

  • Blizzard announces holiday card contest

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Blizzard has made it a holiday tradition to release a holiday card every year (usually drawn by Samwise), but this year they're putting a little twist on it. They're running a contest asking the potential artists among you to submit your own original Blizzard-themed holiday card. Download their template, fill it up with Diablo, Starcraft, or Warcraft-related holiday art (no Lost Vikings or Rock N' Roll Racing art, apparently), submit it on the contest page before December 7th, and you can win a whole slew of prizes from Blizzard and Razer, including a mouse, keyboard, and headset, as well as a signed copy of Blizzard's 2009 holiday card from Samwise himself. So artists, get to, um, "art"-ing! We can't wait to see your rendition of Deathwing as Santa Claus, Kerrigan as the Mrs., and a whole tribe of Fallen Ones standing in for the little elves.

  • Blizzard Twitter contest winners still await prizes [Updated]

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Followers of the official Warcraft Twitter will recall that Blizzard ran a contest some months back using the #Battlecry hashtag, encouraging players to tweet a message for either the Alliance or the Horde depending on the background of their Twitter page. It was a pretty cool promotion and was a great social media activity for fans, who proudly showed their World of Warcraft allegiances throughout the contest period. An interesting post came up on Pixelated Geek the other day, however, wondering about the results of that contest and if Blizzard had ever gotten around to giving prizes to winners. Or if they'd ever gotten around to contacting the winners at all. The writer notes that he himself was a winner, having received a tweet from @Warcraft requesting for further details, an e-mail he promptly responded to. He then notes sending several more e-mails to the noted address as well as to customer service but has not yet gotten a single reply to date, nearly two and a half months after the contest ended on August 24. The author also notes several other Twitter users who were asking the same question -- as it turns out, more than a few #Battlecry winners also hadn't received prizes nor responses from Blizzard. One follower asked, "any news for the winners of #battlecry? I haven't heard or received anything yet," while another mused, "Wondering when I will receive my prize from the #Battlecry contest." Still another asked, "has anyone got their Battlecry prize yet? I haven't received anything" just last November 6. One reader even wrote us at the end of October confirming the same thing, that he had won but had not received any word from Blizzard, much less a prize. Update: We have received word from one of the winners that Blizzard sent them an email confirming their prize will be sent soon.

  • Free music and a chance to win more from Tap Tap Revenge 3

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Tap Tap Revenge 3 is apparently going gangbusters over on the App Store -- Tapulous has gotten in touch with us to let us know about two different free promotions they're doing lately, as well as give you readers a chance to win their entire catalog for free. First up, the free stuff for everybody. Today, October 22, they're giving away the great song "Fireflies" by one of my favorite new music acts, Owl City. It just happens to also be the number one song in iTunes today as well, which is a pretty big deal for Tapulous -- it's the first time they've been able to pair up a TTR track release with a #1 on the download charts. To get that free song, just sign in to the application and pick it up. Additionally, if you don't have the app yet, buying the app before this Friday can get you a free premium two-pack -- all you have to do for that is email your iTunes reciept (or a screenshot of it) to "freemusic AT tapulous DOT com" and put your TTR3 username (and only your username) in the email subject line. And hey, if that's not enough free stuff, keep reading -- here at TUAW, we're giving away licenses to TTR3's entire premium catalog (the whole thing, from A Perfect Circle to Robbie Williams) to three lucky commenters.

  • Battle and victory at the TCG and minis World Championships

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Upper Deck held the WoW TCG and Minis world championships in Austin, Texas as planned this past weekend, and they've got all the results and news up on their website now if you're interested. Billy Postlethwait, above, won the Darkmoon Faire in Columbus, Ohio to gain entry to the championships, and after going into the finals 0 and 2, won three games to win the whole shebang outright. Apparently mages were the class to play in the Trading Card Game: six of the top 8 players were playing that class.In the minis tournament, Derek Richardson emerged victorious, with a group lead by none other than Jaina Proudmoore (with two NE hunters in for backup). All told, the event sounds like a lot of fun, and you can check out Upper Deck's official site for all of the coverage, including interviews with the players, photos of the action, and wrapups of the gameplay. Stay tuned for more news from next year's TCG and minis circuits as well.

  • World of Warcraft TCG and Minis World Championships this weekend in Austin, TX

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Upper Deck has announced that the 2009 World Championships for both the WoW Trading Card Game and Miniatures games will be taking place in a public event this weekend, October 9-11, 2009, in Austin, Texas. They'll be at the Austin Convention Center, and of course there will be the world championship tournaments for both games, offering up to $300,000 in cash and prizes total, including $50,000 for the winner of the World Championships for the TCG, including a Spectral Tiger Loot card as well as the chance to get immortalized in a future card release.And even if you're not a championship player, you can still go see the games, and even play in some of your own -- they'll have tournaments and events for players of all levels all weekend long, some with pretty cool prizes. And you can win just by walking in the door, as they'll be giving away door prizes all weekend as well. The event is free -- it kicks off Thursday morning, and goes all the way until Sunday night (you can download schedules for both games over on the website). Should be fun -- if you go, make sure to take some pictures and let us know what you think.

