

  • Tabula Rasa patch 1.6, take two!

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Tabula Rasa players have had some reasons to complain recently. As we reported a few weeks ago, the Tabula Rasa team pushed out patch 1.5 without giving it enough time to sizzle on the test server, and the result was a PR headache that was only resolved in ensuing days when they were able to throw some hotfixes together to address the game-breaking bugs. As exemplified by the recent patch to the build on the public test server, they're actually looking to take in player feedback this time around, and the result is a much happier community and a much more refined build altogether.The new patch, which went live on the PTS on Tuesday, put into effect the changes to the Torqueshell rifle that Critters mentioned last week. It also addressed a number of other bugs, like RPG damage not being affected by item rarity in addition to adding some tweaks to Necromites. One unforeseen change was a dramatic increase in the number of CP capture tokens required for a respec. Players had been complaining that the relatively low cost of the respec token, originally at 100, trivialized the process and made it too easy to shift between builds. In response, their cost has been upped to 600, which should make them a more substantial item. We'll see how it turns out.

  • TR's patch 1.6, why play when you can wait?

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    MMO players, of which I count myself a part, are an interesting folk. While we profess to play our games of choice out of the pursuit of fun, many of us scarcely hesitate to flagellate ourselves (figuratively, I hope) for some new piece of gear, or stay up far later than good sense would have dictated to finish a raid, or stop playing our game of choice altogether because some hot new patch is coming down the pipeline that will change the way we play.I can now count myself in that last category, as the word that patch 1.6 was going to render profound changes on Tabula Rasa's experience modifier system has caused me to seize up and stop playing the game altogether. Perhaps it's a bit misguided to just forfeit playing the game on account of a patch with no concrete deadline, but then, who wants to spend all that time fighting enemies and grinding mobs with a paltry x2.5 experience modifier when the patch is going to be bringing down x6 multipliers with 30-minute boosters that bump it up an additional 50%? Setting aside simple quest experience, you could be looking at a whopping three times the experience gain pre-patch! Who wants to grind now when that's coming down the pipes? Not me, that's for sure.

  • TR Sniper problems addressed

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Critters and the TR dev team have used this week's Feedback Friday to address the recent uproar that's risen up over the change to the Torqueshell rifles in patch 1.6. In line with our hopes, it seems like the development team has seen the light, and has decided to cede a little room to player feedback. They're working on another build for the test server that will change the nerf in Torqueshell damage from the 55% wollop that it was originally down to only about 75% of the pre-patch damage. With the increased rate of fire from the change in the shooting mechanic, this comes out to a far more favorable DPS number in the end.Critters goes on to explain how the development team's vision for the Torqueshell weapon and the Sniper class is one where players really have to know their class and have all their buffs and abilities in order to be able to achieve the one-shot one-kill scenarios that most Snipers have been clamoring for. The increased speed of attack also means that players will have more maneuverability and capacity to adapt during battle, instead of standing static waiting for their shot to go off.

  • Tabula Rasa's PAUs make appearance on PTS

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Personal Armor Units, or PAUs, are one of the most highly anticipated features coming down the track for Tabula Rasa. In lieu of a mount, Destination Games is looking to give higher level players a boost in prestige by letting them tramp around and scare the newbies in giant mechanical robots. Most players have already grown accustomed to the intimidating AFS mechs, but one imagines that actually being able to pilot a similar hulking death machine will be a new and exciting experience.As it turns out, a PAU is making an appearance in patch 1.6, in unassembled form in a garage in Foreas Base. From what we can tell, it looks to be a Grendel, the Grenadier-class PAU that is one of the few to have actually been fleshed out by the devs so far. If you check out the video we've made of the new mechanized monster after the jump, two uniformed ladies appear to be conversing in front of the half-unpacked crate, but some sort of bug is speeding their dialog along at such a clip that all we can do is pick out random words like "coolant," "duct tape," and "human flesh." PAUs powered by human flesh? Confirmed.

  • TR's Sniper class targeted for nerf

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    With patch 1.6 having sunk in a little bit over the weekend, ardent Tabula Rasa players are starting to emerge with some feedback from the new build on test. While the changes to experience modifiers were a welcome change for many people stuck in the pre-30 or pre-50 doldrums, one group we weren't expecting to hear griping were Snipers. We had been told that the Destination Games crew were working on the line of sight problems that had been largely hindering their long-distance damage, and the patch notes mentioned reworking their oft-bemoaned charge-up firing mechanic.According to a number of players on Planet TR's Sniper forum, while Torqueshell rifles, the Snipers' tier-4 class-defining weapon, have seen a modest 25% increase in their rate of fire with the firing mechanic change, they've also experienced a massive 55% single-shot damage reduction as well. This coming at the same time when most other weapons experienced modest damage increases, usually around 17%. The sad consequence is that many Snipers will end up shirking their Torqueshell rifles for regular rifles or chainguns to maximize their damage, effectively making them a squishy Commando-wannabe. It's not too late though – this is why things go on test, so they can be fixed? Right? Right?

