

  • Apple refreshes Mac mini lineup with GeForce 9400M graphics

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    After all that excitement in the run-up, Apple's done just about the bare minimum that was expected in a Mac mini update -- though we suppose the expected five USB ports will be a boon for homebuilt RAID enthusiasts, and the Mini DisplayPort and DVI plugs make for some nice dual monitor support. The new SKUs both run 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo processors and are backed up by the same NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics that've done wonders for the MacBook. For $599 you get 1GB of RAM and a 120GB hard drive, $799 nabs 2GB of RAM and a 320GB hard drive -- both minis have 8x SuperDrives. Configurations after the break.%Gallery-46432%

  • Apple rumor Monday, late edition: leaked specs, model numbers, announcement tomorrow?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    The flood of Apple hardware rumors just won't let up -- not only did commenters dig through those Airport Extreme and Time Capsule FCC filings and find evidence that the new models will indeed support simultaneous 5GHz and 2.4GHz operation, we've got iMac model numbers and leaked specs for Mac mini and Mac Pro, all of which are said to be arriving as soon as tomorrow. Of course, given the conservative / obvious nature of these updates, all of this information could be coming from some fanboy lair deep in a parents' basement somewhere and still sound plausible, but hey -- we'll find out soon enough, right? Here's what we know so far: The iMac will apparently come in an entry level MB147 20-inch model, as well as three 24-inch SKUs: MB148 "mass-market," MB149 "high-end," and MB420 "ultimate." All models will go to mini DisplayPort and feature Core 2 Duos up to 3.06GHz. The Mac mini will indeed feature five USB ports and that funky dual mini-DVI / mini DisplayPort configuration, but it's also apparently going to an NVIDIA chipset like the MacBooks and iMac. The base MB463 model will start with a 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo, and there's also a "high-end" MB464 configuration. The Mac Pro will come in eight-core configurations from 3.0GHz to 3.6GHz and 16-core configurations in 3.6GHz and 4.0GHz flavors, and it sounds like it's going to be even funkier on the video tip -- our tipster says it has two regular DVI ports and a mini DisplayPort. Sure, okay. It's also apparently a bit lighter than the current model, at 35 pounds instead of 42. Tipster Tom noted that the Airport Extreme and Time Capsule FCC filings contain direct references to simultaneous 5GHz and 2.4GHz operation, so that's looking even more probable. Obviously we'll let you know if all this stuff slips out with no fanfare tomorrow, but with PMA and CeBIT both going on right now, we think that March 24 date is more likely -- Apple does like to hog the attention, after all. Anyone else have any secrets to share? We're all ears.[Thanks, Anonymous]

  • Apple rumor Monday: Nehalem Mac Pro, new Airport Extreme and Time Capsule in FCC, Mac mini box

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Lots of Apple rumors today following the weekend whispers of a March 24 desktop hardware event, and they fall neatly along the plausibility spectrum: First up, we'd say a bump of the Mac Pro to Intel's upcoming Nehalem-EP Xeon processors is looking quite likely -- famed OS X hacker netkas was poking around in a test build of OS X 10.5.7 and found support files for i7 chips lurking about, as well as drivers for ATI's Radeon 4000-series GPUs. If you're making a chart, this one's right up there with an NVIDIA-powered iMac refresh -- it's a pretty obvious move. Second, new entries for the Airport Extreme and Time Capsule have popped up in the FCC, and while the listed dimensions are exactly the same as the current editions, there are no model numbers and something internal has to have changed enough to raise ol' Sammy's brows. That could be as simple as a new radio hardware supplier or bigger drives, but if we were placing bets, we'd say both units are getting updated for simultaneous 5GHz and 2.4GHz operation -- Apple's really high on 5GHz for laptops and Apple TV, but the iPhone and iPod touch are 2.4GHz-only. Let's call this one even odds, shall we? Lastly, a new picture of that improbable five USB port Mac mini has surfaced, this time purporting to show the outside of the box. Considering the Photoshop wars the last image of this thing set off, we'd say this is the least likely candidate for a Philly Schills reveal, but then again, Apple's been pretty leaky lately. That's everything we know -- anyone else have something to share with the group? Read - Ars Technica on the Mac Pro Read - New Airport Extreme FCC listing Read - New Time Capsule FCC listing Read - One More Thing Mac mini image [Via TUAW]

