

  • Mii Spotlight: 'Cause you're ugly

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Well, you're not ugly, but there are a lot of ugly Miis out there. We just can't resist moving facial features around and into places they're not supposed to be. Sure, sometimes you do that and you get Admiral Ackbar, but other times, it looks more like what's under the hockey mask in the Friday the 13th films. Not pretty. But even ugly Miis need a little time in the spotlight, so we're dedicating this week's edition to the worst of the worst. Check out the parade of awful after the jump!

  • Wii Warm Up: More Mii

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Miis are great fun, and it's pretty easy to make a reasonable approximation of yourself, provided you already look like a caricature, like we do. But there are so many more features we could have. Putting aside the obvious expansions of existing features-- more hair and eyewear options, for example-- we can think of one major addition that would make us super happy: custom t-shirts. Let us import an image or just draw one. A Mii is just not me without a video game t-shirt.What would you add to the Mii creator palette?

  • Mii Spotlight: In character edition

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    It seems like everyone loves to make Mii versions of their favorite characters, whether they're from films, games, or television shows, and who can blame them? It's very satisfying to finish a Mii that turns out well and show it off, just to see if it's immediately recognizable. Considering that, it's no surprise that people send us lots of random characters, and often, they're Miis of characters that are just so brilliant, or from things that we love, and we can't resist them.We dedicate this week's Mii spotlight to all the great character Miis we haven't seen yet ... and we wait with bated breath to see what else you guys can come up with after seeing this week's submissions.

  • Conjecture Countdown: 11 days to go

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Even with a diminished E3, there's no controlling the wave of rumors that hit the Internet every year before the show. Why fight it? From now until E3 hits, we'll be posting one piece of wild speculation every day. Some may be patently ridiculous, and others just might turn out to be true. Even some of the ridiculous ones might turn out to be true! Rest assured, everything will be totally made-up and unfounded. Except, of course, when we speak about all the ass Reggie is going to kick. That part? Totally true.Rumor: The Mii Popularity Channel will be the only new thing Nintendo shows off at E3.

  • Mii Spotlight: The Force edition

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, (or, last week in the Mii Spotlight) some pretenders rolled in here and tried to get everyone psyched about Star Trek. Please. We know what's better. We know that Star Wars is really where it's at -- especially when it comes to Miis. Does everyone have Spock on their Wii, ready to get his tennis on? We think not ... but there sure do seem to be a lot of Admiral Ackbars out there, ready to warn us of impending traps.

  • Mii Spotlight: Beam Mii Up edition

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Mii Spotlight -- the final column (of the week.) These are the Web voyages of the blog Wii Fanboy. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new fansites. To seek out new Miis and new Mii collections. To boldly post no Mii that has been posted before.

  • Mii Spotlight: Take a look inside

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    It's Saturday, and obviously, that means another week in the Mii Spotlight! This week, however, we offer something a little different than our usual fare. Or, depending on how you look at things, it could be seen as exactly the same as our usual fare. Decide for yourself!

  • South Park's Kenny takes Mii form, is killed

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Continuing with the cartoon characters becoming Miis craze, we bring you Kenny McCormick, the ill-fated fourth member of the South Park kids. As a fair warning, the joke of deleting the Mii and having one of your friends shout "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!" will be funny exactly once. Make sure you've timed it right, and that everyone you care about is there to see it.Speaking of which, be sure to stay till the end, when the video goes from ingenious way to create a favorite character to a moving reminder of life's fragility.

  • Mii Spotlight: Remember to send us those Miis!

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Don't forget -- we've got two Mii requests for anyone who'd like to be in our weekly Mii Spotlight. Send us your ugliest Miis, the worst you can manage to make (funny is a bonus), and we also want reader Miis for a special edition Mii Spotlight. Don't be shy! Snap a few pictures and send them to us at mii at nintendowiifanboy dot com.We'd also like to ask: what challenges would you like? Television show casts (old and new), or cult movie characters, or ... what? Suggest it and we'll see about making it happen. There was a suggestion around here about requesting Welcome Back, Kotter Miis, and that made us think maybe what we really need is Travolta-through-the-ages ... but we're not sure our Mii Plaza can handle a disco inferno turned hitman.

  • Support your Mii troops

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Mark Newton and his coworkers at Gamestop received this "We're Building an Armii" shirt from their store's Nintendo representative, making sure to post a photo of their spoils for us to envy over with aching hearts. Thanks a lot, guys. Thanks for NOTHING.We're not sure which war Nintendo plans on shipping these Miis to, but just how useful would these guys be in any combat situation? Playing Wii Sports: Tennis is one thing, but keeping your cool while you're under fire and your buddy next to you is filled with shrapnel, begging you to take him home and make things alright again like they were before, is another. March two klicks past the post break for a closer look at the shirt swag.

  • Mii City, Population: These Guys

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Having broken out of the Mii channel's sterile confines, these characters were spotted at Canada's Anime North convention last May. One can only imagine what costumed horrors the blue-shirted Mii was subjected to that would leave his face in a permanent state of fright -- a heavyset guy with a ZZ Top beard dressed as Sailor Moon? Or a muscly Batman gyrating in a pair of speedos? Check past the post break for another photo of these two Miis hamming it up for the camera.

  • Mii Spotlight: Pop culture goes Mii

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    The best sort of Miis seem to be made from those people who already look like walking caricatures -- the kind of people who have such distinctive features that you could guess their identity from seeing only their left eye, perhaps, or their signature grin. So it follows, of course, that iconic characters also tend to make for good Mii material, though not always, as we here at the Fanboy learned ourselves to our great chagrin ....

