

  • N'Gai talks with Midway about Stranglehold and Hard Boiled

    Colin Torretta
    Colin Torretta

    As we've mentioned before, the Collector's Edition of Stranglehold on the PS3 will ship with a remastered 1080p version of Hard Boiled on the same disc. While having the first ever HD version of Hard Boiled is a fantastic addition to an already hot looking game, it's easy to overlook the real significance of this addition. No game has ever come packaged with the movie it was based on, let alone putting them both on the same disk. To find out Midway's reasoning behind this precedent setting move - Newsweek's videogame guru N'Gai sat down to chat with Midway's vice-president of marketing, Steve Allison.During the interview, Steve said that the Weinstein Brothers (one of the few HD-DVD exclusive companies) were willing to agree to let the movie come out for the PS3 because they're not currently releasing an HD version of it and the movie can only be played on the PS3 -- not a standalone Blu-ray player. This helps protect the Weinstein Brothers from cannibalizing their own normal DVD release that just came out last week (which is also why the X360 version will not come with a DVD version of the movie). Midway and the Weinsteins are also doing cross promotions for the DVD on the X360 version, and for Strangehold on the just released DVD of Hard Boiled, creating a business deal that allows them to offer a full HD version of the movie on the PS3 for only 10 dollars more. It's a win-win-win all around.Also, during the interview he really emphasized the freedom that Blu-ray gives to developers and publishers when it comes to including additional content. He explained that, "It's really the storage capacity of Blu-Ray that makes this pairing possible, and it's still a compelling product." Hopefully more companies will follow Midway's example of really utilizing the storage of Blu-ray discs, since right now it's rare for people to even use 50% of the available capacity. Bring on more HD-movie packins!

  • Today's hungriest video: Aqua Teens

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    The half-baked, non sequitur style of Adult Swim prevails in this trailer for Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am. They couldn't even resize footage from different sources to be the same resolution. That's the Adult Swim seal of approval.Strangely -- like some of those cartoon shows the kids are into -- the trailer comes off as engaging and funny. There's golf cart racing, a helpless Carl taking the detectives' abuse, Mooninites, and very little actual golf. Hopefully the actual game will strike a similar balance.See the trailer after the break.

  • Stranglehold commits to a release date

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Stranglehold, that John Woo epic tale of killing, shooting and breaking things real good has officially committed to a release date. Midway announced that Stranglehold will arrive on the Xbox 360 and PC August 27th with the PS3 version releasing September 17th (hehe). Midway also announced that a demo for the game will be released sometime in August too.And don't worry guys, we're just adding to our ever expanding 2007 release schedule, so get back to work and earn some cash to fuel your gaming addiction.[Thanks, Captain]

  • Stranglehold placed on Xbox 360 and PC Aug. 27

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Guy plus two guns news now, with Gamespot conveying the long-awaited release date for Midway's bullet-time bonanza, Stranglehold. The destructive action title, labeled as the interactive sequel to John Woo's classic Hong Kong film, Hard Boiled, starts its commercial shootout on Xbox 360 and PC on August 27th. Slow-mo effects seem to be a little more pronounced in the PlayStation 3 version, however, as it's scheduled to arrive three weeks later on September 17th. One might speculate that Stranglehold is yet another title to be sucked into the increasingly epic Unreal situation, though a three-week delay is certainly preferable to indefinite postponement (and help is on the way!). PS3 owners can take solace in the fact that an HD version of Hard Boiled awaits them on that special edition Blu-ray disc -- well, except for the ones that actually had to click on that IMDB link.

  • Myst dev: Myst is 'essential adventure companion' for DS

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Manny Granillo, executive producer of the DS Myst remake, spoke to 4cr reader Spence about the changes being made to the classic adventure. We're still shocked that there are changes and additions being made. Not what we expected from a Myst port.They're taking advantage of the interface by adding a note pad and a camera tool, to allow players to remember clues. Granillo also agreed with (but avoided directly discussing) the utility of turning the DS sideways to read the materials in the library.With these refinements and the new Age, Myst on the DS may turn out to be the definitive version. For our money, though, the best thing about a portable Myst is that it leaves your TV and computer unoccupied, so you can play a game while it's on.[Via 4cr]

  • Stranglehold demo on the way

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    According to the official Stranglehold blog on IGN, a demo should be arriving on Xbox Live Marketplace soon. The demo is finished and has been sent off to Microsoft for approval. In other words, we should see it by early next year. We kid, we kid! The demo is reportedly packed with content including lots of interactive objects and more combat than you can shake a dove at. The demo also contains some "hidden" content and gags as well. We're not sure what that means exactly, but we can't wait to find out.If you haven't already, we suggest you check out Joystiq's recent hands-on session with the game.[Thanks, DjDATZ]

