

  • Serving you a scoop of Elder Scrolls Online beta details

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    So you know that the beta for The Elder Scrolls Online is coming up, right? Of course you do! But what you don't know are many details about it. Well, slide on up to the counter here and we'll give you the scoop -- with a cherry on top. Beta events will begin as smaller, scheduled play sessions (usually on weekends) with a limited play window focusing on something specific. Invitations for the first round of public events will start going out at the end of March, with the tests starting shortly thereafter. Events will become more frequent and last longer as launch approaches, and players can receive separate invites for multiple events. Testers will be selected based on various criteria and all invites will go to the email players used to sign up for the beta. If you haven't signed up yet, there's still time! Just head to the official site to fill out the beta application.

  • You have questions about The Elder Scrolls Online, the development team has answers

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Prospective players have a lot of questions about The Elder Scrolls Online. What will I need to do to be a tank? How will I heal other people? Will I be carrying around every wheel of goat cheese in the world for no reason? The development team has sat down and answered a variety of player questions in a new feature addressing several assorted topics. Players interested in tanking will be happy to know that while you will generally want to be in heavy armor, a properly designed character should be able to last for quite some time in light armor. Those who prefer playing a pure role will also be happy to note that while the developers have harped on hybridization a bit, being a "pure" role will be perfectly viable and possible. And lore fans will be happy to see a variety of lore questions answered, especially concerning organizations and races that are important in later games but aren't necessarily around in The Elder Scrolls Online. So odds are good that when you read through the answers, you'll be happy.

  • MMO Burnout: Skyrim's shortcut to mushrooms

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    "This is Morrowind, not Skyrim," said a stern-faced Dunmer named Adril Arano as he greeted my ship at the Solstheim docks. And just like that, I felt a flood of 2002-ish nostalgia despite the fact that this is actually Skyrim. More precisely, it's Dragonborn, the new (to the PC) DLC pack that expands Bethesda's already sprawling sandbox opus beyond its Nord roots. I'm guessing that a fair few of you have played at least a portion of the game by this point, and the rest of you are probably wondering why it's being written about on an MMO site. Well, that's not a short answer, but as I'm in the habit of looking at non-MMOs that might appeal to MMO players in this column, it would be woefully incomplete without a few deep dives into The Elder Scrolls.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online celebrates 1M Facebook likes with new armor concept art and videos

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Zenimax Online and Bethesda Softworks were feeling generous on this Valentine's Day by giving us a bit of a peek at some concept designs for heavy armor in the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls Online MMO. The armor concept shows off High Elven, Nordic, and Breton heavy armors. In addition, the developers celebrated one million Likes on their Facebook page by releasing a short tribute video. And speaking of videos, one more from the TESO team: the eleventh edition of "Developer Question of the Week" features UI designer Kristy Keaton. Check out all the new goodies over at the game's Facebook page.

  • TESO's newest story post delves into the life of High King Emeric


    Meet High King Emeric, a true renaissance man. He's a Breton, a merchant lord, a skilled fighter, leader of the Daggerfall Covenant, and a diarist. A new story post for The Elder Scrolls Online tells the story of his training and ascension, as told by our daring hero himself. Read the riveting tale of how he goes from studying accounting to breaking sieges, finding a bride, taking a throne, and ruling. If the Daggerfall Covenant isn't really your speed, there are similar tales for the leaders of the Aldmeri Dominion and the Ebonheart Pact.

  • TESO food truck hits the road in March for US tour

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If The Elder Scrolls Online were to serve snacks to players, what would be on the menu? Now you can find out! On March 10th, the TESO food truck will start a cross-country jaunt across the US to bring tasty treats and swag giveaways to fans. Starting at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Austin, Texas, the truck will make 11 stops over the year at various conventions -- including PAX and PAX East, E3, and Comic-Con -- as well as a number of universities. Joining the kick-off festivities in Austin will be composer and singer Malukah. For more details on other tour dates, check out the official announcement.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online lead deals with differences between the MMO and single-player RPGs

