
  • Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition (PAL): The Unboxing

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Oh no, isn't one gallery devoted to video game packaging (packaging!) enough? Well, it would be, had we not sensed your overwhelming and debilitating desire to see the contents of Metal Gear Solid 4's European Limited Edition. Check out the gallery if you're keen to meet our newest friend, LE PAL.%Gallery-25085% Snake? Snaaaake? SNAAAAAAKE! Check out our Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots page for all things Metal Gear.

  • Metal Gear Solid 4 t-shirts also available in UK

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Want to get your hands on those limited edition Metal Gear Solid 4 T-Shirts, but don't live anywhere near Tokyo or New York? Lucky for you, they're also available in the UK via the magic of the interwebs. Five tees can be found on the UNIQLO website, so if your MGS collection doesn't quite feel complete yet, they're waiting for you to pick them up. Just how "limited" these limited edition t-shirts are is hard to quantify but, as usual, if you want one you should act as soon as possible. We've already put our order in.

  • Nega-review: Metal Gear Solid 4

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    var digg_url = ''; "Metal Gear Solid 4 is not the inclusive, universally entertaining experience it could have been." (7) It "is a frustrating, fractured game" (2) that "feels ... like a genie struggling to find enough goodies in the lamp, slave to the demands of everyone but itself." (1) "Metal Gear Solid 4 is, in most senses, the biggest Metal Gear yet. But the best? Maybe not." (2) "As the game starts, with its fairly generic next-gen textures and desert battlefield setting, you can't help feeling that you could be playing the latest Call of Duty, or Assassin's Creed." (3) "After a few chapters, [the] gameplay ... begins to mutate into linear action that feels like an afterthought amidst all the story." (4) "The relatively weak second act is more of the same in a much less compelling setting - a rather unconvincing, blandly designed South American backwater - and ennui starts to set in." (2) "More intuitive controls could have made the overall experience a better one." (6) "A new feature called 'Stress' isn't explained quite clearly enough" (5) and "the new Stress and Psyche meters don't really gel with the flow of play." (2) "You'll also spend a good deal of time poking through your inventory in the middle of boss battles and protracted firefights, which can occasionally disrupt the dramatic flow." (5) "Because control is ... complex, it's very easy to do something you didn't want to by accident, and it's painful to see the perfect setup blown in an instant." (6)

  • Metareview: Metal Gear Solid 4

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Watch your head. You may get hit by one of the many 10s Metal Gear Solid 4 has earned from the critics. Here are a selection of reviews for Kojima's latest. We're not half-way done with the year, and already there's two incredible GOTY contenders on PS3. 1UP (A-) - "It is, in short, precisely what the grand finale of a legendary franchise should be: grand, final, and thoroughly steeped in its own lore." Game Informer (100/100) - "With the series' last breath, Hideo Kojima's defining opus does more than just surpass the previous Metal Gear titles – it creates a landmark gaming experience that continually astounds with its variety, depth, and intelligence. Metal Gear Solid 4 is a masterpiece." GameDaily (80/100) - "This is one of the most important games in history and you'll dig its cool boss battles, at times witty dialogue and unrivaled sneaking mechanics. Just be sure to keep a magazine handy when those cut scenes get ridiculous." GamePro (100/100) - "This is video game storytelling at its absolute best, and represents a new high watermark for the craft, easily surpassing the superb BioShock and the subversive Grand Theft Auto IV." IGN (100/100) - "Is it possible to give a game an 11? If so, this would be the game that would merit that score. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a title that exceeds all of the hype that was attached to the title." Excuse us, while we go back to playing the game.

