

  • Transformers 2-disc Blu-ray edition coming September 2?

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    The day Michael Bay and fans of Blu-ray and big robots have all been waiting for is September 2, according to advanced, inside information obtained by Last year's HD DVD blockbuster Transformers is finally coming to Blu-ray after last fall's exclusivity agreement fell by the wayside, in a 2-disc release described as "similar" to the previous version. Hopefully that means all HDi and internet connectivity features intact, with new bits added courtesy of 50GBs of storage space and BD-Live. We expect there should be, and with a majority of Blu-ray owners using PlayStation 3s, they may even surpass the HD DVD edition's 30% internet-connected rate.[Via]

  • Paramount payoff confirmed by Viacom earnings report

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    Although it's all water under the bridge now, we still find it interesting that Viacom's recent earnings statement confirmed that Paramount received compensation for dumping Blu-ray. But contrary to the New York Times article, Variety is reporting that it was only $29 Million, instead of $150 Million. This is of course only cash, and it is still entirely possible that the other $121 Million included future revenues that didn't materialize once things fell apart, but we have a hard time believing Paramount received that much in promotional services or free replication. And while the Warner payoff rumors weren't from a source as sound as the NYT, we'll still be keeping an eye on revenue statements from Engadget and Warner's shared parent company all the same.[Via Format War Central]

  • Cinemassively: Iron Man in Second Life

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Annie Ok has been out of the virtual sweatshop business for less than three weeks, and she's already moved on to something even more epic! Tateru Nino previously wrote about Paramount and Marvel's fan-art contest for the recently released film, Iron Man. Now Silverscreen has released the machinima to go along with it!If you've seen the movie and would like to get the avatar in-world, you can find them on Silverscreen Island. The fan-art contest is going on through May 7th if you'd still like to submit an entry, or you can check out their flickr photo pool.[Via Silverscreen]If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.

  • Paramount officially rejoins the Blu-ray camp on May 20th

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    The last HD DVD exclusive studio to announce Blu-ray titles won't be the last to release, as Paramount has announced its first Blu-ray movies will hit the street starting on May 20th with Face/Off, Next, and Bee Movie. But the fun really starts in June, as the long awaited award winning There Will Be Blood and Cloverfield are both due on June 3rd. Then a few weeks later, the first day and date title will come with The Spiderwick Chronicles on June 24th. So with the last studio finally lined up, it won't be long until we really get to see DVD and Blu-ray go head to head and once and for all find out if the new Blu format can make a run at the defending champ.[Via]

  • Showtime's not worried about the new premium movie channel competition

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Don't worry about Showtime, the network insists the threat of a Viacom-MGM-Paramount-Lionsgate premium movie channel is not going to hurt it, and in fact it's "in a better position as a free agent", according to VP Stu Zakim. Multichannel News has word from the corporate PR exec that only two movies ranked among the 20 top rated programs on the network in 2007, and considering the license fees the studios asked, it was better served investing in series development and marketing. We can expect fresh movies on Showtime through 2010-11, but after that it'll be up to remaining partner CBS Films to keep serving up the flicks, but for lovers of Weeds, Californication and Dexter there should be plenty more where that came from.

  • Viacom, Paramount, Lionsgate & MGM team up for new premium channel in '09

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Hope you like your movies served fresh on-demand, as Viacom, Paramount, Lionsgate and MGM have just announced plans for a new "premium" channel launching fall 2009. Other than having access to Paramount and Paramount Vintage titles released to theaters on or after January 1, 2008, and MGM, United Artist and Lionsgate flicks released after January 1, 2009, the service plans a "robust" VOD component. According to Variety, the big loser here is Showtime, which loses access to several theaters it's depended on for content, and also faces competition for shows like Weeds and Dexter. We're sure no premium movie channel would launch in this day and age without an HD offering, so tell your provider to keep a slot open for this latest addition.

  • Paramount getting into the games business

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We knew that Paramount was 'very, very excited' about the games space, but today we're getting the first look at how that enthusiasm will translate into a publishing business. Variety reported today on Paramount's expanded interactive department, which will put a focus on mobile, handheld and casual games because ... well, because they're cheap to develop and businesses like money.The games wing isn't completely separate from the films business though, Paramount will only be putting its muscle behind new licenses and catalog titles (it will continue to license properties out to other companies). So ... catalog titles, eh? Dare we hope? Is it finally time for the whip-snapping, bullet-dodging action ... of Pootie Tang: The Game?

  • Will Paramount go Blu in time for There Will Be Blood?

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    Things have been quiet in the ex-Red camp recently, and James from FWC brings up a good point, what's the deal with Paramount and Universal? Although it's too early to get concerned, it is only three weeks until the Oscar Winning, There Will Be Blood is set to be released on DVD. The Hollywood Reporter did say it expected both studios to release titles by late spring/early summer, but April 8th is more like mid-spring. The other title we'd miss is Cloverfield, which is due to release on April 22nd. We can kinda understand it taking Universal a little while to get up to speed on Blu-ray, but certainly Paramount hasn't forgotten how to make Blu-ray Discs between now and last August.

