

  • European PC Store update for August 21st

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Europe's PSP Store has been pretty fantastic, we must admit. There are two full PSP games and a PS1 classic for you to enjoy this week. Medal of Honor Heroes (£14.99) Sid Meier's Pirates! (£14.99) International Track & Field - PS1 (£3.49)

  • European PSN releases for August 21st

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Sorry we're late with this update. You see, Jem usually does this for us. But he's not here. He's in Leipzig, far far away from his PS3. Whoops. We'll update with Euro prices once we get ahold of them. Here you guys go:Playable Content Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty (£9.99) International Track & Field - PS1 (£3.49) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo (Free) Add-On Content Buzz! - National Geographic Safari Quiz (£4.99) HAZE Domination Pack (Free) Everybody's Golf - Kratos (£0.69) Guitar Hero III - DragonForce Track Pack (£3.99)

  • Ratchet's Quest for Booty is 2.3 GB in NA, 3.2 GB in Europe

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We were a little startled when Eurogamer revealed Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty was a 3.2 GB download. We knew the game had junk in the trunk, but the last we heard it was around 2.3 GB. With no Blu-ray disc planned for North America, the less time we have to spend waiting for the interminable download from the PSN (plus install) this Thursday, the better.We contacted Sony and were told that the difference between the European and NA version could be blamed on the 11 languages being included with the former, with two .pkg files containing 5-6 languages each. Not that a file size would have stopped us from getting the $15 game, but why do the Europeans keep getting Blu-ray releases of PSN games while North American consumers learn to macrame waiting to download another hefty PSN title? Come on, Sony. We're North America, we're not used to gaming inequity like Europe. Give us the disc and make them wait. It's just the way things are supposed to be.%Gallery-27947%

  • Novastrike update coming in 'next few weeks'

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    PSN title Novastrike will receive a major update in the next few weeks. Kevin McCann, president of Tiki Games, writes on the PlayStation Blog that the patch will tame the difficulty levels a bit, add Trophies and make several other tweaks to the top-down omni-directional kill-anything-that-moves shooter. For those who purchased the $10 title, the list of changes made appears to be quite significant and might be worth giving the title another spin. McCann writes that he's looking forward to hearing from those who stopped playing the game due to the difficulty issues once the patch is released, while reiterating that a European release for the game will happen "as soon as possible." %Gallery-18141%

  • Bionic Commando Rearmed available now on the EU PSN Store

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Okay, color us confused, but kind of impressed. We were just tipped off that Bionic Commando Rearmed, that awesome current-gen re-imagining of the old Capcom classic, is now available on the European PlayStation Store. "Surely not," we thought. We wrote the European store update up yesterday and BCR was nowhere to be seen.Nevertheless, the tip was correct. Bionic Commando Rearmed is now available, in both full-game and demo form, on the European PlayStation Store. For UK patrons, you can hookshot the game for £6.99, while those of you who deal in Euros (Brodie-san, we're looking at you) will need to part with €9.99. Nice work SCEE. So, have you bought it yet? Why not? Go get![Thanks Wilester]

  • PSN Thursday: Bionic Commando Rearmed, Street Fighter Alpha

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    This week's PSN update is just overflowing with machismo. We've got Bionic Commando Rearmed grappling against Hitler Master-D and the world warriors battling it out in Street Fighter Alpha. Just a note of warning, SFA does not support online play -- come to think of it, neither does Bionic Commando Rearmed. It's all old-school offline gaming up in this joint. There's plenty of new videos to check out this week and we're looking forward to seeing what this BioShock PS3 theme looks like. The grimps over at PS3 Fanboy have this week's European update hanging from a thread of silk over in their garden. Check out this week's NA PSN update after the break.

  • American PSN update for August 14th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Too much content! We're drowning in it, today. Two full games, four demos, a ridiculous amount of video content and even a double-sized Rock Band DLC pack. Yes, Bionic Commando Rearmed is here and we're already confident in saying that it's the best third-party offering to be found on the PSN. Really? Yes, really. Check out the demo if you don't believe us. Here's the full release list. Please, take it -- we can't stand the weight anymore:Playable Content Bionic Commando Rearmed ($9.99) Street Fighter Alpha PS1 game ($5.99) Bionic Commando Rearmed demo (free) 1942 demo (free) NHL 2K9 demo (free) Tiger Woods 2009 demo (free)

