

  • One Shots: Yo ho ho!

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    There's probably no gulf as wide as the one between historical pirates and the pop culture versions that we venerate. As a guy who had a pirate-themed 30th birthday party, I can't say that I'm against our off-kilter brand of scallywags. Neither is reader Phinneas, who sent in our featured screenshot from Pirate101. "These shots are of the main starting area with my fearsome pirate looking to the horizon for adventures ahead," he writes. Best of luck to ye, laddie! May the wind be at your back, your enemies in Davey Jones' locker, and a bottle of ginger ale in your belly! Yet pirates are only the beginning of today's adventure through One Shots...

  • Mythology-inspired The Lost Titans launches open beta today

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The Lost Titans, a free-to-play fantasy game inspired by real Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mythologies launches into open beta tonight with the creation of a brand-new Olympus server. At 10 p.m. EDT, doors open to a revamped beginners' area as well as new mounts, pets, and events. Players can test their luck by spinning Fortuna's Wheel for a chance at prizes or delve deeper into the Core of Aristos to avenge their Titan ruler Hyperion. Open beta also brings new PvP features, including a dueling system and a battleground where players can mount up and face both bosses and other players simultaneously. For a sneak peek of the action, check out the images in the gallery below and the trailer after the break. [Source: ZQGAME press release]%Gallery-186060%

  • Chaos Theory: The Secret World community roundup

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    You've heard me express my thoughts quite a bit over the last couple of months about everything from what I want to see in The Secret World (like housing and an encore to special events) to my experiences with different aspects of the game (such as sabotage missions and Issue #6). Now it's time to share yours! Yes, folks, this week follows in a time-honored tradition of community roundups, where we dive into the topics that are in the forefront of the community's collective mind. Of course, we can't touch on everything here (that's what official forums are for), but we can explore a smattering of the topics raised. So what are TSW players chattering about lately? Among the ongoing conversations are discussions about veteran rewards, clothing, PvP tournaments, and builds.

  • New raid included in today's Secret World patch

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Amid the general bug squashing and polishing released in today's patch, The Secret World has tucked away a tasty little morsel of content: an all new lair raid encounter. A weak point between realities has been discovered out in the Kingsmouth wreckage, and groups of 10 adventurers can enter the extra-dimensional prison, The Island of Stillborn Stars, to face Eidolon of the Outer Dark. Bits of housekeeping also included in the patch were fixes to several exploits in lairs, dungeons, and PvP as well as assorted bugs (say goodbye to area spam when anyone nearby uses a reconstructor and black screens after using the Helevator). Players will also find a brand new item for sale at the Envoy of Ca' d'Oro. For a full listing of all the changes, check out the official patch notes. [Source: Funcom press release]

  • Chaos Theory: Exploring The Secret World's endgame

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Throughout my tenure as the Chaos Theory author, I've ruminated on a number of Secret World subjects that personally interest, intrigue, or otherwise affect me. I've covered ARGs, different issue updates, sabotage quests, the conversion to buy-to-play, ambiance, and more. I've even expounded on things I'd like to see in game, like housing and vehicles. But one thing I haven't covered with much detail are areas that don't have much personal relevance to me... yet. While it makes sense to talk most about my personal experiences, The Secret World offers so much more than what I have delved into. There really are different strokes for different folks, all wrapped up within the one world. So this week we are exploring an area that captures the attention of others if not mine: endgame.

  • Rumor: Titan might be a time-traveling, earthbound MMO

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The folks over at Project Titan claim to have a huge leak on Blizzard's upcoming Titan project from a reliable (and unnamed) source. While we are certainly wary of rumors, particularly on this scale, the author says he is "extremely confident" about the leak in particular. So what is Titan, according to this post? Several bullet points sketch a picture of an MMO that is based on Earth, is big into historical mythology (including Greek, Roman, and Viking myths), and involves "a lot" of time travel. The leaks says that Titan will play from a third-person view, has a new game engine, could also be headed to consoles, and has a strong e-sports emphasis. The leak purports that over 150 developers are working on Titan, including Jay Wilson. Apparently we'll be seeing a teaser of Titan at BlizzCon before it goes into friends and family testing in early 2014. So what do you think? Is this too elaborate to be a hoax, too vague to be the real thing, or a possible advance insight into what Titan is? Sound off in the comments! [Thanks to Mynsc for the tip!]

