
  • Back to the beginning: unveiling Metal Gear Solid 4

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Many of you will be able to get your hands on Metal Gear Solid 4 tomorrow night at midnight. As we wait for this monumental event in PS3 history, we thought we'd take a look at the very first trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4. The debut of this anticipated PS3 game came after the release of MGS3 on PS2. In fact, the debut trailer reveals nothing about the game, using assets from the PS2 adventure. It's strange, to be sure -- and shows how crazy Kojima & co. can get when promoting their game.Since then, a strong bevy of trailers has supported the title, each more sensible than the last. Check out Joystiq for every trailer released for the game, as we inch ever-so-close to the launch. Wow, what a journey.

  • Hey, you put a PSP in my Metal Gear Solid 4!

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Chances are, you've heard of this small PS3 game called Metal Gear Solid 4 (check out all the coverage on PS3 Fanboy). Hunter217 sent us a few pics captured from the game ... and lo and behold, we see Sony's beloved handheld hidden away in the game as a small easter egg. Kojima's home is on the PlayStation systems, and it's nice to see the PSP isn't neglected in the upcoming console game.

  • Taking a look at the bosses of Metal Gear Solid

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    One of our favorite things about the Metal Gear Solid franchise has to be the bosses. They were always larger than life, and loved having lengthy conversations with Snake about war and life. Talk about not dying silently! Joystiq has an incredible recap of the various bosses of the esteemed franchise. Learn about all the bosses, everyone from Revolver Ocelot (the only character in the series to be in every game -- not even Solid Snake can attest to that!) to Ninja to the boss of all bosses, Boss. Begin the tour! >

  • Metareview (UK Edition) -- Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Well, this is certainly interesting. Though Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots has been getting positively glowing reviews from many UK outlets, there seems to be an undercurrent of ... dissatisfaction among many in the reviewing community. Completely unsurprisingly, it seems that most of the high-90s/100s reviewers are hyperbolically positive. (They've been saving up their good writing all year!) Regardless, it seems that general consensus is that fans of the series are going to have a ball. Read on: IGN (99/100): "If you've ever loved any one of the Metal Gear games, or any moments from the series, there will come a moment when MGS 4 will send your spirits soaring. If you've loved them all, well then there'll be many, many more. It's a masterpiece." PSM3 UK (95/100): "Will you enjoy it? Yes, definitely, but while most hardcore fans will adore it, a tiny minority may be left slightly deflated by the weight of their expectations, despite the game's unarguable quality." Edge Magazine (80/100): "MGS4 is not the game it could have been; nor is it the game it would have been had the series grown with the benefit of hindsight; nor is it the game it should have been if you believed that early trailer. But it is faithful to its fans, its premise and its heart, delivering an experience that is, in so many ways, without equal."

  • The (Big) Bosses of Metal Gear Solid

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    var digg_url = ''; A hero's true worth lies in his ability to overcome the greatest of villains. Metal Gear Solid's slithery protagonist, Snake, has conquered not only the greatest of villains, but the weirdest mustache-twirlers gaming has ever seen. Be sure to click on the above gallery and join us as we examine our favorite fearsome foes, kooky killers and big bosses. Snake? Snaaaake? SNAAAAAAKE! Check out our Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots page for all things Metal Gear.

  • Metal Gear Solid 4 plays favorites with dig at Xbox 360

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We've already seen some of the product placement to be found in the soon-to-be-released Metal Gear Solid 4, and it looks like PlayStation 3 users are in store for a bit of reinforcement about their console buying decision as well. As you can see for yourself in the video after the break, at one point during the game, Metal Gear Solid's Otacon takes a not-so-subtle dig at the Xbox 360's non-HD disc format by asking you to swap disc 1 for disc 2, only to suddenly realize that you're using a Blu-ray disc, and a dual-layer one at that, which then prompts him to go on about "what an age we live in." At least there's no HD DVD reference to further rub it in, though we wouldn't doubt that there's one of those lurking somewhere in the game as well.[Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]

  • Feeling the itch? More Metal Gear Solid 4 gameplay vids

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It's only a few days away now! Metal Gear Solid 4 will be in your hands in just two days. But, can you wait for that long?! If you've recently been having trouble breathing, please consider taking a small dosage of these MGS gameplay videos. These should satiate your craving ... for now. Remember: you don't want to overdose, do you?

  • Vid-splosion of Metal Gear Solid 4 gameplay

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We've placed several recently released gameplay videos of Metal Gear Solid 4 after the break. We didn't notice any spoilers in the clips, but we also don't consider Snake being old or ... well, we didn't see anything megaton spoilerific in there.Of course, if the MGS hardcores do happen to check out the videos, we're quite sure they'll be commenting on whatever player was recorded for these clips. Seriously, even someone who knows next to nothing about MGS might scream at the screen and try to backseat drive the guy playing.

  • Deconstructing the MGS4 energy drink

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    In Japan, it's not uncommon for drinks to include Cracker Jack-esque bonuses. This new Metal Gear-themed energy drink from Regain is offering a few goodies when you pick up one at your local Japanese convenience store. Our friend at PSP GadgetZ got all four varieties, and you can check them out here. Our favorite bonus? The Foxhound-themed dogtag.The Japanese commercial for this energy drink, embedded after the break.

  • MGS4 takes a jab at non-HD disc formats

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    This is a momentous week for Playstation 3 owners. You see, Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out this week (perhaps you've heard). Metal Gear Solid 4 essentially is the game that will make the console. Apparently it's not enough just to make a good game, though. It appears that MGS4's creators feel the need to extol the benefits of the PS3 as you play. Alternately, one could argue that the game denigrates certain other consoles. Now, we're not trying to incite any flame wars here (though that's basically inevitable), and we know the video has tongue planted firmly in cheek, but it also smells ever so slightly of "inferiority complex." See the evidence after the break (note: MGS4 fans looking to avoid any spoilers should not watch). And remember kids, we're just the messengers.