  • Rumor: mini packaging and an Apple event

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Update 7:30p: More of our friends around the Mac web are starting to dig out the details on the expected hardware updates tomorrow, and they could be substantial. MacRumors, Hardmac, Engadget are all pointing to the following details:2 new Mac mini models, with USB and display configuration matching the spy shots (color us surprised!)4 iMac models, with an entry-level 20" and 3 high-powered 24" SKUsMacPro refresh including 16-core models (!)DisplayPort standard across the line, and minor updates to the Airport Extreme and Time CapsuleWe'll be waiting eagerly by the Apple Store door...--------It's time to take part in a late winter tradition. I don't mean digging out from beneath another Nor'Easter. We're talking Apple rumor time, and we've got two.The word on the street is that Apple will hold a press event on March 24th to announce some new hardware. What that may be -- and who will deliver the news (our money is on Phil) -- is unknown.The Mac mini has been tagged as needing an update, and we recently saw a video that claimed to show a new model. Likewise, iMac rumors have been swirling about for a while now. We haven't seen official word yet, but we'll let you know if and when we do. Mark your iCals for the 24th with the status set to "tentative."Also from the mill is the above image of what is supposedly the new Mac mini retail packaging, as posted by the Dutch site One More Thing. From what we can tell, the mini on the box bears the same army of ports that we saw in the video: FireWire 800, mini DisplayPort + micro DVI, and five USB ports. In a recent talkcast, I called a big old "Bogus" on that model, citing all those USB ports as the issue. If I'm as wrong as wrong can be, you'll be the first to know.Even though the current Mini features its port lineup on the back of the box, something doesn't look quite right about this layout. Is that processor icon in the center an NVIDIA GPU, or an Intel chip? Maybe the box is legit, maybe it's a fake based on the info from the video.What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

  • Apple planning a March 24 event?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We're not exactly making plans yet, but word on the street is that Apple's planning a March 24 desktop hardware event. Both World of Apple (which has a decent track record) and a site called My Apple Guide (which we've never heard of but apparently has a "rough" prediction history) say the event's on the books, and considering the age of the iMac and Mac mini and the uptick in rumors lately, it's certainly plausible. We'll wait until we get an official invite before we start making bold predictions, but we're definitely hoping for a mini with at least 25 USB ports housed inside an old Disk ][.[Thanks, iB3nji]Read - World of AppleRead - My Apple Guide

  • Why not: A Mac mini inside an Apple Disk ][ enclosure

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    During last night's talkcast, we debated the validity of the most recent Mac mini rumors. I was in the "No Way" camp. I'm sure there's a new mini in the works, but I don't think that's it. At least, the machine depicted in that video isn't what will be offered to customers. I mean ... five USB ports, Firewire 800, two display ports ... why stop there? Throw in SCSI! LocalTalk! Cans and string!Or better yet, cram the whole mini into an Apple Disk ][ enclosure. That's what one enterprising case hacker did, and the results are pretty sweet. This mini has been so carefully placed that even the optical drive lines up with the case's opening. The LED has even been rigged to glow when the Mac is running. We love it.[Via Engadget & Cult of Mac]

  • Apple Disk ][ enclosure used to house Mac mini, enhance lives

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    digg_url = ''; We're still debating whether or not a new Mac mini really is just around the bend, but one thing's for sure -- this version is the gnarliest we've ever seen of the current iteration. In an exercise that will undoubtedly go down as one of the most incredible Apple mods of all time (okay, so we only partly believe that), Sir Charles Mangin has managed to squeeze a Mac mini into a ridiculously old disk ][ enclosure. Best of all, he even managed to align the single slot with the DVD drive in the mini, giving it a totally seamless look from the outside. We know, this will only serve to drive the secondhand prices of disk ][ cases through the roof, but at least you've found a new reason to love the mini that has served you so well for so long, right? [Via technabob]

  • Rumor: New Mac mini video?