  • Joystiq impressions: Stranglehold

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Don't mess with Chow Yun Fat. Stranglehold, the video game "sequel" to the classic Hong Kong flick Hard Boiled, more than impressed at its E3 showing. The promise of making you feel like a star of a John Woo film has been fully realized, and we couldn't be happier.What makes Stranglehold so impressive is how intuitive it is. The controls have been fully streamlined to make the player look awesome at all times. Is there a table blocking your way? Simply run to it, and you'll jump right over it. Want to roll to the side, and hide behind a cabinet? Just use your analog stick. Simple movement is anything but: the interaction that the player has with the environment is incredible, and it's even more impressive knowing that a single button doesn't need to be used.But, Stranglehold would be a failure if all you did was move around. Unsurprisingly, the shooting is fun, brutal, and intuitive. The L button activates a bullet time mode, which will allow the player to jump and doge in slow-mo while shooting. A clever mix of careful navigation and wise use of slow-mo will make you a lethal killer. However, Strangehold ups the ante even further: the D-Pad is used to activate some truly over-the-top bonuses. Our favorite has to be the zoom-in function, which will focus your aim. By pressing the trigger, the camera will follow the high-powered bullet, making head shots even that much more enjoyable.

  • Joystiq live at the Midway E3 07 Press Conference

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    The press conferences just keep coming. Check out our live coverage of the Midway E3 '07 press conference after the break.

  • Video: Blacksite trailer is all about being home

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    There's a new Blacksite: Area 51 trailer in town and it's all about the pretty visuals and those rascally aliens landing on our home turf. Embedded above is Midway's latest Blacksite trailer aptly named "Followed Home" featuring an entire gamut of aliens including tall ones with skinny legs, wormy ones, spider ones and aliens that shoot rockets. Yup, when you're followed home by these aliens we recommend putting on your running shoes and taking off. That is unless you are military trained. Which, luckily for us, we are.

  • Midway has another Wii exclusive in Cruis'n

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Midway follows up its minigame entry into the Wii library with a racing title called Cruis'n. In "an all new version of the classic Midway arcade racer," racers will navigate twelve different courses and earn upgrades, allowing them to "create the ultimate ride." As far as what ultimate rides there will be, we at least know Nissan has given them the go-ahead to include some of their cars. Cruis'n is currently slated for a November release.

  • Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends relocates to Nintendo DS

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    You can tell a lot about a person based on the imaginary beings he or she befriended as a child. If the friends were named Ben, George, Andrew and Abraham, chances are good that you're dealing with some sort of executive, possibly even the kind that would approve Midway's announcement of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends for Nintendo DS.The game, currently set for a release in November (obviously), has series protagonist Bloo taking on the eponymous Imagination Invaders, a "group of diabolical cosmic invaders" in search of the "The Greatest Thing in the Universe." You'll also be expected to rescue Madame Foster, sneak past Space Nut Boogie guards (it says here) and of course, buy the game if you're a fan of the excellent Cartoon Network show.

  • Midway reveals Game Party, doesn't get Wii gamers

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If it's one thing Wii owners want, it's another minigame compilation title, amirite? No, in fact, I am wrong. Dead wrong. Because, like us, we're pretty sure you don't want any more minigame compilations. The game is to feature "a collection of classic skill games from around the world," including a half-dozen different minigames. These activities are to be comprised of darts, trivia and ... beer pong (looks like it, based on the image above)? Midway will be releasing Game Party come this November.

  • The Bee Game is not what you're thinking

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    You would be forgiven for thinking that The Bee Game, a DS and GBA title, might be connected to a film you've heard some buzz (lol!) about, Bee Movie. Luckily, Midway has taken every precaution to make sure that you don't get the two confused. Like, for instance, they added a "The" at the beginning, let's see Jerry Seinfeld top that! There are, of course, some things that even Midway couldn't help. For instance, they both just happen to be releasing in November. Purely coincidental. Also, The Bee Game was written by Barry Leinfeld. (OK, we made that one up.) In case you're curious, the game apparently features "completing mini-games to find clues in the meadow, dark forest, blue pond, deep caverns and the garden to locate the other bees." Not listed in the feature set, but implied: A hard-learned lesson about paying more attention to the back of boxes.Update: As some of the more observant of you have pointed out, that is, in fact, Maya the Bee. Why change the name of the game based on the beloved children's series? We have NO IDEA.

