

  • Packrat 0.87 released with page link editing, creation

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Packrat, an offline Backpack client that I just can't say enough about, has been updated to version 0.87. Though it is another minor version point update, it features the ability to edit links, including dragging one page onto another to create a link. With all its other abilities of editing pages, tags, lists, and notes, as well as being able to create new lists and notes, Packrat is becoming a more powerful client by the day.Packrat is a Universal Binary, with a demo available, while a licenses costs $24.95.

  • Emergency Maintenance on Select US Realms

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Sixteen US realms have been taken offline for emergency database maintenance. One of Blizzard's database administrators is on-site to ensure that downtime is kept to a minimum. All are expected to be back online by 11:00 PM PDT, but expect status updates throughout the evening. But if you play on the following realms, you're out of luck for the evening: Agamaggan, Azshara, Dark Iron, Detheroc, Emerald Dream, Greymane, Kalecgos, Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Malfurion, Moonrunner, Sargeras, Staghelm, Twisting Nether, Ursin, and WildHammer.

  • Downtime Compensation for Select Realms

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you've been on the forums at all lately, you understand that a number of realms - including two brand new realms - have been offline recently due to hardware failure. While the servers are now online and functioning, uptime has been spotty since Wednesday afternoon. As compensation for the downtime, however, Blizzard is crediting all players with accounts on these servers with an extra day's play-time. So if you have characters on any of the following realms, expect a credit on your account: Aerie Peak, Altar of Storms, Anvilmar, Blackwing Lair, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Gnomeregan, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel'Thuzad, Lethon, Onyxia, Sentinels, Uldaman, and Venture Co.

  • Additional Downtime for Sixteen US Realms

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The sixteen realms (including the two new realms - Sentinels and Venture Co.) that were having hardware problems yesterday have been brought offline again as of 11:44 AM PDT. While a work-around was used to bring the realms back online last night, the problem that caused the failure still remains, and needs to be addressed. The following realms are offline for now, with no current ETA on being brought back up: Aerie Peak, Altar of Storms, Anvilmar, Blackwing Lair, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Gnomeregan, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel'Thuzad, Lethon, Onyxia, Sentinels, Uldaman, and Venture Co.

  • Additional Downtime for Several US Realms

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    While I wrote earlier that these realms, which had some unexpected downtime, were brought back online at 11:51 AM PDT, apparently additional technical problems brought them down again at around 2:21 PM PDT. The two new realms - Sentinels and Venture Co. - have gone offline as well, leaving a total of sixteen realms offline, including the following: Aerie Peak, Altar of Storms, Anvilmar, Blackwing Lair, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Gnomeregan, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel'Thuzad, Lethon, Onyxia, Sentinels, Uldaman, and Venture Co. The trouble has been isolated to a hardware failure, and downtime is expected to last until 11:59 PM PDT while the hardware is replaced and brought back online.

  • Emergency Maintenance

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    An issue that was preventing players from logging on has resulted in the following realms being brought down for emergency maintenance at 4:15 PM PDT this afternoon.  The plan is to have them back online by 8:00 PM PDT.  Offline are: Aegwynn, Aerie Peak, Akama, Alleria, Altar of Storms, Anetheron, Archimonde, Cenarion Circle, Cenarius, Crushridge, Dalaran, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Duskwood, Eldre'Thalas, Garona, Hyjal, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel'Thuzad, Khadgar, Kilrogg, Lethon, Lightbringer, Mal'Ganis, Moonrunner, Norgannon, Spirestone, Steamwheedle Cartel, Stormrage, Turalyon, Uldaman, Uther,  and Zuluhed.  My server's on this list, too, so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that whatever is being done doesn't really take four hours to complete. 

  • Servers Coming Back Online

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    After a few hours' extended maintenance, most realms are starting to come back online.  Not coming back up yet are the realms involved in the migration.  At 11:10 AM PDT there was an update saying that we should expect the migrating realms (Cenarius, Cenarion Circle, Hyjal, Lightbringer, and Uther) to be down for 10 more hours.  Several realms from the migration site (Blackrock, Frostmourne, Frostwolf, Khaz'goroth, Kil'Jaeden, Kilrogg, Ner'zhul, Proudmoore, Sen'Jin, Silver Hand, Tichondrius, and Vek'nilash) will be down for another 4 hours.  All other realms should be online by 12:10 PTD, so within the next ten minutes or so. 

  • New Packrat version adds true list and note creation

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    A new Packrat version (version 0.84 build 220) has enabled 100% edit-ability of lists and notes on pages, including the create of new lists and notes on pages that previously had none. To facilitate this, a new 'Action' button has been added to Packrat's toolbar, containing 'create new note/list' commands for your productivity pleasure.To find out more about the update, check the blog of Rod Schmidt, Packrat's developer.

  • Help shape Packrat's development

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    The author of Packrat, the app that lets you download your Backpack information for offline viewing, is requesting feedback on his blog as to Packrat's development. Specifically, he's working on adding editing features to Packrat, and he's wondering whether users would like to see the app released with editing support as he's baking it in, or if we'd all like to wait until it's completely polished and ready for prime time.If you're at all interested in (what I believe to be) the only full-featured offline client for 37signals' fantastic Backpack service (no, the widget doesn't count), swing on by Rod Schmidt's feedback post and toss in your two cents.