  • Make that Mii a Zoidberg

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Once again, the conservative, sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor.Oh Zoidberg, your lack of self-esteem and ravenous appetite are something that have caused us many a chuckle over the years. Now, we can bring that lovable, ink-sack toting thing onto our Wii with the embedded instructional video. While we can't set his skin color to red, the difference in tone and look from his cartoon counterpart is negligible. Head past the break and check the video out.

  • How to make a Zoidberg Mii. Hooray!

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Who doesn't want Dr. Zoidberg (of Futurama fame, of course!) in their Mii Channel? For one beautiful night he knew what it was to be a Mii. Subjugated, yet honored. This video shows us how to make our most well-loved squid with a PhD. We know creating Mii characters may be old news at this point, but Futurama is coming back next year and we don't get enough chances to quote him.Once again, the conservative, sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor. Video embedded after the break.[Via Game Stooge]

  • Wii Warm Up: Friend code rumor fest

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    What's the deal with friend codes on the Wii? In the last week or so, we've seen a flurry of rumors and responses-to-rumors, and we don't even know if the system for Mario Strikers Charged will set the standard for the rest of the Wii's WiFi future. Are friend codes Mii specific? Some say yes, but there's also word that the good news about Mii-based codes may be untrue and the result of a mistranslation. We've talked at length about WiFi and the future of Wii online before, but in light of all these recent developments, we can't resist asking what you think.

  • Mii, friend codes linked for Mario Strikers Charged [Update 2]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Those oft-discussed Nintendo friend codes may be more universal than previously thought. In an interview with Gamers.fr, Mario Strikers Charged producer Justin Dowdeswell of Next Level Games said that the friend codes used for online games are tied to your Mii character and does not change between games."Each Mii created generates a Mii code that never changes. This code will thus be used for all other online games in the future," said Dowsedell (according to a translation done by Joystiq).Each Wii console can hold 100 Mii characters. There are one trillion possible 12-digit friend codes; some quick number-crunching reveals that Nintendo can only build ten billion Wii consoles in its lifetime. Only ten billion? Way to limit your sales, Ninty. (We're going to spell this one out: that's sarcasm.)Update: Falafelkid at Wii: Definitive speculation contacted Dowdeswell via phone, who said that "he never intended to comment on any other titles, nor would he know about how they implemented online features." Dowsedell comments as they appear above were a translation of his original words done by this writer, which we should have made more clear. However, we feel our translation was accurate to the best of our knowledge. As it was written in the interview: Chaque Mii créé génère un code Mii qui reste invariable par la suite. Ce code servira donc pour tous les autres jeux jouables en ligne dans le futur.We have contacted Dowsedell ourselves to learn that, indeed, he is not sure and was not speaking for how online will be handled with other games. "We're just aware of how we're handling Strikers stuff ... That's not to say it won't happen, but I'm not aware of that," he said to Joystiq via phone. We apologize for any misunderstanding of Dowdeswell's words specifically stemming from the phrase "all other online games in the future" (intended to mean Strikers Charged matches and not other Wii games).[Via The Platformers]

  • Happy funtime Memorial Day video: Rejected Wii Play minigames

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    A caution to our readers: anyone with a conscience or refined sense of humor may want to stay far away from the above video, which features a host of "rejected" Wii Play minigames to hilarious effect. It even includes Ribbon Dancing Revolution, which we called back in August of '06. The excellent reproduction of the Mii's simplistic style is alone worth the price of admission, so go ahead, click on the play button.We're not watching.[via GoNintendo]

  • Wii Warm Up: How accurate is your Mii?

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We're going to assume that everyone has made at least one Mii in their own image. Sure, we get creative, but we're sure everyone starts with the source material with which they're most familiar: themselves.So, were you able to represent yourself well? When people see your Mii, do they instantly recognize it as you? Or are you too constrained by a lack of options? Our personal Mii is eerily accurate, to the point where it would be Uncanny Valley territory if it, you know, had arms.Seen here: not us.

  • Mii Spotlight: Randomness

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    You guys have sent us a lot of Miis, and some of them are pretty random. We mean seriously out there. And that's just fine with us -- we like random and weird! In fact, you could probably say that we appreciate the more creative, out-there Miis more than any other, so how could we not devote an entire week's Mii Spotlight to the weirdest of your submissions?We just had to. Besides, we think you'll enjoy them as much as we did.

  • Nintendo Media Summit: Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree hands-on (Wii)

    Colin Torretta
    Colin Torretta

    The sequel to the DS hit, Big Brain Academy, was shown this week at the Nintendo Media Summit. Dubbed Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree, this version offers tons of new mini-games to test your senses and give your brain a workout. It supports three multiplayer modes for up to 8 players, and 15 new challenges for single-player mode. It also allows you to trade your student data over WiiConnect24 with other players, allowing you to challenge others and compare results. In a nice touch, the game also imports all your friend's codes automatically. The gameplay is focused on fast-paced small minigames that are meant to help you increase your mental capacities in one of five areas: Identify, Memorize, Analyze, Computer and Visualize. The game tracks your progress and gives you a diagram showing your strengths and weakness in the different categories. To improve a poor stat, you need to play games specific to that category. For example, if your Identify skill is low, you could play "Fast Focus," in which you see a distorted image slowly revealed. The point of the game is to correctly guess the subject of the picture as quickly as you can, using the Wiimote to select the answer from a provided list. "Fast Focus" was probably my favorite of the minigames, but unfortunately I saw quite a few images repeat after only playing it for a short time. Kind of a bad sign for the longevity of that particular minigame, but may have just been a fluke. %Gallery-3406%