  • Chaos Theory: The wonderful world of sabotage in TSW

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It's certainly no secret that I love The Secret World's investigation missions. I have mentioned it a time to two (times 20 or so) at different points in articles and livestreams alike. And that's not even counting how many times I regale my friends and family with my investigative exploits. Getting to use skills of the mind more than the fingers is not a regular occurrence in MMORPGs, but it darn well should be! It is a refreshing alternative to pew-pew all the time. However, investigations aren't the only unique breed of missions I love in TSW. The game has a second kind that involves something other than just going out and showing off your prowess with a weapon. In fact, significant portions of these missions actually eschew the use of weapons entirely, and engaging in combat is a pretty big no-no when completing certain objectives. Welcome to sabotage missions.

  • Chaos Theory: Continuing the Issue #6 journey in The Secret World

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    In sharing my thoughts with you last week about The Secret World's newest update, I admitted that I hadn't yet experienced all of it. Even with a head start, there were too few days available to really dig into Issue #6. So unless I wanted to blow through everything like a runaway train without savoring it, there was no way I could pontificate on all aspects of the update at that time. That was then; this is now. This time around I've had full week to dive in and experience the different aspects of The Last Train to Cairo. Along with finishing up the story (which culminated in boarding the very train the update is named for), I started clawing my way up the PvP ranking ladder, secured my very own whip, and snagged a few veteran rewards. Of course, there is still more to be done; it will be a while before I am up for the challenge of the new raid boss, even with my snazzy new whip. And let's not forget banking up some recruitment bonus points by roping even more friends into The Secret World. Even so, that leaves plenty for us to talk about in today's Chaos Theory.

  • Get a glimpse of The Secret World's work-in-progress Tokyo playfield

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Want a sneak peek at The Secret World's upcoming Tokyo playfield? You only have to sit through a 13-hour train ride to get it! OK, not really, but that's what one enterprising fan did in order to see if Issue #6's Last Train to Cairo would eventually reach its destination. If you haven't played through the new content yet, there's a climatic train sequence that involves a series of boss fights, and since players can be defeated, fall off the train, or otherwise fail to complete their objectives, the train keeps going (and going... and going). One fan decided to stay on the train for 13 hours to see what would happen, and while she didn't make it to Cairo, she was rewarded with a visit from Funcom game director Joel Bylos near the end of her marathon livestream. Bylos subsequently ported her to the work-in-progress Tokyo zone for an impromptu tour. Tokyo plays a significant role in TSW's overarching narrative. Players first visit it during the game's subway tutorial sequence, and the shadowy Orochi Group bases its headquarters there. While the preview shows off a rough version of the zone, complete with missing textures and very few NPCs, it also shows off a ginormous playfield and gives TSW fans reason to be excited for upcoming content updates. The Tokyo sequence starts around the 13:47:00 mark of the livestream linked below. [Thanks Elania!]

  • Chaos Theory: Hoppin' TSW's train to Cairo

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It doesn't matter one iota what I had planned to talk about today, regardless of how phenomenal it may have been. The fact that The Last Train to Cairo has pulled into the station means I'm hopping on it! Yes, The Secret World's latest update hit this week with barely a day's warning and (thanks to my lifetime membership), I've been sinking my teeth into it since last Thursday. However, in the interest of full disclosure, I have to say that I have not boarded the actual train part of the adventure. I had no interest in blowing through the new content in just a couple of days; I prefer to savor the new goodies. But I have delved pretty deeply into it and have a experienced a fair share of Issue #6. So how's the ride so far? Keep reading for a test drive, then come watch as Creative Director Joel Bylos joins me for a livestream tour on Thursday, March 21st at 11:00 a.m. EDT on Massively TV.

  • Nab a discounted Secret World download with 1200 bonus points on Amazon

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If you've been waiting for a chance to grab The Secret World and delve into the realm of Templars, Illuminati, and Dragons, now's a good time to go for it. is currently offering the digital download of the conspiracy-laden game for $19.99, a $10 savings off the original price. However, the deal gets even sweeter -- the purchase includes 1200 bonus points (the same amount members receive each month). These points can be used to obtain the new Issue #6 The Last Train to Cairo DLC that becomes available to non-subscribers on Sunday, March 17th. The DLC costs 1200 bonus points for non-members, 1080 for members, and 960 for grandmasters (lifetime subscribers). Members and grandmasters can purchase and access Issue #6 now.

