

  • Borders Books testing game sales in London

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Those worried that these new-fangled video games are taking vital attention away from the written word likely won't be too happy with the news that Borders Books is reportedly testing game sales in its Oxford Street London store. A handful of PC titles sit alongside the store's selection of CDs and DVDs as part of a pilot program that Borders UK and Ireland Commercial Director David Kohn thinks could expand to be a core part of the store's business."When it comes to Borders, we believe that computer games could deliver a level of sales equal or greater than our current DVD business," he said. "This could amount to as much as ten per cent of total Borders sales."Kohn seemed particularly interested in adding Wii and DS titles to the stores' selection in order to "complement our market-leading children's line-up." Great idea ... just be careful which Wii games you put in the children's section. Flesh-eating zombies don't necessarily complement Hop on Pop.

  • TurpsterVision: London is HELL!

    Mark Turpin
    Mark Turpin

    Every Tuesday think "T" for Turpster and take the "a" in "day", capitalize it, remove the little bit in the middle, turn it upside down and you get a "V". Put the two together and you'll have TV for TurpsterVision -- the best Internet video podcast on Massively! (Never mind that business about it being the only video podcast on Massively...)Welcome back to TurpsterVision! I'm lovin' it that you could join me for my second show; not a lot of people realize this but the video below is a live stream to my camera and I have to act out the episode multiple times a day for you, the lucky viewers. This week I have decided that it is finally time to find out which is truly the best MMO out on the market. If you want to find out, join us after the break to see what you should be playing!

  • London's Radisson Edwardian Hampshire Hotel gets Artcoustic speakers

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Remember those absurdly expensive (and extraordinarily desirable) Artcoustic speakers we peeked last month? If you're a few bucks short of being able to acquire your own, you may still be able to get a taste of what they offer. For guests checking into the 5-star Radisson Edwardian Hampshire Hotel on London's Leicester Square, you can take a listen to the various Diablo monitors and DFS100-75 / DFS75-55 subwoofers that are placed throughout the hotel's reception area, lobby and hallways. Sadly, there's no word on whether or not suites have been equipped with any Artcoustic kit, but c'mon, you know you'll be spending your free time in the main foyer just hoping to see Baby Spice prance through.[Via Widescreen Review]

  • Nokia swings open doors to London flagship store

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    The latest of eight stores now open globally, Nokia has officially unveiled its London flagship retail spot at 240 Regent Street (Hong Kong pictured). The location could very well end up being the crown jewel in Nokia's direct retail strategy, lying within earshot of Apple's impressive London location at 235 Regent Street and covering two full stories of consumer space. As we've seen in the other spots, LCDs and color-changing walls cover the perimeter, while the floors and ceilings are clad with rich woods. A separate "Product Zone," "Solutions Zone," and "Retail Zone" all guide shoppers to different areas of the store depending on their needs, while a dedicated Vertu lounge lets the nouveau riche do their thing in privacy. If anyone has a chance to check out the digs this weekend, be sure to send us some impressions![Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • London's Heathrow Express to get half-kilometer-long LED video display

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    Because all of the posters plastered on every single surface on the inside of the cars is clearly not enough advertising for your average subway passenger, London is poised to light up a half-kilometer-long LED display in the tunnel between Heathrow and Paddington Station. Manufactured by Canadian firm SideTrack, the simulated video system -- which is composed of 360 individual LED bars synchronized to train speeds -- will replace a static version already installed along the same Heathrow Express route, thus allowing officials to change the message without swapping out physical signage. No word yet on who the premiere advertiser will be, but this medium would seem like a good way for rental car companies to make a compelling point: "Avoid these crappy ads, rent from Avis next time."[Thanks, Jamie D.]

  • An American Tourist's Abbreviated Guide to London Gaming

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    In America, Thanksgiving is a time of family, turkey, and football. In England, Thanksgiving is, well, just another day (although there was football). Unfortunately, I happened to be in the latter country with my wife and her family for the week surrounding the holiday, which means I didn't get a chance to revel in the Rock Band release or gawk at the Black Friday madness. I did, however, get an extremely cursory glance at the state of gaming and gaming culture as I toured the country's capital, London. Check out the below gallery for a glance at that glance, and be sure to read the captions to figure out what's going on. And, if you happen to be from England, I apologize in advance for what I'm sure is my total misunderstanding of everything I saw.Above: A totally awesome Real Puncher game at the Namco Station arcade. The game is apparently the sequel to Sonic Blast Man, which was a childhood arcade favorite of mine.%Gallery-11117%

  • SMS-based SatLav service guides Londoners to public toilets

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you've ever found yourself stuck in London with the insatiable urge to urinate in an alleyway, help is on the way. Believe it or not, a new SMS-based toilet finding service actually has the aforementioned predicament as a top priority to solve, and the Westminster City Council is hoping that people utilize the system to keep streets a bit cleaner. Cleverly dubbed SatLav, the technology enables individuals passing through London's West End to text the word "toilet" to 80097 in order to receive a (hopefully hasty) reply with details to get to the nearest public restroom. Unfortunately, the service will cost users £0.25 ($0.52) each time they use it, so we're a bit skeptical that alleyway urinators will happily cough up some coin rather than just sticking to old ways.[Image courtesy of BBC]

  • UK OQO announcement early next month?

