portable gaming


  • Sega Game Gear Micro

    Sega's Game Gear Micro lives up to its name with a 1.15-inch screen

    Sega's teeny-tiny Game Gear Micro has a 1.15-inch screen and just four games built-in to each one. It even has a magnifying lens to help players see what's going on.

    Richard Lawler
  • Consumer spending on mobile games tops that for portable consoles

    The market for dedicated portable game consoles from Nintendo and Sony appears to be shrinking due to competition from iOS and Android tablets and smartphones. Data from IDC and App Annie shows that fourth-quarter 2012 consumer spending on game apps from the App Store and Google Play was greater than spending on those portable consoles. In the Portable Gaming Report (PDF), the two companies noted that well over 20 billion games were downloaded across the mobile platforms in 2012, and that over a third of app downloads were games. The report also pointed out a fascinating statistic -- in terms of total consumer spending on games, Nintendo and Apple were almost equal. That Apple could become a major player in gaming in less than five years since the App Store first opened its virtual doors is amazing, particularly when the Nintendo DS and its successors have been around since 2004. One other key comment from the IDC / App Annie report was that purchases of dedicated game consoles appear to be highly seasonal, with 60 percent of spending in the fourth quarter of 2012 being done in December. Game app purchases, on the other hand, don't exhibit the seasonal variability of the dedicated units. [via The Verge]

    Steve Sande
  • Nintendo releasing three new 3DS XL bundles in Japan

    If you live in Japan and aren't already red-shelling on a Pokémon or risqué edition 3DS XL, maybe one of these three new bundles will inspire you. For the minimalists: the Monster Hunter Tri G bundle complete with all-black 3DS XL (known as the LL in Japan), releasing November 1st for 21,800 yen (approximately $280). Following one week later (on the 8th) is the Animal Crossing: Jump Out bundle with white and pattern handheld, setting you back 22,800 yen (approximately $290). And, for the same price, the pièce de résistance of the trio -- a New Super Mario Bros. 2 bundle with black and embellished red XL, expected November 15th. If you're the importing type, or just want to see how good the Japanese got it, then check out the gallery below and pick your favorite.

    Jamie Rigg
  • Phantasy Star Online 2 will be free-to-play on the Vita in Japan

    Japanese audiences will not be hurting for ways to play Phantasy Star Online 2 when it releases next year. Forget consoles or PCs; if you have a PlayStation Vita, you can jump right into the game for free. A fan translation of information presented at this year's Tokyo Game Show confirms that the game will be free-to-play on the Vita. Of course, there are restrictions to using the free version. Vita players will be limited to only certain shared areas with PC players and will also be unable to play the game in any sort of offline mode. Players will also need to swap memory cards to change accounts, as the free version is tied to the PSN account information stored on a memory card. Will this be true of the Western version as well? It's unknown, as Sega has yet to officially announce that Phantasy Star Online 2 will be on the Vita in the US. Keep your eyes peeled as the game gets closer to its Japanese release and more information comes out about localization.

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • PS Vita and PS3 cross-buy: more discounts, less freebies

    Sony's PS3 / Vita cross-buy program might not be as simple as "buy one, get one" after all. Taking the stage at its pre-TGS press event, Sony announced a new Hot Shots Golf game as one of the program's first adopters -- citing a price reduction, rather then a free game, for users who pick up either the PS3 / Vita version of the title. In contrast, Sony stated at Gamescom that buyers of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault would receive a second copy of the game for free upon purchase, indicating that cross-buy discounts may vary from title to title. Remember kids: just because you bought it once, doesn't mean you won't have to buy it again.

    Sean Buckley
  • Iwata: Gamers need dedicated handhelds, have a desire for 'rich and deep' experiences

    The argument for the 3DS has been precarious at the outset, price not withstanding. With the rise of the iPhone and Android devices, people are playing more games on their phones and tablets than ever before, cutting into a handheld gaming market dominated by Nintendo for more than a decade."I don't think there's not a bright future for handheld devices but I understand that the competition, again with the rise of smart devices is different, and I do recognize that," Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told Kotaku during a frank discussion on the 3DS and current portable gaming ecosystem. Iwata offered insight, not only on his own company's stance, but on the needs of consumers in general – and how Nintendo isn't trying to compete so much as offer value."Previously we had to think, ok, 'How are we competing with Sony?, How are we competing with Microsoft?, How do we compete with all the other software titles and all the other publishers out there?' That environment has changed. And the games available for smartphones, I'm not saying that none of these are interesting, rich or fun experiences, because I know that there are some. And one way we can ensure that there's a market for handheld gaming devices is by continuing to bring out entertaining and engaging software that will provide users experiences that they cannot get on these other devices."Iwata expects the need for "rich and deep" experiences will remain consistent, even while consumers change the context in which they play games. "I believe that as environments change and as the world progresses we're going to have different ways in which people want to spend their time," he said. "That being said, I don't think we're going to see the desire to have, again, rich and deep sort of gaming experiences... we're not going to see that vanish. That's not going to go away."

