

  • Ghostcrawler to take a break from the forums

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Ghostcrawler, aka Greg Street, the Lead Systems designer, posted today that he is going to "chill it out a little" from the role forums. These forums are the primary conduit for Blizzard to communicate with the fanbase about changes to WoW and the philosophy behind those changes. For the past year and a half, Ghostcrawler has been the daily presence in the forums, offering a unique and exceptionally detailed look at the inner workings of the design process that goes into WoW.One of the primary complaints Ghostcrawler has about the forums is how his words are picked apart by folks, often times with such a fine scalpel that things which he says are taken out of context and diluted from their original meanings. We've noticed this ourselves, in that when we post on something he says commenters will often look past the context of the post (or article we've written) and dive right into a uniquely feisty brand of QQ. As of late the forums have reached a new level of annoyance, with more and more posts being about Ghostcrawler's job performance and him personally, instead of being about the game mechanics. Even post about game mechanics and design issues find a way to devolve into people crying about their class or what Ghostcrawler has or has not done. Some people actually believe that Ghostcrawler promised them a pony, and those people have became significantly more and more vocal.

  • Race changes confirmed

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    The possibility of changing your character's race was indicated at BlizzCon 2009, during one of the panels. But then the news about it really got hot when Faction changes were officially announced, because eagle-eyed players noticed the following damning question in the new program's FAQs: Can I use this service to change race on my existing faction? The answer was confirmation enough for most folks: No. We will be releasing a Race change service in the near future for this purpose.But, this wouldn't be the first time a bit of miscommunication or other confusion has occurred. The final confirmation of upcoming race changes came today, confirmed by Neth again in an official forum thread. All she was actually doing there was referencing the original thread about Faction changes, which had already said Race changes were coming. The announcement even showed up on the official Warcraft Twitter account. So this isn't exactly a brand new thing. Still, it's nice to have it confirmed all over again.Race changes, of course, subtly differ from Faction changes because you'll still stay Alliance if you're Alliance, or Horde if you're Horde. Race changes might be performed for aesthetic reasons -- you might just prefer the look of a sexy little gnome. Still, I bet most Race changes will be to get access to "better" racials. Especially if racials do get revamped in Cataclysm, a lot of players will see the grass a little greener on the other side. Every Man For Himself, anyone?

  • Official Cataclysm forum opens

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    The official WoW forums got another section today, one dedicated to the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm. There's nothing useful in the at the moment, like a roundup of everything Blizzard has posted about the third expansion, or short bullet pointed lists of major features (although we have such information in our Guide to Cataclysm).These forums are open to the general WoW population, and are NOT the alpha / beta forums. The alpha has NOT begun yet. But things are at least moving in the direction of more Cataclysm presence in WoW's official community.With Cataclysm expected to be released in 2010 (remember, according to Mike Morhaime, not us), we should start seeing greater details about what was announced at BlizzCon in the next couple months. Lots of good stuff to know, and hopefully this forum will be a conduit for Blizzard's old top hats like Ghostcrawler to begin some more detailed information dissemination. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will destroy Azeroth as we know it. Nothing will be the same. In's Guide to Cataclysm you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion. From Goblins and Worgens to Mastery and Guild changes, it's all there for your cataclysmic enjoyment.

  • Ancilorn wants to know your favorite form dance

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    For some reason, this post in the WoW Europe general forums asking what shapeshift form has the best dance moves makes me suspicious. The poll itself is innocuous enough, although I don't understand why Tree of Life and Moonkin carry such a commanding lead (Cat is my personal favorite). No, the suspicious part is: why are they asking this now? New dances were a much-hyped feature in Wrath of the Lich King, although they have so far entirely failed to materialize. If they're still working on them, for 3.3 or 4.0, this might be some market research to see what sort of dances we like. On the other hand, it may just be an innocent piece of fun from Ancilorn. Who knows?

  • Breakfast Topic: What's your favorite raid boss?

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Here's a good question from the official forums: What's your favorite raid boss, and why? The original poster chose C'thun, from classic WoW's second-hardest raid, AQ40; Bornakk agrees. I haven't actually seen C'thun, but from what I hear it was both incredibly frustrating and incredibly awesome. Crygil picks Doomwalker, but he might be a little biased. As for me, picking out of the fights I've done, I'm going to say Hodir. I don't remember classic raiding very clearly, and I only got through Karazhan and most of Zul'aman in BC. Ulduar is probably my favorite raid instance out of all the ones I've done, and the Hodir fight is really fun and demands a good amount of coordination from your group. What's your pick?