  • Paramount 'very, very, excited' about games space

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Paramount tells MCV that the studio would like to increase its presence in video games and even establish a publishing division. Paramount Digital's General Manager of Worldwide Distribution, Alex Carloss, says being part of Viacom gives Paramount inroads into many worlds and the studio is "very, very excited" about growth into the "interactive entertainment market." He concludes, "You're going to see an awful lot more from Paramount in the space."When asked if Paramount would follow Warner Brothers into third-party games publishing, Carloss replied it would be "imprudent" to give "guidance" on that. Being a part of a behemoth like Viacom certainly has its advantages. Another Viacom child, MTV, is set to spend $500 million over the next two years, and initial investments seem to be paying off.[Via GameDaily]

  • Paramount & Dreamworks HD DVD support ends March 4

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    We don't know if Jeffrey Katzenberg got a text message, fax, e-mail or smoke signal indicating the format war was over, but Video Business has confirmed Paramount and Dreamworks Animation will (rather abruptly) to stop releasing HD DVDs after next week. If you were looking forward to Bee Movie on March 11, Sweeney Todd on April 1 or the just announced There Will Be Blood, those are cancelled. Into the Wild and the appropriately-named Things We Lost in the Fire will be Paramount's last reminders of its exclusive agreement. Not specifically mentioned was Star Trek: TOS Season 2, but don't hold your breath. Blu-ray release plans are still up in the air but we wouldn't be surprised to hear something soon. As far as HD DVD movies still scheduled, that leaves two from Universal (for now) and twelve from Warner Bros, who may have been the first to leave red, but will apparently be the last major studio out the door.Read - Video BusinessRead - High-Def Digest

  • Nearly half of Paramount's Blu-ray titles are in stock at Amazon again

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    Way back when Paramount dropped Blu-ray for HD DVD, we saw something very odd happen as some titles were snatched from shelves and within a few months Paramount Blu-ray titles were going for a premium via 2nd hand services like Amazon and eBay. Now just as quickly as they disappeared about half of the 32 titles are back in stock on No one really knows what the deal is, but we'd bet that these discs have been in a warehouse all along -- just in case. If this is in fact how it went down, Paramount certainly did play its cards right on this one.

  • Paramount officially Blu-ray (again)

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Michael Bay can breathe easy, Paramount (Dreamworks included) has officially gone Blu-ray. Two and a half years after announcing itself purple, and exactly five months after becoming HD DVD exclusive, this move makes all six major Hollywood studios Blu. Don't make space for that Blu edition of Transformers in your DVD rack just yet, as the company plans to "monitor consumer adoption and determine our release plans accordingly", but with PS3 sales up and BD Live on the way, we can't imagine it will take very long. The Hollywood Reporter expects to see Universal and Paramount new releases hitting Blu-ray and DVD at the same time by late spring or early summer, when we can forget this whole thing ever happened -- unless of course you picked up an HD DVD player for Shrek, in which case we have a few ideas on what to do next.[Thanks to Robert and everyone who sent this in]

  • Two years of battle between HD DVD and Blu-ray: a retrospective

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    It's hard to believe it's actually over, but for more than two years we've followed what has come to be one of our favorite topics as Blu has faced Red in a battle to be the next physical home media format. In the end it came down to studio and consumer electronic industry support -- not to mention the PS3 -- but it was by no means an easy victory, and just because it was more popular than HD DVD, doesn't mean Blu-ray can win over the hearts of millions of DVD fans. But while we wait to see how well Blu-ray is adopted by the masses, we wanted to take a second to look back at how it all ended up working out. We'll start this story way back in the Summer of '05 where the talks to create a unified format broke down: this is the moment most of us realized we were in for some fun. Sure, this thing got started way before that, but we have to start somewhere and this is when it really began to get interesting. As HD DVD approached the BDA to join forces and demanded too many changes to the Blu-ray disc format, the BDA told them to pound sand.

  • Paramount and Universal to publish films on Blu-ray

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Not a whole lot to go on right now, but German site HDTV Praxis has it that both Paramount and Universal will now make the obvious choice and publish their films on Blu-ray. Notably, this follows hints seen in certain Circuit City databases as well as word that we've received noting that both studios would indeed make things easy on everyone and simply support the one format still standing. Interestingly, DreamWorks isn't mentioned in the linked article per se, but we've all ideas it'll be following suit shortly.[Thanks, Khattab]Update: Universal's president Craig Kornblau had this to say: "While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray." Thanks, Kiwi616!

  • Does everyone know the war is officially over but us?

