

  • Nokia following Booklet 3G with ARM-based smartbook in mid-2010?

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Those semiconductor semi-gossipers at DigiTimes want you to know that Nokia's not stopping with the Booklet 3G and in fact has an ARM-based smartbook set for mass consumption in the middle of 2010. According to its sources, Espoo's in the process of settling with ODMs now, and the speculation is that it'll go to either Compal or Foxconn (a.k.a. Hon Hai Precision Industry). If all of this sounds familiar, that's because it is: we've heard multiple reports this year that suggested a smartbook / MID with either a multicore ARM Cortex A9 Sparrow chip or Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor. We're not discounting it, especially considering that netbook bit panned out, but mid-2010 is quite a ways off -- no telling when we'll be hearing anything else on the matter.

  • MIU's vaporware HDPC now looking like a Nokia E90, but less buyable

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    The problem with your product not existing is that it's hard to make money off of it, and after a while, would-be buyers start to hate you and everything you stand for. On the plus side, redesign costs hover near zero, so why not play around and shoot for the moon with wild specs that we'll likely never have the opportunity to own? As far as we can tell, South Korea's MIU is no closer to launching its do-everything HDPC than it was a year and a half ago -- and if anything, they've actually managed to regress a bit since they actually had a real live prototype back then. Anyway, the latest round of virtu-changes gives us a larger primary display that's up to 1024 x 600 (we'll take all the resolution we can get since the $900 flavor is supposed to run XP), a grand total of three cameras, integrated GPS, HDMI out, and a T-DMB tuner. Strangely, the MID's phone face has taken on a distinctly E90 accent, right down to the inexplicable S60 screen shot used in the mockup -- but rest assured, you'll be able to buy, sell, and buy an E90 again before you'll be able to get your paws on the HDPC, which MIU says it's shopping around to distributors. We're keeping our easily-dashed hopes in check.

  • Mysterious Android MID poses for yet more pics, reads Engadget

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    You know, if you're trying to get our attention, there are worse ways to go about it than by releasing photos of a mystery gadget proudly displaying our homepage. And though there is no credible word yet on the origin of all these Android MID pics that keep making the rounds, there has been much speculation. As SlashGear points out, the device has more than a passing resemblance to the Wallet, which France's eviGroup has been threatening to lay on the world since back in May (a 5-inch touchscreen device touted as "halfway between a cellphone and a TabletPC"). And if that isn't enough, someone named focus3G has been furiously posting new pics of the thing on his Twitpic account for two weeks now -- we've contacted him for an explanation to no avail (not yet, at least). But what do you think? Hit the gallery below, and let the speculation begin. Read - Wallet MID gets closer to release, US launch possibleRead - Even more photos of unknown Android MID appear

  • Always Innovating Touch Book unboxed, previewed and stuck to a fridge for good measure

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Always Innovating sure made good on the promise of removable tablet embedded in a netbook form factor and price -- we've gone from hardly believable renders in March to a now-shipping $400 ($300 without the base) product as of now. The impressions are already trickling in, but our favorite observation so far is this fridge magnet implementation. The main complaint so far is that the machine altogether is rather heavy for a netbook. It makes sense given that all the computer internals are in the MID-style touchscreen, while the keyboard base adds on 7 hours of purported battery life. So far it doesn't sound like this is the sexy-slim way to get into the netbook game if you're not in it for the removable MID capabilities, but for the MID affectionate the Touch Book could provide a nice alternative to the same old same old. [Via Engadget Spanish] Read - Touch Book first impressions Read - Touch Book unboxing

  • Nokia's Maemo 5 tablet shows up again, ready to play

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    We're calling it: this N900 / Rover / whatever it's called is the best looking device yet in Nokia's Internet Tablet line, which is an encouraging thing to be able to say considering we haven't seen any ultra-polished PR shots yet. Granted, we might be influenced a little by the rumored HSPA support with voice, T-Mobile USA availability, and Maemo 5, but really, what's wrong with that?