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    In the last couple of days some images of what purported to be the next Mac mini have popped up on the Mac web, and then were also apparently shot down. The new machine was claimed to have a FireWire 800 port, mini DisplayPort, and five USB ports among the visible features, with a 2GHz Core 2 Duo and 2GB of DDR3 RAM on the inside. Now, adding fuel to the fire, a Macrumors forum participant posted the above video that looks mighty convincing.Of course it could be an elaborate hoax, but if it is a fake I think it's impressive that they've gone to this much trouble. Naturally we'd like to see it actually connected to a monitor and booting up. In any case, if this turns out to be fake, somebody has really upped the ante on the usual Mac rumor diet of bad Photoshop jobs and blurrycam shots.

  • New Mac mini revealed in video?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Look, we'll level with you: we don't know exactly what we're looking at. After seeing that Mac mini pic yesterday, we were about 140 percent sure it was a classic Photoshop disaster. Now we don't know what to think. One thing is for sure -- this isn't done with Photoshop. The above video was offered up by the original poster of the first pic to back up his or her claims of a "2009 Penryn" mini. Something feels fishy about this, but it's hard to write off the video as pure sleep-deprivation-induced fantasy. So what do you guys think? Crazy mod, new mini, shared hallucination? Fire back in comments![Thanks, Blake]

  • Mac mini refresh allegedly caught on camera

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Well, what do we have here? According to MacRumors, this could quite possibly be the next-gen Mac mini we've been waiting so patiently for. This guy would seem to correspond roughly to other possible "leaks" we've been hipped to in the past, including the presence of five USB ports, FireWire 800, Mini DisplayPort, and Mini DVI. Coincidence? Underhanded Photoshoppery? You be the judge.Update: Looks like the pic hit both MacRumors and AppleInsider at the same time, but the MR forum poster who put it up included some alleged specs: a 2GHz Core 2 Duo processor with 3MB Level 2 cache, 2GB DDR 3 memory at 1066MHz and a ATA Super Drive. Believe what you will![Thanks, iB3nji]

  • Mac mini, Apple TV to use new Ion platform?

    Robert Palmer
    Robert Palmer

    Tom's Hardware says that Apple will use NVIDIA's Ion platform in an updated Mac mini, and AppleInsider says it could also be used in an updated Apple TV. NVIDIA's Ion platform is a low-cost, small-form-factor logic board that includes both an NVIDIA graphics processor and Intel CPU (among other things). According to AppleInsider, Ion uses the same 9400M chipset used in the new MacBook and MacBook Pro models. We knew that existing iMac and Mac mini models are already using the 9400M as part of the NVIDIA MCP79 platform. Either way, with the 9400M, full-screen HD decoding is built-in. According to Tom's Hardware, the Ion package slated for use with the Mac mini includes an Intel Atom 330 processor. AppleInsider says that performance gains for a new Mac mini based on this platform could require OpenCL, a technology only available so far in builds of Snow Leopard. Tom's expects the new Mac mini to arrive in March, while AppleInsider, says that it could arrive "this month." Fingers crossed. The Apple TV, on the other hand, with its 1GHz CPU, would see a significant boost with Ion. The margins on the Apple TV are already tight, though, and adding more power could break the bank on Apple's "hobby" project. But what if the next-generation Apple TV and Mac mini were one and the same? It's a floor wax! It's a dessert topping! Stop, you're both right.

