

  • Drama Mamas: Too shy for an MMO

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Drama Mamas Lisa Poisso and Robin Torres are experienced gamers and real-life mamas -- and just as we don't want our precious babies to be the ones kicking and wailing on the floor of the checkout lane next to the candy, neither do we want you to become known as That Guy on your realm. Dear Blizzard, Please give us a release date so that our friends will come back to Azeroth. Much love, Your Current Players My wife bought me a copy of WoW in the weeks before BC came out. There was a large percentage of WoW players among our friends and family: I, my wife, her brother, his wife- her two brothers, father, and mother all played. When my wife and I divorced, I still played with all of my extended real-life WoW family (in fact, my ex-wife's new husband was in our RL family/friend guild for a while, along with her sister-in-law's second husband, whew I know.). Among these and their real-life friends, I could easily play with any of over twenty different people I was friends with in the real world. Now, in the lull that is the waning days of Cataclysm, I don't have a single real-life friend to play with. It has been over six months since any of my RL friends on my friend's list have played. I'm in a new guild (my first lvl 25), yet their guild roster has many, many toons that haven't played in months.

  • OK Cupid advises Panasonic cameras, iPhones for lonely nerds

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    While the kids at MySpace are hiding out in their top secret lab, hard at work on that portable media player, and the Facebook gang is busy looking for ways to make easy money off your personal data, the oft-maligned OK Cupid organization has one goal and one goal only -- to help bitter singles find love. It's a noble mission, and a daunting task, to which end they've pored through the EXIF data of over 500,000 of their user profile pics and came to a number of conclusions, including: Panasonic camera users are "hotties," while Nikon users are "notties" iPhone users are "doin' it" around twice as often as Android users Using a camera flash adds seven years to your picture There's more to the survey, and we definitely have our doubts as to the veracity of its conclusions, but we think we can all agree on one thing: make sure you remove the EXIF data from your pics before you go looking for a mate in cyberspace.

  • Visceral Games to stream Dead Space 2 panel live from PAX East

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Can't make it to PAX East this year? We feel your pain -- while there are quite a few Joystiqeurs winging their way off to the East Coast to partake with Mike and Jerry and the gang, there are almost as many of us still stranded back at home with all of you. But fortunately, our friends at Visceral Games are doing their best to share the love -- they'll be Ustreaming their Dead Space 2 PAX East panel live this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. EST. We've included the feed on this very post, so bookmark this page right now, and then come on back Saturday afternoon. Producers Steve Papoutsis and Rich Briggs will be in attendance along with Art Director Ian Milham, and the guys will "bring players up to speed on the Dead Space universe and prepare them for what's to come in Dead Space 2." They're even showing a bonus look at "the all new Isaac suit," and they'll be answering questions live from the simultaneous Facebook chat, too. Of course, a Q&A with the Dead Space 2 producers is little consolation to missing out on eating breakfast cereal with professional hugger Justin McElroy, but those of us at home this weekend will have to take what we can get.

  • So you didn't buy the Burning Crusade

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Just about everyone I know in WoW has jumped headfirst into the Burning Crusade, whether going to Outlands or leveling new blood elves and draenei. Many people who quit the game a long time ago have also come back, looking for a fresh start in the new content. But what about the people who didn't buy the expansion? Kaiza of Dunemaul complains on the forums about how Burning Crusade seems to be mandatory, and relates her experiences of trying to PVP without the expansion. She suggests that Blizzard create a 60-only bracket where people who don't buy the expansion can compete as, essentially, twinks. Her hostile tone makes her few friends, and most posters seem to have the same question I do -- if you love WoW, why the heck wouldn't you buy the expansion? The people I know who haven't bought it are either trying to quit WoW or had to wait for their boyfriend/girlfriend to get it too. As for the PVP brackets, I agree with Topspin, who says, "Look at it this way. People paid 40 dollars so they could whip up on people who decided to be cheap." Do you know anyone who's still playing WoW, but doesn't plan to buy the Burning Crusade? If so, why?

  • Your daily fix of funny

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    The "great and esteemed Ludwig" (his words, not mine) stumbled across this video today, and of course felt the need to validate his existence by immediately sending it to me. Though quite old (2003), the hilariously dubbed montage of several Nintendo classics has awesome to spare. Watch! And be merry.(A small warning: this is perhaps NSFW, due to a bit of profanity in the first few seconds.)