

  • Mayor Newsom to make another SL appearance

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Mayor Gavin Newsom's not completely a stranger to Second Life, having been interviewed by Reuters' Adam Pasick in Second Life at the WEF media event in Davos, twelve months ago. Well, Newsom's back at the New Globe Theater in Second Life for an discussion with Philip Rosedale over the parallels, opportunities and challenges of managing two famously diverse, tech-savvy and dynamic communities with global profiles: the City of San Francisco, and Second Life. Newsom will also be discussing his priorities for his next term, and both Rosedale and Newsom will be taking questions.

  • Peering inside - looking back at 2007 [UPDATED]

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    It's been no less a tumultuous year for Second Life in 2007 this year than any previous year, frankly. There are a few standout items though. This isn't the list that anyone else might make - We might completely skip over one of the things you see as standing out as a huge impact, based solely on that we don't actually think it was that big a deal in the scheme of things.

  • Peering inside - Second Life's user retention

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    One year ago, Linden Lab gave out the 90 day retention figure for Second Life. That is, the percentage of people who were still logging in to the virtual world after their first 90 days. That figure was 10 percent. In the 12 months since that time, there have been an enormous number of changes. Changes to the user interface, two completely new orientation plans, a complete reworking of the volunteer corps who help new people out, a new knowledge-base and Support Portal/ticketing system. So, what's the number now?

  • Catherine Smith presents Inside Linden Lab

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Catherine Linden (Catherine Smith) is doing a new Linden Lab podcast called Inside Linden Lab. The first episode features Philip Rosedale, CEO of Linden Lab. During the course of the 'cast, Rosedale does specifically contradict Gene Yoon by consistently referring to the economy, where Yoon has previously insisted no such economy in Second Life exists.

  • Ex-Linden staffers on Ondrejka departure

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    One-time Linden Lab insider and virtual worlds/games journalist Hamlet Au (Wagner James Au) gathers comments from recently departed Linden Lab staff about the departure of Linden Lab CTO, Cory Ondrejka, and garners additional feedback from Linden Lab CEO Philip Rosedale. Comments are provided from the former Chadrick Linden, and the former Iridium (once Heretic) Linden. Quite what Ondrejka himself thinks is anyone's guess at the moment. [via New World Notes]

  • Peering inside - What does Cory Ondrejka's departure mean?

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Ondrejka's leaving Linden Lab at the end of the month. It wouldn't surprise me to see him working for (eg) Google on 2 January. Face it, Ondrejka's hot geek property, any issues of sex-appeal aside. Recruiters, if you want a piece of Ondrejka, you've probably got very little time to pitch something at him. Whatever Linden Lab's fortunes are, or have been, Ondrejka's the bee's knees right now, both technically and from a PR perspective.

  • Cory Ondrejka's departure in his own words

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Shortly after we received Philip Rosedale's official statement on Cory Ondrejka's imminent departure from Linden Lab, a source close to Linden Lab passed us a copy of Ondrejka's internal email about the matter. Trying to sum up 7 years of work at Linden is an impossible task. All nighters at the Linden Street office. Gaining 20 pounds but then losing 70. Flying 350,000 miles on Linden travel. Recruiting and hiring many of you. Creating a programming language that now had 2.5 billion lines of code written in it – note to self, next time spend more than one night designing language. Changing the world.

  • Philip Rosedale responds to Cory Ondrejka's departure

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab's CEO, Philp Rosedale has responded with a statement on the departure of Linden Lab CTO Cory Ondrejka. "I can confirm that Cory Ondrejka, CTO, will be leaving Linden Lab at the end of this year, in order to pursue new professional challenges outside the company. I wanted to take this opportunity to publicly thank Cory for his tremendous contribution to the company and to Second Life, in terms of its original vision and ongoing progress.

  • [UPDATED] Was Cory Linden fired, or did he quit?

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    var digg_url = ''; I've been hearing rumors about one of Second Life's dear leaders, Cory Linden (aka Cory Ondrejka), Linden Lab's CTO. Apparently he didn't see eye to eye with Philip Linden (aka Philip Rosedale), LL's CEO, about the engineering direction. Either way, he quit, or Philip fired him. Care to clarify, Linden Lab?Tateru Nino recently did a piece on Philip's mission statement blog entry. It seemed to come out of nowhere and maybe this has something to do with it. We'll keep you updated as we know more![8:47pm EST] I have obtained a copy of Philip's email that he sent to his employees, which you can read after the jump ...

