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  • Catch up on Hyborian changes with Funcom's new Age of Conan newsletter

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you haven't been paying attention to Age of Conan lately, Funcom has just sent out a handy newsletter designed to catch you up on all that's new and exciting in the realm of Hyboria. The mailing covers the recent AoC Unrated free-to-play announcement as well as some of the new content that takes the form of the Breach and Forgotten City solo dungeons. Don't forget about the Savage Coast of Turan content coming later this summer (and coinciding with the Conan feature film reboot), and of course there's the Blood & Glory hardcore PvP server ruleset (also coming soon). If you're a former AoC subscriber, check your email for the newsletter, and stick with Massively for more exclusive AoC coverage throughout the summer.

  • Lost Pages of Taborea: How will Chapter 4's content affect PUGs, gear, and the economy?

    Jeremy Stratton
    Jeremy Stratton

    In nine agonizing days, the lands will despair as Chapter 4 hits Runes of Magic with all the force of a horde of zombies unleashed upon the TED conference. There'll be zombies, there'll be Dwarves, and oh yeah, there'll be world battlefields. I'm not sure what that last one will entail, but it sounds cool, doesn't it? There's going to be some changes a comin' in RoM when the level cap is raised and new loot is dispersed among high-level players. MMOs can develop ecosystems that only the most in-tune players will be intimately familiar with. While you might be new to the game and happy enough to just quest or dabble in the many features RoM has to offer, there's a posh, red, velvety lounge filled with high-rollers keeping tabs on how new items and stats will trickle down to affect the game. A new level cap means new armor, which means current top gear will be obsolete for said high rollers. Welfare epics will be unleashed on the market, prices will change, and the race for better gear will commence. This week on Lost Pages of Taborea, I want to look at how new content and items will affect the game. How will all the new items affect the economy? How will new dungeons affect pick-up-groups? And will we ever see a Screaming Gargoyle as a pet?

  • Champions Online kicks off its new weekly comic series

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Are you ready to get a little bit more Champions Online action in now that the future of the game is more secure? Then you're in luck, as the game has just kicked off the first in its series of weekly comic issues. But these aren't just something for players to read -- no, these are comic issues for players to play through for themselves, watching a story unfold while blasting through new challenges. Similar in format to the featured episodes of Star Trek Online, the first series is titled Aftershocks and kicks off with an UNTIL base going dark. The first installment should take about half an hour to play through, with further installments coming in subsequent weeks to finish out the story. Champions Online players can start enjoying this ongoing arc with any character over level 11 and are encouraged to visit the official page for more information on the new format.

  • Age of Conan's Morrison talks Savage Coast dungeons and gear

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Interested in learning more about Age of Conan's newly minted Savage Coast of Turan adventure pack? Eurogamer recently talked to Funcom game director Craig "Silirrion" Morrison about everything from the marketing opportunities represented by the upcoming Conan film to specifics on the new tie-in content. Morrison riffs on new instances, both the solo and group variety, including an encounter with pirates called Dead Man's Hand and another tryst based on the Island of Iron Statues from the original Robert E. Howard lore. There's also a new raid in the Temple of Elric that features Ela-Shan, a master thief whom Jason Momoa's Conan encounters in the new film. Still want more? How about a new epic quest line and various loot upgrades? The drops from the team instances will be "slightly more powerful than the rewards we give for max-level content in Godslayer," Morrison explains. He also drops a hint about the adventure pack's new armor. "You can't go into an area like Turan and have that magnificent Persian theme without bringing in new armor sets." Despite the high-level nature of some of the drops, it appears that much of the Savage Coast content is aimed at players around level 50. Head to Eurogamer for more.

  • The Anvil of Crom: Age of Conan year three retrospective

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The past 12 months have been something of a whirlwind for the Age of Conan team. While content updates for the game were a bit lighter than normal, Funcom was nonetheless working quite hard behind the scenes for much of the game's third year. As a result -- and despite the residual stickiness of the outdated "Failcom" rhetoric that floats around the internet -- there's never been a better time to be an AoC fan. The dev team has expanded, content updates are coming at regular intervals, and there's even a new server ruleset on the way for those of you in favor of unforgiving PvP action. Add to that the cryptic hints of a big announcement that Craig Morrison has been dropping over the last little while and you've got a recipe for Hyborian intrigue the likes of which we haven't seen since launch. Speaking of AoC's launch, it happened three years ago this week, and today's Anvil of Crom offers you a look back at year three's most memorable moments. Put on your birthday hats, break out the kazoos, and join me after the cut for more.

