microsoft surface


  • Surface to hit consumerdom in 2011, maybe sooner

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    The last we heard about a consumer-oriented version of Microsoft Surface, Steve Ballmer was saying that the company was trying to get it out ASAP -- which is apparently three years, we've just learned. That's the word from Tom Gibbons, the MS VP in charge of Specialized Devices and Applications, who says Microsoft can "absolutely see how" to get Surface to consumers by 2011, but that it'll try to beat that deadline if possible. Of course, the $10,000 commercial version of Surface still hasn't been released to high-profile customers like T-Mobile and Harrah's, although it's starting to make semi-random promo appearances here and there. Still, though, 2011? We're getting pretty sick of old-school Hungry Hungry Hippos here, people -- let's make this happen.

  • Today's most Microsoft Surface-y video: Firefly demo

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    It's been a while since we first speculated on the gaming potential of Microsoft's Surface multi-touch tabletop computer -- long enough, in fact, that that potential has now become somewhat more actual. Sarcastic Gamer has the video of a Carbonated Games demo for Firefly, a simple game that, appropriately enough, involves gathering fireflies into jars (sorry Whedon fans, no Reavers here).The multi-touch abilities of the Surface are put to good use in the video -- even with three hands and up to 15 fingers pushing the little flies around, the Surface doesn't seem to miss a beat. Our favorite part, though, has to be the ability to squash opposing players bugs with your actual fingers. Try doing that with one of today's consoles. We dare ya.Continue reading to see why the future of gaming is as bright as a squished firefly's bottom.

  • Microsoft Surface: that big table computer

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Our friends at Sarcastic Gamer are at it again. Last week we got the parody of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire," and this week we get a nice (and surprisingly sarcastic) look at Microsoft Surface. While many of us watched the first videos of Surface and said, "cool," Sarcastic Gamer -- like any good satirist -- saw the same video and said, "why?" If you weren't wowed by Microsoft's multi-touch, object recognizing table computer, then this video is for you. If, on the other hand, you love Surface ... well, you should still watch because the video is funny.

  • Microsoft Surface: gaming's future?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    You may have heard rumblings of the new Microsoft product called Surface. Essentially, Surface is a multi-touch computing surface. The applications for Surface, as outlined by Microsoft, include things like sharing photos, sharing music, ordering lunch, and purchasing your next mobile phone plan. We have to ask though, how can it be used for gaming? Our friends at Joystiq suggest games like Puzzle Quest or Starcraft. Keep in mind, the 360 will be long gone by the time Surface becomes a widespread consumer device (come to think of it, the next Xbox might be gone by then). The possibilities remain mighty intriguing though. What kind of games can you see working for the wonder machine?See a video of Surface in action after the break.