  • War has changed: a veteran's MGS4 experience

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    My experience thus far with Hideo Kojima's latest mega-game has been a bit different than that of my cohort Ross Miller's. Whereas Ross is a self-proclaimed MGS noob, I've been playing the series since its inception, having taken Snake (and Big Boss) through every game in canon and out. A major theme in MGS4 is how "war has changed," and, right from the get-go, I was noticing how MGS has changed in the process. So far, it's been largely for the better. Keep on reading for more impressions from the perspective of an old "Tactical Espionage Action" dog who's learning new tricks.%Gallery-23093%

  • You have rookie eyes: a first-timer's MGS4 experience

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    var digg_url = ''; I have a confession to make: this is my first serious attempt at playing a Metal Gear Solid title. Back at GDC 2007, my editor Chris Grant kept making references to the flash video Metal Gear Awesome. I was admittedly confused, and he thus dropped everything to show me the video. It took me a long time to appreciate all the humor.Cut to present day. Like war, a lot has changed. I tried playing the MGS remake Twin Snakes on hard mode, only to succumb to frustration two hours later. For today's Metal Gear Solid 4 release, I brushed up on Metal Gear lore, exhausted Wikipedia, and commissioned one of our writers to give me a crash course in the series. I got my copy last night, installed the game, and I was ready to play.This is Metal Gear Solid 4, through rookie eyes.%Gallery-23093%

  • Transport strike leaves Spain MGS4-less

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Spanish citizens won't be getting Metal Gear Solid 4 this week due to the ongoing transport strike in the country. reports Konami issued a statement saying that the strike obviously stopped shipments from getting to stores and that the company will update consumers as soon as possible.Just to give a wider picture of the situation, 90,000 Spanish truckers started striking Monday to protest soaring fuel costs, particularly diesel gasoline. The strike caused shortages of all truck-driven goods in the country (which is pretty much everything), but it appears the situation may be over soon.

  • Spanish launch of Metal Gear Solid 4 delayed due to transport strike

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    While Konami has attempted a global launch of Metal Gear Solid 4 today, players in Spain will be unable to play the game due to a "transport strike." It's unclear when the game will be made available for sale in the territory, as it depends solely on the end of the strike.[Photo Credit]

  • We love the Metal Gear Solid 4 installation

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    We love the eight minute installation required for Metal Gear Solid 4. Why? Because it's actually entertaining. This install does so much more than the typical one, by providing valuable information as how much time remains in the install, and various bits of sage advice. For example, this warning tells you that this game is exclusively on PS3. We like the way you think, Kojima.It's also marvelous how Snake's cigarette burns in real time, with the cigarette getting smaller every time Snake shakes the ashes off. Funnily, there's also a health warning about the dangers of smoking. Check out Joystiq's gallery to see more from the game. Gallery: MGS4 install screen advice

  • Sagacious advice from the MGS4 install screen

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    var digg_url = ''; In case you were thinking of skipping the approximately 8-minute install (which also translates to 4 or 5 cigarettes for our aged hero) and making a sandwich, consider the little bit of humor you'd be missing. If you're still undeterred and plan to ignore the game while it installs, check out our gallery for the sagacious and spoiler-free advice. While some of it is a bit mundane, there are some rather humorous tidbits scattered about. For instance, how does one take a break every 15-minutes when cut-scenes run longer than that? [By pausing, you troll! - Ed]%Gallery-24974% Snake? Snaaaake? SNAAAAAAKE! Check out our Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots page for all things Metal Gear.

  • Yeah, we met Kojima in Times Square

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Hideo Kojima stopped by New York City's Virgin Megastore in TImes Square to meet and greet fans at the Metal Gear Solid 4 launch. We got a number of signed copies ... maybe one will go to a lucky reader (if we feel generous enough!). Check out our gallery below, or some highlights, after the cut. Gallery: Metal Gear Solid 4 launch in Times Square

  • Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition: The Unboxing

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    For those who didn't pick up the US Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition, we've got a gallery of what you're missing. It's not much, and it's certainly a downer to note that this edition doesn't include a Solid Snake figurine. We'll add those pics when our European correspondents put their controller down long enough to grab a camera.%Gallery-24973% Snake? Snaaaake? SNAAAAAAKE! Check out our Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots page for all things Metal Gear.

  • PS3 Fanboy is live at the MGS4 Times Square launch event

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    If you can't make it to the big Metal Gear Solid 4 event in Times Square (or any of Gamestop's midnight launches, for that matter), our fine friends at PS3 Fanboy are live at the event right now, uploading pictures to share the experience with you. Go check it out.

  • We're here in Times Square!