  • Experience buffs planned for TR patch

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Another Friday, another Feedback Friday brought to you by the folks responsible for Tabula Rasa. Critters and crew have come out swinging this week with a genuinely bitching preview of some of the changes we can expect to see in patch 1.6. Chief among those is a change to the experience modifier that will see the maximum modifier go up in a tiered manner based on level. The maximum multiplier in the game now is set at 250% of the base experience, but with the patch it will go as high as 6x base experience at the highest levels. Players will also get significant experience boosts based on group size.In addition, they'll be offering an item to boost experience gain by 50% (stackable with the multiplier and group XP buffs) as part of the cache of items that you can buy by accumulating Global CP tokens. They will join the respecs we've mentioned previously along with a stock of other goodies to choose from like the old-fashioned weapon modifiers. With all these buffs to experience gain, it looks as though getting to level 50 in Tabula Rasa may change from the near-impossible test of patience and stamina to something a lot more amenable. We'll have to see for ourselves when patch 1.6 hits the PTS.

  • AFS mechs' new animations show their mettle

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    As is usually the case, there were a lot of things that we wanted the Destination Games team to put into Tabula Rasa's patch 1.5 that we don't see in the build on the PTS. The opacity of the development process usually has that effect. But one of the nice benefits of our ignorance is that we are often quite pleasantly surprised by the unexpected things that we find every time a new build shows up on our a desktop. One of the things that eluded as when the patch notes were posted yesterday, but which delighted us when shown in motion is the new attacks and animations for the mechs that patrol the heavier AFS bases.One player who goes by the name of Flashburn on the Planet TR forums was courteous enough to record these new animations for our viewing pleasure. Notice the way the mech raps on his head to unjam the rockets. It's subtle, but worthy of a chuckle. And who can't be at least slightly awed by that new jumping attack? Are these new animations in some a way preview for what's ahead with the long-promised personal armored units? We can only speculate at this point, but we're suddenly excited about the prospect all over again. We'll have more on the new build as we explore it.

  • Charcoal is the new black: Test Fest '08 details

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    As they promised last week, the Tabula Rasa community crew has finally released the details for Test Fest '08, their new promotion to encourage players to take an active role in keeping TR bug free. Starting January 21 (that's today) through January 28, any player with an active account who logs two or more hours on the public test server will receive 10x "Charcoal Colored Armor Dye" on February 14. Gamers as a group probably have more angst per capita than the general population, and the concurrent desire for black digs has gone unmet so far by Destination Games. There's no black armor dye of any sort in the game right now; it's mostly a mixture of horrible looking pastels and bright fluorescent colors. Now, why they would choose to give us the black armor dye on Valentine's Day of all days is beyond me, but sometimes it's better not to ask questions and take the goodies when somebody offers them to you.As an amusing aside, it's interesting to note how what was previously referred to as "Black Armor Dye" in the official materials has undergone a sudden shift to being referred to as "Charcoal Colored Armor Dye." Methinks somebody over at the Tabula Rasa team realized what a horrible faux pas it was to have an announcement for "black" armor dye on Martin Luther King Day, of all days. This is further supported by the fact that they sort of buried the announcement within the Weekend Wrapup. What was once a big exciting promotion is now a one sentence blurb hidden amongst other smaller announcements. Oops!

  • Tabula Rasa Test Fest '08 starts Monday

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    So you fancy yourself some sort of Tabula Rasa badass? Tell me then soldier, why exactly are you sporting armor dyed "bright cyan" on top of red long underwear? It's a question that even the most brave and noble AFS soldier has had to ask him or herself at some point or another. If we're such skulking badasses, why can't we paint our armor black to put the fear of God into those remorseless Bane monsters? Why instead do we look like brightly painted easter eggs with our bold hues and lusterless pastel dyes?The answer, as it turns out, is that Destination Games has been saving that little carrot for a special promotion titled "Test Fest '08." Long-rumored, and still not fully explained, Test Fest '08 is going to be a contest where players will be encouraged to help in the development of Tabula Rasa by participating on the public test server. The prize, either for everybody that participates over a certain threshold or perhaps only for a select few, will be the black armor dye that players have been pining over since launch. Details are still forthcoming, but rest assured, we'll see you on the public test server!

  • Tabula Rasa patch notes look promising

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    We've been waiting for a while now, and they've been teasing for a while now, but Tabula Rasa's 1.4 patch notes are finally available for perusing on the official website. On top of the promised universal attribute respec, there's a huge list of changes (both announced and not) too long to list in this space, but we thought we could pull out a few of the ones we're most excited about: Item rarity has been changed again. Purples are now only attainable through Shared missions, blues through instance missions, and greens will be regular quest rewards. This might just fix the economy. Hybrid races have been added, allowing players to make clones with Thrax, Brann, and Forean DNA spliced in. It's not even three weeks into January and already we have our #1 wish for 2008 fulfilled! Changes to the Guardians staff abilities were implemented, upgrading their melee power and hopefully acting as their ticket out of nerfville. Health and armor have been brought closer together for both players and enemies, enhancing the importance of health and healing. Higher level enemies have had their health and armor bumped down a little bit to allow for higher player survivability. All positive changes, and all things we're looking forward to trying out on the PTS. Among the concerns we still have that aren't addressed though is the long-term viability of the game in terms of quests, crafting, and PvP, none of which are really addressed in these patch notes.