

  • PixelJunk Eden trophy and YouTube support detailed

    alan tsang
    alan tsang

    A post on PlayStation.Blog by the President of Q-games Dylan Cuthbert reveals details about PixelJunk Eden's trophy and YouTube support. You will get a bronze trophy for every "seed" in a stage. Other trophies include destroying 500 "prowlers" or collecting 15 "crystal" in a single jump. Another trophy you can only achieve in 3-player mode. We also have a list of leaked trophies, from a NeoGAF post, which seems to be accurate, after the jump. The YouTube upload feature will allow players to record gameplay and upload it directly to YouTube within the game. The procedure is simple: push one button to start and one to end. There is also no slowdown in gameplay "thanks to the power of the PS3 and its abundance of SPU processors." Finally, they are thinking about trophies for PixelJunk Monsters as well via a patch. If they do release a patch, it will even include XMB music and "a couple of other things." We can't wait! %Gallery-22823%

  • Facebreaker demo coming July 31 with create-a-character sharing

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    EA Sports has confirmed an initial report that a demo of its arcade-style boxing game, Facebreaker, will be hitting Microsoft and Sony's download services shortly. More specifically, the Xbox 360 demo will be available on Thursday, July 31 with a PS3 version arriving a week later on August 7. What sets this demo apart from most others is the approach EA is taking with regards to migrating user-generated content to the final product. Akin to the Spore Creature Creator, players will be able to generate their own custom pugilists and share them with others over the intertubes. The characters will also be accessible in the final version of Facebreaker, which enters the retail ring on September 5.

  • PixelJunk Eden demo hitting the US PSN Store tomorrow

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Tomorrow's American PSN update is looking to be pretty big. Our good pal Alexander Sliwinski over at Joystiq has just discovered that a demo for PixelJunk Eden will be arriving tomorrow in the US, a week before the full game arrives on the 31st. Our hands are already clenched around our controllers in anticipation. Who knew that the PixelJunk series would have us on tenter-hooks for the next release? After PixelJunk Racers, not us.There's another fairly specific reason why we're looking forward to PixelJunk Eden; we've peaked, trophy-wise. We've been desperate for another game to satisfy our growing addiction for the glittering prizes, but Eden is the first game to support them since launch. The demo almost certainly won't include any, but at least it'll give us a week headstart to get our practice in. %Gallery-22823%

  • PixelJunk Eden demo available tomorrow

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We just got off the phone with Sony, trying to see if we could get more info on Fat Princess, and were told that the demo for PixelJunk Eden will be available tomorrow with the regular PSN update. We're looking forward to people finally being able to test the game out for themselves, instead of us trying to explain its simple and addictive gameplay. If you can, grab a friend and play co-op, since the title is even more enjoyable with a companion. The full game will be available next Thursday, July 31. The price for the full game has not been confirmed.%Gallery-26872%

  • Penny Arcade Adventures coming to PS3 this fall

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    After managing the third best game launch to date on Xbox Live Arcade, Hothead Games is prepping the first episode of Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness for release on PS3 via the PlayStation Store. It looks like the release has been part of the developer's schedule all along, but if you're one of the many people who've emailed them asking for the game on PSN, feel free to give yourself a little credit."We keep getting emails asking why our Penny Arcade game is not on PSN," said Vlad Ceraldi, Hothead's CEO, adding, "All good things take time and we are very excited to be debuting our first PS3 title and look forward to bringing more games to this platform in the future." By "more games" we think it's pretty safe to assume the rest of the Penny Arcade Adventures episodes – hobos, snark, fanboy in-jokes and all -- are on the way. You can view the first PS3 screens of the game in the gallery below. [Via PS3 Fanboy]%Gallery-28425%

  • Joystiq E3 hands-on: PixelJunk Eden

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    PixelJunk Eden is a simple concept boosted by its visuals, sound and co-op gameplay. Much like PixelJunk Monsters, Eden's simplicity in design hides a surprising amount of depth and Q-Games' PixelJunk brand now adds one more feather to its cap, presenting another piece of stand-out quality on the PlayStation Network. We actually played Eden with the game's producer, Deb Mars, who, despite having shown off the game for the umpteenth million time, either has the patience of Solomon Job, or actually, genuinely, enjoys introducing people to Eden. As she went through the basic gameplay, it was easy to understand and gave a good sense that, much like PixelJunk Monsters, Eden really shines when it's played with a friend.%Gallery-26872%

  • PSN Thursday: Rayman, Elefunk and E3

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We've been a little busy with all the E3-ing and being hosts, so here's the PSN Thursday update for this week. PS1 classic Rayman is available, along with PSN game Elefunk. There's also several E3 videos and just sunshine with rainbows. So tired ...