  • BattleSwarm hosts 100,000 MetaTix tournament this Sunday

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    So we've talked about BattleSwarm: Field of Honor in the past, but here's a little refresher for everyone. It's a game that features two sides, bugs and humans, and plays like a RTS (Bugs) or FPS (Humans) depending on what side you take. It's like Starship Troopers, only a video game... and not the Starship Troopers video game...Anyway, this Sunday, October 2nd, is a huge tournament for the game, and it's featuring real prizes! Starting at 10 AM Pacific (1 PM Eastern), all accounts are going to be wiped (as this game is still in beta) and all set to the same place, except for chips/genes (modification items) for all players. Then, at Noon Pacific (3 PM Eastern) the tournament will begin and run until 9 PM Pacific (Midnight Eastern.)

  • EVE Evolved: Organising your own PvP tournament, part 2

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    Many tournaments have been started up and run for short periods of time, only for players to begin losing interest. This is a chronic problem as with less ISK from entry fees the prize levels will drop and you'll get less interest. Things that can turn people off entering include not being able to use their favourite size class, entry fees being out of their price range or other competitors being notorious for winning.

  • EVE Evolved: Organising your own PvP tournament

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    If you've been following the latest official Alliance Tournament in EVE Online, you've probably been glued to the match videos being posted on Youtube. Every year as I watch the matches, I find myself wishing I'd entered even though my rag-tag group of pilots would probably get knocked out in the qualifying rounds. What you might not know is that the official Alliance Tournament wasn't the first PvP tournament on the block and it's certainly not the only one running. Players have been taking advantage of EVE's open-ended sandbox design to set up their own competitions and arenas for years. They routinely organise successful lotteries, industrial ship destruction derbies, space races, full on PvP tournaments and even poker championships by themselves. Some, such as the BIG lottery, have become long-standing and respected institutions. Organisers of these types of event also have the option of taking a percentage cut for themselves, which can build up to a huge amount of ISK for all the organisation effort they put in.Have you ever wanted to set up your own PvP tournament complete with prizes and your own unique set of rules? Whether you want to start a new popular competition tradition in EVE or just want to make some ISK off the entry fees, events organising is certainly one of EVE's most rewarding freeform professions. In this article, I dish out some handy information on how to organise and set up a trustworthy tournament without putting any of your own ISK on the line.

  • Win some real-life loot from screenshot contests

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've got not one but two different screeshot contests that have shown up on the tip line lately. First off, our friend Mep, who runs WoW Screenshots, has gotten his contest all up and running, and you can go over and upload a screenshot or vote for the winners over there right now. His contest runs through September 20th, and the prize is a mousepad with your winning screenshot printed right on it. Pretty groovy custom prize -- we can't wait to see what kinds of screenshots rise to the top.And Chris also emailed us about a new site he's started up called Epic Screens. It's another screenshot database (a little competition is a good thing, right?), and he's hosting his own best screenshot contest, with two copies of vanilla WoW on the line (perfect, he says, for Recruit-a-friend). He doesn't have a final date (or any other official rules posted), so we're guessing you just head on over there and submit some shots, and if you win, he'll let you know. Sounds like fun -- let the screenshot competitions begin!

  • Lord of the Rings Online reveals their horse design contest winners

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    A while back we announced that Turbine was looking for some community artists to participate in a horse design contest for Lord of the Rings Online in both the US and EU. Well the entries have been gathered, the judges have weighed their decisions accordingly, and a winner has been chosen.Congratulations to Iben K. Pederson, the winner of the Design-A-Horse contest in the EU! His beautiful entry has been shown above, and he'll get a special forum title, a Codemasters goodie bag, and the honor of having his horse come to life in the game. The other winners can be found on the Codemasters LOTRO website, so be sure to drop by and check out the other entries!