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With all of the excitement over The Elder Scrolls Online's beta signups, Game Director Matt Firor has his hands full adjusting the expectations of those used to single-player Elder Scrolls titles. Firor danced around several specific questions by The PA Report on how the MMO would tackle the world, heroism, guilds, and politics in comparison to the single-player games. Firor expanded a bit on how the team is putting together the larger world of Tamriel, especially the areas yet unseen by single-player gamers: "The Elder Scrolls IP is very down-to-earth and gritty, so we had to take the traditional 'these are High Elves' fantasy visuals -- tall towers, white marble, landscaped terrain -- and merge them with the grittier and more medieval-realistic (there are poor High Elf farmers, etc.). It came together very well." He said that while players won't always be at the center of attention, game NPCs will recognize great deeds and instancing will be used for important moments. One thing that won't happen as in the single-player titles is for characters to become the heads of game guilds (as opposed to player guilds). Firor also hinted that the Emperor of the world will be based on player PvP performance, but declined to give any further specifics.

  • Leaderboard: Cinematic trailers - awful or awesome?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So ZeniMax released a spiffy teaser vid for The Elder Scrolls Online last week. The six-minute clip had it all: dank dungeons, luscious locations, and enough daredevil gravity-defying combat to fill an entire summer's worth of action films. The only problem, to hear some folks tell it, was that none of the thrills, chills, and gratuitous violence on display will be possible in the finished game. The video was a cinematic, you see, and even though there's a decent amount of TESO gameplay footage floating around the internet already, the trailer served as something of a rallying cry for fans who'd rather see the cinematic's budget go toward a gameplay trailer. What say you, Leaderboard readers? Are MMO cinematics an awful waste of development dollars or do you enjoy them for what they are? Settle the score once and for all after the cut. Ever wish that you could put to rest a long-standing MMO debate once and for all? Then welcome to the battle royal of Massively's Leaderboard, where two sides enter the pit o' judgment -- and only one leaves. Vote to make your opinion known, and see whether your choice tops the Leaderboard!

  • Elder Scrolls Online beta signups now live, six-minute cinematic released [Updated]

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Bethesda and ZeniMax want you to know that beta signups are officially open for The Elder Scrolls Online. A new press release trumpets the announcement (though "timing and details of the start of playtests will be provided at a later date"), and the firms have also released a slick new cinematic trailer that will whet your appetite for Tamriel over the course of its whopping six-minute run time. TESO will make use of ZeniMax's megaserver technology to "avoid the hassle of shard selection." The game will also feature a built-in social network which the company says makes the new MMORPG "one of the most socially enabled games ever created." You can sign up for beta via the game's official website, and we've embedded the new trailer just past the break. [Source: Bethesda press release] [Update: ZeniMax has also uploaded an FAQ regarding the beta. Enjoy!]

  • The Elder Scrolls Online lore video covers the history of war


    If you've been keeping an eye on The Elder Scrolls Online, you've probably noticed that its three chief factions are at war. The Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, and Ebonheart Pact have been established as mortal enemies -- but why? Loremaster Lawrence Schick sheds a little light on the three-way conflict in a new lore video. You're a hip, savvy Internetter; we know you don't have a lot of time. Here's the skinny: All three alliances want to control Cyrodil, the central part of the continent that houses the very heart of Tamriel. The Tharns that rule Cyrodil are weak, and each alliance thinks that it has the power to steer Tamriel in the proper direction. Skip below the cut to watch the video to learn about all the intricate details. [Thanks to groovy webizen Paul for the tip!]

  • The Elder Scrolls Online answers queries about the Daggerfall Covenant

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The word "Daggerfall" has special significance to the Elder Scrolls community, which is perhaps why the Daggerfall Covenant has received considerable interest among those following the development of The Elder Scrolls Online. ZeniMax has a brand-new player Q&A that covers the lore and history of this faction. The Daggerfall Covenant encapsulates the Bretons, Redguard, and Orcs, and is symbolized by a lion. A significant question is why the Orcs would join forces with the other two races. The devs responded by saying that the race feels inferior to others and is trying to get established as an Imperial province, although it's "an alliance of convenience." The developers also talked about the variety that's going into the Alik'r Desert, a plague of werewolves that's a significant part of the game, what towns we'll be seeing in the region (Bergama, Camlorn, and Lainlyn), and how the alliance between the races overcomes their religious differences.