  • Rumored Mac Mini refresh said to be Ion-based

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    People trading in salacious gossip have been counting on an update of the Mac mini for ages now, with most of the rumors centering on it making its appearance at Macworld. Well, the festivities came and went without a peep about the mini -- but that hasn't stopped the rumors from swirling. The latest we're hearing is that the refresh will be built upon NVIDIA's new Ion platform, which houses a 9400M GPU -- the same graphics processor as the new unibody Macbooks -- and could mean an even minier mini than the one we already know. Tom's Hardware, the source of this newest rumor, also speculates on a March release date, though they're not guessing on the price just yet.

  • New Mac mini mentioned in third party press release

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    It seems like the signs are pointing to a refresh of the Mac mini when this year's Macworld rolls around. According to a press release by SeeFile, their new (version 4.6) web server software can be purchased bundled with a Mac mini server with 1 terabyte of storage -- which is odd enough, since the largest internal drive that ships with the thing is 120GB. And how about the release itself, indiscreetly titled: "New Mac Mini Hardware to Be Supported by Revolutionary SeeFile Web Sharing DAM Software." Of course, this could all be mere speculation, rumors and innuendo. We'll find out soon enough, won't we?[Via Yahoo]

  • Rumor: Mac mini supports 1TB storage, SeeFile

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Ars is reporting that software company SeeFile may have exposed at least a part of Apple's plans for the new Mac mini. According to a poorly timed press release (it's actually dated January 6th, the same day as Phil's keynote), the "New Apple Mac Mini hardware [will] be supported by revolutionary SeeFile web sharing DAM software." The SeeFile software is used to build a no-fuss, digital asset manager accessible via a web browser and starts at $499US.Here's where it gets interesting. Towards the end of the press release, we find this"Complete bundled server systems including a Mac mini server with 1 terabyte of storage are available starting at $1,495. The hosted Web service will be available starting in February 2009 at several pricing tiers, starting at under $50 per month."We can only assume that SeeFile will be selling minis bundled with their software and not Apple. Many people use minis as home servers, and with the rumor of 1TB of internal storage all but confirmed by this press release, building a similar, web-accessible setup should become very easy indeed.Either way, the lesson here is the same: Don't hit your web editor's "Publish" button unless you really mean it.

  • Mac mini update with dual display support, banner unfurling rumored for Macworld festivities

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We've got less than 48 hours until Apple's last Macworld keynote, and the rumor mill keeps hinting that Phil's gonna announce new Mac minis, which so far are purported to have the Macbook's NVIDIA chipset, aluminum casing, and an SATA optical drive that can be swapped out for a second HDD. Go ahead and add dual display support to that list, which is what Apple Insider is speculating based on their sources saying the new minis will sport both a mini DisplayPort and a mini DVI connector. Additionally, the site has managed to snap some shots from the Moscone Center of the expo being set up. There's a picture of a monitor showing what's presumed to be a live feed of the keynote rehearsal with a blurred figure that kind of looks like Al Gore, and inside the south hall there are several mysterious banners concealed in white cloth. So pretty much status quo, though is it just us or do the banners seem to look a little tired and thin this year?[Via Boy Genius Report]Read - Apple's next-gen Mac mini to get dual display supportRead - Macworld site rife with concealed banners

  • Apple rumor roundup: aluminum Mac minis and supersized iPod touches

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Listen, you know the drill by now: Macworld is less than a week away, and that causes a Cupertino-sized rumor mill to fill up with hints of new / refreshed hardware of all shapes and sizes. The crew at TUAW claim they've heard from sources that a new Mac mini will be unveiled with an aluminum finish, a Time Capsule-esque "lip," and a SATA optical drive that can be customized as a second HDD instead. Additionally, TechCrunch says it has three independent sources that confirm there's a large iPod touch is coming next Fall with a 7 or 9-inch screen. There's no indication if they expect a Macworld announcement here, but if true, we expect the cargo pants industry to react accordingly. Finally, and possibly related to the TechCrunch rumor, a Taiwan news site claims Quanta Computers is expecting to add Apple and Sony (is that you, Vaio P?) as clients for manufacturing netbooks in 2009. For those playing along at home, at some point next year we should expect a bigger iPod touch, a netbook, a smaller iPhone, a revised iMac, a revised Mac mini, and absolutely no love at all for the Mac Pro.Read - Large form iPod touch to launch Fall '09Read - Rumor watch: new Mac mini go for launchRead - Quanta expects zero YoY NB shipment growth in Q4, 2008