    David Hinkle
  • PlayStation Mobile detailed: different screens, same games

    Sony's decided to spill the beans on PlayStation Mobile, its upcoming cross-platform gaming service. It will connect to your own PSN ID, linking into its software store and aiming to offer up a "wide range of portable experiences." We're still looking at PlayStation-certified devices here, but Sony's also announced that ASUS and (bizarrely) Wikipad hardware will join the (pretty Sony-centric) line-up. We can already recognize a handful of Xperia phones alongside the Tablet S and, of course, Sony's premier handheld, which will also be able to play the incoming selection of mini-games. %Gallery-162377%

    Mat Smith
  • PlayStation Vita Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified bundle announced, pricing MIA

    Sony's handheld will get its own companion bundle for its incoming (and exclusive) Call of Duty title. The set will include the game, a PlayStation Vita and a carry pouch -- camouflage pattern TBC. Unfortunately, Sony it neglected to mention a price or a date -- though it's likely to arrive around the same time as the game, later this year.

    Mat Smith
  • PS Vita and PS3 cross-buy feature revealed: buy one copy, get the other free

    Sony's kicked off its Gamescom event in Germany by revealing a new deal for games playable on both the PS3 and its handheld relative, the PS Vita. The incoming PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault will be two of the first titles to arrive on both -- with a single purchase giving you both versions. According to Jim Ryan, president and CEO for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, you'll get both copies in the single package but there's no word on whether both, or one, will be digital download-only. We'll update this post when we hear more.

    Mat Smith
  • Nintendo DSi gets Matte Red and Matte Blue finishes, shrugs off sunshine glare

    If glossy handhelds covered in fingerprint mess aren't your thing, then Nintendo's recently-announced matte finish DSi consoles might appeal. The games maker took to Twitter to announce that both the red and blue options could arrive in stores by the end of this week -- presumably with that tempting $100 price tag. However, if you're holding out for some extra-large 3D gaming, there's still a few weeks to go.

    Mat Smith
  • Nintendo 3DS XL sports less reflective screen than its predecessor, improved parallax effect

    Supersized screens may be the centerpiece of Nintendo's 3DS XL, but a new Iwata Asks interview reveals that its top display packs some new anti-glare tech too. Takashi Murakami, from the company's Mechanical Design Group, notes that each of the LCD's three glare-prone layers were specially treated to reduce reflectivity from the original 3DS' 12 percent, down to three. According to head honcho Iwata, anti-reflection coatings have been on the Big N's radar since the GameBoy Advance era, but were typically abandoned because they were too pricey. The Q&A session also confirmed something we noticed when we put the handheld through the review gauntlet -- the larger display increases the parallax effect, which translates to a deeper looking 3D experience. If your current handheld's screen bounces too much light for your liking, the XL can take its place starting August 19th in North America.

    Alexis Santos
  • Nintendo 3DS gets first downloadable titles next week: Super Mario and Brain Training sequels

    As Nintendo attempts to get its eShop up to speed with Sony's PS Vita provision, it's finally announced a July 28th launch date for its first two downloadable games. Alongside the in-store release of the 3DS XL, the full versions of both Super Mario Brothers 2 and the latest iteration of Dr. Kawashima's Brain Age / Training will be available for online purchase in Japan, priced at 4,800 yen (around $61) and 3,800 yen ($48), respectively. Nintendo already offers a mixed bag of retro titles and demos to download, but this is the first time it'll wheel out fully-fledged 3DS games.

    Mat Smith
  • Nintendo president: 3DS XL isn't big enough for a second analog stick

    We spent a good chunk of time getting to know Nintendo's 3DS XL, which sidesteps the notion of a second analog stick -- despite peripherals adding one to the older model. Now Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, has weighed in on the game maker's decision, saying that trade-offs were made for both battery life and the overall size of the unit. Iwata shrugged off those controller complaints, saying: "[The lack of a second stick] isn't my main focus when I look at the 3DS XL, it's one point we had to cover, but for me personally I'm quite happy with the product we're able to offer. " If you're serious about your strafing and shooting, at least there's the eventual super-sized add-on.