  • The Perfect Ten: New MMOs to watch in 2013

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Oh, I had a great Perfect Ten prepped as the first list of the year, but my meanie-face editor slammed on the veto button and told me, point-blank, that I was going to be counting down the best MMO prospects for the year. Then she drove a lawnmower through a Nordstroms while huffing paint thinner and throwing empty cans at the security personnel. Even so, her idea is probably more interesting than what I had. Let me give you a few notes on today's list because I sense that I'm going to tick more of you off than normal here. My goal was to sift through the possible releases for 2013 and pick the 10 most promising, both in "will it actually launch this year?" and in its potential for success. The combination makes it a tough call because some of these will undoubtedly be delayed to 2014 or beyond and some of these we still don't know as much as we'd like about them. But who cares? Let's have some fun and kick this year off right. Here are my picks for new MMOs to watch in 2013.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online exalts the Unforeseen Queen

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The Elder Scrolls Online's latest lore entry is asking you to read between the lines just a little bit. On its surface, the entry is straightforward enough, giving players a peek at the reigning queen of the Aldmeri Dominion. Ayrenn the Unforeseen Queen is just another one of the Alliance leaders, right? But the fact that the entry is written in the style of an in-game document allows for some additional hints to be dropped along the way. In the official documents, Ayrenn is nothing more or less than the culmination of tradition, a perfectly prepared queen to lead the High Elves. But it becomes clear from the story that this is a queen who left her tradition behind for quite some time until she decided to return, a woman more than willing to break the rules to obtain what she wants. Take a look at the full entry and get ready to bend your knee to the queen in the game, since she may very well bend it for you otherwise.

  • Elder Scrolls Online's dreugh is one ugly mutha... shut yo mouth!

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you've a taste for anthropomorphic bugs with faces that only a Predator could love, you'll probably enjoy the latest Elder Scrolls Online update. ZeniMax has posted a new entry on its website detailing the creation of the game's dreugh (emphasis on ugh) that features a bit of lore and a brief video clip of the creatures in action. "Dreugh are primarily found in the eastern areas of Tamriel," ZeniMax explains, "but can likely also be found anywhere coastal. Land dreugh can be found as far inland as Cyrodiil." If you've played Morrowind and Oblivion you've likely encountered earlier versions of the dreugh, and if not, well, what are you waiting for? Head past the cut for the clip and then to the official site to learn more. [Thanks to Paul for the tip!]

  • The Elder Scrolls Online gets some myths dispelled

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Are you looking forward to seeing what happens when the developers at Bethesda finish working on The Elder Scrolls Online? Are you unsure how the game's Skyrim-based combat will work when accounting for lag in your aim? Do you have a fear of having everyone grouped on a single server? If you answered yes to any of those questions, it's probably a good idea for you to take a gander at the video below the cut, because all of those questions are based on misconceptions that the video aims to correct. The fansite Tamriel Foundry has put together a short video hitting several of the most common misconceptions about The Elder Scrolls Online, explaining both the inaccurate belief and the truth of the matter. This covers everything from the actual developers (Zenimax Online) to the changes to the combat system (you won't be actively aiming, with the game instead establishing a soft target lock on your selected target). Even if you think you know all there is to know about the game already, it couldn't hurt to sit and watch -- and maybe have a few mistaken ideas cleared out.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online on Elf cannibalism and the lineage of cat people

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The Elder Scrolls Online spotlight has shifted away from the Ebonheart Pact faction and is now shining most brightly on the Aldmeri Dominion. The first part of a new community Q&A peppers the devs with questions about this player faction and how it differentiates itself from the others. The playable races of the Dominion are the central focus of several questions. Players have the choice of the Wood Elf, High Elf, and Khajiit races. The latter feline humanoids may prove to be quite popular, although the devs say that there will be only one subset of the race -- the Suthay-raht -- available at launch. The team isn't avoiding the issue of the Wood Elves' cannibalism, saying that players should find mentions of it while exploring. Both Elf races will be getting plenty of story love: "We've made sure that this kind of lore about the Elves will be included in the game -- in plenty -- in all the classic ways cultural lore is delivered in the Elder Scrolls games: quest dialogue, conversations with NPCs, lore books of all kinds, music, item crafting, and so forth." The lands covered by the Dominion are touched on in the Q&A as well, including the vast jungles of Valenwood and the stunning beauty of High Elf cities.