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    OQO has been sending out invitations to a London press conference which will include a pre-launch unveiling of an unspecified product. They're also announcing what jkOnTheRun calls an Anytime / Anywhere Computing Environment, which is so vague that it could mean almost anything. The CEO of the company will be at the event too, so we know this probably isn't going anything as insignificant as a point update to existing models.[Via Boy Genius Report]

  • Heathrow Airport's parking garage to get automated tracking system

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Finally, someone has had the kindness to step in and solve the age-old problem of finding your car at the airport. Britain's Heathrow -- a major hub for scores of European airlines and their travelers -- is about to unleash a new wing known as Terminal 5, and as part of the package, its parking lot is getting an upgrade. A new automated system in the garage will snap a photo of your license plate as you head in, direct you to a space using illuminated arrows and an infrared camera tracking system, then issue a ticket which can be read at a kiosk when you get back. When you insert the stub into the reader, a digital display shows you a 3D map of the carpark, and points you to the exact location of your vehicle. According to planners, the project will reduce traffic, cut carbon emissions by 397 tons per year, and will halve the number of relationship-ending arguments that occur while trying to find a car.[Thanks, Rastrus]

  • An American player in the EU realms

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Kraylessa is, I'd guess, an anomaly-- she lives in the United States, but has actually obtained an EU copy of the game and rerolled on EU servers. She says she loves it-- her nationality is a topic of conversation, no one's been xenophobic, and while the lag isn't great, it's just about as bad as it was when she played cross-continent servers (she's living on the East Coast).I'm not sure how well I'd do playing on an EU realm-- while I'm sure the people are great (hi, EU readers!), it seems like I'd have even less chances to raid (with my schedule being so off), and as ocannie points out in the comments over on Kraylessa's post, customer service would be an interesting experience if anything ever went wrong. It would definitely be interesting to see the cultural differences, however, and it would make it a completely different game to be "the outsider" in Azeroth. Right now, the vast majority of my guildies are American (and quite a few of them are from St. Louis, my hometown), and it would definitely be a different experience to play entirely with people from the other side of the world.Have any of you played on realms in a different country before? Did it make Azeroth a lot more like actually visiting another place, or weren't there too many differences? Would you recommend it or not? I don't know if I'm curious enough to try it now (since I'm good and situated on a server where I am now), but if I had the chance to start a new game on another region's servers, I might give it a shot.

  • Venture capital and online games @ Virtual Worlds Forum

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Last week we managed to catch the Venture Capital panel at the Virtual Worlds Forum, an event set inside a nightclub situated within a rather eerie warehouse district behind Kings Cross train station. Plenty of black leather sofas with bloggers and attendees basked in purple lights, a glitter ball, and three bars provide an odd backdrop for discussions about monetizing the latest WoW wannabe. The overall atmosphere of this panel was very businesslike -- £995 a head means most attendees were on their respective company's ticket -- so if you want to continue believing that video games are solely a creative medium designed to further society through creation of fun, look away now.If you're interested in this subject, make sure to check out ex-Joystiq editor Vlad Cole's newly relaunched blog on video game venture capital. Now keep reading.

  • LotRO and Burning Crusade victorious at Golden Joysticks

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    The 25th annual Golden Joysticks (not to be confused with Joystiq) awards in London are officially over, and the MMOs were out in force. While Gears of War snagged the "Ultimate Game of the Year 2007" award, The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar took "PC Game of the Year", and World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade was the victor in the "Gametribe Online Game of the Year" category.The full results can be viewed on the Golden Joystick website. While the majority of the winners were serious "no duh" picks, it's a little surprising to see LotRO honored as the overall PC game of the year. Not that we don't think it's not a terrific game, mind you, but an MMO (that doesn't have the word Warcraft in the title, anyway) taking the award over the glut of historically more popular shooters and strategy games is a bit shocking, though not unwelcome!

  • Hellgate: London demo impressions

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    I spent a little time today to download and look at the Hellgate: London demo. Now, bearing in mind that I don't have what anyone might reasonably describe as 'reflexes' and my hardware can only aspire to being as good as lousy compared to the rigs around these days (that Radeon 9200SE has got to go). If you don't want to flip below the fold, and just want the short form, it rocked. Download the demo, run through it, get your credit-card out and preorder. Longer impressions after the jump. %Gallery-9112%

  • Hellgate: London demo available now

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    There's a Hellgate London demo out, for those of you who've been waiting for this maybe-MMO from the makers of the original Diablo (and lots of team members from the old Blizzard North). I say maybe-MMO because it'll be a lot like Guild Wars, in that it'll be free to play out of the box, and there will be a lot of single player fun available. But it's also got that MMO bent to it, in that you'll be able to pay for more exclusive content, and there will also be guilds and player housing. Oh, and did I mention it's an FPS with heavy RPG elements?So yeah, it's a game of many contradictions. But worry not-- you can try the game out yourself right now by downloading the hefty 1.4gb demo over at Worthplaying, GameDaily (disclaimer: AOL owns GameDaily, and they also own Weblogs, Inc, which owns Massively) or FileShack (shudder-- FileShack and I do not have a good history). KillTenRats says the demo lets you play as a Blademaster or Marksman, and that it'll take you through part of Act 1. He also hears that the demo is singleplayer only, so any big MMO elements will probably have to wait until the game is released.And the good news is that that's not too long a wait-- we should see Hellgate: London in North America on October 31st. Let us know what you think of the demo.