  • Class Q&A: Shaman questions answered

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    The first answer post from the class Q&A series is up! 6:30 PM on a Tuesday night is not exactly when I expected this to drop, but I'm not complaining, and neither are most shamans, I expect. 4,400 words from the devs answering the community's questions is always nice. I've summarized the major points below; my summary may seem long, but it is only 20% of the original post. As of Wrath, the goal is for all three Shaman trees to be viable in end-game raiding, and for Shaman DPS to be not necessarily quite as high as pure classes, but close; the goal is that "no raid worth its salt would turn down" any shaman out of concerns that the class is underpowered. They do think Shamans are a bit underpowered in PvP, especially smaller Arenas, and view that as a problem. They mention particularly wanting to improve Shaman performance on 2v2s.

  • Blizz wants your class questions

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Blizzard gets more and more communicative every week recently. I love it. They recently announced that they're seeking questions for a community question and answer series, with a separate thread for each class. They'll be going through the class threads in order, answering questions and generally being awesome (one hopes). Afterwards everything will be gathered into one big blue pile of answers and presented to the community. Nethaera is going to be the organizer of this little event, it seems. She warns us that it is "probably going to be a couple of weeks" before we start getting answers, because they want to give sufficient time for WoW players around the world to get their questions in. She also says she's going to try to get "the most prominent questions" answered, as well as questions that have been around for a long time without being addressed. This is a great time to get your class questions and concerns addressed, so if you have anything you've always wanted to ask a dev, go find the Q&A thread for your class (in your class forum) and post away.

  • Forum post of the day: Nerf Pop-Tarts

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    This is a few days old, but still a quality post. The original poster has a bad experience with a Pop-Tart, leading to nerf calls against fire damage - apparently a pastry being able to take his tongue down to 60% in one GCD is just too much burst. Of course, if the opponents hadn't been running a Pop-Tart/Toaster combo, this never would have happened; burn damage is highly situational. It's a good set-up, but the thread really starts to shine when later posters get into it, like "You didn't specify the flavour of the pop tart, so we can't exactly see what the problem was. If it was strawberry that's kinda understandable since it is considered a hero class, but if it was brown sugar, yeah, you're making this up." You heard it here first: Strawberry is the Death Knight of toaster snacks. What do you think: do Pop-Tarts need nerfs, or do you side with the poster who says that "Pop Tarts are fine. l2eat"?

  • PvP trinket is mandatory

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    There's a short, five-page locked thread over at the official forums that starts out by quoting Ghostcrawler although the OP doesn't quite make his point clear. I think what he's trying to say is that there's too much crowd control in the game, so much in fact, that a PvP trinket is mandatory. The discussion devolves into a criticism of the prevalance of crowd control in PvP. This is arguably exemplified by one of the most enduring and successful 3v3 team composition in Arenas, the RMP or Rogue-Mage-Priest comp which has access to a good number of crowd control (and interrupt or silence) abilities. Ghostcrawler pops in to give his two centavos worth (apparently he can sift through QQ much better than I could) to say that "crowd control abilities are part of WoW," and is actually a little surprised at the reaction. "If you don't like being CC'd," he chides, "use your PvP trinket." He goes on to say that too much crowd control isn't good for the game, and also acknowledges that too much burst and too much healing aren't palatable, either. A little later down the thread, he gives a little illumination behind developer philosophy about crowd control design and distribution. Newsflash: it isn't equal.By not being equal, I mean that some classes have more CC than others, while some have access to more CC breaks than others. But the accusation was that this made the game unbalanced, and this is what our favorite crab disagreed with. Despite the trend towards a little class homogeneity (e.g., identical or non-stacking buffs), he draws the line at making classes carbon copies of each other. He admits that "making classes identical or even very similar makes the game easier to balance," but he also astutely points out that "it also makes it boring."

  • Blizzard's Blue Tracker

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Blizzard has gone ahead and implemented their own blue tracker on the official forums, easily showing every blue post made throughout the day.Now personally, I don't like theirs compared to MMO-Champion, World of Raids, or WoWRaid. All those have a nice layout that allows for quick viewing and easy summaries of posts. It's much preferable to the "tool" Blizzard has put up. Additionally, the Blizzard blue tracker lacks an RSS feed and the ability to search through the posts.It's clear that Blizzard did this to dissuade the use of third party blue trackers and other sites.