  • Android-based Archos 5-inch Internet Tablet coming September 15 with (you guessed it) an AppsLib store

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    See that? It's an Android-green invitation to the unveil of the 5-inch Archos Internet Media Tablet. The September 15th date isn't new (it was announced back in June) but it's still good to see things moving ahead as planned. To whet the appetites of would-be developers, Archos has also announced its AppsLib application store for "advanced Android devices." The development guidelines, however, describe just a single, 5-inch 800x480 pixel device with accelerometer, OpenGL 3D graphics support, and HDMI output pushing an oddball 1160x652 pixel resolution to your TV. Right, specs already rumored for the Archos tablet. While not mentioned, we still expect all the other details -- 500GB storage, 10-mm thickness, 7-hours of battery when playing video, voice and HSUPA data radio, and OMAP3440 processor -- unexpectedly announced (by TI!) for the tablet way back in February to be in place when this thing gets live in Paris next month.[Via Pocketables]

  • Mysterious Android MID gets more pictures, still no name

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    The Pocketables crew keep teasing us with more visuals of a purported unbranded Android MID, this time throwing up a good size comparison in the form of a Sony VAIO P lurking in the background. Very little can be said at this point without exploding the story into wild speculation -- we'll leave that part to you, dear readers -- so we'll stick to the seemingly self-evident stuff. The above screenshot indicates SD expansion and phone capabilities, and there are a few more after the break that show off an impressively svelte physique. Of course without a substantiated source and millions of skilled Photoshop artists out there, these pictures could still be fake -- but aren't they pretty? [Via Slashgear]

  • Keepin' it real fake, part CCXXX: Inkia 500 is a mutated, hamstrung N810

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    How do you cook up the perfect KIRF product? Well, you take a well-loved device, say the Nokia N810, and start chopping off the things that made it a winner, like that oh-so-bulky QWERTY keyboard, until you get a device cheap enough to be sold as "the world's first MID under $300." The painfully unoriginal Inkia 500 -- which isn't even the first to rip off Nokia's internet tablet -- isn't entirely without merit, as it comes with a 5-inch touchscreen plus a ULV Atom processor, and once you pony up for 3G and GPS options it might even be useful. All that's holding it back now is the tiny issue that you can get a real N810 for the same price. [Via Shanzai]

  • Mysterious Android touchscreen MID pics surface, Charles Fort notified

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    It sure seems like the world is ready for an Android MID or, until it gets one, rumors and leaks to that effect. Tell us, what do you make of a slate-style device featuring the word "android" in the appropriate font, pics of the thing browsing the web (which, truth be told, look just as real as they could be 'shopped in), a couple perfunctory specs (Rockchip CPU, somewhere between a 4.3 to 5-inch display, 3G, MSN Messenger and GTalk, WiFi) and a source for the images that fails to cough up names / links to the "handful" of Chinese tech sites that are allegedly all a-buzz about this thing? Well, we don't know either -- but if you do get your hands on one of these guys, send it our way, will you? Thanks -- and in the meantime, hit that read link for the whole sordid tale (and a couple choice pics).

  • Android turns up on MIDs from Eston, SFR

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Two more MIDs were spotted running Android recently, and the kids over at Pocketables were kind enough to clue us in on the developments. First off, Eston's MID-02 (also known as the M4301) is a dual Windows CE 6.0 / Android device that boasts a 4.3-inch touchscreen, a Marvell XScale PXA300 (624MHz) CPU, 128MB DDR-RAM, 256MB Flash (supports up to 16GB) and a screen resolution of either 480 x 272 or 800 x 480, depending on whose product page you believe. Apparently one of the company's main markets is Europe, so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested. And why not? The keyboard is "almost entirely in English." But that ain't all! There's also an interesting video making the rounds of the SFR's Intel-powered M! PC Pocket at least booting the open source OS -- not necessarily compelling evidence that the rumors are true, but if the French wireless carrier isn't developing an Android device of their own at this very moment, it isn't a stretch to believe that they're toying with the idea. See for yourself after the break.Read - Eston MID-02 slider runs Android and Windows CE 6.0Read - SFR M! PC Pocket caught on video booting Android