  • American E3 PSN update part 3

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    The third and final day of E3 PSN updates is here. New content today includes two full games, one of which is the classic PS1 game, Rayman. The second and third parts of the E3 Press Conference is also available, along with a whole bunch of other, third party, E3 trailers. Here's the full release list:Playable Content Rayman PS1 game ($5.99) Elefunk demo (free) Elefunk full game ($4.99) NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja Storm demo (free) Videos E3 Press Conference part 2 E3 Press Conference part 3 Civilization Revolution Behind The Scenes video Pure trailer Project Origin trailer Rag Doll Kung Fu trailer Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway "Tank Mayhem" trailer Prince of Persia trailer Mercenaries 2: World in Flames trailer Starship Troopers 3: Marauders trailer Themes and wallpapers Elefunk theme

  • American E3 PSN update part 2

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Another day of E3 has comes and goes and brings with it more content for the PSN store. Today's update features a whole bunch of videos, including the first part of the Sony Press Conference, various montage videos and trailers of the potentially excellent Mirror's Edge and Dead Space. There are also a bunch of themes and wallpapers. Here's the full release list:Playable Content Fantasy Football: Draft Day Application Videos Sony E3 Press Conference part 1 PS3 Compilation video PSN 30 Second Sizzle PlayStation Family video PS3 Sizzle video DC Universe trailer Mirror's Edge E3 trailer Dead Space E3 trailer Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa E3 Trailer Valhalla Knights 2 E3 trailer Wallpapers and themes Resistance 2 PS3 Theme PixelJunk Eden Wallpaper MotorStorm Pacific Rift Wallpapers Siren Wallpapers (x4) Resistance: Retribution PSP Wallpapers

  • PSN update adds Sony press conference, new videos

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    If highlights just don't cut it, watch the whole Sony press conference by downloading it onto your PS3 or PSP. Today's latest special E3 PSN update adds the full event, several new videos and ... Fantasy Football: Draft Day Application. Check out the full update details after the break.

  • European PSN update for July 15th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Yeah, it's July 16th in Europe right now, but we've been too busy to post the update until now. The fact we even know what's up on the store is a near miracle (thanks, Tom!), seeing as we're actually nowhere near a PS3 right now. With our excuses out of the way, we present to you today's update which, apart from a whole bunch of awesome E3 trailers, includes the SSHD Team Pack. Best thing about the Team Pack? Another potential trophy. Here's the full release list:Playable Content Fatal Inertia EX demo (free) Fatal Inertia EX Full Game (£14.99) Add-on Content Super Stardust HD "Team Pack" (£2.99) Videos Buzz! Quiz TV advert Buzz! Quiz TV "Sofa vs Sofa" advert Resistance 2 E3 trailer PixelJunk Eden E3 trailer PAIN E3 trailer LittleBigPlanet E3 trailer MotorStorm Pacific Rift E3 GT TV E3 trailer

  • PSN Thursday: Special E3 Tuesday edition

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    E3 brings another new PSN update, this time adding several videos from today's Sony E3 press conference and The Who Rock Band DLC. Thursday's main PSN update should add Elefunk; but before that, there should be more videos added tomorrow.Check PS3 Fanboy for today's European update.

  • PSN video delivery service with 8 studios to launch tonight

    alan tsang
    alan tsang

    PSN video delivery service will launch tonight. Major studio support including Sony, Fox, MGM, Lions Gate, Warner, Disney, Paramount, Turner, Funimation. It will offer both SD and HD content. TV shows start at $1.99 per episode, movie rentals are $2.99-$5.99 per rental and $9.99-$14.99 for purchases. Not only can you play the content on the PS3, you can play it on PSP. It can be placed on multiple devices at the same time.

  • PSN Thursday: The calm before the E3 storm

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    This week's PSN update brings the Rainbow Six Vegas 2 update, Ape Escape Academy for PSP and several new demos and videos. Next week's E3 week update should be a big one with Elefunk joining PSN's excellent selection of downloadable games, along with several videos -- and hopefully some demos -- from the show. Over at PS3 Fanboy they have this week's European PSN update, which adds the Escher-edly perspective twisting echochrome to the service.

