EB Expo 2013 - The EBX-Perience!
David "Psykopig" Desi is coming to you not-live from 2013's EB Expo in Sydney, Australia! Check out the EBX-Perience video after the break to get a guided tour around the show floor.
David Desi10.07.2013EB Expo 2013 - Psykopig's video impressions
When gaming conventions happen down under, you can count on Psykopig being there with camera and microphone in hand. Massively's David "Psykopig" Desi descended on Sydney's EB Expo last weekend to check out The Elder Scrolls Online as well as all the usual cosplay con shenanigans. Check out the video after the break for a taste of the show floor and some fan reactions.
David Desi10.07.2013PAX Australia 2013: Psykopig remix edition
Massively's David "Psykopig" Desi has just returned from PAX Australia 2013. There was a lot of excitement and even more people at the con, and to give you an idea of what it was like, we've put together a series of videos detailing Piggy's adventures. The first of three clips can be found past the break. It's filled with plenty of Pig dancing and plenty of cosplay, some of it awkward and some of it amazing. Stick around to the end to see a special appearance from one of Star Wars' most infamous characters!
David Desi07.25.2013Learning to Livestream: Aesthetics
We hear the phrase "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" all the time, right? Unfortunately, our first streams always seem to be the most buggy and give us the most trouble. I know if I had it my way, I'd rather have my audience catch my stream now rather than when I first started. Of course, we don't have that luxury all the time. What can we do to give that first impression an extra boost? In past Learning to Livestream articles, I've addressed the issues regarding the quality of the stream itself. I won't rehash that. Instead, I will talk about one of my favorite subjects: graphics. The first part of my college and professional career was in graphic design -- mostly for print -- but in today's market, graphic designers cannot help but at least dabble in web and television graphics. It should come as no surprise that I did the same. Before you go thinking that you have to have some outlandish art degree to create graphics for your stream, finish reading the rest of this article. I'll show you a few tips to better your stream's first impression.
Larry Everett03.08.2013EB Games Expo 2012: Guild Wars 2 interview
The highlight of this year's EB Games Expo in Sydney, Australia, at least for MMO fans, was surely the inclusion of QV Software, publisher of Guild Wars 2 in Australia and New Zealand. Naturally, Massively Multimedia Contributor David Desi (aka Psykopig) dropped by the QVS booth to chat with Dan Greentree, Product Manager and go-to guy for the Aussie edition of Guild Wars 2. Dan and David discuss the game's scope, painterly art styles, jumping puzzles, and community before answering the ultimate question: Asura or Norn?! Check it out after the break, and don't forget the Pig's other videos from the showroom floor!
David Desi10.07.2012EB Games Expo 2012: The people have a voice!
You may be thinking to yourself, "I saw yesterday's EB Games Expo highlights video, but I want to hear from the people in that wacky Sydney crowd!" Consider your wishes granted: Massively Multimedia Contributor David Desi (that's Psykopig to you livestream junkies) today submits his next video from this weekend's convention down under, and it's loaded with all the man-on-the-street interviews you can handle. What do Aussies want to see when they come to a con? Just how confused are attendees about the races in Guild Wars 2? Can Sydney cosplayers pull off a Mario accent? It's all there along with the Pig's usual dose of crazy humor. Check out the video just after the break, and stay tuned for the final video later today -- a full interview with some of the people responsible for Guild Wars 2!%Gallery-167739%
David Desi10.07.2012EB Games Expo 2012: Hello from Sydney!
This weekend, Massively's resident Aussie and livestreamer extraordinaire David Desi -- aka Psykopig -- was on the ground at the EB Games Expo in Sydney, Australia, marking the first time we've ever sent anyone to an Australian gaming con. It was jam-packed with goodness -- so much goodness that he had to make a video highlighting the weekend's adventures! You'll see some dancing, some silly faces, a whole bunch of cosplay... and maybe even a few surprises! Ever seen Deadpool and Darth Vader battle through dance? What about a flock (I think it's a flock?) of Pikachu jumping out from behind a host? If you are quick enough, you might even glimpse a wild Psykopig appearing and having a dance himself. Check out our convention overview video behind the break, and stay tuned for more videos and even a Guild Wars 2 interview later this weekend!
David Desi10.06.2012