  • Regent Street Apple Store welcomes 10 millionth visitor

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Michal Revivo is a lucky woman. She visited the Regent Street Apple Store on Tuesday at precisely the right time. As "shopper #10 million," she was surrounded by applauding employees and handed a special prize: A brand new black MacBook, an iPod nano and a One-to-One training membership. Congratulations, Michal! Enjoy your new stuff.I'm now on my way to the Braintree Store to walk in and out of the doors over and over.[Via ifoAppleStore]

  • Double Agent audio duo partner again for Hellgate soundtrack

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    PC gamers eager to clean London's streets and sewers of demonic infestation this Halloween can expect to do so against a backdrop of "orchestral, rock, and ambient" music as Splinter Cell: Double Agent composers Cris Velasco and Sascha Dikiciyan have once again partnered for Hellgate:London's apparently eclectic soundtrack. Additionally, those who pick up the game's obligatory 'collector's edition' will also find the soundtrack CD neatly tucked away inside.Both gentlemen seem to be making a habit of working together, as in addition to the aforementioned Double Agent, the pair has also tag-teamed on other titles, including the TMNT movie tie-in and Spyhunter: Nowhere to Run. Individually, Velasco has lent his musical touch to such games as God of War as well as a Castlevania arrangement for the Video Games Live concert series, while Dikiciyan's credits include titles like Stranglehold and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. [Via press release]

  • CCTV overload in London not as effective as previously hoped?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While London, along with other parts of the UK, has long since been smothered by CCTV cameras and other forms of surveillance, a new report put out by the Liberal Democrats on the London Assembly suggests that all these watchful eyes may not be curbing crime. Dee Doocey, the Liberal Democrats spokeswoman, was quoted as saying that figured obtained in the study comparing the number of cameras in a given borough "with the proportion of crimes solved suggests there is no link between a high number of CCTV cameras and a better crime clear-up rate." Close to £200 million ($401 million) has purportedly been spent on building such an elaborate CCTV network, but this study noted that it still wasn't "entirely clear if some of that money would not have been better spent on police officers."[Via Wired]

  • Live from Apple's "Mum is no longer the word" event in London

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    9:17AM BST - We're, ahem, queuing alongside a few dozen other journos outside the Apple Store Regent, iPod touch ads in the window and all. And guess who just turned up... The iPhone guy! You know, the iPhone project manager dude who gave all the online tutorials. What's his name again? Bob! 9:23 - Strange packages keep entering the store. We wonder what's inside. Click on for continued live coverage!

  • Metaliveblogging Apple's "Mum is no longer the word" event

    Nik Fletcher
    Nik Fletcher

    Good morning, dear TUAW readers. London calling. It's Tuesday morning, and that can only mean one thing. We've been getting tonnes of tips that the Apple Store is down. The Apple store is still online, although tipster Gary tipped us off that the O2 store - the very same network rumoured to be the sole carrier of the iPhone here in the U.K. is in fact offline. Yes, that's right - iDay / iPhone Day / totally iPhone-unrelated announcement day is upon us, so sit back and enjoy the show. If you're short of reading material before the event, we'd recommend you check out this article in yesterday's Guardian about the deals rumoured to have been struck to bring the iPhone to our fair isle and beyond.Summary iPhone coming to the U.K. November 9th Will cost £269 and be available from Apple Retail stores and the Carphone Warehouse. 8GB model, EDGE not 3G (so the same model as the US). iTunes WiFi Music Store will of course come with the iPhone. O2 is the exclusive carrier Contracts cost £35, £45 or £55 a month and include unlimited (within fair-use) WiFi at The Cloud hotspots and EDGE & GPRS on O2. For more details there's a shiny new O2 page here. If you want to read the live text transcript, click the link below.

  • Steve Jobs arrives in London: jeans, turtleneck and New Balance expected soon

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Listen folks, if you had even a slight bit of concern that tomorrow's "Mum is no longer the word" announcement from Apple was going to be anything less than monumental, you can now put those fears to bed. Steve Jobs, AKA El-Jobso, AKA the Jobs-man, AKA Jobbers is in London as we speak, undoubtedly standing in front of a full length mirror and practicing saying, "Oh, one more thing," with a fake British accent. You have been warned: there will be at least one human being in England tomorrow wearing stonewashed jeans and your dad's turtleneck.