  • The Secret World's Issue #6 launches tomorrow [Updated]

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Folks who don't prowl around on the likes of Twitter may have missed out on a juicy little tidbit -- namely, that The Secret World's next update is coming tomorrow, March 14th. At 8:00 a.m. EDT, servers will go down for a scheduled three-hour maintenance, at which time Issue #6 The Last Train to Cairo will be patched in. Once the content is live, players will be able to add a whip to their weapon collection, dive into the new PvP ranking system, and revel in all the other assorted goodies coming their way. Previous announcements have noted that paid subscribers will get to access the content before others can purchase the DLC in the store, putting the launch for free players on Saturday the 16th Sunday the 17th. [Update: Funcom announced members will have a three day headstart instead of two; the launcher notes non-subscribers will be able to buy the DLC at 10:00 a.m EDT on the 17th]

  • Latest dev blog delves into the depths of The Secret World endgame

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If your Secret World adventures have thus far only entailed playing through the main story line, according to the latest dev blog you are missing out! The post plumbs the depths of TSW's character development and progression system (the endgame, if you will), detailing what lies in store for players after they turn that last page in the story. With such a variety of situations and so many different builds to tackle them with, mastering TSW is a very lengthy process. Part of that process entails honing skills and collecting gear by moving to successively harder dungeons. Beyond just acquiring gear, players must also augment their arsenal with crafted kickbacks, stimulants, and pure anima potions. Then there is obtaining glyphs and knowing which one to use when for the best effect. And don't forget about getting ahold of powerful signets that can be added to weapons and talismans. Of course, with the game's flexibility, there's no one "right way" to do things, so there are plenty of ways to experiment. Want some hints to use on this path to mastery? Check out all the details in the full post.

  • Chaos Theory: Where in The Secret World is Carmen Sandiego?

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    OK, so I openly admit that the title's reference probably predates the majority of you (unless you've happened upon the Facebook puzzle game, which apparently there is one!), but sometimes oldies are goodies. Or they just have catchy theme songs you can't get out of your head no matter how many decades you try... So what does the older game featuring the notorious Carmen Sandiego have to do with The Secret World? For starters, it involves solving clues to complete the objective, just as investigations missions do in the newer game. Basically, both involve using your head to continue in the story. And both also use various locales around the world as the backdrop for the adventures. It's this last one specifically that my mind has been mulling over for a bit, especially in light of recent changes. You see, even with the roadmap sketched out for the release of the next six updates (including Tokyo, woo!), some folks are worried about TSW's smaller centralized team. There is concern that there won't be enough resources to devote to the game and that it will languish. This is so where I come in. Instead of seeing the negative, I see opportunity: Iin order to free up more developer time and energy to focus on the nuts and bolts of creating the game, I'll provide the team with new ideas for future issues. This week, let's see where in the world we'll go.

  • One Shots: Dancing with my homies

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    First of all, thank you guys so much for responding to our One Shots rallying cry and absolutely flooding us with screenshots! My cup overfloweth, and that's a delightful change of pace for this column. Even though we're quite literally set for months now, please keep sending in your favorite old or new screencaps! To kick us off this week is Jerry, who's showing off how Anarchy Online can party down with the best of them: "This is Yardsale, a level 220 Trader, dancing with his trader pets in Borealis." At first glance, I almost thought we were in the Matrix. But even with polygons so sharp that you can cut yourself on them, this title definitely has a style all its own. Hit the jump to see this and other wonders of the screenshotted world.

  • Funcom's Joel Bylos on the centralized TSW, AoC, and AO team

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    By now, most MMO gamers are pretty familiar with the fact that Funcom underwent restructuring. But what does that mean; what exactly did it entail? The term "restructuring" in itself signifies changes but does nothing to actually enlighten folks on what the changes are. Other than the fact that Joel Bylos was named creative director for all three of Funcom's titles -- Age of Conan, Anarchy Online, and The Secret World -- and that the team will be in one centralized in location, we know little of the details. How many developers survived the restructuring and relocated to remain on the team? Is this move foreshadowing one or more games slipping into maintenance mode? How will the coveted dev attention be divvied up? What does the future hold? Devoid of facts, players are left left wondering about how these changes will impact their favorite games. While chatting with Joel Bylos in an exclusive interview, I was able to ask some of these very questions.