  • Authenticators to be optional for the Forums and Armory

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Many of the people who are actually allowed to surf the official World of Warcraft forums were a little unhappy with the change to accounts simply due to the fact that it meant that if you had an authenticator attached to your account, you now had to use that authenticator to log onto the forums, which wasn't needed before. Even if you're allowed to surf at work, and even if the authenticator has a ring on it to so it can be attached to your keys, not everyone feels comfortable carrying that thing around all of the time. You lose it, you're out of luck for awhile.The other day, Bornakk announced some good news that I think a lot of those individuals may have missed: They've temporarily removed the requirement to use an authenticator for the forums and the Armory. In the future, they'll be making this feature optional. You'll be able to choose whether or not you want to use the authenticator on the forums. Why would you want to do that? Well, if your account uses an authenticator, it's going to keep keyloggers and hackers/scammers from stealing your account or characters, but if the authenticator isn't attached to your account on the forums, it can still be used for spamming keylogger links since all that's needed there is your password. If you have your authenticator turned off, it's going to do a whole load of nothing to stop that from happening.It's nice that it will be optional, but if you frequent the WoW forums and don't plan on using your authenticator there, keep in mind that you'll still want to be very careful about where you surf and what you click if forum access is something you enjoy having. In my experience, the forum mods are much less forgiving and not nearly as quick to respond as the in-game GM team.

  • Earn special character customizations for your Slayer and Choppa

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Remember when Mythic said there would be incentives for being an active contributor on their new official forums for Warhammer Online? Apparently, they're about to give away the first of these in-game incentives we've heard so much about. Say hello to Snorri's Spikes and Chompin' Teef, two new customization options you can earn for your new Slayer and Choppa.Snorri's Spikes is an especially painful looking mohawk for your dwarf and Chompin' Teef will have you looking like a greenskin version of Jaws from James Bond in no time. You can earn these rewards by logging in to the Public Test Server and playing the heck out of the two new careers (Choppa and Slayer). Report any bugs you find in game or on the forums and provide any useful feedback you can think of. Mythic will reward top contributors with these character customizations. "Top contributor" criteria are unknown, which may promote people trying hard instead of just enough. The Warhammer community is speculating that the 1.2 patch will drop late next week or early the following, so you may want to start soon before you miss out.

  • Warhammer Online official forums are up

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    These forums haven't even been officially launched yet, however, some observant folks over at the VN Boards unofficial WAR forum noticed them and the word is starting to spread. It's pretty hard to sneak one past people on the Internet! You can log in to Warhammer Online's official forums with your WAR account username and game/account password (some people are reporting issues, so try using a combination of both). Once logged in, you are prompted to enter a screen name and confirmation email. After setting that, you're good to go. Currently, the forum seems to be set up for the Public Test Server and 1.2 patch with subforums for announcement, general feedback discussion, RvR focus discussions, various combat and careers discussion, and bug reporting. This forum is embedded as a tab within their official WAR website. Mythic announced these forums a couple weeks ago, so it seems they are moving quickly on their word. We had a chance to speak with two unofficial WAR forum administrators from the VN Boards and Warhammer Alliance about how these official forums might impact their businesses. There was even some discussion surrounding things official forums can do that unofficial forums can't and vice versa. It's only a matter of time before we see how these forums will truly develop.

  • The Daily Grind: Official or unofficial WAR forums?

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With the recent announcement that Mythic would be bringing the Warhammer Online forums in-house, the topic of the pros and cons of official and unofficial forums have been brought out again. Ryan Shwayder argued very eloquently that developer interaction, ownership, and support for integrated features, and we've now heard from some of the forum managers who will be affected by Mythic's decision to put out their own forums. There are great points across the board, but this morning we thought we'd ask you - in specific relation to Warhammer Online - do you think that Mythic should (or should not) be opening forums at this (post-launch) stage? Perhaps you think they should limit them to only customer service and developer interaction and leave the more free-form discussions elsewhere? Or do you think that the fully-featured forums they're planning is absolutely the way to go - if only to (hopefully) have a moderated forum to discuss all things WAR on? How about those indie forums; what could they do to keep readers coming there? What balance of official and unofficial forums would you like to see for Warhammer Online?

  • Unofficial forums sound off on WAR's official forums

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Caught up in the hubbub of Mythic's Call to Arms announcement for Warhammer Online was the revelation that they would soon be launching an official forum (OF) for the game. Since release, the brunt of these responsibilities has fallen to unofficial forums like Warhammer Alliance (WHA) and IGN's Warhammer Vault. These forums/fansites are currently the place to go if you want to catch the attention of a developer or simply engage the WAR community in a healthy (and sometimes unhealthy) debate on the state of the game or feature X vs. feature Y.Obviously, there are benefits and drawbacks to having your community spread across several unofficial forums. Ryan Shwayder of Nerfbat recently came up with a list of three things official and unofficial forums can and can't do. One of the biggest questions people have right now is, "What will happen with the unofficial forums once Mythic launches OFs?" Will they remain relevant or fade away into obscurity?We here at Massively decided to get the official word from the unofficial sources on this matter and had a chance to interview Mithan, head admin for all VN boards and Frank "PhoenixRed" Sanchez, assistant site manager at WHA. Continue reading below the cut where they answer some pressing questions.