  • European PSN releases for August 14th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Not a bad wee update today. While there are no full PSN games to grab today, there are a pair of PS1 games and three demos to check out. This should keep you ticking over until next week. Or at least later today when the American PSN update hits. Here's the full release list: Store Upgrade A - Z listings in "All Games" section Playable Content Driver PS1 game (£3.49/€4.99) Sheep PS1 game (£3.49/€4.99) Tiger Woods 09 demo (free) Facebreaker demo (free) Monster Madness demo (free) Add-on Content NASCAR 09 Car Skin pack 1 (£1.99/€2.99) NASCAR 09 Car Skin pack 2 (£1.99/€2.99) NASCAR 09 Car Skin pack 3 (£1.99/€2.99) NASCAR 09 Montreal (£2.99/€3.99) Videos E3 - In conversation with Shuhei Yoshida Fatal Inertia EX trailer

  • Siren: Blood Curse has no NA Blu-ray plans

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Sony has reiterated that there are no plans to bring Siren: Blood Curse to Blu-ray in North America. MTV Multiplayer was told by a company rep that "at this time" the intent is to have disc-based versions of the game available only in Europe and Asia. Considering there's no region lock on PS3 games, there's always the option of importing.As with all "at this time" statements, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Considering the full game of Siren is a 9 gigglebyte download on the PSN, patience will have to be practiced whatever way North American consumers want to purchase the title. [Via PS3 Fanboy]%Gallery-26862%

  • EU PSN Store getting A-Z category listings tomorrow

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    The new-look PlayStation Store, now four months old, was generally heralded as a great thing. Despite this, there were those who felt that it was lacking in some areas. In particular, the European store had, to some, inadequate navigation. All content was grouped into genres, making finding exactly what you're after a bit of a guessing game.That's all about to change, however. A moderator over at the official European PlayStation forums has announced that tomorrow the European store will be receiving A-Z category listings for the "All Games" section. That's something to be happy about, right? Let's just hope there's some actual content in tomorrow's store update, too.[Thanks James]

  • American PSN update for August 7th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Qore, blimey. What a large update. Oh wait, it's not actually that big, there are just a large amount of videos. Nothing tremenously exciting in terms of playable content, but a subscription to Qore will let you into the Resistance 2 beta (single issue purchase will grant late access). Don't forget to download the Home theme to get access to the beta. Here's the full release list:Playable Content Qore Episode 3 ($2.99 or $24.99 for a year's subscription) Add-on Content Snakeball "Team Mode" add on ($1.99) NASCAR 09 "Montreal" track ($3.99) NASCAR 09 Skin packs 1 - 3 (free) Guitar Hero III "Interscope" track pack ($6.25) Rock Band DLC (listed after the break)

  • PSN Thursday: The third trip into the Qore

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    It's time for Veronica Belmont to show us around the Qore again. Episode 3 covers DC Universe Online, Lego Batman and a couple other titles. As an added bonus, Qore annual subscribers will gain access to the Resistance 2 beta this month. Speaking of betas, downloading the Home theme in this week's update will sign you up for a chance to enter the Home beta. There's some other goodies to be found in the PSN update this week, but we're sure you're still enjoying that purchase of PixelJunk Eden from last week, right? RIGHT?! At least try the demo.The Trophy-addicts over at PS3 Fanboy have the details on this week's European update. Be sure to check out their Trophy portal while you're over there.

  • European PSN releases for August 7th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Boooooring! Oh well, you can't win them all. This week's Euro PSN update isn't particularly exciting. It's been a wee while since we've had as few as five items on the release list, but at least we're still kepy busy with PixelJunk Eden and all the other trophy-enabled games. Having said that, we'll definitely take the time to download the new Dead Space trailer. That game looks awesome. Here's the full release list:Playable Content Secret Agent Clank demo for PSP (free) Add-on Content Civilization Revolution "The Mythic" Wonders and Artefact pack (£0.69/€0.99) Guitar Hero III "Interscope" Track pack (£3.99/€5.99) Videos Dead Space "Loved Ones" trailer Movement Episode 3, part 2 "Milan" (8 videos)

  • Siren: Blood Curse on Blu-ray in Europe this autumn

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    If sitting through the horrifically silly 9 gigglebyte download of Siren: Blood Curse isn't your cup of blood-flavored tea, the good news is the game is getting a Blu-ray printing this fall -- at least in Europe. We've sent an email to Sony America asking what the plan is on this side of the pond.Although Sony Europe hasn't announced the price for Siren's episodic fright fest all on one disc, if the cost isn't excessively more than the PSN (£19.99/€29.99), we'd recommend folks in the region just wait for the Blu-ray release.[Via PS3 Fanboy]%Gallery-26862%

