

  • Android Installer simplifies installation on Nokia N810

    Heads-up, hardy hackers. Those of you too timid to put Android on your N810 the hard way now owe somebody a (big) hug, as the Android Installer makes installation a lesson in simplicity. We won't bother rehashing the play-by-play in this space, but suffice to say all the hand-holding you need is just one click away. Just be aware that this method was only tested in Diablo, so you're on your own if starting in anything else.[Via Pocketables]

    Darren Murph
  • Nokia dishes out OS2008 Feature Upgrade for N810 / N800

    The first official OS2008 update came to Nokia's internet tablets late last year, and those yearning for yet another can finally breath a sigh of relief. Reportedly, the company has pushed out the OS2008 Feature Upgrade for the N810 and N800, but we are told that users will still need to "reflash the device in order to install this release." Thankfully, future OS updates are slated to be provided over-the-air without the need to reflash. The changelog is actually quite lengthy, but the highlights include an open source email application based on Modest and the tinymail framework, simplified account setup and the introduction of Chinese character rendering support in email, browser and RSS feeds. Let us know how it goes, will ya?[Image courtesy of Seartipy, thanks Ryan]

    Darren Murph
  • WiMAX Nokia N810 hits the FCC, gets stripped

    The FCC apparently figured we've seen as many external photos of the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition as we needed, because when Espoo's latest tablet came in for testing, Uncle Sam did us all favor and stripped it down to the chassis. Nothing too thrilling inside, obviously -- oooh, the PCB is blue! -- but if you're ready and waiting with your $455 in hand, maybe this'll be enough to tide you over until these shipping in July or so. Check the gallery for the rest of the pics.[via MobileWhack] %Gallery-23278%

    Nilay Patel
  • Nokia's N810 Internet Tablet WiMAX Edition gets priced

    Nary a month after debuting at CTIA 2008, the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet WiMAX Edition has found a place on Buy.com. Judging by the product listing, Nokia plans on charging around a Benjamin more for the WiMAX iteration, though this particular e-tailer hacks off another $23.01 for a final asking price of $455.99. Regrettably, the page doesn't fill us in on an expected release date, but we can just feel it drawing closer. Er, wait.[Via PhoneMag]Update: MobileCityOnline has the device with an expected arrival date of July 9th. Not like we're believing 'em or anything, but there you have it. Thanks, Makai!

    Darren Murph
  • Nokia Internet Tablets to get Ubuntu and Qt ports

    We've already seen Google's Android mobile OS get shoehorned onto Nokia N810 tablet, but it looks like the Internet Tablet OS is about to get even more flexible with ports of Ubuntu and the Qt toolkit. Nokia is acquiring Qt developer Trolltech, so it's no surprise the Qt is making the jump, but it looks like it'll be mostly a third-party-targeted framework, with the ITOS interface and bundled apps still using GTK+. Nokia told Ars Technica that it's exploring cross-platform possibilities between ITOS and Series60, and that it wants to see if GTK+ and Qt can coexist on the tablets like they do on the Linux desktop. That's pretty ambitious for a low-powered tablet, but we're all for more flexibility -- which seems to be in the cards with the Nokia-sponsored port of Ubuntu to ARM. Several pre-Hardy Heron versions have been ported and run off SD cards, if you're feeling adventurous -- we're not sure what the advantages are, but it's nice to know that Nokia's keeping things wide open.[Via Digg]

    Nilay Patel
  • Android lands on the N810, blows our minds

    You know what's great? Synergy. We've had an OS crush on Android ever since it was first rumored, and of course the Nokia N810 has been warming our hearts for a good while now with its mysteriously useful QWERTY-tablet powers. Put the two of them together and we're practically beside ourselves with joy. If you're feeling gutsy you can try it for yourself with the handy tips over at eLinux.org, but we're content to watch this magic from the sidelines for the time being.[Via Talk Android]Update: Looks like eLinux is down at the moment, here's a cached version. [Thanks, Mail]

    Paul Miller
  • HAVA player hits Nokia's internet tablets

    Monsoon's HAVA HD streamer doesn't get quite as much love as the various Slingboxes, but it's a fine piece of kit with features Sling doesn't have quite yet, like pause and rewind -- and now it's got one more supported client platform, as the company's using CTIA to roll out support for Nokia's Internet Tablet OS. That means the N800 and N810 can now get in on the action, and the quality looks pretty decent -- the crew over at Internet Tablet Talk got a chance to play with an early version, and they think it looks even better than the PC client. Hmm, looks like that WiMAX N810 could double as a fairly decent portable TV, eh? Video after the break.[Thanks, Joey]

    Nilay Patel
  • Hands-on with the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition

    Having trouble telling the difference between this and a garden-variety N810? Yeah, don't worry about it -- that's okay, and it's actually by design. We had an opportunity to tool around with Nokia's just-announced N810 WiMAX Edition today, and it stays very true to the original N810's formula, substituting a darker case and keyboard (both of which look very handsome, by the way), and physically, that's about it. The real magic happens deep within this thing's innards, where the addition of a WiMAX radio keeps things speedy when WiFi hotspots are out of reach and Bluetooth tethering to a 3G phone is too much of a hassle. The software necessary to support XOHM activation isn't complete yet, but Nokia's reps tell us that the process of signing up for WiMAX service will be seamless and entirely doable from the N810 itself -- no pesky phone calls or visits to a store necessary. They likened it to purchasing hotel internet service; there'll probably be hourly, daily, or continuous subscriptions available, making it possible to only shell out XOHM coin when the situation demands it. It works just like any other data connection on the device, too, so getting your wide-area broadband on is pretty much as painless as it could possibly be. Check out some shots (including a side-by-side with the original N810) in the gallery!%Gallery-19608%

    Chris Ziegler
  • Nokia's N810 Internet Tablet WiMAX Edition gets official

    Right on cue, Nokia's WiMAX-enabled N810 Internet Tablet has surfaced at CTIA 2008, and yep, this critter is destined to go on sale here in the US of A this summer. Beyond that, you'll notice the familiar 4.13-inch touchscreen, slide-out QWERTY keyboard and even a built-in webcam for video calls, Mozilla-powered browser, integrated GPS / media player, 2GB of internal memory and a microSD expansion slot. Heck, Nokia even touts this thing's ability to "access the Internet over WiFi or via conventional cellular data networks by pairing to a compatible mobile phone via Bluetooth technology." Also announced today is the freshly updated OS2008, which includes an enhanced e-mail client, support for Chinese character rendering in the browser and RSS feeds and "Seamless Software Update functionality" to boot. Needless to say, said OS will come standard on the currently unpriced Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition -- which is scheduled to land wherever WiMAX connectivity is available -- but existing N810 / N800 owners will also get the OS upgrade free of charge in Q2. %Gallery-19586%

    Darren Murph
  • Nokia WiMAX N810 appears in the wild

    The WiMAX version of Nokia's N810 internet tablet has already popped up on Nokia's European site, lending creedence to all those whispers about a CTIA debut tomorrow, and now we've got units showing up in the wild, which is probably a good sign. There were apparently some other shots of this bad boy on Flickr, but they've since been removed -- let's hope tomorrow brings us some official beauty shots, eh?

    Nilay Patel
  • Nokia reveals the WiMAX N810 just a little early

    We've been hearing that a WiMAX-enabled version of Nokia's N810 would be making its grand debut at CTIA on April 1, but it looks like the cat's out of the bag -- check this new image on the Nokia Europe site. Yeah, no beating around the bush there -- we'd say the WiMAX N810 is coming, and soon. Sadly, the product link doesn't work yet, but we think we might have a hunch what the major differences from the regular N810 are.[Via Internet Tablet Talk]

    Nilay Patel
  • Nokia N810 with WiMAX set to launch at CTIA on April 1st?

    Remember the rumor we saw floating about a few weeks ago about a Nokia N810 refresh? Well, the lads at The Boy Genius Report are reporting -- on a rumor mind you -- that Nokia is set to launch its N810 refresh with WiMAX at CTIA in April this year. Interestingly, the name will remain the same, and not be labeled the Nokia N830 as we'd first thought. Yeah, it's only a rumor at this point, but we're thinking that giving this radio-less internet appliance a bit more reach is nothing but a good thing.

    Sean Cooper
  • Nokia's N810 internet tablet gets a $90 price cut

    If you've been looking for some kind of incentive to dip into the savings account and splurge on a new gadget, this may be music to your ears. Nokia has just lowered the price on its jack-of-all-trades N810 internet tablet, shaving $90 off the MSRP to bring it down to a highly affordable $389.99. Of course, you can probably find the WiFi-sportin', QWERTY-havin', GPS-rockin' little guy slightly cheaper if you troll the internet (which we know you will). Before you lay down the cash, though, you might want to ask yourself this: does the price drop mean a new version is on the way, like, say... that WiMAX-equipped N830 we've been hearing about? It's a tough call, but we know you'll make the right decision.[Thanks, Tony S.]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • USB TiltStick opens up new world of accelerometer projects

    It's not like the modding community at large hasn't shoved accelerometers within vehicles before, but conjuring up projects that utilize acceleration sensing just got a whole lot easier thanks to the USB TiltStick. Reportedly, the minuscule device features a two axis acceleration sensor and emulates a USB joystick in order to play nice with any USB-equipped host. In particular, a standard PC or Nokia's N810 makes for the perfect comrade, and what you do from there is really only limited by your imagination. Granted, only the DIY veterans in attendance should give this one any serious consideration, but feel free to jump on through the break to catch it interfacing with N810.[Via Internet Tablet Talk]