  • Unofficial forums sound off: Part 2 (PhoenixRed)

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    This is a continuation of our interview with Warhammer Online's unofficial forum administrators. In part 2, we put the same questions to and Frank "PhoenixRed" Sanchez of Warhammer Alliance...What was your immediate reaction to Mythic's announcement that they will be hosting official WAR forums and why?PhoenixRed: We actually learned about OFs for WAR back in December. There were some rumblings and some goings on within the company and we have a few connections over there that told us this might be coming down the pipe. My original reaction, one that still persists to this day, is curiosity. Those people that know Mark Jacobs and Mythic from back in the days of DAOC know that they've never had any kind of preference to have official forums for a variety of reasons. They are a huge cost and definitely a huge time sink. The other reaction I had was "Wow!" It's going to be insane. Speaking as someone who has moderated forums over the past decade or so, it's definitely a challenge. I wish the community team and moderators responsible for managing and herding the community nothing but the best. I sure hope the people they bring on board have prior experience with online communities.

  • Three things official/unofficial forums can and can't do

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Ryan Shwayder, a game designer for 38 Studios, recently put in his two cents on the official vs. unofficial forums argument. He originally called official forums a necessary evil but when prompted by Warhammer Alliance forum administrator, Garthilk, to name three things official forums could do that unofficial forums couldn't, he changed his tune a bit. In a response post, Blackguard (aka Ryan Shwayder), commented that both forum-types were necessary and neither actually evil. He then listed off three things official forums could do that unofficial forums couldn't. To bring some balance, he also listed three pros of unofficial forums. Ryan believes official forums have a leg up on developer-to-player communication, ownership (the forums won't close if admins lose interest), and integration with official web tools and in-game features. Alternatively, unofficial forums have a leg up with less restrictive codes of conduct, a stronger focus on micro-communities, and feature innovation through creativity. Some of the commenters on his post shared a sentiment that they would like to see official forums focus more on developer-to-player communication and technical support, while the unofficial forums focus more on class forums and creative discussion. What are your thoughts?We recently had a chance to interview both WHA and IGN regarding Mythic's official forum announcement and we will share that with you early next week.

  • Mythic announces official forums for WAR (with a twist)

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Having official forums for an MMORPG might not seem like big news to the average gamer, but it sure is when you're talking about Mythic Entertainment finally announcing official forums for Warhammer Online. You see, Mythic GM, Mark Jacobs has been very outspoken about his disdain for OFs. At one point he had this to say when questioned if WAR would ever have OFs. He hated the idea of them that much...There must have been some pretty good reasons to reverse such a staunch view on OFs and Mark was kind enough to elaborate in an open letter to the community. It simply comes down to being able to better support the players of WAR. Apparently, Mythic is also willing to invest in paid full and part-time moderators and a powerful forum platform to ensure these internal support boards don't become a cesspool of hate and discrimination.Here's Mythic's official twist. The forums will be very light-weight graphically. They will not run ads of any sort. There will be a strict code of conduct, but it won't hamper constructive negative feedback. Anyone familiar with the Warhammer Online beta boards should feel quite at home. Only active subscribers will be able to post. You can "level up" on these forums by contributing to intelligent discussion. This will give you access to special boards where Mark and the other devs will post frequently. More details on Mythic's official forums will be coming shortly, but you can expect to see them in action during February's public test of the 1.2 patch. I wonder what this will mean for the unofficial forums.

  • Official patch notes

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Nethaera has posted the official "patch notes" for patch today. They are listed in their entirety after the break.These notes mirror what Ghostcrawler said in a series of posts last night. I imagine that these patch notes could be updated at some future time, listing more bug fixes if they're present. So you'll probably want to check back later and see if that's the case.If you're looking for a download mirror for the patch files, check out our listing.

  • Forums go up; forums go down...

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    The official forums have been quite fickly over the past few days. Sometimes you'll be lucky and you'll be greeted by what you're trying to look at, other times you'll get an "error500" message, and still other times you'll see a message like the one pictured above.The plight of the official forums seems to mirror the activity on the servers. Queue (har har har) the Homer Simpson-esq: Forums go up; forums go down... Forums go up; forums go down... The past few days of hellish lag, unstable forums, and broken parts of the game have been like the song that never ends. (Note to self: Eat some lamb chops tonight.) After four days of the patch, we're still getting a constant stream of tips detailing bugs and other errors.I wish I could say that we'll report to you when this is all fixed, but honestly I don't think that is going to come anytime soon. Perhaps next Tuesday they'll roll out another patch to fix some of this, or change something in the datacenters, etc... It's really nearly impossible for us to know exactly what's wrong.