  • Wasteland Diaries: Sector 4 lives!

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    To many players of Fallen Earth, the expression "when hell freezes over" has been supplanted by "when Sector 4 is released." At launch, the sector was supposedly largely completed, and it was expected to be released shortly thereafter. After a year had passed and we were still waiting to see it, many players started to believe that it didn't even exist. Well, I am here to tell you that not only does it exist, but I spent a few hours roaming around on the other side of the big wall. Aside from some nice pictures, I got a little bit of insight on what we might expect to see in Alpha County, which will be the first installment in the fourth sector. It's been quite some time since Fallen Earth's opening day, and we have been waiting quite some time for the new sector. But the team at Fallen Earth, LLC has given us a few things to tide us over: Deadfall and Terminal Woods, which combined have as much content as a full sector. So it's not like we've been stuck in Sector 3 for over a year and a half; the devs have given us some new stuff and made some fundamental changes to the game (some good and some bad, but mostly good). The first bit of S4 we will see was released on the public test server (PTS) earlier this week, so I took the opportunity to do some exploring for you (actually my motivations were entirely selfish). After the cut, I'll tell you a little bit about what I saw (slight spoiler alert!).

  • Lord of the Rings Online prepping Update 3: Lost Legends of Eriador

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    There's a new content update just over the horizon for Lord of the Rings Online. While the new locations aren't exactly a far green country under a swift sunrise, they do look to be fairly spiffy in their own right. First up are two new three-player instances. The Halls of Night boasts content for levels 40 to 65 and takes a cue from Frodo and company's nightmarish trek through the Barrow Downs. The Inn of the Forsaken naturally takes place in the Lone Lands' well-worn stopover and is a proper dungeon-crawl intended for players from levels 20 through 65. New skirmishes are also on the way, including an Esteldin-based romp intended for levels 30 to 65 called Attack at Dawn. Finally, the frozen wastes of Forochel will also be sporting a new instance, and the Icy Crevasse content sees players from levels 40 to 65 tasked with thwarting the evil plans of a nefarious sorcerer. All of these new goodies make up the bulk of LotRO's Update 3: Lost Legends of Eriador and are currently scheduled to go live on May 23rd. Check out our gallery below for three new images from the Halls of Night instance, or take a peek at the dungeons themselves in Justin's hands-on from last week. %Gallery-9579%

  • Lost Pages of Taborea: Chapter 4 roundup and speculation

    Jeremy Stratton
    Jeremy Stratton

    I feel a little bit about RoM like Eliot does about Final Fantasy XI right now. News seems a tad sparse for Runes of Magic this week. We've had a few updates about Chapter 4, which is still on its way; I've recently gotten the RoM event-guild going (in spite of a rocky start); and Frogster gave us a sneak-peek of a major class rebalance. But most everything it still on the horizon. It allows for lots of fun speculation, as new updates always do. Will Dwarves be a playable race? Are Scouts getting nerfed or made even stronger? This week I put together a roundup of Chapter 4 news with a healthy dose of speculation thrown in. As you'll see after the break, we've actually been shown a lot, but no doubt there's even more we haven't seen at all. And that leaves us all with questions.

  • Fiesta Online's Burning Rock expansion packed with new content

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's expansion time for Fiesta Online, and gamigo is trotting out some new content called Burning Rock to keep the hearts of its loyal fans aflame. In addition to the new stuff, the free-to-play fantasy title's existing zones have been tweaked to "reduce the amount of time it takes to level up," according to a gamigo press release. Regarding the new content, it's a mixture of new quests, new boss monsters, and new zones, including the Cave of Fever, the Burning Cave, and mobs like the Stone Giant and Fire Golem. There are also 19 new quests, all of them designed for players between the levels of 84 and 92. Head to the official website for more on Fiesta Online and the new expansion.

  • Aion reveals a new trailer for Empyrean Calling

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Aion fans, mark your calendar for May 25th. The long-awaited update, Aion 2.5: Empyrean Calling, soars to your computer in less than three weeks. NCsoft proclaims it is breathing new life into Atreia. Those who have seen the the new features, including visual updates, a mentor system, and the multi-staged instance crucible, agree that these are much needed improvements to the angelic MMO. To help celebrate and prepare you for the launch of the new Aion, NCsoft will host several major events prior to and after the launch of the patch. Today, the company officially launches a new trailer for the patch showing off the new features; from May 11th through June 10th, Aion will grant players increased XP; from May 18th to the 25th, drop rates will increase; May 18th through June 1st will host the PvP AP event; 2.5 goes live on the 25th; and finally, May 25th to June 10th will see a reduction in instance cooldowns. Catch all the latest information from Aion's official website and glimpse at what is in store for you in 2.5 in the trailer after the break. Pay close attention -- there is a tease of 3.0 at the end!

