever. In exchange for a $7,500 Falcon Northwest PC rig, dude had to sign a legally binding contract to not purchase or ever own a PS3, under pain of death paying back $7,500. Some guy named Neil, who'd been waiting for 40 hours, signed his life away -- pic after the break.

  • Girl in Austin not sure about PS3, waits in line for fun

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    This video just sort of makes you stare at the screen with your jaw gaping open and go, "What the?!" A girl in South Austin who knows nothing about gaming at all "heard that this was going to be good," and has decided to wait in line at a Best Buy for a PS3. The reporter asks "What do people do for a living in order to come out here and camp out?" Casey's extremely truthful reply, "I don't do anything, honestly ... I'm just doing it for the thrill. Something to get out of my usual ... you know." We have a feeling she was about to say "boring life." The reporter accurately goes on to identify her as a girl, proving that there is still some top-notch news reporting going on out there, folks. She then goes on to say, "Us girls don't really fit into this environment with all this gaming." This is about as bad as the "math is hard!" Barbie doll, which we suspect the reporter probably owns and has propped up on her makeup mirror. Any female gamers out there care to issue some rebuttal smackdown to this reporter wannabe? Casey says all the guys in line have been really nice to her (mm hmm) by helping her set her tent up and take it down, and that friends have been bringing her blankets, gloves, and a beanie because it's cold out there. We wonder what she showed up in line with.Anyhow, Casey, we truly hope this is everything you want it to be. If it's not, eBay can help you turned those failed dreams into some bling. We have a sneaky suspicion that's really what she's doing in line anyhow. Let's do the math: does nothing + heard it was good + not a gamer = look for this console to be listed at about 8:37AM central time on Friday."Those waiting in line cannot pitch tents until the store closes at 9PM ..." We can guarantee that there's some tent-pitching going on in that line. We're at less than 24 to go, and it's fanboys on high alert! Plus look, a girl![Thanks, Collin]

  • 150 line up for PS3 in Rockville, MD

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Washington's Fox 5 News has the video of approximately 150 people waiting in a line that "grows by the hour" outside the Rockville, MD Circuit City last night in advance of Friday's PS3 launch. The story also shows that the store has only 100 consoles in the storeroom, leaving us to worry about the countless people who will likely wait for two days only to go home empty handed.The pole position in line goes to a father purchasing the system for a son to "let him know how much love I have for him." We should all have such fathers. Not all the line-goers are so selfless though -- one waiter said point blank that it was "more economical for us to stand in line and do nothing for three days, [then] turn around and sell it on eBay for two grand." The free market ... ya gotta love it.

  • PS3 hopefuls, part II

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We'll try not to bother you with every single second of these guy's Best Buy exploits, but a few soundbites TG Daily picked up from the Burbank PS3 campers the other day were just too good pass up. Apparently one of the campers called in sick (for two weeks?), and had to postpone his engagement to divert the ring fund to a PlayStation 3, while another guy quit his job altogether. Hit the read link for a full video of these crazies, who fend off naysayers saying "They look at us like we have nothing to do... but we are getting a PlayStation 3." Well, we would sure hope so!

  • PS3 hopefuls line up weeks before launch

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    And you thought you were a fanboy. A Cheap Ass Gamer forum member recently spotted 7 schmucks die-hard fans outside his local Best Buy, already queuing up for the PS3. A Best Buy employee claimed they'd been there since Monday, so we're thinking these guys just got the date confused by a couple of weeks, and are really kicking themselves now that the Cheeto stash has run out.[Via Slashdot]

  • Want a Wii on launch day? Here's how.

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Want to be able to stroll into a store on launch day, and come back out with a hot Wii in your hands? Check out the guide that Wiiloaded has up. Of course, if everyone reads this thing, then you'll be screwed. Cross your fingers and take some of their helpful advice like: find a 24 Wal-Mart to camp out in because it'll be warm, check out who is jumping on the midnight release bandwagon (Circuit City, Wal-Mart, probably more to come) and get there early, or visit a Sam's or Costco because they are frequently overlooked during console launches. Also helpful is the Target Wii allocation list that was dropped online. It hasn't been verified, but if the info is true then it will help you choose which Target to, er ... target. Here's a helpful online doohickey that you can use to search and find out how many Wiis your Target will get. Apparently our local store is getting 220, when they got zero on Xbox 360 launch day. Plus the sheer size of the Target Wii areas and the amount of accessories they have been offering for more than a month before launch make us think they'll be getting quite a few.With one million plus Wiis to be made available on launch day, and three million more available by Christmas, we don't think you'll have problems getting one. People are going to be divided between the Wii and the PS3, and that's going to hurt sales of both consoles while buyers try and decide what to get. Because Nintendo will have scads of Wiis in the stores, it'll make it that much easier to get one without resorting to eBay, Canada, or the black market. Only turn to those options if you're seeking a PlayStation3. Those are gonna be hard to come by.[Thanks, Marko K. and Rob Templin]