  • Tainell kicks out Atom-powered T500 MID for China

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Well, it looks like folks in search of an alternative to Viliv's S5 MID now have another option -- in China, at least, where Tainell has just rolled out its new T500 handheld. Like the S5, this one packs a 5-inch display and the usual Atom Z510 processor, along with some decent enough specs all around, including 1GB of RAM, a 32GB SSD, a built-in webcam, integrated Bluetooth, GPS, and 3G, and Windows XP for an OS. No word on a price just yet, unfortunately, let alone any indication of a release outside of China.

  • Entelligence: The death of the PC is greatly exaggerated (at least for now)

    Michael Gartenberg
    Michael Gartenberg

    Entelligence is a column by technology strategist and author Michael Gartenberg, a man whose desire for a delicious cup of coffee and a quality New York bagel is dwarfed only by his passion for tech. In these articles, he'll explore where our industry is and where it's going -- on both micro and macro levels -- with the unique wit and insight only he can provide. In one of the great blunders of journalism, Mark Twain once found his name listed in the obituary column. His famous reply, "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated," has forever become part of our lexicon for describing hyperbole. Yet, at a certain point in time, Mark Twain's death was no longer exaggeration and Samuel Clemens did indeed pass away. Today, many are lamenting the passing of the personal computer as the information device of choice for the masses of consumers, and like Mark Twain, the news of its death is greatly exaggerated. But like all good things, the PC and its complex operating system foundation will also eventually come to an end. Here's why the PC isn't dead yet but over time might no longer be the dominant platform for the digital age.

  • Samsung's WiMAX-packin' Mondi sized up against brothers, cousins and enemies

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's one thing to see a Samsung Mondi and just imagine how sweet it'd feel between your palms, surfing on the blazing WiMAX superhighway whilst providing an almost dangerous level of satisfaction. It's another to see just how chunky / slim / ostentatiously lofty it is when sized up against its greatest competition. The good folks over at Pocketables took the time to disconnect for a few brief moments in order to photograph the 4G-capable MID alongside a few other mobile internet devices, smartphones, UMPCs and defunct wannabes. Heck, there's even a side-by-side with a stapler. Yeah, it's a can't miss piece, and it's all there for the taking in the read link.

  • Latest Dell tablet / MID rumor: Intel-based, free-on-contract

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Last we heard, Dell was secretly at work on a handheld / MID that would challenge the likes of the iPod touch, but it turns out it may also have its eye on the Kindle and the still emerging e-reader market, or the two may be one in the same -- or neither, but bear with us for a minute. According to Wired's Gadget Lab, Dell is looking to shake things up in a fairly big way by offering a touchscreen tablet of unspecified size for free to folks willing to enter into a contract and sign up for "one or more digital media subscriptions." Details are otherwise a bit light, as you might expect, but Dell is rumored to be collaborating with Intel on the device, and the pair are supposedly looking to launch it in "about six months."[Via SlashGear]

  • Intel denies rumors that Z-series Atoms are headed for the grave

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Intel wants you to know that the rumor that its Z-series Atom chips are headed for the "discontinued" pile is not true. A few days back, we heard that the chips -- which were initially designated for MIDs but made their way into some netbooks -- could no longer be ordered from Intel. A spokesperson for the company, however, speaking with Register Hardware, said that the rumors were "100 percent inaccurate." We'll just have to wait and see how this all pans out, but we're still not feeling terribly positive about poor little MIDs' odds.

  • Intel discontinuing Z-series Atoms?

