

  • Readers pick best webcomic: 95% almost brand new!

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Recently profiled artist Steve Napierski (Dueling Analogs) suffers a power outage, pushes his Final Fantasy XII strip to 2:00a.m. tonight, but shuffles together a trio of devious consoles to create the reader's choice best game-related webcomic of the week.Second and third place were claimed by old hats Penny Arcade and Ctrl+Alt Del, respectively. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any gaming comics you stumble upon (or create) this week!

  • New Penny Arcade Adventures promo shot drops hints

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    The boys from Penny Arcade aren't ready to talk about their eponymous episodic adventure just yet but they did just send out an additional promotional shot that dropped a few hints. First, the large red eyes spotted in the first piece of promotional art certainly looked like the eyes of our fruit fornicating friend (as seen here), but what about those sprocket shoulders? And he's big, but those don't look like Prime's shoulders ...And what about that gun? Even with self-funded independent projects like this -- "an RPG in short" -- is it possible to get away from guntacular gameplay? I'll leave the rest up to you dear readers. The game is due out for the Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms "when it's done" with console releases expected thereafter.%Gallery-1545%

  • Readers pick best webcomic and hate Mario Party

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    I know what at least three of you are saying out there: "how can you hate Mario Party? It's so fun and non-repetitive and I own all seven versions!" Well calm down there, skipper, because not everyone thinks video board games are the greatest thing since non-video board games.Julian's hands-on with Mario Party 8 sent Penny Arcade's Gabe into a frenzy and subsequently became the most popular gaming comic this week. Second place went to Fanboys Online and third place was claimed by Qwantz, even though we mistakenly linked to the picture and not the comic / news page (thanks, karmaghost). Be sure to congratulate Qwantz artist Ryan North, as his comic turned four years old as of February 1st!Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you stumble upon this week!

  • Ping Pong with Penny Arcade, to the pain!

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    After feasting upon the flesh of Seattle import vendor Pink Godzilla, the Penny Arcade crew are thirsting for new blood in their quest to destroy all competition in their sick and twisted game of ping pong. No, not Rockstar Table Tennis (though the developer's hand would explain the violence), but actual, honest-to-goodness, physically exerting ping pong. Gabe is making the call to anyone in the games industry who might want to take on the comic crew (and yes, it's more than just Tycho and Gabe). A few rules: Bring seven people, ranked in order of skill Matches will adhere USATT Table Tennis rules, lasting 11 points per game with service rotation every two points. Each match will be best out of five games. Doubles teams are optional "Victory as of right now means street cred and bragging rights," according to Gabe, with the future possibility of a pong league and "some sort of trophy to pass around. Anyone interested should e-mail Gabe (address on the PA page) with the subject line reading "PING PONG CHALLENGE!" Since Joystiq HQ is spread out far and wide over the world, we'll likely not heed the call, but industry types who have no will to live some paddle skills should bring their A-game to Penny Arcade's underground lair. But be warned of Robert Khoo's insatiable thirst for gamer blood, demonstrated in the video embedded after the break.See Also: Joystiq's Weekly Webcomic Wrapup

  • Arcadians Podcast has Fanboy Guest

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Yesterday, 360 Arcadians released their 9th podcast episode, where they discussed the 10 upcoming Arcade titles, Unreal Tournament III, rewarding achievement whores, and some good old fashioned laughing at Sony. Not only is the show informative, they even have a special guest this week that you have heard of: our very own Richard Mitchell! Yes, Rich took time out of his busy schedule to sit down and join in the fun of recording a podcast and not having to edit it. We extend our thanks to Mike, Scott, Ben, and Marcus for welcoming us into the Podosphere.Now all we need is an excuse to get Dustin in an episode with them to complete the cycle. So what do you think of the show? Can Mike Todaro read minds? Should we have a couple of them show up on our own podcast to liven it up a bit?

  • Readers pick best webcomic: your mom

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    With silly non-animation and infantile STD humor, With Your Mom dot Com takes the [adult swim] award for best game-related webcomic this week. Second and third place were occupied by Tycho and Gabe, with PVP Online's Penny Arcade joke edging out over Penny Arcade itself. Thanks to everyone who voted this week and be sure to let us know of any gaming comics you stumble upon this week!

  • PAX '07 set for Aug. 24-26 in Seattle

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Expecting not to slip into "the rain-slick precipice of darkness," PAX '07 plans to be "bigger and badder." The Penny Arcade Expo will take place at the Washington State Trade and Convention Center. Previously held in Bellevue, PAX can thank the ESA canceling E3 for now making them the event of the year for the hardcore -- no fake press credentials required. Oh wait, there's the E for All Expo, but we have no idea how that's going to play out."We conservatively expect 30,000 hardcore gamers in Seattle this summer, making us the fastest- growing and largest gamer festival in North America" said Robert Khoo of Penny Arcade. "Exhibitors and attendees keep spreading the word about PAX; it's amazing, but attendance doubles each year."What we're really looking forward to is just seeing more of Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness game, which we're sure will have some announcement at the convention. You know the guys at IGN and Gamespy can't wait to get their hands on it for some sweet, sweet retribution.

