
  • Promotional Consideration: Party Like a Rock Star

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/videos/gaming/Outrageously_saucy_Jam_Sessions_commercials_in_New_Zealand'; Promotional Consideration is a weekly feature about the Nintendo DS advertisements you usually flip past, change the channel on, or just tune out. This marks the third time we've featured Ubisoft's Jam Sessions in our Promotional Consideration column, but these latest ads for the New Zealand market are the best ones yet. We're not going to ruin their illicit content for you before you've had a chance to watch these not-safe-for-work commercials yourselves, so hurry past the break and see what all the kids are nattering about at recess.

  • Can you game your way to (virtual) fame?

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    A guide to Second Life fame was blogged on Mean Girls Guide to SL yesterday. Kitty LaLonde posted quite a few tips on how to obtain a sizable level of notoriety, while including some decidedly Not Safe For Work (NSFW) pictures. It covers such topics as naming yourself, pretending to know designers, and creating an alt to spread rumors about yourself.I have mixed feelings about this entry. While she offers some good points, such as starting a blog, attending premieres, and scouring the forums to find the hottest new releases, a lot of it reads like satire. However, I'm sure some girls will actually follow this advice to the letter.The long answer to this guide is, you can't achieve fame quickly without being born in infamy. If you want to establish a good reputation, you need to work hard at being seen and heard. If being a bad girl doesn't bother you, then by all means, spread those rumors. Just remember that people will not forget about you and it will be even longer before they consider forgiving you for your mistakes. The choice is yours!

  • Leipzig, booth babes, video, nudity, NSFW

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The picture above is about to get NSFW in one frame ... in just one frame it goes from normal marketing cosplay to borderline furry pron. GameTrailers put together a Girls Gone Wild-esque segment of all the Leipzig booth babe fit for video (which we have placed after the break). We joke, the video is very tastefully done, as tasteful as one can get editing together flesh shots meant to titillate. On some level it's great culture context, for our puritan American eyes, public displays of boobies burns us they do.Leipzig obviously takes a different approach to displays of the female form than E3. Although it was a moot point this year, the last "real" E3 had a ban on booth babes. We re-emphasize that the video after the break is not safe for work, don't come crying to us if your boss catches you -- although, for all we know, he might be into furries.

  • Two sets of iPhone wallpapers, including SuicideGirls

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    iPhone eye candy (or should that be iCa... oh never mind) is starting to roll in.Wes (thanks!) dropped us this "very nice selection" of specially sized wallpaper. Most of it seems to be about birds, but there are a few cool non-bird shots included as well. And Sarah from SuicideGirls says she's a fan of TUAW (hawt!) and pointed out their iPhone wallpaper packs-- one is supposedly a pack of "PG13" desktops (they say it's work safe, but not if you work in a monastery), and there's a pack of R-rated desktops as well as a pack of SG logos which also, upon inspection, turn out to be R-rated. But they all look pretty good (if you like looking at geeky cool chicks), and of course they're all fitted for the iPhone.Also SG and iPhone related, Sarah mentioned that Rob Corddry (of the Daily Show and Frank Wrench fame) has also written a short piece for their site about his experience buying an iPhone, which turns out to be very NSFW as well. But hey, it's the holiday-- kick back and enjoy a little iPhone-related adult humor.

  • Wil Shipley appears in Penny Arcade

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Wil Shipley, he of the Delicious Generation's namesake, appears in yesterday's Penny Arcade comic, as a guy hopefully waiting in the iPhone line. (Little does he know that they'll have plenty there even after he makes his way to the front.)The appearance came out of last year's Child's Play auction, in which Shipley donated a nice amount of money to charity for the privilege of appearing in a PA strip. On his blog, he says that he originally planned to have his iPhone held for him (along with PA Gabe's), but that turned out to be a no go with Apple, so they did actually stand in line together. And PA isn't the only place he's been seen standing in line-- Wil also got featured in the Seattle Times as an iPhone linewaiter. And finally, for those of you who appreciate a little blue (as in NSFW) humor, the guys from PA even did a special version of the strip just for Wil-- maybe all of this iPhone line fame is starting to go to the guy's head.

  • "You guys suck at this game"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've all heard the "50 DKP minus" guy (it's become nothing less than a WoW classic), but imagine if all of that took place inside a chat channel, and you've got this (a lot of the text is not safe for work, if you aren't supposed to read cursewords at work) A more stunning display of angry raidleading I have never seen. This guy has more ways to say "you suck" then there are to actually wipe a raid.And that's why it's so great. I think my favorites are "this is MC level sh*t," and "I don't care how you did it in your guild-- your guild sucked, that's why you're in my guild." Seriously, almost everything on this page is comedy gold: "Just pull and let god sort it out." Dives was funny, but I think Sebudai is my new favorite raidleader.

  • When porn stars and pool collide

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Oh no. It's yet another one of those NSFW PSP games. You know what I'm talking about: games that seem to offer no benefit other than displaying gratuitous amounts of T&A. Considering the older demographic of the PSP, and the relative privacy one has while using it, it's unsurprising that publishers are trying to take advantage with more "adult" skewed games. Pocket Pool rewards players with photos and videos of a questionable nature for playing a round of billiards. However, is taunting realistic "ball control" a good thing in a game like this?Potentially NSFW video embedded after the cut.

  • Today's hottest gaming video: Wii Warnings!!!

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Today's hottest game video is from the GameVideos.com "Funny" category, and is presented newsreel style with Wii warnings from the manual and extremely colorful language. This bears repeating so here we go again -- language-wise, this video ain't even close to being safe for work. Where else are you going to hear the Wii called an asshat? Probably not many places except right here at Joystiq.Check out the NSFW video after the jump, and be sure to be careful around your Wii.

  • Over-dramatic naked man promotes Syphon Filter

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The weird ads just keep on coming out of Sony these days. Syphon Filter, one of the PSP's best exclusive games, has been out in the states for quite some time. Unfortunately for Europe, they just got the game relatively recently. In order to promote this stealth action shooter, Sony hired a scantily clad man to run around his house, acting a little silly. It's funny, but I question the wardrobe choice: certainly this commercial would've been just as funny if he were wearing pants. Due to the excessive amount of male skin in the commercial, I deem it somewhat not safe for work. Check it after the cut:

  • "The only thing that would have made the original NES better is if it had worked"

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Kyle Cease, a stand-up comedian who also had roles in 10 Things I Hate About You and Not Another Teen Movie, covers NES sub-culture in this clip from one of his acts. Kyle sends up everything from out-of-touch parents ("MOM! PRESS THE B BUTTON!"), the fragility of the cartridge slot and the "suspenseful" music made out of bleeps.Before you click continue to watch the video, be aware that this is definitely NSFW.