  • How Morrowind and KOTOR defined modern RPGs

    Rowan Kaiser
    Rowan Kaiser

    This is a weekly column from freelancer Rowan Kaiser, which focuses on "Western" role-playing games: their stories, their histories, their mechanics, their insanity, and their inanity. In the early 2000s, two Western role-playing games grabbed the genre and shoved it into new and surprisingly popular directions. Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002) and BioWare's Knights Of The Old Republic (2003) modernized RPGs' technology, expanded the audience, and created the two most popular models for the genre moving forward.Before these two games were released, the term Computer Role-Playing Game (CRPG) was commonly used to describe the games in this column. Ultima, Wizardry, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, these all came out on computers (at least initially), with DOS/Windows becoming the computer platform of choice as the decade progressed. But Morrowind and KOTOR were designed and released for the Xbox – and they succeeded there. The realm of console RPGs was opened to very different styles of game from the Final Fantasies which had dominated. This successful move opened entirely new modes of money-making, allowing BioWare and Bethesda to become some of the biggest developers in gaming overall.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online regales us with the history of a king

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Pour a tall mug o' mead, my friends, and prepare to be entranced with the tales of The Elder Scrolls Online. ZeniMax's scribes have crafted a particularly cunning tale of Jorunn the Skald-King for you to enjoy. As Jorunn is one of the key figures in TESO, we figure it's a good thing to keep tabs on him and his history. The short story tells of his upbringing and ascension to the throne of the Ebonheart Pact. The team indicated that we should expect two more stories covering the other faction leaders. Give the short story a read and let us know whether this man is the type of fictional character that your fictional character will swear fealty to or not!

  • The Elder Scrolls Online: All your Ebonheart Pact questions answered, part two


    Continuing a tradition of bi-weekly Q&As, the team behind The Elder Scrolls Online has answered another round of questions. This week's AMA continued to look at the Ebonheart Pact. Characters that join the Ebonheart Pact will, if they make certain choices, have the chance to run into Joruun the Skaald-King and other prominent figures like the Nord Companions. All members of the Ebonheart Pact will have a chance to visit the Shadowfen and the Argonian city of Stormhold, which likely means running into the huge, reptilian wamasu that lurk in the swamps. The Great House rivalries that players came to love in Morrowind will figure into TESO, although players won't (initially, at least) be able to formally join a House. Similarly, players who loved Skyrim will find that while the land is familiar, it's got substantial differences as a result of being about 1,000 years younger. Argonian players who're fond of the extremely reptilian look will be pleased to hear that character customization will allow for "much more variety than [the team has] been able to convey in the screenshots released so far." To read the full answers, hit up the official Q&A.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online grapples with questions of race, story, and setting

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    You have questions about The Elder Scroll Online (probably many questions, yes?), and ZeniMax has a few answers in return. The developers took on a half-dozen queries from the community, many of which were concerned with setting and story, not to mention why typical adversaries are working together all of the sudden. If you're concerned that the three factions will offer thinly veiled copies of each other's quests, the devs have good news: "Each Alliance's content in TESO is as varied and dynamic as the Alliances themselves are -- your adventures an Argonian in the Ebonheart Pact, for example, will be quite different than those of a Bosmer in the Aldmeri Dominion." Another player asked how similar places will be that are covered in both the single-player titles and the MMO; the devs replied, "The stories and events that unfold in these areas during The Elder Scrolls Online will be different than those in past Elder Scrolls games. The people living in these familiar places won't be too different from their brethren in later times; however, they will have different views and tales to tell, based on the current events that are impacting their daily lives."