  • Penny Arcade on FBI 360 confiscation

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Penny Arcade takes on the recent middle school shooting threat in Ohio this week. 360 Fanboy readers will recall that an Ohio middle school student, during a game on Xbox Live, told a California teen that he had plans to bring a gun to school. The California teen's father subsequently contacted the FBI. The middle schooler was later arrested and several items were confiscated from his home, including a pistol and his Xbox 360. Some find the claim that the 360 is "evidence" to be rather dubious, and that is the subject of today's comic. Oh, and in case you're wondering why the man on the right is devouring what appears to be a necktie, it is in fact Fruit by the Foot. Hit the "read" link to check out the comic.[Thanks, JohnHeist. Image credit: Penny-Arcade (obviously)]

  • Readers pick best webcomic: Fanboy reflections

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Wow, you guys really, really like Scott Dewitt's Fanboys Online comic. And so do we. Overwhelmingly, Fanboys was voted the best webcomic this week for their 2006 year in review. Maybe it was the sad truth they admitted: Penny Arcade's Tycho and Gabe have so much good will they could eat babies and still be cool.Second place went to Extra Life and third place was a virtual tie between Digital Unrest and Dueling Analogs. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any gaming comics you stumble upon this week!

  • Nerdcore Rising throws down with trailer

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    A documentary showcasing the darlings of white boy hip-hop, Nerdcore Rising takes you along for a ride with the "Godfather of Nerdcore" MC Frontalot on his first national tour. To the uninitiated, nerdcore is what happens when you splice hard rhymes about Dungeons & Dragons with smooth beats and less aggression than what passes for hip-hop today. It could very well be the soundtrack to our culture, and the film aims to set the record straight on the roots of the genre. Making appearances in the trailer are Frontalot himself, MC Chris of Adult Swim fame, and geek gods Tycho and Gabe of Penny Arcade. Take pride in what you do and check out the trailer after the jump![Thanks, Frontalot!]

  • Elebits renamed for European release

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    European Wii owners will be hard-pressed to locate a copy of Elebits when it launches in PAL land this Spring, mostly due to the fact that it'll be called Eledees. As in, "LEDs" or possibly "Eledees, can I buy you a drink?" A quick and shamefully shallow internet search reveals that the word "bit" could be considered derogatory British slang, hence prompting Konami to drop it from the game's title. Right below "biscuit arsed", it reads:Bit: Noun. A woman. Abb. of 'bit of fluff' or 'bit of skirt', generally a person viewed sexually. Derog.Well, thank goodness they caught that one. Countless many people would have been left disappointed after learning that Elebits doesn't involve you lifting up skirts with a gravity beam. Expect that game from some other Japanese developer sometime in the future.[Image: Penny Arcade's surprisingly relevant Just for the Elebit.]

  • Child's Play raises over one million dollars

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    In the past four years, Penny Arcade's Child's Play charity has raked in the kind of money that can only be visualized as a gargantuan, green pile of bills. This year, however, marks a special milestone -- $1,000,000. That's when people look up, alarms sound and bloggers put down their lassos of lethargy. It's a really big pile, one worthy of a spirited round of applause. To be exact, $1,024,400.31 went towards children who find themselves trapped in deliberately uninteresting hospital hallways. Books, toys, video games and consoles are just some of the items purchased through Amazon wishlists this year. The annual Penny Arcade auction dinner contributed a tidy $210,000, with an appearance in an upcoming comic strip fetching $10,000 at the event.Other items of interest at the dinner auction: A Halo 3 voice-over opportunity called for $9,000. A DS and Wii package signed by Reggie? $3,700. A tour of Penny Arcade HQ sold for $2,700. An Xbox 360 signed by J. Allard went for $1,200. Well done, Penny Arcade, and kudos to the classy human beings who contributed to their efforts. (So, two million next year, right?)

  • Child's Play profiled by NY Times

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The New York Times has a profile of Child's Play today. It's a basic history of the global charity that has raised more than $2 million in an effort to provide video game hardware and software to children hospitalized with severe illnesses. As you may know, Child's Play was founded by an honest duo looking to counteract the mainstream perception of video gamers. We're not violent and antisocial (except for Vlad).It's good to see a globally circulated media outlet focusing on the positive contributions of gamers, instead of spinning another "GTA made me do it" murder soap opera. Good lookin' out, NY Times.[Thanks, Andrew]

  • Readers pick best webcomic: Gabe the weatherman

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's a much-deserved landslide victory for Penny Arcade, cartooning at the top of their game and, lest we forget, the related anecdote. Coming in second and third in this week's webcomic wrapup were VG Cats' heartfelt goodbye to the GameCube and NekoYasha's Samus satire.Thanks to everyone who voted. Coming up is the last webcomic wrapup of the year. No party hats or cake or anything (we're too cheap), but it's the best time to thank everyone again for submitting gaming webcomic -- we try to incorporate them all, and there have been so many underground favorites that would have slipped under our radar if it wasn't for you. You guys really live up to that "TIME Person of the Year" title.Round up those game-related comics you stumble upon and be sure to let us know.