  • Funcom teases new Age of Conan group dungeons

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The city of Paikang is getting a bit of an update in the next few weeks, and players of Funcom's Age of Conan should be pleased to note that the Imperial capital will soon be the home of two new level-80 instances. The dungeons are designed for elite groups and take place in two outdoor zones that were recently profiled at The Ai District features an expansive playfield along with two "set-piece" boss encounters and "the odd secret to be revealed from careful investigation." The Tian'an District is quite different in that it features six boss fights as well as a race against the clock to clear them all. Funcom has deliberately elevated the challenge level in this district, and Tian'an will reportedly require a skilled (and coordinated) group to claim its rewards. While Funcom hasn't revealed those rewards in detail, it has hinted that they will be on par with the existing Kara Korum dungeon drops.

  • Black Prophecy patch brings new missions, fixes

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Black Prophecy's first monthly patch is here, and today's update brings a bit of new content to the free-to-play sci-fi title -- as well as a number of smaller improvements. The content additions take the form of 10 new missions now available in the game's open sectors, and there are a variety of mission levels ranging from four to 35 according to the patch notes. Aside from that, Reakktor has made a number of performance tweaks, HUD and graphical fixes, and adjustments to everything from damage distribution across ship components to repair kit durability. You can learn more, as well as download the game, at the official website.

  • Monthly update lays out Age of Conan development roadmap

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    The year ahead is shaping up to be a busy one for Age of Conan, and Funcom's Craig Morrison lays down a rough foundation for the next few months in his latest monthly development update. If you're looking for the short version, it's this: Now that the Dreamworld deployment is in the books, AoC is continuing to pick up new dev talent and will be adding more content going forward. In the immediate future, players are getting crowd-control balances, two level-80 group dungeons, and a faction progression revamp, all of which are slated for the next update and currently available on the test server. Following that, we can look forward to The Forgotten City and The Breach, two new solo auto-content generation dungeons designed for levels 40 to 80. There are also a handful of technical improvements, optimizations, and general balancing scheduled to accompany the new content, and of course the much-anticipated Blood and Glory PvP server ruleset is coming sometime this summer. Finally, Morrison teases fans with a blurb about AoC's late-2011 updates, specifically "two new and important elements incoming." He also hints at some sort of tie-in with the upcoming Conan film reboot. Head to the official AoC boards to see for yourself.

  • Champions Online readies Resistance adventure pack

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Ready for a new Champions Online adventure pack? Cryptic Studios is polishing up its Resistance content offering, which features a new story, new locations, and rewards according to a blurb on the official Champions website. Players will join forces and travel through a dimensional portal to Multifaria, a dystopian version of Millennium City where evil is running amok. Outlawed superheroes are humanity's only hope, and you'll need to rescue the imprisoned leader of an underground resistance movement to set the wheels of change in motion. Resistance, and all Champions adventure packs, features level-scaling content that allows for players between 11 and 40 to tackle the challenges either solo or in groups. Would you like to know more? Click through to the official website for details.

  • Patch 1.17a giving players of Final Fantasy XIV a new task

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Patch 1.17 went live just a scant 10 days ago, but Final Fantasy XIV is already advancing the game further with the new patch 1.17a. Releasing today during a maintenance session slated to last until 8 p.m. EDT, the patch is adding more than just new notifications for party formation and another round of additional sidequests. As it happens, this patch is stealthily adding a new set of objectives that can be completed daily, tasks for the various guilds throughout Eorzea that govern all of the game's many disciplines. Players will be able to pick up tasks from the message boards found in the Adventurer's Guild within each city. Each player can complete one task per guild per day, which will award skill points as well as other rewards. Since the tasks are limited to only one per guild, players taking part in a number of different disciplines will no doubt find themselves awash in options for new content to undertake after the Final Fantasy XIV client has finished applying the newest patch.

  • Vindictus is making a Titanic Shift!