  • Toys R' Us nonsense [update 1]

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    I ntrepid, daring reporter than I am, I decided to brave the intense, soul-freezing cold that is Central Florida in October. My destination? Toys R' Us ... which I had heretofore not even known existed in my tiny town of Gainesville, Florida ... to check out the line. Reports were coming in of many TRU stores giving raffle tickets to everyone there, and having a lottery to determine the winners ... poppycock! The most devoted should get the system, and devoted there were. The first couple folks were out there at 8:45 AM on Saturday morning, bravely camping out for ... wait, a PS3? [update 1 -- fixed a small typo]

  • Why living in a college town sucks

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    And the answer? There are too many intelligent, dedicated people. As such, way too many gamers knew exactly what moment the local EB Games and Gamestop would be taking preorders, and our little town of Gainesville didn't seem to be of high priority for those little gremlins over at corporate.

  • Observational standpoint: PS3 preordering

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    All right, I admit it. I may be a Wii fanboy, but that doesn't mean I can't preorder a Playstation 3 and attempt to resell it for twice its value on eBay enjoy other consoles too. As such, I took a little trip down to my local mall (which has both a Gamestop and an EB Games) to see if I couldn't pick up a preorder for that bullet train of a console, the PS3, for pickup on November 17th. I arrived ninety minutes early, got to the front of EB Games ... ouch. Fifteen or more in line. I quickly bolted (provoking the ire of a security guard) to the Gamestop, where only eight or nine waited in line. I decided to throw my chips in with them.The Gamestop employee arrived about thirty minutes before opening. He actually admitted the first two people in line several minutes later, and presold them PS3s. He then came out to the line and said that his store had only been allocated two measly units. While I later found out that the EB Games had twelve units allocated, it was far too late for me. And to think, I could have slept in.Where does this leave us Wii-goers? Well, we know that Nintendo will have a hell of a lot more units at launch than the PS3, but this by no means guarantees you a unit. EB/GS preorders open this week, and if you want to ensure your spot in line, you'd best get there early. Use your best judgement, but the earlier, the better ... besides, chances are that a few people in line will be rocking the DS. Multiplayer action FTW.May the Force be with you!

  • TGS 06: Monster Hunter 2 features long lines

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Unlike the now-defunct E3, Tokyo Game Show has always been an event for the masses. The public could wait on enormous lines to get their hands on upcoming video games (something I'd love to have here in the States!). The general success of an upcoming product can usually be seen by the approximate wait for the product.Enter Monster Hunter Portable 2nd, the sequel to Japan's top-selling PSP game so far. The Japanese absolutely love this game, and according to Gamespot, were willing to wait for two hours to get their hands on it. Wow. (And they say the PSP is dead in Japan. Wrong!) Although the sequel will not feature any online gameplay, it does appear that the beautiful graphics will be enough to make the game an instant bestseller in Japan.

  • Sprint opens, closes data leak on customer service line

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    It sure feels like Sprint usually just can't buy a break when it comes to quality customer service. This time around, JD Power's sometimes basement-dwellers have been called out for an automated line that was just a little too ready and willing to dish out customer data to anyone who called in. Basically, you'd call the line, enter any Sprint customer's number of your choosing, and promptly be asked to verify the customer's compu-spoken name and home address --among other juicy details -- while calling another number would spit out their bill balance. Understandably, this raised a ruckus in the user community; to their credit, Sprint patched the system rather quickly and issued a statement to that effect -- but not without going into full CYA mode, pointing out that "this process operated well within the bounds of applicable federal and state privacy laws."

  • Cnet video of the line in front of the new Apple Store

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    So, you weren't standing out in the rain wait for the new Fifth Avenue store to open but you don't have to miss out on the experience. Cnet took a camera and a reporter down to the line and spoke with some of the people who were waiting. Amongst the folks are a man who flew in from Scotland to be there, and Stormy Shippy.Stormy Shippy, besides having an improbable name, blogged about his trip from America to London for the opening of the Regent Street opening.We Mac folks truly are a special lot.