  • Midway announces Cruis'n, exclusively for Wii

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Another Wii exclusive from Midway announced this morning, this time it's Cruis'n, "an all new version of the classic Midway arcade racer." We're at least heartened to hear that it's an all new version, and not a simple port of the classic arcade game. Of course, being a Wii exclusive, you can expect to navigate the twelve different circuits the game provides aided by the magic of the Wiimote, all while earning upgrades so you can "create the ultimate ride." Watch out, Forza 2.Note to the Nissan driver in the above pic: it's spelled "Cruis'n." Let's at least try to be consistent with our misspellings. Cruis'n rolls up this November.

  • Midway announces Game Party, cashes in on Wii minigames

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Midway just announced Game Party for the Wii, "a collection of classic skill games from around the world," like darts, table hockey, hoop shot (basketball?), and trivia. They go on to gloat that "more than a half dozen games are available." Whoa! Those half-dozen plus, which also seem to include Skee-ball and a variant of beer pong judging by the above image, hardly make a dent in the Wii's now towering pile of minigames, but every little bit helps we suppose. Unsurprisingly, Game Party will be available in November, just in time for ... well, y'know.

  • Ultimate Mortal Kombat bloodies up Nintendo DS this November

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    There are probably quite a few things that can prepare you for this. Midway has announced a pint-sized punch-a-thon in Ultimate Mortal Kombat, slated to hit, kick and likely do something completely uncalled for to the Nintendo DS in November. The game will offer the traditional fighting and fatalities of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (currently available on Xbox Live Arcade) along with the block-dropping Puzzle Kombat mode, as seen in Mortal Kombat: Deception.Nintendo Wi-Fi multiplayer is also supported by the title -- just remember to exchange friend codes before exchanging blows.%Gallery-4354%

  • Test your might online this November

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We haven't been this excited about Mortal Kombat since the first time Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 came out, and we've never had any reason to be excited about a portable Kombat. But this is just too cool. Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon told IGN that a version of the classic fighting game will be coming to the DS-- with online play. Attention, developers: this is how you do a port on the DS.It'll also include Puzzle Kombat, the Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo clone found in Mortal Kombat Deception, which will also be playable online. The game will be out in November, and we look forward to eviscerating all of you at Game Night.In the game, we mean. We aren't planning to come to your houses and eviscerate any of you. We wouldn't even know how.

  • Stranglehold Collector's Edition lacks punch

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It seems like every game available has to have a collector's edition these days. Some of them wow us with dizzying arrays of extras, while others underwhelm us with a pittance of extras that fail to excite. Stranglehold, sadly, falls into the latter camp. Included with the Stranglehold Collector's Edition edition are 5 DVD-style features about the creation of the game. That's it. For an extra $10 you get some behind-the-scenes fluff. Considering the PS3 version comes with an entire movie, we would have liked a little something more. Granted, extras featuring John Woo's input might be interesting, but there is no reason these couldn't have been included with the regular edition. Hell, they would have made great unlockables.Then again, if Midway had done that, then they wouldn't have been able to charge an extra 10 bucks for fluff.

  • PSP Fanboy review: Hot Brain

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Over the past year, Nintendo has somehow made learning cool and fun. Edutainment titles that have gamers solving math and word puzzles have made a strong showing on the Nintendo DS, and Midway is trying to capitalize on the craze with its new brain game, Hot Brain. Hot Brain is exclusively for the PSP, a platform that's far less familiar with the genre. Although the game has a great deal of charm, its limited assortment of puzzles and easy difficulty level makes it far less engaging than the products that Nintendo have benchmarked on their dual-screened handheld.One of the most admirable things Midway has done with Hot Brain is the incredible amount of personality they've added to the genre with the Professor Warmer character. A beautifully animated CG intro explains his theory: increased blood flow to the brain causes the brain to get warmer. Therefore, by participating in a series of math and verbal puzzles, players will increase their blood flow, and make their brains hot.

  • PSP Fanboy interview: Hot Brain's Jerry Huber

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    This week, a new brain training game hits the PSP: Hot Brain. We got a chance to chat with Jerry Huber, producer at Midway on the title. Doesn't a hot brain increase the chance of a stroke? Where did the "hot brain" concept originate from?Jerry Huber: I don't believe that playing Hot Brain will cause any long- term physical harm ... although I am not a doctor.The hot brain theme came up while we were doing research for the game. We found an article where they had done thermal scans of peoples' brains while they were doing different types of activities. There was a scan of somebody sleeping, somebody watching TV, doing a crossword puzzle... that sort of thing. The scans where people were actively using their brains showed increased blood flow and higher temperatures then the brains that were resting. That's what sparked the whole "hot brain" concept. Why target PSP with a title like this? Wouldn't the DS be more suitable?The brain- trainers have done really well on the DS. I think that's a pretty strong indicator that there's an interest in these types of games. We felt like a brain- trainer designed specifically for the PSP would have a lot of appeal.