  • Upper Deck awards TCG and minis North American Continental Champions

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I spent my Saturday out at Gen Con in Indianapolis, and while I did hunt down some of the World of Warcraft action there, there was just too much going on to pay attention to the 2009 North American Continental Championships for the WoW minis and TCGs, which took place right there in the TCG hall. Fortunately, the official site covered it all, so if you're a fan of the trading card game and want to know who the best current players in North America are, there you go. On the TCG side, Corey Burkhart took the top spot by playing a Troll Shaman deck for the win. In the minis competition, Michael Allen picked up the big prize. The official site has lots more information, including rundowns of each match, standings for each round, and even a Facebook album full of photos.The winners picked up thousands of dollars in prizes (including a 17" MacBook Pro and a 30" Apple monitor for Corey), and all of these guys will all compete in the World Championships, to be held in Austin, Texas this October (that prize goes up to a whopping $100,000 overall, so the stakes can get big). Congratulations to all the winners -- sounds like it was a rousing event there in Indy, and Upper Deck is probably on their way as we speak off to meet with us later this week at BlizzCon.

  • BlizzCast episode 10 released

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Zarhym has announced on the forums that BlizzCast episode 10 is out right now for your listening pleasure. In the official podcast, he talks with Lead Encounter Designer Scott Mercer and Senior Game Designer Dave Maldonado about patch 3.2 and the Argent Tournament instances released with it. Strangely, it sounds like the podcast was actually recorded before the release, but of course now everyone knows that we fight the Black Knight in the 5-man and what the dailies are all about. Especially if you've been paying close attention to the testing on the PTR, lots of the "news" about patch 3.2 won't be all that surprising.They also look forward to BlizzCon: all of the developer panels and meetings that go on there, both from the perspective of fans (hey, we actually can be literate and reasonable instead of QQing all the time!) and from developers (turns out they are "not just blue text" -- who knew?!). It's not a super groundbreaking podcast, but as a wrapup to the release of 3.2 and a short preview to BlizzCon, it works just fine. And there's a bonus: Zarhym is offering up a contest -- answer some questions about the podcast after you listen to it, and you could win a "fabulous prize." The rules give away what the prize is: a Draenei vs. Blood Elf diorama or some action figures.And remember, if you've missed any of the BlizzCast episodes so far, you can find them both in iTunes or over on Blizzard's site, or just read our wrapups here on

  • Last week to join Mend Pet's SPCA charity drive

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The last time we posted about Brajana and her SPCA charity drive over on Mend Pet, she'd only just started it and was revving up to get a nice list of prizes going. Nowadays, she's got a great list of prizes (including a free FigurePets set, a few good loot cards, some custom-made character artwork, and even a custom-designed UI -- you can make yours look just like Turpster's if you want), and she's rolling into the last few days of the drive. It all ends on Friday, July 31st, so if you haven't gotten your donation in to the SPCA International yet (the money will go to volunteer programs, including animal shelters all of the world, and help out with food, shelter, and vaccination costs), do so right away. And make sure to follow the instructions on Brajana's site -- for every donation you make, no matter how big or small, you'll get two chances to pick up some of that great loot, and you'll be helping out real-life pets all over the world.It's a great way to help out a worthy cause, give some back to the Warcraft community and the hard work that bloggers like Brajana do, and maybe even win some free stuff. Remember, she's asking for your donation before Friday, July 31st, so head over there and get it in as soon as possible.

  • wowtwitter giving away a FigurePrint for a screenshot contest

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've talked about wowtwitter here on the site before -- they're the ones who created a whole other Twitter-like service just for your WoW characters (and that featured verification of your toons, so that no one else could claim or tweet as them). The site is definitely growing, but they wanted to give it that extra oomph, and so they're giving away a free FigurePrint to someone who joins up and posts a special screenshot. If you want a chance at the prize, what you've got to do is log in to the site and verify your character (as we said last time, it requires that you remove a piece of gear and then log out so the Armory can see the change), and then use their new screenshot uploading tool to post a screenshot with "wowtwitter" somewhere in the picture. Then they'll take the screenshots with the top three "like" totals (other users on the site can approve of your uploads), and the one they choose will win a real-life 3D sculpture of their character from FigurePrints.Seem like a lot of work? It does to us, too, but FigurePrints are still $130, so if you want a representation of your character but don't want to cough up the cash, this is probably easier. So good luck to everyone who enters -- the contest runs through July 31st, so you've got a little bit of time to get your picture in and get it voted up somehow.

  • Mend Pet sponsors an SPCA charity donation drive

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Brajana at Mend Pet has kicked off a month-long donation drive and giveaway to support the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. She says that since Blizzard has decided to finally give out some more stable slots to Hunters back in patch 3.0.2, what better way to celebrate than by helping some real-life animals. She has a link on her blog for you to give as little or as much as you'd like to support the SPCA and their cause, and if you choose to put the donation "in honor of" Mend Pet (just follow the instructions on her post), she'll enter you in a drawing to win some prizes. What prizes, you ask? Apparently those are still being worked out, but we're sure they'll be great. And it's a great cause anyway -- do you really need prizes to show some pet shelter love?If you do, just hang on -- the donation drive lasts through the 31st of this month, so Brajana has some time to get everything together, and even if you donate now, you'll still be entered for sure. It's always awesome to see the WoW community put its size and power to good use, and this is definitely a worthy cause to support.