    Darren Murph
  • Nokia's N810 internet tablet hits Canada

    Oh Canada, it's your lucky day, because a kind, cool wind is blowing down on you from your friends in Finland -- Nokia. That brisk breeze is carrying a new partner for the long and lonely Canuck winter nights: the N810 internet tablet, the all-singing, all-dancing sliver wonder. The handheld -- which your friends (namely, us) have been flaunting for months -- is finally making its way into the hands of Canadian consumers for the thrifty price of $485 (a downright bargain). The WiFi-and-GPS-equipped gadget should be just the thing to accompany you on a trip to Tim Hortons, a Maple Leafs game, or some other stereotypical regional activity.[Via MobileInCanada]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Sharper Image selling self-branded cellphones

    Many of us know The Sharper Image best as a purveyor of massaging lounge chairs (which makes their stores a must-stop location in the mall), a chronic pusher of ozone generators, and as a perennial favorite in SkyMall catalogs as we bide our time on the redeye. What we don't know The Sharper Image for, though, is its broad selection of no-name phones procured from Chinese manufacturers. We just happened to be flipping through TSI's latest catalog today and came across these four little gems, three with "The Sharper Image" proudly emblazoned across their faces. The pack includes a touchscreen equipped Chocolate knockoff (very 2006, but still quite strapping), a branded version of the AMOI N810 Windows Mobile 6 Professional device, a black slider that looks like death incarnated, and an ultra-generic silver clamshell that looks straight out of the early part of this decade. The good news is that they're all unlocked and range from a very reasonable $169.95 to $499.95; the bad news, however, is that you may have to keep your thumb over the TSI logo to keep the public mockery to a minimum.%Gallery-12421%Read - Sharper Image 101TSIRead - Sharper Image 008TSIRead - Sharper Image 007TSIRead - Sharper Image 005TSI

    Chris Ziegler
  • Amazon's "Best of 2007" topped by Wii, a few surprises

    Certain winners on Amazon's "Best of 2007" list of could've been seen coming a mile away, but in the top sales category we were just a little surprised to see the Canon PowerShot A570 IS topping the list of electronics, and Nokia's Internet Tablet topping out computers (unclear if that counts as the N800 or N810 or both). The Wii naturally held top honors for video games. "Most-loved" included Garmin's nuvi 350 under electronics, the MacBook Pro under computers, Leopard in software and Wii under video games. Wish lists were dominated by the 3rd-gen 4GB iPod nano, Asus EEE PC and the Wii, while top gifts included that same nano, as well as the MacBook and Super Mario Galaxy.

    Paul Miller
  • Update party: Zune firmware 2.3, Nokia internet tablets get OS2008

    Heads up, Zunesters. Prepare for improved device recognition and improved reliability during sync (though not much else, apparently), because your 2.3 firmware has arrived. This update also fixes battery issues that some 30 / 80 users have been having, improving battery life with more power efficient codecs, which should come as a big relief. Wipe the tears of joy away from your eyes and go get your little buddy Zuned, er, tuned up. Nokia fans, you also get a cookie today -- in the form of the first official update for your beloved internet tablet, the N810. Nokia hasn't forsaken early adopters either, as N800 and 770 users get to reap the benefits and bug fixes of the OS update, too.[Thanks, Kevyn, Ryan]Read - Zune Firmware Update 2.3Read - N810 First official OS2008 update

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Nokia's N810 internet tablet gets unboxed

    Look, we're right there with you -- wishin', hopin', gettin' down on our knees and begging like crazy for someone to take pity on us and pop for the N810 this holiday season. Well, at least one lucky gentleman has already had the pleasure of cracking open the sweet stuff -- AKA, Nokia's latest and greatest internet tablet -- and has put all sorts of nasty pictures on the internet (we suspect in an attempt to make us insane with jealousy). The post also has some useful and interesting info in regards to the software and functionality of the device, so you can get informed while ogling the photos. We recommend you hit the read link and check out all the graphic details... and don't forget -- the Engadget crew needs love too, so feel free to drop something silver in the mail for us come December.[Via Digg]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Nokia's N810 internet tablet hits store shelves

    Folks, we're going to level with you: Nokia's N810 internet table -- the magnetizing, multi-faceted gadget so many of you cats have been waiting for -- is officially on store shelves. According to the Finnish company's reps, the WiFi equipped handheld is now available for your general consumption at such luminous retailers as Best Buy Mobile, CompUSA, Micro Center, and Nokia flagship stores in New York and Chicago. If you'll recall, the Linux-based, touchscreen portable runs atop a 400MHz CPU, has 2GB of RAM flash memory (upgradable to 10GB), a built-in GPS receiver, a Mozilla-based browser, and a slide-out, full QWERTY keyboard. The silver dream machine is available right now for the suggested retail price of $479.Update: As our eagle-eyed readers have noticed, the N810 has a 400MHz processor, not 400GHz -- as much as we wish it were the other way around.[Via PhysOrg]

    Joshua Topolsky