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    The team at Nexon practiced the Galactic Empire's way of handling situations when devising the next upgrades to its action-MMO Vindictus: Make it bigger! The creators promised on their website today that Titan would be the biggest raid boss to hit the free-to-play MMO. "Only the bravest and strongest mercenaries will come out victorious," claim the developers in the announcement. This colossal boss can easily smash the bones of anyone who opposes him. Then, the creators ask if you will be the first to escape Resenlian's gigantic labyrinth. An evil alchemist filled the tunnels with gruesome creatures, and until now, no mercenary has ever escaped it. Next, Evie's staff has grown larger... in stats, that is. The new functionality of her staff allows her to perform better as a caster. Lastly, the docking system is wider. The devs have heard your pleas; they are revamping the docking system so that you may access more docks at one time. This means less wait-time assembling a party. This Titanic Shift patch goes live on April 20th! Hop over to the official website for more super-huge (OK -- I'm running out of words for big) information about this update.

  • GamersFirst gearing up for more APB testing invites, looking toward open beta

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Open beta time is approaching for APB Reloaded, and GamersFirst's Bjorn Book-Larsson is back with his weekly blog post to give us all the juicy details. It seems that GamersFirst devs are working overtime to squash a number of pesky bugs in the 1.5.0 version of the game. As soon as they're finished, 1.5.0 will be made available to the game's 25,000 closed beta testers, followed by subsequent releases for the EU servers, a mass invite for another 25,000 closed beta testers, and then an invite for the remainder of closed beta applicants. If all of this goes off without a hitch, testers will be granted a temporary premium account to poke and prod at its associated functionality, after which GamersFirst will enable monetized content. After that, "if there are still no major issues, then we will open up the floodgates and formally go into open beta," Book-Larsson explains. While that's a lot of "ifs," the takeaway is that APB Reloaded's official release is drawing steadily closer. Book-Larsson notes that the team expects to "be in monetized open beta until August" and will be iterating on quite a bit of new content throughout the process.

  • Road ahead mapped out for Final Fantasy XI

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It seems that Final Fantasy XI's development team is revealing all of its major plans in one large rush -- and what a rush it is. Yesterday saw the unveiling of the team's plans for the anniversary of the game, and today has seen the posting of the roadmap for the game over the next year. Among the biggest and most surprising reveals are the plans for a public test server, a feature that's been long-requested but heretofore unseen in practice. Slated for release between July and September of this year, the test server will mark a change in the version update release cycle as well as the rate of content releases. As for actual content, while no expansions or addons were unveiled, the current plan includes a new battle system dubbed "Voidwatch," which is meant to help breathe life back into older areas of the game. The final level cap increases to 99 are also on the table for the next year, along with several job adjustments, two new battle systems with only preliminary names, and the cryptic but enticing promise of "new adventurer growth elements." Final Fantasy XI fans have a lot to look forward to over the next year, and while the game is getting a bit older, it's got plenty of life left in it.

  • Massively Exclusive: Age of Conan's Refuge of the Apostate solo dungeon

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Lots of new content is on the near horizon for Age of Conan, and Massively has teamed up with Funcom to bring you an exclusive look at one of the game's newly minted solo dungeons. The Refuge of the Apostate is a level 80 instance located in the lands of Khitai (Kara Korum, to be exact), and it features a storyline involving the Scarlet Circle and Last Legion factions. Funcom's designers are keen on making an unusual dungeon experience (and one you want to repeat) as opposed to the usual mob- and boss-whacking fight-fests. To that end, the Refuge dungeon is rife with what Funcom calls "environmental challenges." Aside from the new content and story experiences, the Refuge will likely be popular with players due to its rewards (which include factional marks of acclaim, rare trophies, and esteem tokens). Check out Funcom's full description of the new content after the cut.

  • New DC Universe Online trailer pits players against Brainiac Batman

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The DC Universe has a bit of a Brainiac problem. Actually, the universe of DC Universe Online has several problems -- it sort of goes hand-in-hand with a superhero milieu -- but the overarching threat has been Brainiac since the beginning, and the newest group raid just makes that more apparent. An earlier Facebook posting showed off the trailer for the newest piece of group content, featuring Brainiac taking over one of the more immediately recognizable parts of the game's setting -- the Batcave. Cited by the narration as "a crucial location in digitizing Earth," the Brainiac Sub-Construct features players facing off against a number of mechanical enemies as well as the Dark Knight himself. Yes, Batman has been infected and brought under the villain's control, and it's up to the players to force their way through the infected cave and bring things back to normal. DC Universe Online fans can check out the video embedded just after the break.