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It's sourced from Digitimes, so don't get too worked up, but word on the street is that Intel's no longer accepting orders for Z-series Atom chips. If you'll remember Intel's initial distinctions, the Z-series was for MIDs and the familiar N-series was for netbooks, but since the Z-series didn't carry the same max hardware restrictions as the N-series, it became popular in a whole host of devices that didn't fit the traditional mold, like the Sony VAIO P and the ASUS Eee PC T91. Of course, Intel's got the next-gen Pine Trail Atom platform on tap, so killing the Zs might not have a huge impact in general, but it's just one more nail in the MID coffin.[Via SlashGear]

  • Pre-ordered Viliv X70s delayed to August 11, new customers might have to wait till September

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    The way we hear it, there are plenty of Viliv fans out there disappointed that Dynamism missed its promised delivery date for pre-ordered X70 units this week. The retailer says that component shortages are responsible for the delay and is now hoping to deliver by August 11, but there's worse news: new orders aren't expected to ship until September 2, turning what was once a fashionably late arrival to US shores into a rather embarrassing month-long delay.[Via Pocketables]

  • Clarion's MiND finds a home in LA-area Nissan Cubes

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    With the whole "direct to consumer" approach failing epically, Clarion has evidently resorted to pushing remaining inventory of its largely unwanted MiND mobile internet device onto Nissan dealers in Los Angeles. In all fairness, we do suspect that these are moving more briskly than, say, Celio's REDFLY, but we can count the amount of MIDs we've seen in public on two or three hands. At any rate, Nissan has signed on to offer the multifaceted Atom-powered device as an optional accessory in its Cube, but at least initially, it'll only be made available at select dealers in the LA area. For those opting to outfit their new whip with one of these, Nissan will include a dedicated docking kit harmonized to the vehicle's instrument panel, and the user interface will also be tweaked for in-car usage. Look -- this is absolutely better than those lackluster, overpriced NAV units shoved into most dashboards, but at $799 plus installation, it's not like you're getting the steal of the century here.[Via Pocketables]

  • Viliv X70 EX Premium 3G on sale now in Hong Kong

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    The folks behind the Viliv brand of consumer electronics don't ever stop swinging, it seems. They hit us with the beloved X70, the keyboard-sportin' S7, and before we have a chance to blink they're back in the ring with the X70 EX Premium. Currently on sale in Hong Kong, this bad boy features optional 3G (in which case you should ask for the X70 EX Premium 3G) and sports a 1.3GHz Intel Atom Z520 processor, 1GB RAM, a 32GB SSD, and an SDHC slot for extra storage. As you've probably guessed, the display is your standard 7-inch with 1024 x 600 resolution. Throw in Windows XP, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0, and a GPS, and this guy is yours for $6,898 in Hong Kong bucks (roughly $890 US). No word yet on a Stateside release.Update: Hello! You can pre-order this badboy in the States, courtesy of Dynamism. The site is offering the device at $599.99 along with a bundle of free accessories. So, if you absolutely must claim your spot in line today... you know where to look.[Via Gadget Mix]

  • CLEAR WiMAX goes live in Las Vegas, Samsung Mondi ships to take advantage

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Looking for one more excuse to stay inside and avoid that sweltering Las Vegas heat this summer? Good news, gamblers -- Clearwire's CLEAR WiMAX service has officially gone live across 638 square miles in the greater Las Vegas area. By the books, that's serving right around 1.7 million residents, not including the influx of tourists from other WiMAX-equipped cities that will undoubtedly take advantage. To coincide with the launch, Samsung has also announced that its QWERTY-packin', DivX-friendly Mondi -- which we toyed with back at CTIA -- will be available in Vegas-area Best Buy and Clearwire outlets starting August 1st. Said MID arrives with 4G support, WiFi, GPS, 3 megapixel camera, a QWERTY keypad, a 4.3-inch touchscreen, Opera 9.5 and a customizable set of widgets on top of Windows Mobile. The device is supposedly available now through Samsung's website and "select Samsung authorized distributors," but we're having no lucky hunting one down at present time.Read - CLEAR in Las VegasRead - Samsung Mondi shipping