  • Rumor Watch: New Mac mini go for launch

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    When it comes to the Mac mini, there are people out there who know everything there is to know... and now, those savvy sources are telling TUAW that they are confident a new Mac mini is set to be announced at Macworld Expo 2009 next week. While many details are still vague -- we still have no idea if the dimensions of the new mini are at all different from the existing model -- some details are starting to emerge.First, the internal optical drive is changing to a SATA optical drive that can be swapped out for a second SATA hard drive, probably as a build-to-order (BTO) option. For those using Mac minis as departmental / small business servers, having a second internal hard drive adds a great deal of utility to the mini in a server role; RAID 1 mirroring becomes simple. Companies like that colocate thousands of Mac mini servers will save rack space as external drives will no longer be mandatory for backups.The second detail is that the new Mac mini won't be made of topped with white plastic like the current model seen above; instead, it will follow Apple's new design meme by using black plastic and aluminum. No more smooth sides, either -- the new mini has a "lip" similar to the Time Capsule. The optical disc slot is hidden under the lip so it won't be obvious in case the owner chooses to have two hard drives instead of a hard and optical drive combo. The lip also provides cooling, so the vents on the back of the mini are no longer needed.For those of you who have been hoping for a new mini, there are many signs that your dreams are about to come true.Thanks Mr X!

  • Munster: New Macs for MWSF, small iPhone by second quarter '09

    Robert Palmer
    Robert Palmer

    Our favorite-named analyst, Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster, predicts that Apple will announce new Mac models at Macworld Expo, and a smaller iPhone for the March quarter. Piper Jaffray expects that Apple will sell 45 million iPhones during 2009, though that estimate is predicated on the fact that Apple will release a lower-cost iPhone model early in the year, priced between $99 and $149. As for Macworld Expo, the expectation is that there won't be any groundbreaking announcements, since Phil Schiller will be giving the presentation. They do expect new iMac or Mac mini models, however. Piper Jaffray is maintaining its "buy" rating, and $235 price target, on shares of AAPL. The stock was up slightly during morning trading. [Via StreetInsider.]

  • New iMac, Mac mini looking more probable after minute discovery

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Rumors of a new Mac mini or iMac have been floated (and denied) for a while now, but one ferocious investigator's feasted his eyes on a few pieces of rather telling evidence recently. A poster on the InsanelyMac forums found some code in his new MacBook which referred to "iMac9,1 and Macmini3,1" which would seem to indicate that a newer version -- current iMacs and Mac minis are marked iMac8,1 and Macmini2,1 -- if both products are on the horizon. The new identifiers also list both as having "CFG_MCP7" chipsets -- the same NIVIDIA set used in the new Macbooks (current minis have Intel GMA 950 chipsets while iMacs have NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS GPUs). So... we'll see you at Macworld, then?[Via CNET]

  • New iMacs and Mac minis to use NVIDIA chips?

    Cory Bohon
    Cory Bohon

    AppleInsider is reporting that the speculated refresh for the iMac and Mac minis lines might include NVIDIA graphics chips. This information was discovered while an InsanelyMac forum poster found some extension files included with the new MacBooks/MacBook Pros. The exentions were named, "iMac9,1" and "Macmini3,1."Currently shipping iMacs and Mac minis have the model numbers of "iMac 8,1" and "Macmini2,1," respectively. The kernel extension .plist file is part of the SMC (System Management Controller) and ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface), and made reference to "CFG_MCP79." The MCP79 is a graphcis chipset offered by NVIDIA that is found on the current line MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air. For more information, you can read the forum posting at InsanelyMac.[via AppleInsider]