programming languages


  • Google gives Go 1 the green light, maintains 'experimental status'

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Ready to get your Go on? Google Programming Language, or Go for short, just added a number 1 to its moniker, representing the first official release. Go 1 includes some bug fixes, but it's not a major redesign, though added support for the Windows opens the language up to a broader group of programmers -- you'll also find distributions for Linux, FreeBSD and OS X. Google gives you its word that Go 1 programs "will continue to compile and run without change... on a time scale of years," so you can rest assured that your efforts will not be in vain. There's also a new version of the Google App Engine SDK, which utilizes none other than Go. It's time to start coding! You'll find everything you need by clicking through to the source link below.

  • Google Programming Language is Go for 2012 launch

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Compared to the gamut of conversational languages, the programming variety shifts at lighting-fast speed. And next year, a new language will get the official nod from Google, which first introduced Go in 2009. With its new language, Mountain View set out to create a programming environment that's easier and faster to use, without sacrificing efficiency. Programmers may need to wait until early 2012 for Go to launch out of experimental status, but you can buy that cute Gopher mascot (in furry plush form) over at the Google Store today.

  • Google takes steady aim at web programming with Dart

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Google has brought its arm up, narrowed its focus and let Dart fly. The new programming language focuses on web apps, and the internet giant is hoping that Dart will feel "familiar and natural" to developers raised on a diet of rival programming languages. The ability to execute code in either a native virtual machine (which emulates how it'd work in real-life) or a JavaScript engine means that anything can be compiled to run on current web browsers. Dart devs are also exploring the idea of cramming a virtual machine inside future versions of Chrome. Eager coders can now get their teeth into all of Google's open source development tools by targeting the second source link below.

  • Google set to introduce Dart, a new structured programming language

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    It's a bird, it's a plane -- it's Dart, Google's soon-to-be-released computer language for structured web programming. Having hoarded dart-related URLs for the past couple of months, Google's confirmed the (previously) secret project on the Goto International Software Development conference website. A couple of Mountain View's finest will make the announcement official in the keynote at the event on October 10th, when presumably we'll find out what it can do. Dart makes a nice addition to Go, JavaScript and Python in Google's coding bag-o-tricks, but there's room for one more -- we're looking at you, Spot.

  • Want to write in LOGO? There's an app for that

    Chris Ward
    Chris Ward

    Logo is a great introduction to programming for children, so a version for the iPad seems like a great idea. Emmanuel Crombez's implementation of Logo is very welcome indeed -- at least, it is if you speak decent French. French developer Crombez has a large suite of educational software apps covering reading, writing and math. Crombez produced the iPad version of Logo to introduce children to the world of computer programming. He's targeting his US$3.99 app at children over eight looking for an interesting introduction to computer programming. Since it was introduced in 1969, Logo has helped many thousands of future programmers get a taste of the joy of coding. If you can't wait for an English version of his Logo app, there is Logo Draw for the iPad available in the App Store, which provides an introduction to programming concepts, computer graphics and logical thinking. ** Update: Developer Emmanuel Crombez e-mails to tell us that he's just submitted an English-language version of his app, complete with English documentation, to Apple for approval and expects it to be in the store within 1 -- 2 weeks.

  • New programming languages take center stage, aim to create a more versatile future

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    COBOL, C++, Java -- you know, the usuals. Those guys are about to be joined by two dozen or so newcomers thanks to bright minds who have converged in Portland for the first Emerging Languages Camp at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention. Coding languages haven't really seen a revolution for years now, but a determined group of hobbyists and professionals are hoping to push a handful of new ones that could "enable powerful new web applications and mobile devices." Google's working on Go, Microsoft's toiling away on Kodu and plenty of others are working on alternative languages that are far more sophisticated and advanced than those that are widely used today. If you're interested in geeking out on languages that only CSC majors can speak, give that source link a tap.

  • Multi-bot programming language accepting beta testers

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    If you have what it takes to spend countless hours tinkering with small robots, coding in a brand new language, and filing a stream of bug reports, then the National Robotics Engineering Center wants you to beta test its new multi-plaform bot programming software. Tasked by the educational outreach department at Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Academy with developing a commercial application capable of controlling the most popular kits on the market, the team came up with a language called RobotC, which can be used to write scripts for both the NXT and RCX varieties of Lego Mindstorms bots as well as that Vex Robotics kit we featured in our Holiday Gift Guide. As part of the beta testing program, you'll get a free copy of the software to play with in exchange for your promise to participate in the Bug Tracking system -- which probably isn't much of a burden for those hardcore enthusiasts who spend all day living, breathing, and blogging this stuff anyway.