Price Comparison


  • Google Shopping screenshots showing the company's new price-tracking tool.

    Google adds price tracking and comparison tools to Shopping

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Google is going after services like CamelCamelCamel and Honey with new price alerts inside its Shopping platform.

  • Europe widens antitrust probe into Google's ad business

    Ben Woods
    Ben Woods

    The European Commission is doubling down on its efforts to dig into whether Google has broken rules around restriction of consumer choice with its search and price comparison products. It maintains that the company abused its search position to promote its own products ahead of others'.

  • Amazon Flow strikes low blow to brick and mortar, converts barcode scans to online sales

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Remember when you had to "walk" to a "store" to buy things? Our grandkids are gonna weep uncontrollably when we explain queuing up at Our Price to buy VHS tapes. We'll recall the date the final nail was driven into brick and mortar's coffin: November 2nd, 2011 -- the day Amazon's A9 released Flow free on the App store. With Flow, you just walked into a store, scan the barcode of a book, DVD or jar of Nutella and it came back with Amazon's price, reviews and "multimedia content". It wasn't the first app to do the job, but we just couldn't help ourselves indulging in another. It wasn't long before the store detectives cottoned on to all the barcode snapping and started issuing automatic take-down tackles if they saw you holding a phone. After that, of course, war was inevitable. (But hey, it was worth it.)