  • Bunnies like Penny Arcade

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The best part of Michel Ancel's Rayman Raving Rabbits is its humor and ad campaign. Every level is given a phrase such as "bunnies like carrot juice" or "bunnies like to rave." Ubisoft asked Penny Arcade to contribute to the Rabbid lore. Here's what Gabe and Joe Pekar (he colored) came up with: Bunnies lie about their age Bunnies are extremely good at ping pong Bunnies are nostalgic Bunnies can smell your fear So Ubisoft, how about capitalizing on Wii's online services and turn these golden ideas into party games.

  • Learning from Sony's viral blog mistake

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    "From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products, and use this site to give you nothing but the facts on the PSP."These were the last words of Sony's viral-blog-gone-bad. The site is now suspiciously empty, showing how empty that apology/promise really was. Advertising Age did an interesting write-up on the whole ordeal, making note that the FTC is now taking steps to ensure that companies disclose the true nature of any viral communications they produce. The article has four things to learn from Sony's mistakes, and I found the following to be most important: "The consumer is smarter than you think, alternative marketing tactics must be genuine, authentic and in today's world, transparent." As Penny Arcade smartly noted, "The reality is that no agency can create viral marketing, this is the sole domain of the consumer."Sony has to stop thinking we're idiots, and start treating us as educated consumers that know what we want. The homebrew community is a testament to that statement. Sony: listen to the gamers, read some PSP Fanboy and Joystiq, and figure out what we want.[Via AdJab]

  • Watch videos, win a 360, all for charity [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Update: It didn't take long, but the maximum number of donations has now been reached. If anyone managed to make it into the raffle, we're sure that Child's Play appreciates your has come up with an innovative way for gamers to give to Penny Arcade's Child's Play charity, and be entered into a raffle for an Xbox 360. Since 2003, Child's Play has given toys, games, and overall assistance to children's hospitals around the globe. And now, through GameTrailers, you can even donate without spending any money at all. GameTrailers is now allowing users to donate its special currency, Game Trailers Dollars (GTD) directly to Child's Play. Every 20 GTD donated equals $1 for Child's Play. Also, for each donation, users will be entered into a raffle to win an Xbox 360.In order to donate, you must be a member of GameTrailers (register here) and earn GTD. There are a number of ways to earn GTD (the simplest is just to watch and rate movies). For more information on GTD click here. If you are already a member of GameTrailers, we encourage you to donate. Who knows, you might even win a 360. You'd better hurry, there are just over 800 spots remaining in the raffle as of this writing.

  • Joystiq asks: should Penny Arcade be in the webcomic poll?

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Since its inception just over a year ago, the Weekly Webcomic Wrapup has always had issues with Penny Arcade's inclusion. We have heard both sides of the argument, both for and against their use in the webcomic poll, and we always decide to keep them in the running -- 'tis but a silly poll, anyways. However, we have talked with an unlikely proponent for possibly keeping comic out of the weekly poll: Gabe from Penny Arcade.On Tuesday, Gabe left a comment on our WWW post suggesting that they're not a webcomic as much as they are "game news and opinion site. Part of it is a news post and part of it is a comic strip." Speaking more on the subject with Joystiq, Gabe (also known as Mike Krahulik, shh) told us that "if you feel like people are voting for PA just because it's PA and that's not what you want then feel free to take us out of the equation." We want to be able showcase as many game-related webomics as possible, big and small, and as long as that is accomplished then we don't care. However, after Gabe's response we decided to reopen the debate: is Penny Arcade hurting the smaller comics on the poll -- or, more importantly, is Penny Arcade even classified as a webcomic, seeing as their news posts / blog entries are equally as important? It's important to note that, despite PA's inclusion, it does not always finish in the top three for the weekly wrapups. Gabe's response to Joystiq has been reprinted, with permission, after the break. Let us know how you feel on the subject.

  • Penny Arcade console wars in Wired

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    The Penny Arcade comic from the December issue of Wired is now available online for freeloaders and people with short memories. The two-page comic presents a person from the distant future reminiscing about the PS3/Wii/Xbox 360 console war and other past-to-him-future-to-us events. Check it out to stave off withdrawal symptoms until your next hit of Penny Arcade.

  • Child's Play 2006 eBay auctions

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Hoping that you'll put more dollars to charity if you get something back, Tycho and Gabe of Penny Arcade have set up several eBay auctions where 100% of their proceeds go towards Child's Play, an annual charity that benefits children's hospitals.In case you are interested, here are the charities: Two tickets to the Guitar Hero II release party. The Ball from PAX. Penny Arcade original artwork- the Beach poster. Penny Arcade original artwork- Dr. Raven Darktalon Blood. Penny Arcade original artwork- Gears of War. Penny Arcade original artwork- Boba Fett. Penny Arcade original artwork- Nightmare at Twenty-Thousand Feet. WOW TCG Saltwater Snapjaw turtle mount loot card. (pictured) Most of the auctions are well into the hundreds by now, but we still urge those with charitable minds to at least take a gander.See Also:Child's Play 2006 commences