official playstation magazine


  • PlayStation: The Official Magazine being shuttered, will say farewell with holiday issue

    Alexis Santos
    Alexis Santos

    The publisher of PlayStation: The Official Magazine has confirmed to Game Informer that the Sony-minded periodical will board up its doors by year's end. This isn't the first gaming zine that publisher Future US has called it quits on this year -- news of Nintendo Power's closure broke this August. Just like the Nintendo-centric themed publication, the PlayStation mag's last issue will be its holiday edition. However, unlike Newsweek's leap to a purely digital existence, there's no indication that the magazine could see life online.

  • All but one Future publication saw circulation dip in 2009

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    [Image credit: benben] Can you guess which of Future Publishing's nine magazines didn't lose readership in 2009? If your money was with Edge, you've got our permission to give yourself a nice big pat on the back. Go ahead, we'll wait. Done? Good. Like we were saying, the UK game mag publisher saw shrinking circulation numbers in 2009 -- the same year that saw the closure of PlayStation World by Future and the shuttering of long-running US gaming mag EGM by Ziff-Davis. While Edge circulation numbers rose by (a somewhat meager) 109 readers, Games Master dropped by 6,636 (to 34,313), PC Zone by 7,666 (to 11,357), and Xbox World 360 by 5,156 (to 25,874). While those numbers might seem a bit on the low side, that has more to do with the smaller size/population of the UK than anything else (though, of course, dropping readership numbers don't mean good things for any publication house). According to the report, Future blames the circulation drops on "slowing sales and ad spend [advertisers spending on print advertising]." We've dropped the entire list of circulation numbers after the break (care of the UK Audit Bureau of Circulations), should you be so inclined to peruse all the stats.

  • PTOM rumor: inFamous 2 coming in 2010

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The latest issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine (detailing Crysis 2) has a seemingly innocent feature called "Second to None" in its news section. Promising "the scoop on three hugely anticipated sequels slated for 2010," the magazine details Batman: Arkham Asylum 2, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, and inFamous 2. Wait, what? If you didn't notice, one of these three games hasn't been officially announced. The magazine speculates that inFamous 2 will "[pick] up a significant time after the first game, offering a reshaped metropolis." A Sony representative shot down the magazine's report though, stating, "we do not comment on rumor or speculation." While Sony remains hush about an inFamous sequel, it seems reasonable to assume that it's only a matter of time before the game comes to fruition. However, the 2010 date pegged by the magazine is likely speculation: The sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum, while announced, hasn't been dated for a release this year. Would both Rocksteady and Sucker Punch be able to turn over sequels to their summer blockbusters just one year after they release? And most importantly, would gamers even want that?

  • Rumor: Dead or Alive 5 in the works for PS3

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    According to a scan of the "Rumour Machine" section of the latest UK Official PlayStation Magazine found on Playstation Lifestyle, Tecmo's flagship fighting franchise, Dead or Alive, could be set for a return for the first time since Tomonobu Itagaki's departure -- and this time, it'll be on PS3. The magazine, which also rehashes some old rumors, claims that Dead or Alive 5 is "in production for PS3," something that doesn't necessarily rule out an Xbox 360 release (a PlayStation magazine would simply have no reason to mention that). It seems does likely that Team Ninja would want to develop a new DOA. After all, that's the perfect showcase for the studio's latest Jiggle Tech® -- now in triple-D. The most recent Dead or Alive game to be announced will also be on a Sony platform: the beach minigame collection, DOA Paradise, which is coming to PSP this spring. Maybe now that Itagaki's out, Tecmo can pursue whatever interest it must have had in publishing DOA on PlayStation -- something that hasn't happened since the Xbox was released.

  • OPM: Ubisoft writer claims 'pretty exciting' Far Cry 3 in the works

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Kevin Shortt, master wordsmith at Ubisoft Montreal, has allegedly confirmed to Official PlayStation Magazine UK (via CVG) that Far Cry 3 is in development at the Canadian super-studio. Most of you know that we had no problem heaping copious amounts of praise upon Far Cry 2, one of our Top 10 games of 2008, so a third installment is most certainly welcome in these parts. Sadly, Shortt didn't say whether Ubisoft has decided to go with Africa again for the setting, but offered that what he's seen of the game looks "pretty exciting." So ... that's pretty exciting, right?

  • Killzone 2 reviewed in this month's OPM UK

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Looking to find out the real scoop on Killzone 2? It'll be a little while before our review is up, but the UK won't have to wait that long. The first UK magazine review will be revealed in the next issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine, which will be on shelves on Tuesday, January the 20th. That's tomorrow, in case you're wondering.To make the event even more special the magazine will come in a "highly collectible" holographic wallet, complete with a Helghast trooper which changes color as it catches the light. That should tide you over until Killzone 2's release on February 27th, right? If not, don't forget the demo will be out shortly before then.[Via Press Release]

  • Kratos Sackboy for LittleBigPlanet in next issue of OPM UK

    alan tsang
    alan tsang

    The cover of the Official PlayStation Magazine in the United Kingdom pretty much explains it all -- the next issue of the publication will include a card with the code for the highly-desired Kratos Sackboy costume for LittleBigPlanet. Looking for Nariko instead? She's over here.Additionally, "the first 50 subscribers to the magazine will also be sent an exclusive Sackboy plush toy." We are not sure exactly what this means, but we are assuming 50 new subscribers to OPM starting ... now? Anyhow, issue number 24 will on sale on September 30th. We have a feeling this issue will sell out quick! [Thanks, Myles M.!]

