

  • Live action Chicken's Rap from PaRappa

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Japan was treated to a special PSP version of the classic PS1 music game, PaRappa the Rapper a while back. Anreas Wieslander and his gang have performed a live action version of the "Chicken's Rap." Once you watch it, you'll also want to crack, crack, crack the egg into a bowl.The rapping grooves of these white kids have got me in the mood for some Pa-Rapping. Unfortunately, SCEA has not announced an American release for the game. Until then, interested importers can check out Play-Asia.

  • 3.02 update? Blame PaRappa!

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It appears as though today's 3.02 update does not include any revisions to system security, as evidenced by DevHook's successful emulation of 3.02. Sony's latest firmware is aimed solely at one game: PaRappa the Rapper, which is available in Japan only. Apparently, the downloadable levels simply don't work in 3.01 or 3.0, meaning this firmware upgrade is more of a patch than anything else.But what's with this recent slew of quick firmware turnarounds to fix broken games? 3.02 follows the footsteps of firmware 3.01, which fixed game performance in Jeanne d'Arc. Of course, considering how neither of these games are available anywhere but Japan, most of you probably don't need to update your firmware at all.[Thanks, JustEaton! Via PSP-Vault]

  • Watch PaRappa rap right on your PSP [m]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Ruliweb got the sweet hookup with some exclusive footage of the PSP version of PaRappa the Rapper. For some mysterious reason, Sony decided to release this on UMD instead of making it downloadable, but hey-- I don't have a PS3, so it works out for me. You can visit Ruliweb to download the clips to your computer, or you can make with the wi-fi and head over to to download PSP-formatted clips directly to your machine now.

  • PaRappa to feature downloadable music, but no new levels

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PaRappa is one of those games PSP owners would love if the developers put just a little bit more effort into it. Many have questioned Sony's decision to simply make an updated port and put it on UMD, when a game like PaRappa would be an ideal candidate for PSone emulation. Siliconera reports that the game will offer something new for PSP owners: the ability to download new songs through Infrastructure mode. Strangely, the new songs will not affect the gameplay in any way: the levels and corresponding button presses will not change when you download these songs. Gyuh? Sounds strange. Hopefully, Sony's been hiding something from us. The game hits Japan on December 7th.

  • Happy happy old Japanese McDonald's ads

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    I'd like to end your evening with absolutely terrifying footage from GameVideos. These McDonald's ads from the PS1 era feature your favorite Ape Escape and PaRappa characters, dancing and singing. AND EVERYTHING IS SO HAPPY!!! Maybe Sony isn't as "t3h m4tur3!!!1" as we thought it was.

  • PaRappa wrappin' good!

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Sony revealed even more pouches for the system, and this time, they're not as ridiculously overpriced as the sexy Signature line ones. These sweet PaRappa and Ape Escape pouches only cost 1500 yen (less than $15), making them quite a sweet deal. Look past the cut to see the even more sweetness.

  • TGS 06: Every PSP game previewed

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    There are way too many PSP games at this year's Tokyo Game Show. Because not all of us have time to read all the impressions and previews of all the games coming out, PSP Fanboy has created this nifty guide for all the games that were previewed. You'll get a thumbs up or a thumbs down from the major video game news sites. If a game looks like it might be a real winner, we'll award it "The Official PSP Fanboy Entranced Korean Award." These are the games that'll end up in Korea on giant PSPs, luring people to their eventual doom. And, that's pretty cool. Read on to see all the previews!

  • TGS 06: PaRappa hands-on

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Ross "I got to go TGS, so I'm better than you" Miller posted up some new impressions of PaRappa the Rapper on Joystiq. Here's what he had to say:"The graphics have been cleaned up and the audio is a bit crisper than the original, but our lovable rhymester still stutters his words even when we hit the buttons perfectly. None of the new features have been revealed, including the promised multiplayer mode. We recommend dusting off the original game for now, and wait to see if the extra features / multiplayer warrant a new purchase."It's sad to see that the game is only a port, and not a true sequel. Considering how it's a PS1 game, wouldn't it be better off as a download for emulation? Silly Sony.

  • Joystiq hands-on: PaRappa the Rapper (PSP)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    When we heard PaRappa the Rapper was coming to the PSP, we were elated. When we discovered it would simply be a remake of the original title, we were conflicted. While we adore the original PaRappa, we also wouldn't mind a new installment to the franchise, with lessons learned from the underwhelming PaRappa 2. The PSP demo shown on the floor is the exact same demo Sony used for the PS One PaRappa the Rapper demo, which is also the first level in the game. For those who don't remember, PaRappa the Rapper is a rhythm game in the vein of Simon Says. Your opponent will bust a few grooves, and by pressing the displayed button combinations in sync with the tempo you can spit your foe's words back in his or her face. The demo has PaRappa up against Chop Chop Master Onion, a karate teacher with an onion for a head. The graphics have been cleaned up and the audio is a bit crisper than the original, but our lovable rhymester still stutters his words even when we hit the buttons perfectly. None of the new features have been revealed, including the promised multiplayer mode. We recommend dusting off the original game for now, and wait to see if the extra features / multiplayer warrant a new purchase.Check out the awesome PaRappa sticker they had on the PSP demo units after the break.

  • TGS 06: Which games support wireless? [Update 1]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The good folks at IGN have compiled a fantastic list of games that support ad-hoc (local) wireless and infrastructure wireless. It's been slow to start, but more and more games have been adding support for internet play and downloadable levels, and they should be commended. The games that use Infrastructure mode include: Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Monster Hunter Portable 2 (downloadable levels only) Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Kingdom of Paradise 2 (downloadable items only) Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (online leaderboard & downloadable levels only) Mahjong Fight Club P-Kara While this isn't a huge list of games, it's a huge improvement over the early years of the system's life. I'm happy with the support we get from heavy-hitters like Ratchet & Clank and Metal Gear Solid.[Update 1: This list is only of games present at TGS. There are tons of other games that feature wireless support that aren't on display.]

  • PaRappa the Rapper to spit hot fire on PSP [Update 2]

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    Good news, my fellow PSP fanboys. I bring you tidings of yet another great franchise making its way to our beloved handheld. According to a German gaming site, Famitsu is reporting PaRappa the Rapper will be released for the PSP sometime in the future.No other details have been released, but I'm hoping for an all-new title. Possibly PaRappa 3?In the game, players must copy amazingly catchy raps by pressing the right buttons at a specific time and in correct order. Sounds kinda lame, but if you've ever played the game, you're probably like me and immediately fell in love with it. Just the thought of playing this amazing franchise on the go has me as giddy as a Japanese school girl.[Thanks Daniel][Update 1: Fixed the school-girl link so no one will get fired.][Update 2: There will be 4 player multiplayer in this "updated" port.]