    Mat Smith
  • Nintendo 3DS XL review: bigger is better, but it's still not quite enough

    More Info Nintendo 3DS XL announced Nintendo 3DS review Nintendo's gunning for retailers, expanding eShop offerings for Wii U, 3DS If you like your portable gaming three-dimensional, clam-shelled and big, then Nintendo's 3DS XL fulfills those broad, unconventional requirements. It's a design refresh that more closely references both previous generations of DS hardware (and the incoming Wii U) -- all while touting a substantially bigger, 3D-capable, parallax-barrier screen. Aside from a larger battery, the XL's internals rehash what we first saw over a year ago: the controls remain the same, with no addition of a (mildly) hardcore gamer-courting second analog stick. For what it's worth, the device does arrive with a 4GB SD card in-box (up from 2GB in the original), matching the approximate doubling in physical dimensions. 18 months is a long time in gaming, especially these days, and although 3DS sales have recently rallied against Sony's latest, we reckon the 3DS XL has double the appeal of its forebear. We'll explain why right after the break. %Gallery-159869%

    Mat Smith
  • Nintendo's Miyamoto: we're focused on a 3DS sequel, not a refresh

    Every gamer knows the Nintendo handheld routine: there's always one major new model followed by endless revisions as the console legend improves whatever was flaky in the original. Right? If so, Mario maker Shigeru Miyamoto may be breaking that streak. He tells IGN that he's "satisfied" with the 3DS' hardware and that current thought at Nintendo is swinging towards a true replacement. That puts at least a momentary damper on Nikkei's claims of an extra-large 3DS coming soon, but it's good news for gamers used to waiting several years between major platform generations. With Nintendo taking a bruising from smartphones and tablets, new hardware likely can't come quickly enough.

    Jon Fingas
  • How would you change the PlayStation Vita (Japanese Edition)?

    How would you change: a regular feature where we ask people about their experiences with gadget's we've reviewed, when they reach the real world. This week we're looking at the Japanese edition* of the PlayStation Vita, which instantly made us feel old when we realized the OG model was seven years old. Times have changed, and the Vita's biggest competitor is smartphone gaming: leading to our dismay when we found its battery conks out after just three hours, not to mention the high cost and that measly VGA camera. We know there's a market for hardcore gamers who want blockbuster games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss, but is that hefty price-tag worth it? Let us know in the comments below. *We'll be looking at the US edition in a few months time, for those of you who didn't import the device when it was released.

    Daniel Cooper
  • Nintendo may have supersized 3DS with 4.3-inch screen in store for E3, Mario never looked bigger (update: Nintendo response)

    Nintendo might have more up its E3 sleeve than just final Wii U hardware and a boatload of franchise games. According to Nikkei, the Japanese console legend is readying a version of the 3DS with a big 4.3-inch main display. That's smaller than on some smartphones we've seen, but a more than substantial jump from the 3.5-inch original. We might not even have long to wait: the trade paper claims that this biggest of all Nintendo handhelds could be ready as soon as the summer, just in time to squeak in some vacation playtime (and prepare us for Luigi's Mansion 2). As always, rumors such as these aren't guaranteed roadmaps; don't be surprised if we just see a regular-sized 3DS in plaid instead. If the plans are real, however, expect the DSi XL to develop feelings of inadequacy. Update: Nintendo has been irked enough by the claims to issue a response, although it's non-committal in what it's denying: it says there's a "number of mistakes" in an article that's "entirely speculation," but it won't say what's wrong and is careful to stress that it hasn't unveiled anything yet. We'll add an extra grain of salt to the rumor, but we won't completely rule it out.

    Jon Fingas
  • Sony's PlayStation Vita has a YouTube app headed its way by the end of June

    Assuming all that gaming, Facebooking and Tweeting isn't enough action for your PS Vita, Sony announced tonight it will get a YouTube app by the end of the month. Considering the built in web browser doesn't handle HTML5 or Flash video, native apps are still necessary to fill out its video streaming lineup. The company's US blog hasn't posted any pics yet, but Engadget Japan has a few screen grabs of what it will look like. Check after the break for another pic, while we wonder what other surprises Sony has planned in the run up to E3 2012.

    Richard Lawler
  • Nintendo DSi drops to $100, DSi XL drops to $130 on May 20th

    Three-dimensional gaming not your thing? Then Nintendo's latest price drop might just grab you. It's cast an eye over the rest of its portable gaming family and decided to cut the cost on both the DSi (down to $100) and the hulking DSi XL (dropped to $130). These new prices will kick off on May 20th -- exactly the same day as this purple mess.

    Mat Smith
  • Distro Issue 32: HP's glass-clad Envy 14 Spectre and the state of portable gaming

    With the Ultrabook onslaught in full effect, manufacturers are doing their best to make their Air opponents stand out from the crowd. For its part, HP has outfitted its ultra offering, the Envy 14 Spectre, with a touch of glass and NFC baked-in. In this issue of Distro we'll find out if those two additions are enough to make it worth the $1,400 starting price. Also in this issue, Sean Buckley reports from GDC 2012 with a look at the portable gaming industry's "big three." In addition, we put HTC's Sense UI 3.6 and Sony's Xperia S to the test, Tango's Eric Setton takes on the Q&A and Box Brown draws a Last Word with the drinksman in mind. So grab yourself a beverage and get to downloading.Distro Issue 32 PDFDistro on the iTunes App StoreDistro in the Android MarketDistro APK (for sideloading)Like Distro on FacebookFollow Distro on Twitter