  • Ratchet's Quest for Booty starts Aug 21 on PSN

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The PlayStation Blog reveals that Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty will hit the NA and European PSN on August 21 -- Japan needs to wait one extra day. Those looking to join Ratchet on his quest, as he battles pirates and continues the search for his robotic life-companion, can expect to pay $15 for the 3-4 hour episode.As we learned during our hands-on time with the title, Quest for Booty will satisfy Ratchet fans and give a small fix before the full-blown sequel eventually comes along. The game has full-production values, but focuses more on adventure elements than the over-the-top weaponry of the series. Insomniac is calling this episodic adventure an "experiment," but if it sells well, we're guessing the developer will experiment some more in the future.[Via PS3 Fanboy]%Gallery-27947%

  • PSN Thursday: Who could ask for Eden-thing more?

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Got a significant other who isn't into gaming? How about someone you're dating who just doesn't "get" the bleeps and bloops coming from the TV screen? Looking for a game to play with your kid? Well, might we suggest playing PixelJunk Eden with them, which is available now on PSN for $10? The hard-to-describe, casual-friendly title is challenging, but it's a game best experienced with a companion.Also check out the demo for FaceBreaker, along with some add-on content for Soul Calibur IV. The full list of items in the NA PSN update can be found after the break. Stop by PS3 Fanboy for details on the European update.

  • American PSN update for July 31st

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    We were almost late writing this post up, thanks in no small part to the addictive power of PixelJunk Eden. Thankfully it's now America's turn to receive Sony's bounty and, while the list is pretty huge this week, it's all just noise when alongside Eden. Having said that, those demos are nothing to sniff at. Here's the full release list:Playable content PixelJunk Eden full game ($9.99) LEGO Indiana Jones demo (free) Facebreaker demo (free) Madden 09 demo (free) Add-on content Soul Calibur IV "Customization Equipment" pack 1 ($1.50) Rock Band DLC (listed after the break)

  • European PSN update for July 31st

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    SCEE has come through for us this week. PixelJunk Eden is here, in the form of both a demo and the full game. There's also a demo of Echochrome Micro for PSP owners, a smattering of game videos and the next episode of Movement. But really, that's all secondary to Eden and the glittering trophies contained within. At £4.99 (an almost direct translation from the US price of $9.99) it's a bargain. Here's the full release list:Playable content PixelJunk Eden full game (£4.99/€7.99) PixelJunk Eden demo (free) Echochrome Micro demo for PSP (free) Videos E3 2008 PSP compilation Prince of Persia E3 gameplay trailer The Last Guy trailer Movement episode 3 part 1 "Milan" (5 videos) Themes and Wallpapers Bionic Commando Rearmed wallpaper

  • PSN Thursday: Fall victim to Siren: Blood Curse; select PSN titles on sale for $5

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    i It's a big week for the PSN update, with a nice sale going on, Parappa the Rapper available as a downloadable PS1 Classic and the addition of a PSN original, Siren: Blood Curse. Let's start with the PS3's first survival horror game, Siren: Blood Curse, which has one of the most unique cost models we've ever seen. The television show game comes in 12 episodes that players can download in four-episode packs at $15, or just buy in its entirety for $40. We've yet to actually play the game, so we can't make a recommendation, but there's also a demo available, which is certainly worth trying first. The full game fills up a whopping 9 gigglebytes on the PS3's hard drive.Select PSN games are available for $5 this week only, including: PixelJunk Monsters, PAIN and Rocketmen. Don't forget to download the PixelJunk Eden demo! There's plenty of other stuff too, check it all out after the break.The European PSN update can be found over at PS3 Fanboy. Tragically, our European writer has been watching the Big Brother house non-stop, so he can't give us a report on Siren either.

  • American PSN update for July 24th

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    As we walk through the scorching heat of the midday sun through the desert that is this year's Summer game drought we find ourselves in the shadow of a falling object. Looking up, we see a care package from the Sony overlords, full of tasty treats to quench our thirst and keep us going for another week. And wow, have they delivered this week. Playable content coming out of our ears and the price of some classic PSN games lowered to just $5. Here's the full release list:Playable content Parappa The Rapper full PSP game ($22.99) Siren Blood Curse full game ($39.99 for the full game or $14.99 per episode) 1942: Joint Strike full game ($9.99) PixelJunk Eden demo (free) Add-on content Guitar Hero III "Virtuoso Pack" ($6.25) Rock Band DLC (listed after the break) Check after the break for the rest of today's content drop.