  • American PSN releases for July 10th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    We have no idea what Sony's PSN Store plans are for E3 week, but hopefully there'll be a huge amount of new content, including the Press Conference. Until then, however, you'll have to settle for this week's update. With four demos to choose from, not to mention a barrel full of videos and a smattering of add-ons, that's not too hard a pill to swallow. Here's the full release list: Playable Content Siren: Blood Curse demo Monster Madness: Grave Danger demo Wall*E demo Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian demo Add-on Content Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 Gift Pack (free) Rock Band DLC (posted after the break) %Gallery-22445%

  • European PSN Store updates for July 10th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Fairly small list of content today, but at least there's something worth purchasing. Both the PS3 and PSP versions (don't forget that each include different levels) of Echochrome are now available to grab at fairly decent prices. If you're not interested in that, however, there's not a lot else to see here. Movement continues this week with the second part of episode 1, which includes more French tomfoolery and another couple of bands from the country. Here's the full release list:Playable Content Echochrome full game for PS3 (£6.99/€9.99) Echochrome full game for PSP (£4.99/€7.99) Top Spin 3 demo (free) Add-on Content High Velocity Bowling "Amber Yarhees" character pack (£0.69/€0.99) Videos Echochrome trailer Movement episode 1 part 2 (8 videos) Kung Fu Panda trailer

  • PSN Thursday: Qore delivers episode two

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Unless the promise of spending time with our pal Ms. Veronica Belmont and another episode of Qore sounds like a nice Thursday night (there's an episode teaser after the break) it might be best to just ignore this week's PSN update. Per usual, the rhythm games add some content and there's also some game videos that might be of interest. With E3 only a couple weeks away, it's understandable that things are a bit quiet at the moment, but we're seriously starting to itch for PixelJunk Eden! This week's European PSN update adds several pieces of Buzz!-worthy content; check it out over at PS3 Fanboy.

  • American PSN updates for July 3rd

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Enjoy Qore? We hope you replied "yes" to that, because that's all you're really getting this week. Other than the usual rhythm based DLC, there's a whole load of trailers and videos. Most of them are pretty meh-tastic, but Killzone 2 and Valkyria Chronicles is always worth a look. Here's the full release list:"Playable" content Qore episode 2 ($2.99 - includes Naruto demo) Add-on content Guitar Hero III "Top Gun Anthem" song add-on (free) Rock Band DLC: Crüefest Pack ($3) "Down At The Whisky" - Mötley Crüe ($1) "Time is Running Out" - Papa Roach ($1) "Who's Going Home With You Tonight" - Trapt ($1) "Promised Land" - Vesuvius (Free) Click through for the rest of the releases.

  • European PC Store update for July 3rd

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Music and 'extreme' nostalgia hit the European PC Store today. Space Invaders Extreme has been pretty well received, from what we've heard, and now you can try it out for yourselves. We'll have a review of the full game up at some point in the near future. The first episode of Sony Europe's made-for-PSN TV Show Movement is also available to download for free. This is made up of 8 episodes, including four live performances from two Parisian bands. Here's the full release list: Space Invaders Extreme demo Space Invaders Extreme theme Movement episode 1 (8 videos)

  • European PSN releases for July 3rd

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    This week's PSN Store update is truly Euro-centric. Not only do we have the first episode of the Europe-exclusive "PSN TV Show" Movement, but there's also four packs of Buzz! Quiz TV content available to purchase. Movement's first episode is split into eight videos, including four live performances from the two featured Parisian bands. If you actually want to play something today, however, there's always Wolf of the Battlefield Commando 3. Here's the full release list:Playable content Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 Full Game (£6.99/€9.99) Space Invaders Extreme demo for PSP (free) Add-on content Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 "Gift Pack" map pack (free) Buzz! Quiz TV "UK Culture" quiz pack (£3.49/€4.99) Buzz! Quiz TV "Australian Culture" quiz pack (£3.49/€4.99) Buzz! Quiz TV "Sci Fi" quiz pack (£3.49/€4.99) Buzz! Quiz TV "Rock Legends" quiz pack (£3.49/€4.99) Guitar Hero III "July 4th Holiday single" (free) Videos 8 Movement "Paris" videos Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway Ubidays trailer Haze launch trailer Themes and wallpapers Metal Gear Solid 4 theme Elefunk theme Echochrome theme Top Spin 3 wallpaper Elefunk "Forest" wallpaper Elefunk "Circus" wallpaper On closer inspection, there appear to be more Buzz! Quiz TV quiz packs than we thought. Each country should have a "Culture" pack corresponding to their particular region.