    Majed Athab
    Majed Athab

    Some people traveled all the way from Canada to get here. Some were here since yesterday, enjoying the blistering New York heat all day long. The stories are as varied as the people in attendance. Already, the line is wrapping around the avenue, a feat which reminds us of the NYC launch of the Wii. That's saying something!We're coming around with swag for you guys! We'll update this post throughout the evening (provided we can find internet).Update: We've added a ton more images to our gallery. Enjoy!%Gallery-24961%

  • Konami cancels Japan MGS4 launch events after Akihabara tragedy

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Konami has canceled its three Tokyo launch event planned for Metal Gear Solid 4 following the tragic events in the tech-savvy Akihabara district yesterday when 25-year old Tomohiro Kato killed four people and injured ten more (via AP). One of the events was to be in Akihabara. Konami cited "safety of participants in mind" as its reason for the cancellations. The launch events planned for U.S. will proceed as planned, according to a representative.[Via PS3 Fanboy]

  • Japanese Metal Gear launch events canceled after fatal stabbing rampage

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Associated Press is reporting that Konami is canceling its Metal Gear Solid 4 launch events after a deadly stabbing rampage. Tomohiro Kato, a 25-year-old factory worker, carried two knives on him when he was arrested. Kato used one knife to stab more than dozen people in Tokyo's Akihabara district, a popular destination for manga, anime and video games.Kato began his rampage by crashing a rental truck into a group of pedestrians, killing three. He then jumped out of the truck and started slashing through the crowd, killing four and injuring ten.Konami has canceled three launch events for Metal Gear Solid 4 in Tokyo, including a scheduled event in Akihabara. Konami stated the cancellation is for the "safety of participants." Other launch events in the US will be unaffected.[Thanks, Budman!]

  • The Metal Gear primer: everything you need to know

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Metal Gear legacy spans quite a bit of time. So, don't be embarrassed to admit you may not remember everything. The hype around MGS4 is legendary, and we're sure there are bound to be newcomers to this PS3-exclusive adventure. For n00bs and veterans alike, Joystiq has written a helpful guide that goes through everything you "need to know."For example, did you know Raiden's real name was Jack? BUM BUM BUM! Teach me! Teach me! >

  • People all over the world getting MGS4 early

    Majed Athab
    Majed Athab

    Online retailers have jumped the gun. Not only has Wal-mart gone and broken street dates, but now Play is shipping copies of the game out to pre-orderers today, and Amazon is sending over those hefty 80 gig bundles. Reader Adam L. shares with us photos of his UK special edition set; you can see more on Flickr. Meanwhile, back stateside, NetworkShadow lets us know he received his MGS4 PS3 bundle today (after the break). All this is happening while everyone else will wait in lines later today in blistering heat ... yay?[Thanks Adam L., and NetworkShadow! Plus all you who sent in tips!]

  • What you need to know before playing Metal Gear Solid 4

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    var digg_url = ''; The storyline that's finally wrapping up in MGS4 has spanned six games and 20 years, so things have understandably gotten a little ... convoluted along the way. The series has seen some of the most oddly codenamed characters outside of G.I. Joe and more story twists than can be found crumpled up in M. Night Shyamalan's waste basket. For those of you heading into MGS4 fresh – or have simply lost track of who's who and what's what along the way (we wouldn't blame you) – we present this painstakingly pruned primer to the names you need to know, with the hope that you embark on Solid Snake's final mission excited rather than bewildered. Get started here! Snake? Snaaaake? SNAAAAAAKE! Check out our Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots page for all things Metal Gear.

  • Wal-Mart corporate confirms $100 PS3 gift card -- YES, even the MGS 4 bundle

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We have confirmed with Wal-Mart Corporate Communications that the company is currently offering a $100 gift card this week with the purchase of any Blu-ray player. This applies to all PS3s, including the Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 bundle (pictured above) available tomorrow. This re-confirms the information and documentation one of our reliable sources gave us two weeks ago.After we made sure to ask about the MGS4 bundle this morning, Melissa O'Brien, a spokeswoman for Wal-Mart, told us, "Any Blu-ray player. Blu-ray. All of them." She said that the deal is quite explicit in the Wal-Mart flyer for this week (an image of which we've placed after the break), and the deal is both online and in stores. We hope this clears up any confusion on the matter.