    Ben Drawbaugh
    Ben Drawbaugh

    While we all wait for Toshiba to make things official, we're starting to wonder if everyone is the HD DVD camp already has a plan that they haven't shared with us. We can't say we blame them, but just reviewing the series of events since Warner went Blu, it has us convinced that everything that's happened since, is according to schedule. Sure Netflix and the Wal-Mart aren't inside the circle, but it's reasonable to believe that when they got wind of the demise of HD DVD, it seemed like a great time to make an announcement for some shameless free press. If we were to guess, we'd say that Universal and Paramount feel like they're left holding the bag and we'd think that as far as they're concerned Toshiba can't call it fast enough. To add credence to this, the good old WSJ is reporting that both will be in the clear to announce titles for Blu-ray -- as well as for Warner to cease HD DVD production-- as soon as it goes official. We can certainly understand Toshiba's desire to string it out though, cause no doubt as soon as it's official many of the remaining HD DVD players will end up in a landfill somewhere and that's not good for anybody. [Via]

  • Paramount movies coming to UK Xbox Live Video Marketplace

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    While Australian rumors of integrated HD DVD drives and Blu-ray add-ons continue to swirl, Microsoft continues to expand the other way to get HD movies on its console, adding Paramount movies to Xbox Live Video Marketplace in the UK. Coming nearly a year after Paramount jumped onboard the U.S. version, licensing complications continue to delay service rollout in other countries. No word about Canada or other European Xbox 360 owners left with their faces pressed against the glass, waiting for Transformers downloads to their HDTV, but UK gamers can rejoice in 380 Microsoft Point (3.23 GBP) rentals hitting February 19.

  • Paramount to bring movie content to UK's XBVM

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Today, Microsoft and Paramount Studios look to expand the UK's current Video Marketplace offerings as they both sign a deal to bring a bunch of Paramount's older and newer movies to the XBVM. Movies including transforming robots.Fruits from the Paramount deal tree will be seen almost instantaneously with Transformers releasing tomorrow, February 19th to the UK's XBVM and other movie rentals will be releasing in the weeks to come. Movie rentals including Disturbia, Naked Gun, The Assassination of Jesse James, Beowulf and more all costing UK Live subscribers 250 Microsoft points for SD and 380 points for HD rentals. After the break, we've posted the complete list of movies that Paramount has committed to releasing this Spring. Browse a bit and be joyful.

  • HD DVD camp responds to Blu-ray progress

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    HD DVD is officially against the ropes and is getting battered by wicked left and right hooks to the noggin by Blu-ray. But unlike a punch drunk boxer giving it one last shot at the win, it appears that the HD DVD camp is slowly coming to grips with its grim future.The camp responded to earlier reports that Netflix would only carry Blu-ray titles as well as Best Buy recommending Blu-ray as the HD standard. "We have long held the belief that HD DVD is the best format for consumers based on quality and value, and with more than 1 million HD DVD players on the market, it's unfortunate to see Netflix make the decision to only stock Blu-ray titles going forward," the statement read. "While the Best Buy announcement says they will recommend Blu-ray, at least they will continue to carry HD DVD and offer consumers a choice at retail."Sure, they're not exactly admitting defeat yet, but it's almost sad to see the HD DVD camp attempting to find a silver lining in the fact that Best Buy is still carrying its discs despite promoting its competitor as the superior product. With overwhelming industry support leaning in Blu-ray's favor, it appears the only thing Sony needs to declare full victory is the support of Universal and Paramount. However, we believe it's only a matter of time before they're "seeing Blu."

  • Paramount and Habbo BFF

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    In-game advertising is something we've heard a lot about over the last couple of years. Game publishers and advertising companies have fostered close relationships based on the demographics they covet. Though some self-deluded "experts" on the topic like to argue that ads in games actually improve the gameplay experience, it's an extremely precarious rope to walk. The very second the advertising steps over invisible line of bad taste, the player base is liable to rebel. It's difficult then to tell what to make of this new partnership between Paramount and Habbo, where Habbo players will be able to purchase in-game merchandise branded with new Paramount properties like The Spiderwick Chronicles, Beowulf, and Mean Girls. Now, obviously, the fact that Habbo is more of a social networking game aimed at teens changes the equation a little bit, but people have to actually pay for the privilege of shlocking their in-game advertisements around? I want to say it will never work, but young people always manage to surprise me, so I wouldn't put money on it.[Via Tech Crunch]

  • Amazon's Blu-ray Paramount listings posted erroneously

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    As has become quite the norm for Amazon, it seems that the trio of flicks it proudly listed as Blu-ray titles just two days back were in fact listed erroneously. A new report over at Heise -- and a quick click back over to the exact same Amazon links -- shows that the films are indeed HD DVDs. So yeah, we wouldn't take any of Amazon's listings from here on out as a sign of the format war getting even crazier, but who knows, try clicking back tomorrow and see if they're scheduled to debut on HD VMD.[Via FormatWarCentral, thanks Blake]