  • Did you hear? The Secret World music contest winners announced

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    A few weeks ago The Secret World offered musicians the chance to weave their original melodies into the fabric of the conspiracy-laden game. Many heeded that call and over 300 submissions were received, some containing multiple compositions. Instead of the originally intended five, 11 selections were chosen for inclusion in TSW. The winning music -- with titles like When Scouts Go Bad, I'll be the Death of You, Save Me, and The Zombie Stare -- will be introduced in Issue #7. Players will hear these pieces played on different radios throughout the game, such as those at The Ravens Knock and Susie's Diner in Kingsmouth, PC Bang in Seoul, and London's The Crusades nightclub. Congratulations to all the winners! [Thanks to Samantha for the tip!]

  • Chaos Theory: The Secret World needs bug spray in Egypt, stat!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Talk about timing. Recently, you all voted that I continue my adventures on my Templar. The timing was impeccable because right in the middle of that vote, The Secret World's next issue was announced. And where will this update be focused? Why, in Egypt -- right where my Templar just so happens to be! Fortuitous for me, to be sure. So I have been (mostly) happily blasting my way through the desert with a shotgun at my hip and a rifle slung across my back, enjoying new-to-me content and anticipating the upcoming new-to-everyone goodies. But not all timing has been good. As mentioned, I've been mostly enjoying my tales in the desert. Why the caveat? There's a bit of an infestation in Egypt, and I am not talking about the beetles that want to devour Said. The place is crawling with bugs! Besides swarming with giant locusts and their tentacled proboscises, Egypt also appears to have a higher prevalence of glitches. I have never encountered so many bugs in all of TSW as I have in a couple of days in that zone. And all at a time when the dev team is dealing with relocation and hasn't been able to jump right in and douse the area with a giant can of Raid. The timing is particularly bad because it's unfortunately right when all eyes are turning to Egypt on the eve of Issue #6. How this release plays out will have lasting affects on the game and how folks view it.

  • The Secret World dev blog expounds on Issue #6 PvP changes

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    When Issue #6 Last Train to Cairo was announced for The Secret World, a new PvP ranking system was briefly touched upon. In today's dev blog, system designer Tim Donks goes into more detail about this new feature as well as the matchmaking system. In response to player requests for PvP rewards, Issue #6 is introducing Battle Ranks. By gaining PvP experience (which is shared among all group members who are present and alive at the time of the enemy kill), players can climb the ranks of PvP prowess, earning special tokens along the way to spend on various PvP rewards, including uniforms that are automatically equipped when entering PvP. An important note about PvP experience: Less XP is earned for each subsequent kill of the same player within the battlegrounds, Fusang, and the fight clubs until nothing is gained. This diminishing rewards system resets for each new trip into a PvP zone. Once the update hits, players will also be able to queue for multiple battlegrounds at the same time. Also expected in Issue #6 -- or shortly thereafter -- players' wins and losses in PvP matches will be tracked to improve the matchmaking mechanic.

  • The Daily Grind: Is 'maintenance mode' really a negative?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    This week's news of Funcom naming Joel Bylos the creative director on all three of its MMORPGs was met with some predictable "maintenance mode!" and "yay, Funcom's failing" rhetoric in our comment section. While neither of these suppositions are based in reality, the former got me to thinking, and what I thought was that "maintenance mode" isn't an automatic negative to me like it appears to be to some folk. For one thing, I play a ton of MMOs, and for another, I'm not exactly a content locust since it usually takes me several months to max out an avatar (and several more after that to gear him up). I can see why the hurry-up-and-beat-the-endgame crowd would be cross with a title that doesn't add new content every other week, but for me that's not only OK, it's preferable since it means that I might actually see all of the content, finish all of the story arcs, and get some use out of my gear. Time between content updates also means time that I get to explore, socialize, roleplay, and do all the stuff that MMOs facilitate beyond the basic treadmill. What about you, Massively readers? Is "maintenance mode" a turnoff or does it give you time to catch your breath? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!?