  • 1 vs 100 'skill-based' prizes start July 10 'for the mob,' stays in beta [update]

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    What's that, Chris Cashman, host of Xbox Live's 1 vs 100? Oh yeah, "skill-based prizes" start next week, July 10, specifically. Great! Unfortunately, though, what we heard from Mr. Cashman during tonight's game of 1 vs 100 wasn't all good news.He continued, saying that while the prizes will start next week "for the mob," the game will be staying in beta. Guess that means this isn't part of the first "season" of prizes? We're not so sure, but we are sure of this -- given the whole fireworks thing going on this weekend, we're probably not going to hear more news on the subject until at least Monday. Update: Near the end of the episode, Cashman also seemed to mention that "the one" would also be eligible for "skill-based prizes." We're currently following up with Microsoft about getting more concrete information about the prizes, the new sweepstakes announced last night and how long the show plans to stay in beta. We'll be sure to update as soon as we hear back.%Gallery-51712%

  • Neo Steam launches into open beta, promises beta accounts will become permanent characters

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Not only has Atlus Online begun their open beta of their first game, Neo Steam: The Shattered Continent, but they've also unleashed a second piece of interesting news -- characters created during beta will be available when the game goes live.Yes, that's right, Atlus Online will not be doing the standard database purge once the open beta is over and switched into live mode. All of your hard work leveling up your characters during the open beta will roll over into the live game.Plus, Atlus will be giving one lucky tester a set of handcrafted steampunk goggles created exclusively for Neo Steam. The goggles are shown in the picture above and they don't look too bad, if you ask us. All you have to do to be entered is simply play in the open beta and hit level 20! That's it!You can run on over to the Neo Steam website and grab the open beta until June 8th, or visit our sister site, Big Download, for the client as well..

  • Only six days left to buy your Mog Bonanza marbles!

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Adventurers of Vana'diel, you only have six more days to throw your gil at the popular virtual lottery, Mog Bonanza! Yes, that's right, the Mogs are once again offering up fabulous prizes for anyone willing to purchase a few lottery marbles!This year's grand prize of gil has changed, however, from a flat rate prize to a percentage of the proceeds generated from marble sales. For example, rank 1's gil prize will be half of the proceeds from marble sales divided equally amongst all of the people who won the grand prize and chose gil as their payout.Otherwise, the contest has remained pretty much as is, with items like the Kraken Club and Novio Earring making appearances once again on the grand prize list. Even if you don't match all six digits, there are still plenty of lucrative prizes to leap at, making purchasing marbles totally worth it.Marbles are 2000 gil a pick and can be purchased from Bonanza Moogles stationed at all of the ports of the capital cities and the Chocobo Circuit.

  • Help stress test LotRO to win cool prizes and meet devs

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Isn't it funny? People are always clamoring to get into closed betas but once an MMO launches, test servers are usually pretty empty, even for special events. Turbine has decided to offer some great incentives for players to participate in their upcoming Lord of the Rings Online performance test and is giving away several high-powered computer accessories and making sure the devs are online to interact with. Subscribers and even trial-account holders can log into the Bullroarer public test server between 9:00PM and 11:00PM Eastern on Thursday, May 14 and have a shot at winning: Two (2) first prizes - AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition CPU + OCZ Platinum 4GB DDR3 SDRAM Five (5) second prizes - OCZ Vertex 60GB MLC Solid State SATA II Hard Drive Ten (10) third prizes - ATI Radeon HD 4890 Video Card Twenty (20) fourth prizes - Signed copy of The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria In order to qualify, you must play the entire two hours of the event and be a resident of the United States. Disconnects will not disqualify you as long as you log back in immediately. You can download the Bullroarer client here. Good luck!

  • compLexity hosts a machinima contest at

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    compLexity Gaming has apparently just started up a new machinima site called, and to help promote it, they're hosting a machinima contest. To enter, all you have to do is put their little intro tag on your machinima, and upload it to their site before the end of April, and you'll be eligible to win some cash. The contest is called the $1000 World of Warcraft Movie Contest, but the most you can win is $150 -- they're doing three different contests in May, June, and July. It'll be a public vote for three winners selected from ten chosen by the highest rating on the site, the most views, and four more chosen by the site's staff.Whew. Sounds complicated, but there's also some Creative swag on the line (as well as even possibly a salaried machinima position), so as long as you post a good bit of machinima and make sure it tops views or ratings, you'll be good to go. We'll keep an eye out for the winners -- you may end up seeing them in our very own Moviewatch column, posted every day at noon.[ Thanks, Josh W! ]