  • MGS4 fires a shot in the console wars

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    We realize that this post is going to conflict a lot of our readers. On the one hand, there's a large segment of our audience that grabs on to anything related to the console wars like a starving dog grabbing on to red meat. On the other hand, there's another group of readers that have devoted their lives in the past weeks to an extreme avoidance of anything that might even resemble a spoiler for the highly anticipated Metal Gear Solid 4.Readers at the intersection of these two groups are going to have to think long and hard about watching the below video, which includes a particularly clever dig at Sony's competition but also potentially spoils an inconsequential scene in MGS4 (rest assured, there are absolutely no story details revealed in the clip). This is a tough, intensely personal decision, and we wouldn't presume to judge you either way. Just look into your heart and ask yourself what feels right. The answer will come.[Via PS3 Fanboy. Image source.]

  • Where to buy the Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Come Thursday, thousands of Americans will battle each other in retail stores around the country to get their hands on the new 80GB Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle. The package will include the game, a backwards-compatible 80GB system and a rumbling DualShock 3 controller.Each retailer will have its own policies regarding what to buy with the system, but Wal-Mart clearly has the competition beat with its generous bonus $100 gift card -- an incentive that will also work with this lucrative bundle. Getting a free $100 for buying the Metal Gear bundle? How generous.If you can't make a Wal-Mart, you may want to try any of these other options: is already sold out Best Buy is holding multiple midnight launches this Wednesday night. Circuit City has pre-orders available, but you must buy an extra Blu-ray remote (total: $525). EB Games/Gamestop online pre-orders are sold out -- check midnight launches.

  • Lucky guy: Metal Gear Solid 4 unboxing

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    So, gvgnumber1 from YouTube managed to trick a Wal-Mart employee into selling him a Metal Gear Solid 4 system early. And, he's unboxed it for the entire world to see. As of now, he doesn't know if he should keep it or sell it, but feel free to enjoy this lucky b*stard's ability to get his hands on MGS4 so much earlier than the rest of y'all. [Thanks, Don M.!]

  • Spoiler: Metal Gear Solid 4, 'insert disc 2' [Update]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    This isn't going to spoil the story for you, but it may spoil a funny joke hidden within Metal Gear Solid 4. We don't want to say anything more, or it might just ruin the surprise. This one is definitely not for Xbox 360 fanboys.Update: New video embedded.[Thanks, BulletToothTony!]

  • Metal Gear Solid 4: A history of trailers

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    E3 2005 TeaserNeed a refresher on just how Metal Gear Solid 4 has been teased throughout the years? After the break, the first nine trailers – from Tokyo Games Show 2005 all the way to last month's "Courage is Solid" trailer.

  • Worldwide PS3 releases for the week of June 8th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Are you ready for the biggest PS3 release so far this year? There's some other stuff coming out today but, frankly, who cares? Metal Gear Solid 4 makes its long-awaited arrival this week and we'll be grabbing it the minute it's out. Here's the full release list:US Games Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit NASCAR 09 EU Games Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution Asian Games Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Introducing the Joystiq Metal Gear Solid 4 page

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Need a refresher on Kojima's forthcoming masterpiece? Check out our game page for all things Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Seriously, this is everything we've written on the game. Bookmark the page, as we'll be constantly updating with new content in the lead-up to MGS4's worldwide launch next week. Note: The MGS4 page also benefits from not having comments and is therefore spoiler free. That said, we will do our best to monitor the comment system, at our own risk, and delete spoilers. Still, we're human, so be careful when treading through comments, on any website, for the next few weeks. To those who do post spoilers: Expect to see a banhammer slam into your forehead.

  • Metal Gear bundle kills [Update]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Well, good job folks. We told you that would sell the Metal Gear Solid 4 80GB bundle today. And you all listened. Thousands of you swarmed the site, got rid of their inventory in seven minutes, and best of all -- you killed for the Metal Gear bundle was so high, that the popular online retailer simply couldn't handle the traffic. If this is the fervor in just one store, imagine how well the bundles are going to sell when they release nationwide next Thursday.Update: is selling 80GB bundles, but you are forced to buy the questionable Bluetooth headset. The total cost? $560.Update: Well, it's finally back.

  • Kojima in Hamburg: a fan photo gallery

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Metal Gear Solid 4 "World Tour" continues its wild journey. This time, reader nahworry offers his pics from the Hamburg signing. As expected, a mob of Kojima-fans waited eagerly to meet and greet the legendary games creator. We don't know how he does it, but doesn't he look so young in these pics? Maybe Snake could learn a thing or two from his creator ...Check out all the pics on Flickr.

  • UNIQLO producing limited edition MGS t-shirts

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Popular Japanese clothing store UNIQLO has partnered up with LOGAN, Power Graphixx, and the Kusano Design Office for a new series of limited edition t-shirts based on Metal Gear Solid. The three designs you see here are only available at the NYC SoHo flagship store. Another three are available exclusively in Tokyo.Hideo Kojima will also be making an appearance at UNIQLO to promote this line of shirts. He will be offer signatures to the first 300 people that arrive to the NYC store on June 12th at 5PM. For those that can't make the Virgin Megastore launch party, this is a great opportunity to meet the famed game designer.Stay tuned. Who knows? A few lucky readers may be able to get some of these shirts.