  • PlayStation: The Official Magazine hits newstands in November

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    Last November, Sony announced the discontinuation of the Official PlayStation Magazine, but it appears it's getting a new lease on life as Sony and Future US announced their agreement on a new magazine – PlayStation: The Official Magazine. The magazine, which will initially have a circulation of about 300,000 copies, will arrive in November."We're very excited to be working with a group that is nearly as passionate about our brand as we are ourselves and we look forward to working with Future on many innovative ideas they have to create a best in class enthusiast publication," said Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing at SCEA.Ziff Davis, the former publisher of OPM, continues to battle financial issues, so it's understandable Sony's preference to find a more reliable company in Future, which has continued to publish OPM in Europe. Additionally, when Sony made the announcement last year, it said focus would shift to delivering content via and the PlayStation Store, so we wonder what spurred this change of heart. [via NeoGAF]

  • OPM details some features found in Haze

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    How can one not be excited about Haze, what with all the information slowly leaking out about it, the almost-unnecessary-but-welcome comparisons to self-proclaimed "most gorgeous shooter in the universe" Crysis, and other such hubbub? It's tough, and the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine (OPM for the curious) sheds some light on even more subtle details you may have missed in any gameplay footage you may have stumbled across. We'll, erm, detail them below. Just as a neat effect, flames will apparently tear through the grass around you as well as burn out buildings. Not necessary for gameplay, but a rather fun effect nonetheless. A remote-controlled grenade will be available. Lob it wherever, then tap a trigger button to blow it up. Reminds us of those remote explosives found in GoldenEye for the N64. The only time a watch was a viable weapon ... There are a lot of unannounced vehicles to ride around in. Your guess is as good as ours. "Overdosed" teammates may start to go a little crazy. They might shoot rockets in the wrong direction, or pull a pin from a grenade and stand there laughing maniacally until ... ka-boom! A dozen vastly different environments will make their way to the final build. Everything from free-roaming jungles to claustrophobic hallways will make an appearance. What's interesting to note is that the developers of Haze have a respect for Hideo Kojima's method of storytelling. They said "politics should never interfere with gameplay, but having a theme worth thinking about gives the experience real substance." We agree. So what can we expect with this game? Fast-paced action with a story that makes you think, but won't confuse or irritate you with political jargon and country-specific sentiment? That'd be cool.

  • Adgadget: Goat of war

    Ariel Waldman
    Ariel Waldman

    Looking back at the decapitated goat scandal that was Sony's press event for God of War II, which hit British tabloids and gaming news last month, the freshly slaughtered skin may have been the least offensive part.If you frequented any gaming sites in the last few weeks, chances are you saw more pixilated pictures of flesh than you would have in a commercial for Girls Gone Wild. Unfortunately, not all the skin was of the girl variety – most of the pixilated flesh belonged to a freshly slaughtered goat that made an appearance at an event held in Greece to promote the recent launch of the game God of War II. Among the festivities back in March, guests were challenged invited to win a PS3 by reaching into what looked like the most pathetic pit of snakes and eat a traditional Greek dish fashioned after goat intestines while topless women paraded around the joint. The goat had been purchased from a butcher prior to the event and though a spokesperson claimed the goat had not been slaughtered for the event, many were left skeptical considering goats aren't typically decapitated in such a manner. A video of the event surfaced, complete with commentary and cliché flame graphics.

  • Official PlayStation Mag dead, demo disc the killer?

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Just as Ziff-Davis and Microsoft's trembling lips meet for the long, slow kiss that is Games for Windows: The Official Magazine, Ziff and Sony are, like, totally breaking up. They say it's mutual, that all relationships must end ... but we all know who's really to blame. It's that ne'er-do-well demo disc, that's who!With the steady erosion of print readership and the growth of online outlets (like Sony's own ThreeSpeech project who, curiously, keep cribbing from OPM) it's no wonder they've reconsidered their commitment to the world of dead-tree gaming journalism. Coupled with their (about to launch) PlayStation Network, capable of delivering videos and demos -- the very same videos and demos that used to come bundled on DVD with every issue of OPM -- the gimmick has dried up.Increasingly, print magazines rely on these gimmicks to provide extra incentive to read all the gaming news you already read online 3 weeks ago. Game Informer has that infinitely valuable shelf space at the nation's largest gaming retailer while Computer Gaming World had to reevaluate and become Games For Windows. What's curious is why Microsoft not only doesn't see Xbox Live as the final nail in Official Xbox Magazine's proverbial coffin, but they use the magazine to distribute exclusive demos, weeks before they hit Live (see: Rainbow Six Vegas). Maybe, with a 60% attach rate for Xbox Live, they realize there's still plenty of offline 360 gamers who can't get their demos from Live.[Update: The fine folks at Ziff contacted us to "clarify that the 1UP Network --,,, the 1UP Show, our podcasts, etc. -- and EGM will cover the PS3, PS2, and PSP in depth with integrated print, video, podcast, and web features through the holiday season, 2007, and beyond." So, there you have it. Don't think Ziff is axing the Sony coverage, they're just axing the magazine.]Read -- Sony's press releaseRead -- Ziff Davis' press release

  • Does OPM hate the PSP?