  • A developer's comments on Philip's Second Life vision

    Eloise Pasteur
    Eloise Pasteur

    Tateru commented on Philip's blog post about the road ahead for Second Life, and generated some interesting thoughts. She is not the only one to so comment. Nicholaz Beresford, the "mad patcher" of the Second Life client, and the man indirectly responsible for most of my current viewer configuration (I also use the visual interface patch to have a green skin, it is restful to my eyes, and they mostly work well together) has also commented.His thoughts? Well, speaking as someone with a strong daoist leaning, they make a lot of sense to me. Why do I like his patch? They focus on getting a lot of the little things right, right now. The Linden Lab developers are focussed on getting things right at some future date. Even things marked "resolved, internally fixed" on the JIRA take some time (at least a month as far as I can tell, sometimes longer) to get out of the internal fix into the main client. That means, for a month, we, the users, are still complaining, whilst the developers are saying "No problem any more." Of course there must be some delay for QA in the main client, but it seems like a way to distress the users unnecessarily. Read his thoughts, think you own, let us know. Should Linden Lab release more "bleeding edge" clients with un-QAed bug fixes so we can get that bug fix we really want at the risk of less stability?

  • Philip Linden talks mission statement

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Philip Linden (known as Philip Rosedale in some circles, we hear) today published a piece on Linden Lab's mission statement. If he'd been talking about the stability problems (no improvements today, alas - worse, if anything) or if this talk had been given at Second Life's anniversary (23 June every year, in case you were wondering) this would seem a little less out of place. As it is, it seems to come out of left field, as they say.

  • Industry panel says MMOs are just getting started

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    At a recent panel discussion at the prestigious Harvard Business School, six influential members of the MMO developer community came together to debate the future of the burgeoning business of massively multiplayer online games. The panel included such dignitaries as former Blizzard team lead Mark Kern, Second Life creator Philip Rosedale, Red Sox ace and 38 Studios funder Curt Schilling.And what, I hear you ask, did this illustrious group have to say about the the MMO industry? The focus, as you might assume given the venue, was on the financial viability and growth potential within the MMO sphere. The panel seemed to agree that with only 15 percent of self-identified "gamers" currently playing MMOs (saying nothing of the casual market) the industry has a lot of growth potential if they can manage to deliver products that are attractive to people beyond first and second generation adopters. They also talked at some length about how MMOs could be more ably integrated into a browser experience, as the visual experience of a game like Second Life grows organically into a sort of graphical Web 3.0.It's an interesting discussion to listen to, especially with the credentials that the panelists brought to the table. I'm still not completely sold on the concept of MMOs transcending the "game" label and becoming the focus of the next generation of web development, but I've been wrong about this sort of thing before. I guess we'll just have to see then, won't we?

  • Dwell On It: prim-evil 5

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    For those of you that don't know, that image is Philip Rosedale.

  • Second Life versus BBCode - an open letter to Philip Linden

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Second Life user Jesse Barnett today posted an open letter to Philip Rosedale (aka Philip Linden) in the Second Life forums, with copies in the Public JIRA issue tracker, and in the Second Life developer mailing list. 'Well actually there is one thing we have asked and that is for bbcode to be reenabled and yet the official linden response is that "Sorry, we don't have 5 minutes to answer that question."' It all pretty much boils down to the vBulletin-based official forums (or what is left of them) and the fact that BBCode support for them is either broken or disabled (it was disabled in response to a cross-site scripting vulnerability, but why it remains off is an open question). While there are some workarounds, such as using GreaseMonkey to modify pages on the fly, those few users who use the official forums since the forums' fangs were pulled, find the issue vexatious.

  • Imagined, but not owned

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    Linden Lab has been overhauling its website and promotional material lately for the poorly understood virtual world Second Life. One of the key changes to be spotted is the alteration of the long-standing descriptor, "Second Life is a 3D online digital world imagined, created and owned by its residents", which now only reads, "Second Life is a 3D online digital world imagined, and created by its residents", and there's signs that the wording is still evolving a little. The unannounced change has caused a fair bit of speculation, especially among those who were never all that certain as to what the ownership consisted of in the first place. In fact, that seems to be at the heart of the reason for the change.

  • Second Life gathers no moss in Rolling Stone

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Rolling Stone has a sprawling article about Second Life that focuses on its creator, Philip Rosedale, and it's pretty eye-opening. Rosedale equates Second Life to Burning Man, rants and raves about virtual reality, and says, "Once we have enough computing power, we can remake the world using simulation."It's pretty obvious that without Rosedale's fanaticism for the project, Second Life never would have been born, but reading this article makes him seem a bit driven to the point of megalomania. Kushner compares Rosedale's "Rig" that he built to start the virtual experience a "Lawnmower Man-like contraption," and you probably remember how crazy that guy got.Give the article a spin and find out a little bit behind the man who built Second Life, the problems they face, and where it'll all go from here.