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    OPM stands for Official PlayStation Magazine. You'd think that because it's sponsored by Sony, it would have slightly inflated scores for the games. But that doesn't seem to be the case ... at all. In fact, it appears that OPM is dishing out some painfully low scores on games that have been reviewed favorably by most other publications. For example, Killzone: Liberation only got a 7.5, Ace Combat X got a 6.0, and most surprisingly of them all: Lumines II got a measly 6.0. I've been playing my review build for quite some time, and I find it to be much better than the original, and that says a lot. What's with these horribly low scores, OPM? Do they have a grudge against the PSP?[Via IGN Boards]

  • Bethesda confirms Oblivion to PSP in Spring 2007

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    Yesterday, we broke news that 1UP broke news of the Official Playstation Magazine breaking news of Oblivion heading to the PSP and PS3. Did ya get all that?Well, now we get confirmation right from the source. Yeah, that's right, Bethesda has issued a press release confirming Oblivion is headed to the PSP in spring 2007. In America, the game will be published by Bethesda, while Ubisoft will publish it in Europe.As if you didn't already know, this is a huge win for the PSP and PS3. I don't think there's anyone in their right mind who would argue that the PSP is the only major handheld system on the market that has enough horsepower to properly handle a game like Oblivion.It's times like this that help me forget about things like hardware sales charts and focus on the massive amount of great games on the PSP's horizon. It truly is a great time to be a gamer.[Via Bethesda]

  • November OPM to feature Killzone demo

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    According to the latest RadiOPM, The next issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine (OPM), will also feature the Killzone: Liberation demo that's been extensively covered on the site. With distribution through OPM, and PlayStation Underground, it appears that Sony's really revving their marketing machine to hype this game. And why shouldn't they? The game's really good. [Via IGN Boards]

  • OPM Ed opts for 360 this November

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    You may have noticed some odd behavior from your favorite Sony fanboy last Friday. Perhaps he flipped off his PC monitor whilst shouting, "TREASON!" If so, then said fanboy was undoubtedly reading the blog of one Dana Jongewaard, editor of Official Playstation Magazine. So, what's the big deal? Look no further than the title of her blog:"Why I am buying a 360 this November"Citing that $600 is just too much for a console, and that the PS3's killer apps won't be out 'til next year at the earliest, and that she just doesn't really care about Blu-Ray, Dana has decided to get Microsoft's white box of joy instead (at least until the PS3 goes down in price). The funny part is all the commenters threatening to cancel their OPM subscriptions for her scandalous comments. If you've got the time, the comments are good for a laugh. Welcome to the fold, Dana.Just for the record, I own a DS and a Gamecube aside from my beloved 360. If that bothers any of you, I guess you'll have to cancel your internet service or something.

  • Offer for one free year of EGM ends today

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    "Free" offers on the internet often come with annoying trials and lengthy cancellation procedures, but this one here's legit -- it's actually running from the subscription web site of the publisher of EGM, Ziff Davis Media.You may have seen this offer for 12 free issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly on Joystiq or other game sites out there. Basically, what's happening is the Ziff Davis Game Group is running a subscription drive for the mag, sponsored by the World Cyber Games. Free subs are only on offer through today, however, so get a move on if you want a piece of the printed action.Of course, EGM may be no OPM, but it's helpful for even the healthiest fanboy to get a balanced diet of multiplatform news and information on a regular basis. Also, please note that you're under no obligation to sign up for the World Cyber Games page which follows the EGM subscription one, so you can absolutely get your free mag without registering with the WCG.[Via Joystiq]

  • Three big-picture PS3 predictions from OPM

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    John Davison, editorial director for Ziff Davis Media's Game Group, penned three predictions for the PlayStation 3 launch in the April edition of Official PlayStation Magazine. Here's a quick summary: Launch: "November in the United States" and "it won't be a penny more than $399.99." (Because Sony's in big trouble if it cedes two holiday seasons to the Xbox 360. Plus, Microsoft has created a strong pricing precedent with the Xbox 360.) The Dualshock 3: The boomerang ain't gonna fly. It's got no room for a battery pack. The new controller will likely look a lot like the PlayStation 2 controllers. The games: Only a few games will be available at launch. Most of them won't utilize the full potential of the PS3. (We'd say that none will. It's just not possible until developers have more practice creating software for the PS3.) Davison writes, "the real jaw-droppers on the system aren't going to be shown until E3 in 2007." Solid, sane predictions all. [Image comes from a prerendered scene from upcoming PS3 title Warhawk]